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The disease of ogling at every passing woman

Today I was visiting a markaz, and there was a woman coming with 2 other guys (co-workers I presume). And right beside me were 2 taxi drivers. I kid you not, he said "Woh dekh shera kaun aya hai....", and then they proceeded to stare her to kingdom come.
Couple of years back when I was studying in Lahore.
Went to a market to buy some smokes n stuff.

I was standing at a small shop/khokha.. drinking my coke and this girl walks by.. imagine the shopkeeper “suggesting” her to buy stuff in a really weird way.

I being a fking social warrior shamed the guy ..

Do you know what his answer was? The same answer indian rape justifiers give!

Ironically she wasnt even wearing any revealing clothes rather she was dressed modestly.

I have a fuking problem man. I always confront any wrong doers. So should everybody else.
I hate guys who Ogle. And there have been occasions where I have starred right back at guys doing the wrong thing and was even close to bashing the shi.t out of them. Every time these type of guys simply walk away hurriedly as they don't want to get into a fight. Ogling is a disgusting, low act. And I think any reasonable person with moral values should not tolerate this sort of low act.
I hate guys who Ogle. And there have been occasions where I have starred right back at guys doing the wrong thing and was even close to bashing the shi.t out of them. Every time these type of guys simply walk away hurriedly as they don't want to get into a fight. Ogling is a disgusting, low act. And I think any reasonable person with moral values should not tolerate this sort of low act.

People stare at you?
People stare at you?

You really need to read my post again and try to comprehend what I said. In my post I am indicating Guys who stare at Females. Secondly, I did not use the word 'People' in my post, but some how you invented it. You need to understand that there is a huge difference between the word 'People' and 'Guys'.
it really means men are not getting enough sex. you are fighting mother nature here.
maybe with google glasses, virtual reality you can eliminate some unpleasant aspects
This is wrong but this is the nature of humans and blaming it as a Pakistani problem is just unfair and lies.

Also, this is where Hijab/Burka is important and Islam recommends it. I live in Peshawar and the women in Hijab don't get stared much if at all except by the total scum. It's the ones without that do and some of them actually like the attention. Some wear revealing dresses.

I don't think the government or anyone can do anything about this lest they invoke the anger of liberals in government and media and Pakistan is slowly becoming liberal in this regard.

We can't really complain about these things if we want liberalism since these are the fruits of liberalism.

Watch this video and you will be happy about Pakistan.

She's wearing decent clothing but still, look at the attention.
Also, this is where Hijab/Burka is important and Islam recommends it. I live in Peshawar and the women in Hijab don't get stared much if at all except by the total scum. It's the ones without that do and some of them actually like the attention. Some wear revealing dresses.
So, even women in Hijab get stared , as you just said. All these men, whether they ogle at a women in Burka or without are total scums, you cant say guys who stare at a woman in Burka is total scum and guy who stare at woman in regular clothes in half scum, lol, Burka itself is not the solution. Unless someone wants to wear Burka/Hijab , thats their choice, but it shouldnt be enforced as means to hide from these scums.

Watch this video and you will be happy about Pakistan.

She's wearing decent clothing but still, look at the attention.
Thats not the standard we should be proud of. Just look at the video, the type of people who are harassing the woman is the type who hang out on streets, retired/jobless , latinos, blacks, immigrants (a major chunk of NYC population). Just because this happens in NYC doesnt mean we should be happy it happens in Pak. Does such a thing happen to woman in Netherlands, Singapore, Japan , etc?
it really means men are not getting enough sex. you are fighting mother nature here.
maybe with google glasses, virtual reality you can eliminate some unpleasant aspects
There is differance between lewd and looking. That sort of behaviour is frowned upon in all civilized societies. Not getting enough sex notwithstanding. It comes across as crass and uncivilized.
There is differance between lewd and looking. That sort of behaviour is frowned upon in all civilized societies. Not getting enough sex notwithstanding. It comes across as crass and uncivilized.

What do you think those young men prefer ? a young woman in a room all by themselves or ogling in public
Do you ppl think getting married 4 times would cure this? Maybe 3yr-5yr intervals? Answers on a postcard plz ;)

But seriously it exists everywhere... in Pakistan too ...men need to be strong to stop themselves...if we go deeper, you should be thinking, that woman/girl is someone’s daughter and what if someone does that to your sister/wife / or daughters in the future - how would we feel?
Do you ppl think getting married 4 times would cure this? Maybe 3yr-5yr intervals? Answers on a postcard plz ;)

But seriously it exists everywhere... in Pakistan too ...men need to be strong to stop themselves...if we go deeper, you should be thinking, that woman/girl is someone’s daughter and what if someone does that to your sister/wife / or daughters in the future - how would we feel?

the male/female ratio is 1:1. find a way to get rid of the 3 excess males for the whole thing to work
the male/female ratio is 1:1. find a way to get rid of the 3 excess males

We should not limit our scope to just Pakistan ...there are Muslim women all over the world or even make non-muslims revert.
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