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The confused liberal

There is no substance to the OP, but a mere rant applying pseudolabels on those who do not accept the tyranny of monolithic prescribed points of view of the orthodoxy. Such posts play well to the dominant gallery here.

It amuses me to no end that a person will rant and rant but will not expose her label "Cause it was not my business" :D
It amuses me to no end that a person will rant and rant but will not expose her label "Cause it was not my business" :D

Let me try to carry on the discussion: What do YOU think the answers to my questions might be, in your view?
Please, sell this to bystanders who are duffers.

A person writing on any topic should have the decency to tell the readers what they believe in.

But, as @Syed.Ali.Haider said :agree:
It's funny how you keep on ranting just to stroke your delusions of grandeur, and cool down your inferiority complex.

Keep on ranting, love the way you are making a fool of yourself
It amuses me to no end that a person will rant and rant but will not expose her label "Cause it was not my business" :D
Because I dont believe in labels

Please note that I am entitled to my views too, respectfully expressed within PDF rules, of course.

My questions remain perfectly valid and as yet unanswered, as expected:

1. Does being "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own" mean accepting opinions and views that run contrary to good social sense?

2. Must a liberal society accept views that strike at the very heart of making it a liberal society, in name of being open to "new ideas"?

Not only are you talking about me you dont even have the audacity to even quote me to ask! Since you never quoted there is also no rule I need to answer!

The operative word was 'decency' :D
There is no written rule and why should I label myself (when I dont even believe in this obsession to label) just to please you?
She is reporting all your posts. Even those that have nothing wrong in them. Try to avoid replying to her threads if you don't agree with her. Or if you don't mind being subjected to a massive flak of reports.


  • Akh.png
    156.2 KB · Views: 61
She is reporting all your posts. Even those that have nothing wrong in them. Try to avoid replying to her threads if you don't agree with her. Or if you don't mind being subjected to a massive flak of reports.

Surely, there must be enough members here capable of discussing the topic among themselves in a decent and intelligent manner?
1. Does being "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own" mean accepting opinions and views that run contrary to good social sense?
Define good social sense!
Society changes...What was good back then isnt good now and what is good now may not be good later ....

If it is about a crime, you dont need a label to know what is right and wrong, that requires common sense not a social or political label!

2. Must a liberal society accept views that strike at the very heart of making it a liberal society, in name of being open to "new ideas"?
Opening to new ideas would mean opening your heart and not putting anything outside new experience....

And again crime is where common sense comes in...

Your questions have little to do with OP and more to do with the title only....and such a small thing you had trouble addressing me but had to quote others ....what a shame!

I wonder why @SamantK decency didnt strike here :unsure:
For the sake of expressing myself fully let me put it this way

1. Keeping slaves is ok in my religion, you dont want to keep your wish :P
2. you should not to say that slave keeping is wrong, I have my own ideas and you should start accepting my ideas


So asking someone what they think they are is fooling myself? ok. :P

I think it is better to be more general, as follows:

Person A: Every person should have equal freedom to practice their religion.

Person B: But my religion (take your pick) is the only true path to salvation and everyone must follow its tenets.

Person A: Sorry, but that violates the freedom of those who do not follow your religion.

Person B: If you are a liberal, you must accept my view too.

Person A: I accept your right to follow your religion, but I cannot accept your claim to force it on everybody else. You must respect their freedoms too.

Person B: Double Standards!

Because I dont believe in labels

Not only are you talking about me you dont even have the audacity to even quote me to ask! Since you never quoted there is also no rule I need to answer!

There is no written rule and why should I label myself (when I dont even believe in this obsession to label) just to please you?
I asked your leanings, not the lable. Come out of your delusions :lol:
For the sake of expressing myself fully let me put it this way

1. Keeping slaves is ok in my religion, you dont want to keep your wish :P
2. you should not to say that slave keeping is wrong, I have my own ideas and you should start accepting my ideas


So asking someone what they think they are is fooling myself? ok. :P
reported for trying to bring in religion

She is reporting all your posts. Even those that have nothing wrong in them. Try to avoid replying to her threads if you don't agree with her. Or if you don't mind being subjected to a massive flak of reports.
@Manticore this is what I was talking about! damned if you do damned if you dont!
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