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The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen

Get your rifle:sniper: and size 10 boot ready as taliban is trying to move toward Islamabad.

All the best:enjoy:

Don't you worry your cute little head about me or our countrymen, we can handle ourselves... Just pray that your country doesn't get involved in Afghanistan otherwise there is be a Black Turban Brigade recruitment office opening in a town near you... :agree:
Don't you worry your cute little head about me or our countrymen, we can handle ourselves... Just pray that your country doesn't get involved in Afghanistan otherwise there is be a Black Turban Brigade recruitment office opening in a town near you... :agree:

This is time to think about your country not mine dear friend:what:
:rofl: I think the Mullah must be trying for a job as a stand up comedian or someone must have hit the guy hard on his head. just ignore him.
The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen,’ Pakistani Taliban commander Mullah Nazeer Ahmed

MINGORA: Pakistani Taliban are moving into a new area in northern Pakistan, clashing with villagers and police in a mountain valley, police and district officials said on Wednesday.

Separately, a Pakistani Taliban commander said the Pakistani military and the United States were colluding in US drone aircraft attacks and the militants would take their war to the capital, Islamabad, in response.

Surging militant violence across Pakistan is reviving western concerns about the stability of its nuclear-armed ally.

Pakistan is crucial to US efforts to stabilise Afghanistan.

US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, were in Pakistan for talks on security strategy this week.

In a development that will deepen the west's concerns, scores of Taliban have moved into Buner district, 100 km northwest of Islamabad, from the Swat valley where authorities struck a peace pact in February aimed at ending violence.

‘About 20 vehicles carrying Taliban entered Buner on Monday and started moving around the bazaar and streets,’ said senior police officer Israr Bacha.

Villagers formed a militia, known as a lashkar, to confront the Taliban and eight of the insurgents were killed in a clash on Tuesday, police said.

Two villagers and three policemen were also killed.

‘People don't like the Taliban,’ Ghulam Mustafa, deputy chief of Buner, told Reuters by telephone.

Muslim Khan, a Taliban spokesman in Swat, was defiant. ‘What law stops us going there?’ Khan said. ‘Our people will go there and stay there as long as they want.’


Authorities agreed in February to impose Islamic law in Swat to end more than a year of fighting.

Critics said appeasement would only embolden the militants to take over other areas.

Pakistan's western allies fear such pacts create safe havens for Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.

Pakistani Taliban commander Mullah Nazeer Ahmed said in an interview with al Qaeda's media arm, Al-Sahab, that Pakistan was behind US drone attacks on militants.

Authorities were misleading the public by saying it was the United States carrying out the strikes, he said, and it was the Pakistani army that sent spies to facilitate them.

‘All these attacks that have happened and are still happening are the work of Pakistan,’ Ahmed said, according to a transcript of the interview posted on Al-Sahab's website.

Alarmed by deteriorating security in Afghanistan, the United States has since last year stepped up drone strikes in Pakistan.

Pakistan objects to the strikes, calling them a violation of its sovereignty that complicates its effort to fight militancy.

Other Taliban commanders said recent violence in Pakistan has been in retaliation for the drone attacks and threatened more.

Ahmed said Pakistani Taliban factions had united and would take their war to the capital: ‘The day is not far when Islamabad will be in the hands of the mujahideen.’

Ahmed also blamed the Pakistani military's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency for sowing divisions between factions, saying the ISI was the Taliban's main enemy.

Some US officials have said recently the ISI maintained contacts with militants and there were indications ISI elements even provided support to the Taliban or al Qaeda militants.

Such accusations have angered Pakistan, although a military spokesman denied reports that ISI chief Lieutenant-General Ahmed Shujaa Pasha had snubbed Holbrooke and Mullen by refusing to meet them on Tuesday.

yeah dream on u indians:crazy:
Hai U Indians....... just suppose............Taliban capture Islamabad (infact which is impossible)...then wt will happen with u (india).....How can india survive?.................No one can stop them to brake India into 32 parts.............some of those parts would be in the hands of Taliban, some would be in the hands of Indian muslims, probabily Sikh bradry would have a new country. and fewver would be in ur hands...................
Your still not getting the point here, see even if this terrirost get their command all over the world (ya definately it would be hell) this wont stop their fight in the name of jehad, but it will intensify and they will start fighting against each other until there is no living being left in earth :disagree:

So in other words there would be 7 billlion+ countires if this continue, even then fight will continue :lol:
Hai U Indians....... just suppose............Taliban capture Islamabad (infact which is impossible)...then wt will happen with u (india).....How can india survive?.................No one can stop them to brake India into 32 parts.............some of those parts would be in the hands of Taliban, some would be in the hands of Indian muslims, probabily Sikh bradry would have a new country. and fewver would be in ur hands...................

If Taliban capture Islamabad then India will not break on the other hand it will expand because some pakistani members say India Supporting Taliban.
Hai U Indians....... just suppose............Taliban capture Islamabad (infact which is impossible)...then wt will happen with u (india).....How can india survive?.................No one can stop them to brake India into 32 parts.............some of those parts would be in the hands of Taliban, some would be in the hands of Indian muslims, probabily Sikh bradry would have a new country. and fewver would be in ur hands...................

That is our problem to handle a hypothetical situation in future. Dont worry for us. currently we have other things to worry about..poverty/education etc.
This is time to think about your country not mine dear friend:what:

Funny, from your constant posts i would have gathered you were showing an unusual interest in "Our" country. And BTW, i am thinking about "our" country, that is why i choose a career in the emergency services.

Thank you.
Hai U Indians....... just suppose............Taliban capture Islamabad (infact which is impossible)...then wt will happen with u (india).....How can india survive?.................No one can stop them to brake India into 32 parts.............some of those parts would be in the hands of Taliban, some would be in the hands of Indian muslims, probabily Sikh bradry would have a new country. and fewver would be in ur hands...................

Why are you bent on starting flame wars? This is a flame-bait. Beware people.
In all seriousness. I am very concerned about this. If anything... I have only seen the Taliban creeping into new places. I don't see the Taliban influence receding anywhere.
Pretext of creating war hysteria on behalf of US Govt to take preemptive strike against Pakistan like Gulf War 1/2 and a fictitious failed war on terror another War in the name of Terror for corruption inside US by Govt of Obama see the trend each and every US Govt that came into power has a reason to start War who wants to be a glorified Empire like Islamic Muslim Usmania Khilafat that expands from one end to other end of the World just wet dreams of US for US dreams are meant to be shattered. These Groups are funded solely by US to support that cause to Attack Pakistan towards Obamas term end in 4th Year of his presidency we will witness something like that causing War Hysteria and that massing of US/Nato troops on border with Pakistan is just the sign of it without any doubt and current weakest of the weak Govt installed by US in Pakistan is showing signs of what US has planned for next 3-4 years.
Why are you bent on starting flame wars? This is a flame-bait. Beware people.

The following is not flame
LAHORE: Authorities in Pakistan confirmed this morning to be in possession of credible evidence implicating Indian government and agencies in the March 3rd attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore.

The Lahore Police announced having information about those responsible for the assault in a press conference.

“With the help of other intelligence agencies there has been considerable progress in this case. One thing is for sure that there is an Indian hand behind the attack,” Lahore Police Chief Pervez Rathore told reporters here.

“I must tell you that there is credible evidence of Indian involvement in the attack,” he said.

Police sources also confirmed the arrest of an Indian intelligence operative in Rawalipindi and recovered important documents from his posession including maps of targets in major cities. The information provided by the arrested Indian national has already led to at least five further arrests.
LAHORE: Authorities in Pakistan confirmed this morning to be in possession of credible evidence implicating Indian government and agencies in the March 3rd attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore.

The Lahore Police announced having information about those responsible for the assault in a press conference.

“With the help of other intelligence agencies there has been considerable progress in this case. One thing is for sure that there is an Indian hand behind the attack,” Lahore Police Chief Pervez Rathore told reporters here.

“I must tell you that there is credible evidence of Indian involvement in the attack,” he said.

Police sources also confirmed the arrest of an Indian intelligence operative in Rawalipindi and recovered important documents from his posession including maps of targets in major cities. The information provided by the arrested Indian national has already led to at least five further arrests.

What does this have to do woith the Topic tittle. Start a new topic or post it in the existing one. Dont derail this thread. It is humor thread about a guy trying for a post of a stand-up comedian in the whole world arena. Dont you get it. We all are saying he is not worth it.
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