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The disease of ogling at every passing woman

What do you think those young men prefer ? a young woman in a room all by themselves or ogling in public
I am old man and forget about young men, I prefer a young lass in room by myself. I also prefer so many other things but fact is I have to mediate my peferances with rights of others. I would like to park where I want, when I want. I would like to get first service at any store etc etc.

There are plenty of guys who don't get sex in sex capitals of the world. But when they look in inappropriate way even western societies look down at them as 'creeps'. Do people excuse creepy behaviour in New York because chap might not be getting enough sex? Is not getting enough sex a excuse for anything?
I recently visited Pakistan after a decade. I was overwhelmed by the unmatchable hospitality I received by my extended family. I visited beautiful monuments, masjid, museums, colourful bazaars and wonderful parks in the capital Islamabad and it's hustling bustling neighbouring city of Rawalpindi. During my time in Pakistan I couldn't help but notice a very uncomfortable and almost intimidating experience of men randomly staring/gazing at women anywhere and everywhere given the opportunity. Places such as the famous monument in Islamabad during a hot humid mid afternoon. Groups of men would huddle and ogle at any female that passed by even if she was with her family. This occurred to my very own female relatives who were dressed modestly and in full Islamic attire. As I witnessed this I decided to confront one of the perpetrators as i felt it to be a form of harassment. The young man hurried away with his companions to avoid any confrontation or escalation in tension. No matter where I went I witnessed the same disease of men holting in their daily lives to look..... and I mean to look/stare/ogle at any female passing by. There seems to be some serious sexual frustration in Pakistan where some men are unable to control thier gaze. Clearly needs addressing!
Welcome to Pakistan.
You are talking about young boys.
But if you look closely everyone even old uncles are involved in this .
Everyone from young to old would ogle a women whether is wearing bikini or burka and then they would blame women for their dress that would force them to ogle.
Next they would be asking women to wear a burqa over their burka and still they ogle them.
That is a problem in the society .
That's how people are raised .
Thinking abt it ... I know men will still stare... but in Islām, women are advised to wear clothes which are not revealing... so kudos to those women who wear modest outfit and cover themselves properly ... at least they are fulfilling their shari obligations
Do you ppl think getting married 4 times would cure this? Maybe 3yr-5yr intervals? Answers on a postcard plz ;)

But seriously it exists everywhere... in Pakistan too ...men need to be strong to stop themselves...if we go deeper, you should be thinking, that woman/girl is someone’s daughter and what if someone does that to your sister/wife / or daughters in the future - how would we feel?

I personally think that this disease is slowly creeping into our society (as one poster above pointed it as well) because of lack of sex.

In Western societies, teenagers (boys/girls) between the age of 15-19 (40-50%) have had slept with someone many times over before marriage.

In present era where promiscuity is common (in music, media, entertainment, movies etc), being deprived of sex leads to such diseases like ogling, watching **** etc.

The solution should be to make marriages easy and early.
I am old man and forget about young men, I prefer a young lass in room by myself.
Then you are abnormal or mentally sick. A normal and mentally healthy guy would never find an age gap of more than 3 years acceptable. At worst it could be 5 years not more than that. It's only in movies or TV shows where such pairing is found. In real life a man would have no attraction towards such young girl. I am telling from experience.

I am old man and forget about young men, I prefer a young lass in room by myself. I also prefer so many other things but fact is I have to mediate my peferances with rights of others. I would like to park where I want, when I want. I would like to get first service at any store etc etc.

There are plenty of guys who don't get sex in sex capitals of the world. But when they look in inappropriate way even western societies look down at them as 'creeps'. Do people excuse creepy behaviour in New York because chap might not be getting enough sex? Is not getting enough sex a excuse for anything?

you can live with the idea that islam is going to solve the sexual deviancy. look no further than afghanistan and ISIS.

the same Pakistani girl can sit in main quad of American university with hundreds of young men passing by. Less people will be ogling at her because most of the ones would have spent the previous night ****ing the brains of some coed. you can ignore real world evidence at your own peril.

Keep in mind human beings are only class of mammals which have sex for recreational purposes (some bonobo monkeys, dolphins give us company). rest of mammals have sex only for reproduction. In a sense your normal human being is already a ****ing pervert.

if nothing works you always have the afghan route - pick boys & young men

i am not suggesting any solutions for this problem. the simple minded solutions of people (however well intentioned) on this forum won't work

Then you are abnormal or mentally sick. A normal and mentally healthy guy would never find an age gap of more than 3 years acceptable. At worst it could be 5 years not more than that. It's only in movies or TV shows where such pairing is found. In real life a man would have no attraction towards such young girl. I am telling from experience.


he is within bounds of normality :enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:

Thinking abt it ... I know men will still stare... but in Islām, women are advised to wear clothes which are not revealing... so kudos to those women who wear modest outfit and cover themselves properly ... at least they are fulfilling their shari obligations

it will work to an extent. let us say human imagination is wild

even girls ogle here ,,

i was out for tea at a local naan joint, in my casual gym attire , sipping tea ,, theres this lady in a car with her husband and she was' staring' at me no reason..

felt weird .. we have no manners really . its like your personal space is being violated !

Can you please tell more? How old was she? Was she beautiful? Are you sure she was staring at you? For how long? Did her husband notice? If yes, what was his reaction?

Do you remember any other such incident?

And which city was it?
I personally think that this disease is slowly creeping into our society (as one poster above pointed it as well) because of lack of sex.

In Western societies, teenagers (boys/girls) between the age of 15-19 (40-50%) have had slept with someone many times over before marriage.

In present era where promiscuity is common (in music, media, entertainment, movies etc), being deprived of sex leads to such diseases like ogling, watching **** etc.

The solution should be to make marriages easy and early.

I second that .... my parents were married at age 17 and my grandparents were even younger.

I think it’s unfair that we make the younger generation wait till their late 20’s /early 30’s till they get married.

This is why Islām tells us to get our offspring married off once they are baalig...there is so much hikmat in our deen which we tend to overlook
We are told by Desi liberals following Islam is the reason for the downfall of Pakistani society and Maulanas tell us not following Islam is the reason
You clearly dont know mullahs in pakistan. They are the worst perpetrators. Dobt asso Kate mullahs with islam. They are the reason society is a mess
I second that .... my parents were married at age 17 and my grandparents were even younger.

I think it’s unfair that we make the younger generation wait till their late 20’s /early 30’s till they get married.

This is why Islām tells us to get our offspring married off once they are baalig...there is so much hikmat in our deen which we tend to overlook

In our society one of the biggest reasons for late marriage is dowry. Government should put a ban on dowry and anyone who violates it should be prosecuted.
And all these marriage halls/marriage hotels (who pay little taxes btw) should be shut down.

And like you said, late marriage is the problem and marriage should be done at an early age.
some people stare a hole into everything that passes them, its crazy especially in rawalpindi

As I witnessed this I decided to confront one of the perpetrators as i felt it to be a form of harassment. The young man hurried away with his companions to avoid any confrontation or escalation in tension
well you are kind of lucky they left like that otherwise these dogs would confront and say they did nothing wrong and you are mistaken and possible fight you to it, i blame lack of education/old lollywood movies/desi rap songs/no islamic values only by name(like most of the country) for it
The difference when you’re living abroad and visiting Pakistan is shocking. Men everywhere are obviously going to notice women they find attractive (and vice versa), unintentional glance is common anywhere. But I notice some hard core ogling by men in Pakistan.

As others have said, family members of mine clad in Islamic garb still get ogled at. I’ve only ever confronted one person, others I stare at them back until they look me in the eyes and understand that I’m pissed at them for staring at my aunt/cousin/sister etc.

Women ogle too, I’ve had a few do that, but at nowhere near as bad for us or as prevalent.

Big societal changes are needed, if only this and littering were to change, I’d have no fear about tourists coming to Pakistan. We judge India for the accounts of young women who went there and felt uncomfortable or were harassed. Seems only a matter of time to me that (god forbid) one of these travel vloggers highlights this sort of ogling in Pakistan too.
Then my cousin comes and he says, I'll introduce you to my friends. He then introduced me to the 3 guys... :what:
You had an opportunity to besti them right there and then!

I would have asked, were you born without a mother? I dont care if it sounds rude; but that woman these 3 were ogling will in future be SOMEONE's mother!

Another time I saw some other boy on a bike harassing a passing girl and he kept riding into her path.

I knew it was bad then but when I think back about it then it becomes even worse.
and you did nothing? Most of these expert ogling men are afraid of any other men! They would walk away if another man stood up in support of a woman! Sure you dont need to wait for the woman to thank you...just do your job and walk away!

But I've never seen anyone doing this some women just overvalue themselves or think they are center of attention and everyone is staring at them but in reality no one stares or cares unless you are very good looking or what is called here hoor pari
Then open your eyes....it happens at every corner! Wear a burqa even then they will ogle at you!
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