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The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen

saadahmed, well that is not the answer for my question. GOP bended infront of Taliban and thats why Zardari signed a deal with the Taliban to implement Shariah law in some parts of Pakistan banning all the girls from school. I think that time PA had a major to play but they didn't do anything!!!!

In 80s people said Afgans can't defeat USSR and Afgans did exactly opposite to that. Now they want Islamabad in their hands.We should learn from history.:sniper:

Zardari has not signed any such law as yet nor does he wishes to..infact some sources have metioned that PA is preparing for another operation now and a decisive one!!

Secondly Its the provincial govt that has signed a peace deal and there is no such condition of closing the girls school....!

And Afghans defeated Russians with the backing of CIA and ISI...It cannot be compared to the situation in SWAT unless offcourse Talibaans get the backing of RAW and MOSSAD!!
Even in this case, It cannot happen.
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Who come up with this idea .these statement are only made by US to increase war with in Pakistan. Mujahideen is some thing else every solider in PAK army is mujahid.
Billi ko Khawab may cheechray hi nazar aatay hain!

(A cat can only dream of meat left-overs!)

This statement may be good propaganda value for anti-Pakistani punters & Talib supporters out there but realistically speaking its nothing but utter BULL$HIT.
Zardari has not signed any such law as yet nor does he wishes to..infact some sources have metioned that PA is preparing for another operation now and a decisive one!!

Secondly Its the provincial govt that has signed a peace deal and there is no such condition of closing the girls school....!

And Afghans defeated Russians with the backing of CIA and ISI...It cannot be compared to the situation in SWAT unless offcourse Talibaans get the backing of RAW and MOSSAD!!
Even in this case, It cannot happen.

Afghan Strikes by Taliban Get Pakistan Help, U.S. Aides Say Taliban still has support from ISI.
That opening article gave me a good laugh, it is not evident that these so called "analysts" have no inkling of what the real situation is inside Pakistan. Islamabad will be captured! Haha! Yes sure and i will become King of England.

Abhe hum itney be ghir nahi gaye ke is tara ke statements log karney lagey. Let them come to Islamabad my rifle and size 10 boot will be waiting from them...:D
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saadahmed, well that is not the answer for my question. GOP bended infront of Taliban and thats why Zardari signed a deal with the Taliban to implement Shariah law in some parts of Pakistan banning all the girls from school. I think that time PA had a major to play but they didn't do anything!!!!

In 80s people said Afgans can't defeat USSR and Afgans did exactly opposite to that. Now they want Islamabad in their hands.We should learn from history.:sniper:

Na, look at this way that Afghans were fighting on their own territory and Russia could not defeat them. Similarly this is our country and no one can defeat us here.

Waise I admire sharp Indian policy in Afghanistan, amazing turn around. Good work by you, now we will retaliate.
lol yeah right these taliban are a jokers pakistan 650,000 + army and reserves and palamilitary is well over a million taliban baitullah mehsud has a 20-30,000 fighters taliban commander even admitted they'll never be able to take karachi alone coz it's too big and they have nowhere near the strength so how they gonna take over 172+ million strong pakistan ? in their wet dreams they haven't they can't even take peshawar the best they can do is annoy pakistan with a few suicide bombs.
Zardari has not signed any such law as yet nor does he wishes to..infact some sources have metioned that PA is preparing for another operation now and a decisive one!!

Secondly Its the provincial govt that has signed a peace deal and there is no such condition of closing the girls school....!

And Afghans defeated Russians with the backing of CIA and ISI...It cannot be compared to the situation in SWAT unless offcourse Talibaans get the backing of RAW and MOSSAD!!
Even in this case, It cannot happen.

I actually saw a pic in a U.S newspaper of girls school re-opening in swat after the peace deal was signed .They were not even covered up or anything and happily reading it was a nice pic i will try and find it and post it here :)
Uproar over Talibani closing of girls' schools in Swat Valley

The Taliban have destroyed or closed all schools for girls in Pakistan's Swat Valley, deeming that their education need not continue after the age of eight. The Pakistani government is powerless in the matter.


caption is disappeared but it's children reading books after girls school re-opens in swat
courtesy of the boston globe.
lol yeah right these taliban are a jokers pakistan 650,000 + army and reserves and palamilitary is well over a million taliban baitullah mehsud has a 20-30,000 fighters taliban commander even admitted they'll never be able to take karachi alone coz it's too big and they have nowhere near the strength so how they gonna take over 172+ million strong pakistan ? in their wet dreams they haven't they can't even take peshawar the best they can do is annoy pakistan with a few suicide bombs.

khanz I completely agree with your statement. But please understand that wars are to be won by will and not by the number of soldiers.GOP has to take some harsh steps to crackdown of pakistani taliban.
Why waste forum space with such utterly useless threads and statements especially coming from the Taliban.
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