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The confused liberal

If anyone bothered reading the thread it is more to do with the LIBERAL LABEL rather than the liberal or his views....
I start with the hypocrisy in today's youth ...who need to reaffirm their label however dont actually follow it but fall in the same category as the other end.

The definition and then the article which raised a fair question as to the researchers have more liberals and how this tilted the society's need for a balanced research followed by political liberalism....and finally the studies which focuses on psychological need to choice and fit in.

Now what the discussion should have been:

Why people want a label, psychology of why and factors that may influence one to want one as well as the whole confusion of choosing one!

Surprisingly it ended up Instead of some feeling offended and jumping to protect their label just as the article showed the confused liberal :tup:

I am talking about the question asked by Syed Ali Haider.
Then quote or mention him not me!
You have no valid question...None addressed to me so how will I know what to answer?

Instead of whining one should have address directly like a normal human being :coffee:
Are you a liberal?
Are you a liberal?

I am a human being....

The world, circumstances as well as events are dynamic even the definition of liberal has changed a little from what it started as....Then why should I be glued to 1 term?

What I am is my personal life/ choice not something to parade about or wear around like a badge!
Those who wish to apply labels to others do not like it when they themselves are labeled for what they are, so please do not pursue such a line of questioning. Seriously.
speaking from experience it seems :coffee:

Ha, classic. All this exercise of writing an article without letting us know your leanings. :D
My leaning will not and should not effect what I am nor should a label define what I am....

"The exercise" was for those who feel the need to be labeled :enjoy:
Ha, classic. All this exercise of writing an article without letting us know your leanings. :D

There is no substance to the OP, but a mere rant applying pseudolabels on those who do not accept the tyranny of monolithic prescribed points of view of the orthodoxy. Such posts play well to the dominant gallery here.
There is no substance to the OP, but a mere rant applying pseudolabels on those who do not accept the tyranny of monolithic prescribed points of view of the orthodoxy. Such posts play well to the dominant gallery here.
And where did I even write what you proclaim?

I see your habit of maligning people due to your wayward thinking has escalated to a new level!

@Manticore @Slav Defence

Do you guys need any evidence of maligning another and trolling to cause my threads to close?
speaking from experience it seems :coffee:

My leaning will not and should not effect what I am nor should a label define what I am....

"The exercise" was for those who feel the need to be labeled :enjoy:

Please, sell this to bystanders who are duffers.

A person writing on any topic should have the decency to tell the readers what they believe in.

But, as @Syed.Ali.Haider said :agree:
Please, sell this to bystanders who are duffers.

A person writing on any topic should have the decency to tell the readers what they believe in.

But, as @Syed.Ali.Haider said :agree:

Please note that I am entitled to my views too, respectfully expressed within PDF rules, of course.

My questions remain perfectly valid and as yet unanswered, as expected:

1. Does being "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own" mean accepting opinions and views that run contrary to good social sense?

2. Must a liberal society accept views that strike at the very heart of making it a liberal society, in name of being open to "new ideas"?
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