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The disease of ogling at every passing woman

It starts with the combination of lack of manners, sexual frustration and not giving due respect to women. I remember when we were teenagers it was bad to do that and some guys still did it, nowadays a lot more guys do it. Watching internet **** and then going on streets does not help this behaviour. As a gentleman and Muslim we need to control our gaze and respect women. Is it taught at home as often as it should be? The culture also plays a role in this attitude. It is a mix of Islamic, subcontinent and some internet influence.
Since there is no reward for good behaviour or punishment for bad, guys will keep on doing it. It should be instilled in kids during adolescence by the parents and mainly mother to respect all women so guys may not look at them as an object of pleasure.
Let the guys get married earlier than 30s and then their will be hope for others instead of frustration.
Have clean cities/towns and minds will be cleaner.
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People who forget the Quran's warnings...what would you suggest to educate them with? danda? lolz

A chunk of Pakistani society is illiterate from Islamic standpoint. Many do not bother to study Holy Quran in the manner they should - try to understand what is written in it.

Simply declaring Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan at official capacity, will not address the rot within. Pakistani Institutions need to cultivate Islamic culture in Pakistan, starting with schools.

Power of EDUCATION is gravely underestimated - it make lot of difference but transformation take time.

STICK looses its value if applied excessively. You think people are afraid of police in general? Many don't give a shit. I have seen people threaten each other in front of Police, and nothing happened.

It is not wise to call Police for every minor issue.
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A chunk of Pakistani society is illiterate from Islamic standpoint. Many do not bother to study Holy Quran in the manner they should - try to understand what is written in it.

They are ready to lynch anyone who so call does "blasphemy" while they indulge in ogling someone else's daughters!

Simply declaring Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan at official capacity, will not address the rot within. Pakistani Institutions need to cultivate Islamic culture in Pakistan, starting with schools.
Most was removed! It was horrendous failure in a step towards Westernization!

MOST of the books have almost completely erased any sense of Islam...just wars / caliphate and what not...but not the teachings of Islam- the manners, the beauty, the life lessons and patience doesn't exist!

Power of EDUCATION is gravely underestimated - it make lot of difference but transformation take time.

STICK looses its value if applied excessively. You think people are afraid of police in general? Many don't give a shit. I have seen people threaten each other in front of Police, and nothing happened.

It is not wise to call Police for every minor issue.
I dont agree but some people really need a danda
You had an opportunity to besti them right there and then!

I would have asked, were you born without a mother? I dont care if it sounds rude; but that woman these 3 were ogling will in future be SOMEONE's mother!

and you did nothing? Most of these expert ogling men are afraid of any other men! They would walk away if another man stood up in support of a woman! Sure you dont need to wait for the woman to thank you...just do your job and walk away!

Then open your eyes....it happens at every corner! Wear a burqa even then they will ogle at you!

I was a boy back then man but still yeh I agree I should've done or said something if I saw something wrong happening even back then.
We are told by Desi liberals following Islam is the reason for the downfall of Pakistani society and Maulanas tell us not following Islam is the reason

Not following the real Islam as and how it is to be followed is the problem. To be completely ignorant of the Islamic principles and values.
Both the liberals and most of the so called maulana have no clue on what Islam exactly is tbh.
Not following the real Islam as and how it is to be followed is the problem. To be completely ignorant of the Islamic principles and values.
Both the liberals and most of the so called maulana have no clue on what Islam exactly is tbh.

The reality is over 90 percent Pakistanis nieghther care about Islam nor liberalism
And that's the truth.

I don't why some people do so much propaganda that Pakistanis are so religious due to policies of Zia ul haq etc but I can't find any religious person here in my neighborhood most of people are what would be considered athesists you can say they are Muslims only culturally and they hardly ever think about islam or being Muslim for them being Muslim is just cultural thing but pashtuns are not like Punjabis they are religious
I don't why some people do so much propaganda that Pakistanis are so religious due to policies of Zia ul haq etc but I can't find any religious person here in my neighborhood most of people are what would be considered athesists you can say they are Muslims only culturally and they hardly ever think about islam or being Muslim for them being Muslim is just cultural thing but pashtuns are not like Punjabis they are religious

There is no difference in ignorance when it comes to Pashtuns or Punjabis. Infact the pashtuns are even worse in some forms of ignorance than the punjabis and I'm not assuming or guessing here but speaking from personal experience and from knowing people with vast experience of being pashtun and living amongst them.
All are ignorant in their own ways and actual religious practice and knowledge is limited to the very few who actually go and study and make it a part of their lives out of the fear of the here after.

You say 90%, I'll even say 99% are ignorant on one level or another when it comes to Islam and never cared for doing any research or enlightening themselves with the wisdom of God.

"Indeed, the vilest of living animals, in God's sight, are the deaf, the dumb and those that do not use their intellect (Aql - Arabic: yAQLun)"

"And if you obey most of those in the earth, they will mislead you from the way of God. They follow but assumption / conjecture (Arabic: Zana) and they only guess / lie (Arabic: Yakhrasun)"

"Or do you think that most of them listen or use their intellect (Arabic: yAQLuna)? They are only like cattle, nay, they are more astray from the way"

“And they will say: O our Sustainer! Behold, we paid heed to our leaders and our great men, and it is they who have led us astray from the right path”

Zia ul Haq did not bring Islam to the country. He only brought an extremist concept of Religion, which was to practice and follow religion while being extremely ignorant about it. Just like what Wahabism was brought to kill actual Islam amongst arabs.

Today I was visiting a markaz, and there was a woman coming with 2 other guys (co-workers I presume). And right beside me were 2 taxi drivers. I kid you not, he said "Woh dekh shera kaun aya hai....", and then they proceeded to stare her to kingdom come.

What did you do about it? Did you call them out on it or tried to reason with them?
It all starts and ends with how we deal with it at the individual level. The state or society can't do anything about it collectively just yet nor there is any will to do anything.
You say 90%, I'll even say 99% are ignorant on one level or another when it comes to Islam and never cared for doing any research or enlightening themselves with the wisdom

I said a different thing I am not saying they are following wrong Islam I said they don't follow Islam at all or you can say they are irreligious type of people
I said a different thing I am not saying they are following wrong Islam I said they don't follow Islam at all or you can say they are irreligious type of people

Yes this reminds me of two of my uncles back in Gujranwala, one never prayed in the whole year except "eid prayers", the other didn't even bother to pray even eid prayers. So yes you are right "on paper" they are both muslims and "being muslim" in punjab historically is a cultural/ancestral thing, whether you pray or "practice" everything that islam teaches historically didn't really matter in the rural society of Punjab. People here are sons of farmers and artisans, their main focus of life was "never" to pracitce religion 24 hours a day the way "molvis" preach these days on TV etc. The main focus of life in Punjab was always on "work" in the fields or anyother work place. That is also the reason it is very hard to "radicalize" a punjabi muslim compared to other populations whose ancestors prime focus was not "work" historically speaking.

I see the same phenomenon in German society, the people whose life is centered on doing some kind of physical work in factories or workshops are the least religious people, they just don't have the time or energy to think about "philosophical things" like religion 24 hours a day.
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I see the same phenomenon in German society, the people whose life is centered on doing some kind of physical work in factories or workshops are the least religious people, they just don't have the time or energy to think about "philosophical things" like religion 24 hours a day.

Traders dukandars etc are religious or relatively religious most of dukandars I see are molvis
but here it's commonly said jitni lambi darhi hoti hai utnay بے ایمان hotay hain
but labourers farmers etc don't care at all about such things and some of sensible educated ones are like
نہ میں مومن وچ مسیتاں نہ میرے وچ کفر دیاں ریتاں​
My ancestors were exactly same never prayed in their life some not even once
Traders dukandars etc are religious or relatively religious most of dukandars I see are molvis
but here it's commonly said jitni lambi darhi hoti hai utnay بے ایمان hotay hain
but labourers farmers etc don't care at all about such things and some of sensible educated ones are like
نہ میں مومن وچ مسیتاں نہ میرے وچ کفر دیاں ریتاں​
My ancestors were exactly same never prayed in their life some not even once

I remember my mother used to repeat this "local punjabi saying" in case you talk to her to become overly religious,

Ay jahan mitha
tay agla kais dithha

(This world is sweet, and who has seen the next world?)
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