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The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen

That article is utter nonsense- Another Mullah wet dream, why do the press give these idiots a platform to epxress their false statement. They are wasting valuable trees and turning a molehill into a mountain which has a direct negative effect on the local population. The press should be more responsible.

Next thing you know the Darth Mehsud will be claiming they have developed a death star and the Galactic Repiblic of Taliban will sign a contract with the Trade Federation of Zadradi to annex Islamabad.

One think to the press of Pakistan, get real people. Our press our turning these pathetic cowards into blood drinking, 10 feet tall super men who have bolts of lightening coming out of their arses...
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I think the Mullah has lost his mind. Why does the press listen to Mad men like him? He is thinking of taking a country's capital of 175 million (i suppose) with a possible 50,000 men? He needs help. Please send an ambulance or kindly request him to get admitted in a mental hospital or an Asylum.
I think the Mullah has lost his mind. Why does the press listen to Mad men like him? He is thinking of taking a country's capital of 175 million (i suppose) with a possible 50,000 men? He needs help. Please send an ambulance or kindly request him to get admitted in a mental hospital or an Asylum.
Its stupid media, who need to understand the urgency of situation. And plus govt need to abolish each and every private radio station in that area. But these radio station are biggest source of intelligence gathering for spy agencies of Pak.....God know what they all up too..
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"Taliban will soon capture Islamabad " are your joking. Common even if taliban has a force of 0.1 Million (consider just of a instance :P) so your really think they can go head to head with the force of 1+ million (0.6 + 0.55 million) pakistan army. Its like 1 man against 10+ ppls

This is never going to happen :enjoy:
That article is utter nonsense- Another Mullah wet dream, why do the press give these idiots a platform to epxress their false statement. They are wasting valuable trees and turning a molehill into a mountain which has a direct negative effect on the local population. The press should be more responsible.

Next thing you know the Darth Mehsud will be claiming they have developed a death star and the Galactic Repiblic of Taliban will sign a contract with the Trade Federation of Zadradi to annex Islamabad.

One think to the press of Pakistan, get real people. Our press our turning these pathetic cowards into blood drinking, 10 feet tall super men who have bolts of lightening coming out of their arses...

Pakistani press till today calls them Militant or Taliabn not Terrorist that alone should tell you some thing about them.
The point here is not that the Taliban will take over Islamabad. This will not happen.

The main thing to consider is that they are geting bold enough to make such claims.
The point is that they perceive that capturing Islamabad is possible.
The point is that they have not been seriously challenged.

This is a matter of concern for everybody when these Terrorists start to capture and control vast swathes of land.
It is time that the powers to be wake and start walking the talk. I am sure that common man on the street will support any tough measures that are taken by the GOP in controlling these animals.
Taliban will soon capture Islamabad, says Mullah Nazeer

MINGORA: Pakistani Taliban commander Mullah Nazeer Ahmed said in an interview with Al Qaeda’s media arm, Al-Sahab, that the Taliban would soon capture Islamabad.

Pakistani Taliban factions had united and would take their war to the capital, he said.

“The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen.”

He accused the Pakistan Army of sending spies to facilitate US drone strikes against Al Qaeda and Taliban, and said Pakistani authorities were misleading the public by saying it was the United States carrying out the attacks.

“All these attacks that have happened and are still happening are the work of Pakistan,” he said, according to a transcript of the interview posted on Al-Sahab’s website.

Alarmed by deteriorating security in Afghanistan, the United States has since last year stepped up drone strikes in Pakistan. Pakistan objects to the strikes, calling them a violation of its sovereignty.

Mullah Nazeer Ahmed also blamed the Pakistani military’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency for sowing divisions between factions, saying the ISI was the Taliban’s main enemy. reuters
Abhe hum itney be ghir nahi gaye ke is tara ke statements log karney lagey. Let them come to Islamabad my rifle and size 10 boot will be waiting from them...:D

Get your rifle:sniper: and size 10 boot ready as taliban is trying to move toward Islamabad.

All the best:enjoy:
Billi ko Khawab may cheechray hi nazar aatay hain!

(A cat can only dream of meat left-overs!)

This statement may be good propaganda value for anti-Pakistani punters & Talib supporters out there but realistically speaking its nothing but utter BULL.

Now open our eyes and see around. just one day after my post on taliban Islamabad is on red alert.This is not the so called Indian propaganda but the ground reality.

Bagad Bille ab uth jao!!( Tom Cat Now Wake Up)
lol yeah right these taliban are a jokers pakistan 650,000 + army and reserves and palamilitary is well over a million taliban baitullah mehsud has a 20-30,000 fighters taliban commander even admitted they'll never be able to take karachi alone coz it's too big and they have nowhere near the strength so how they gonna take over 172+ million strong pakistan ? in their wet dreams they haven't they can't even take peshawar the best they can do is annoy pakistan with a few suicide bombs.

Islamabad is on red alert. US embassy shutdown and private schools closed. Taliban may be far less in number than Pakistan's defence forces, but taliban are not conventional worriers and are gorilla fighters.History witnesses that gorilla fighters are very dangerous against the conventional armed forces. Better be prepared for taliban.

Islamabad is on red alert. US embassy shutdown and private schools closed. Taliban may be far less in number than Pakistan's defence forces, but taliban are not conventional worriers and are gorilla fighters.History witnesses that gorilla fighters are very dangerous against the conventional armed forces. Better be prepared for taliban.


Will you just stop beating the same bush again and again. Prevention is better then cure, i'm sure we don't need to learn this from India, when the time comes we will be ready.
Will you just stop beating the same bush again and again. Prevention is better then cure, i'm sure we don't need to learn this from India, when the time comes we will be ready.

Show this anger to taliban.:guns::rofl:
"Taliban will soon capture Islamabad " are your joking. Common even if taliban has a force of 0.1 Million (consider just of a instance :P) so your really think they can go head to head with the force of 1+ million (0.6 + 0.55 million) pakistan army. Its like 1 man against 10+ ppls

This is never going to happen :enjoy:

I agree with you that they cannot capture Islamabad. But also keep in mind that if they try this misadventure then they can cause great damage to Pakistan's society, economy, infrastructure, resources, defence forces and most of all international image. 1 taliban is equal to 10+ people as most of the them are suicide bombers.
Show this anger to taliban.:guns::rofl:

I was actually expecting a stupid reply from you, here we have one.:tup: You don't get it do you, well i won't wast my time and bandwidth over it. Keep dreaming until mommy wakes you up and tell you its time for school.
Definately Bhushan, even am not denying the fact that pakistan should completely ignore it. ya taliban can do lots of damage to society, economy, infrastructure, resources, defence as mention by you but what i mean to say is that they cant capture Islamabad :)
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