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The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen


Mar 11, 2009
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The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen,’ Pakistani Taliban commander Mullah Nazeer Ahmed

MINGORA: Pakistani Taliban are moving into a new area in northern Pakistan, clashing with villagers and police in a mountain valley, police and district officials said on Wednesday.

Separately, a Pakistani Taliban commander said the Pakistani military and the United States were colluding in US drone aircraft attacks and the militants would take their war to the capital, Islamabad, in response.

Surging militant violence across Pakistan is reviving western concerns about the stability of its nuclear-armed ally.

Pakistan is crucial to US efforts to stabilise Afghanistan.

US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, were in Pakistan for talks on security strategy this week.

In a development that will deepen the west's concerns, scores of Taliban have moved into Buner district, 100 km northwest of Islamabad, from the Swat valley where authorities struck a peace pact in February aimed at ending violence.

‘About 20 vehicles carrying Taliban entered Buner on Monday and started moving around the bazaar and streets,’ said senior police officer Israr Bacha.

Villagers formed a militia, known as a lashkar, to confront the Taliban and eight of the insurgents were killed in a clash on Tuesday, police said.

Two villagers and three policemen were also killed.

‘People don't like the Taliban,’ Ghulam Mustafa, deputy chief of Buner, told Reuters by telephone.

Muslim Khan, a Taliban spokesman in Swat, was defiant. ‘What law stops us going there?’ Khan said. ‘Our people will go there and stay there as long as they want.’


Authorities agreed in February to impose Islamic law in Swat to end more than a year of fighting.

Critics said appeasement would only embolden the militants to take over other areas.

Pakistan's western allies fear such pacts create safe havens for Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.

Pakistani Taliban commander Mullah Nazeer Ahmed said in an interview with al Qaeda's media arm, Al-Sahab, that Pakistan was behind US drone attacks on militants.

Authorities were misleading the public by saying it was the United States carrying out the strikes, he said, and it was the Pakistani army that sent spies to facilitate them.

‘All these attacks that have happened and are still happening are the work of Pakistan,’ Ahmed said, according to a transcript of the interview posted on Al-Sahab's website.

Alarmed by deteriorating security in Afghanistan, the United States has since last year stepped up drone strikes in Pakistan.

Pakistan objects to the strikes, calling them a violation of its sovereignty that complicates its effort to fight militancy.

Other Taliban commanders said recent violence in Pakistan has been in retaliation for the drone attacks and threatened more.

Ahmed said Pakistani Taliban factions had united and would take their war to the capital: ‘The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen.’

Ahmed also blamed the Pakistani military's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency for sowing divisions between factions, saying the ISI was the Taliban's main enemy.

Some US officials have said recently the ISI maintained contacts with militants and there were indications ISI elements even provided support to the Taliban or al Qaeda militants.

Such accusations have angered Pakistan, although a military spokesman denied reports that ISI chief Lieutenant-General Ahmed Shujaa Pasha had snubbed Holbrooke and Mullen by refusing to meet them on Tuesday.
Well, if they are moving district by district, Its going to take them a long long time.

But seriously, why isn't the PA going after them? The deal applies to Swat only rite?

One would think that PA would have established a significant presence in the districts bordering Swat , in anticipation of this?
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Well, they can't take over Islamabad...Anyway I am not worried.The only talibans which are problem are TTP and Mullah Nazir and other factions are not attacking Pakistan.
I completely agree with you quote "Well, they can't take over Islamabad", its because pakistan is not like afganistan, pakistan cannot be just run over, if GOP and PA desides to get rid of all these menis. But then again its the GOP which have to take this tough desigen, as PA is very well trained and is capable to get the work done. :agree:
I completely agree with you quote "Well, they can't take over Islamabad", its because pakistan is not like afganistan, pakistan cannot be just run over, if GOP and PA desides to get rid of all these menis. But then again its the GOP which have to take this tough desigen, as PA is very well trained and is capable to get the work done. :agree:
"Islamabad will be run over"... All westerners will jump up n down with fear...

These statements are the neo-terrorism techniques that only westerners buy in. You all do realize that we haven't given over Swat, and this is just the calm before the storm and another offensive is in the making and under preparation.

Yea right :rolleyes: IN YOUR DREAMS!

Seriously though, these "Pakistan Taliban" TTP lead by Baitullah Mehsud are an enemy of Pakistan and there should be a clear distinction between these criminals and the original Afghan Taliban who never gave Pakistan any problems. "TTP Pakistan Taliban" are trying to fool the world with their name by trying to convince the world that they are same as original Taliban when these two groups are so different from each other.

Pakistan army should crush these so called "Pakistan Taliban TTP" thats being lead by the biggest ****** Baitullah Mehsud.
Asim Aquil Sir,

No it wil not get "All westerners will jump up n down with fear" but will get the $hit (sorry for that word) out of them.
But lets say that there is a 1% chance of Taliban capturing Islamabad, then what steps GOP is taking against them as a preventive measure? Crack down of Pakistani Taliban is difficult for GOP as it has moderate support among the Pakistanis. Doing something that will be a Harakiri for the unstable GOP. So i think GOP will not take any action. Thats my personal opinion.
Taliban threatens Pakistan takeover

The Taliban is threatening to take over Pakistan if the government does not stop supporting U.S. attacks in the Islamist-held northwest Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Hakeem Ullah Mehsud, a top assistant to Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, said his group forcibly would take over the country if Islamabad continues to support NATO's operation in the Waziristan tribal area.

He added that the Taliban would not hesitate to take over Peshawar, Hangur and finally the whole of Pakistan.

The strategy of the Pakistani Taliban is to get the Pakistani armed forces to provide aid to them in the Muslim-majority but Indian-controlled Jammu-Kashmir state.

The Taliban has pledged to assist the Pakistani army if it diverts from attacking its strongholds in Waziristan.

Baitullah Mehsud, 30, who previously has led attacks on the Pakistani army for its support of NATO efforts in the Pakistani tribal areas, is said to model himself on Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar.

According to reports, Baitullah Mehsud uses Uzbek and Chechen fighters and is said to be close to Uzbek commander Tahir Yuldashev and Waziristan Taliban commander Mullah Mansoor Dadullah.

Baitullah Mehsud is the head of the Pakistani Taliban and a warlord in South Waziristan.

Mehsud is widely believed to have been responsible for the assassination Dec. 27, 2007, of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, wife of current Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

Prior to Zardari's election to the presidency, succeeding Pervez Musharraf Sept. 9, his Pakistan Peoples Party stated Mehsud's involvement in Bhutto's assassination masked possible official involvement of elements within the Pakistani government.

Indeed, a senior Pakistani military official in recent days has called two senior Taliban leaders "patriots."

The senior military official, who made the comment in a background interview to hide his identity, was referring to Baitullah Mehsud and Mullah Fazlullah, who heads the Taliban in the Swat district in the Northwest frontier.

In calling them "patriots," the senior military official has signaled a shift in how the Pakistani military may now view the Pakistan Taliban.
But lets say that there is a 1% chance of Taliban capturing Islamabad, then what steps GOP is taking against them as a preventive measure? Crack down of Pakistani Taliban is difficult for GOP as it has moderate support among the Pakistanis. Doing something that will be a Harakiri for the unstable GOP. So i think GOP will not take any action. Thats my personal opinion.

A common Pakistani can support a pro-Pakistan, non violent and disarmed Talib but cannot support those terrorists who are working against the state of Pakistan. Dealing with them is not a big deal for Pakistan army but we have to dismantle the roots which are Afghanistan and the involvement of regional and super powers.

The day we take the decision to take over Afghanistan will be the last day of terrorism. What can be done least is to divide Afghanistan and uproot the terrorist camps there.
hi bhushan,

I do agree what you say, but so sooner or late GOP has to take some tough design to stabalizse the situation. But what can be done is the "?" :undecided:
Lol - terrorist - live on the name of terror, and this statement is nothing but a way to genrate terror amoung people- specifically westners .

Nothing more nothing less. pakistan cant be under talibani, Pakistan just need a sane and hardworking goverment to solve 80% of their problem. rest 10 % by departure of americans and 10% by army. for defence people it deosent seem to be such a difficult task its just the politicaly - handcuff which are holdign them back.
But lets say that there is a 1% chance of Taliban capturing Islamabad, then what steps GOP is taking against them as a preventive measure? Crack down of Pakistani Taliban is difficult for GOP as it has moderate support among the Pakistanis. Doing something that will be a Harakiri for the unstable GOP. So i think GOP will not take any action. Thats my personal opinion.
You could not capture Lahore in 65 with your huge army.What makes you think Taliban with small army can capture Islamabad?The only way that is possible if suddenly the whole Pakistani Army disappears.
You could not capture Lahore in 65 with your huge army.What makes you think Taliban with small army can capture Islamabad?The only way that is possible if suddenly the whole Pakistani Army disappears.

saadahmed, well that is not the answer for my question. GOP bended infront of Taliban and thats why Zardari signed a deal with the Taliban to implement Shariah law in some parts of Pakistan banning all the girls from school. I think that time PA had a major to play but they didn't do anything!!!!

In 80s people said Afgans can't defeat USSR and Afgans did exactly opposite to that. Now they want Islamabad in their hands.We should learn from history.:sniper:
That time they had stingers, billion of dollars aid from US and lets not forget that We can make them our allies anytime we want.
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