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The common capital of India and Pakistan

Not quite ! We've got the space we wanted for ourselves & thats just about it...thats all the Pakistan Movement was...it never was, as most of your countrymen, have the habit of seeing it to be something 'Not-India' -

Doesn't matter how you define it...your space whatever. My point was that you wouldn't take very kindly to people, especially Indians suggesting that it was all a big mistake & that we can reset history. You got your space for a reason after all and reversing history is not part of the game plan.
Not quite...the Cultures of the Pukhtoons, the Baluch & even the Sindhis has very little in common with Indians. When it comes to Punjab a case for a cultural similarity could be made but then again Muslim Punjabis & Non Muslim Punjabis were always culturally & linguistically different even in British India & in the past 65 years we've drifted even further apart.

Ethnically the Baluch & the Pukhtoons are different ! Ethnically we - the Kashmiris, the Baltis & the Northern Punjabis are fairly different too. We might have something in common with Occupied Kashmir but thats just about it.

After 9/11, Pakistanis living in US and other European country started recognizing themselves as Indian. No american or European can ever recognize them whether they are Indian or they are Pakistanis. This is called same blood and culture.

I would imagine that I do ! What you need to realize is that India was a Subcontinent of Nations one of whom were the Punjabis ! So when you talk about same culture or ethnicity as a South India simply because we were once part of the same geographical whole that never really was the same geographical whole, than you'd loose me to that argument because it doesn't make any sense.

Congratulations for self proclaimed Victory.
Doesn't matter how you define it...your space whatever. My point was that you wouldn't take very kindly to people, especially Indians suggesting that it was all a big mistake & that we can reset history. You got your space for a reason after all and reversing history is not part of the game plan.

Where in god's name did I ask History to be reversed ?
I would imagine that I do ! What you need to realize is that India was a Subcontinent of Nations one of whom were the Punjabis ! So when you talk about same culture or ethnicity as a South India simply because we were once part of the same geographical whole that never really was the same geographical whole, than you'd loose me to that argument because it doesn't make any sense.

Congratulations for self proclaimed Victory.
After 9/11, Pakistanis living in US and other European country started recognizing themselves as Indian. No american or European can ever recognize them whether they are Indian or they are Pakistanis. This is called same blood and culture.

That is such a ludicrous notion ! Even if some Pakistanis started doing that out of fear of backlash what in God's name does that have to do with us being of the same blood & culture ? I, being a Kashmiri, could pass for an Afghan, an Iranian, a Turk, someone from the Levant, a Spaniard or even a slightly tanned European - Does that imply I'm the same blood as them ?

Congratulations for self proclaimed Victory.

Thank You ! But it still doesn't make any sense.
Oh gimme an ______ break. Pakistan's existence has sparked, wars? are you out of your brain sparrow?

Dear Aeronaut,

When facts are twisted as per the need, even Devil becomes angel.....

What you have quoted in the whole post of yours is nothing but Pakistan's version of conflicts with India.. Neither side would accept itself on downer side... Like you said, I can quote several reasons for Indo Pak conflicts

First war in 1948 broke out when "you" forcefully annexed Kashmir.

In our version, Kashmir's King decided to keep away from India as well as Pakistan. When Pakistan Invaded Kashmir, Hari Singh wanted India to Interven. Since Kashmir was not part of India at that moment, India would not meddle in. Hence kind of Kashmir merhed Kashmir with India. When Pakistani Military was about 25 km away from Srinagar, Indian soldiers were airlifted and driven back to today's LOC. It was Neharu who made a mistake by going in to UNO, otherwise in leadership of Vallabhai Patel, whole Kashmir would have been under India's rule.

Second war in 1965 war broke out because of "your PM" Shahstri had formally made Kashmir a part of India, denying its people the right to self determination in 1964. It was "you" who Invaded Lahore and Sialkot sectors, sparking a full scale conflict..

Pakistan Launched operation grand slam by infiltrating in to Kashmir in a perception that Kashmiris would support Pakistan's action. They tried to target Akhnoor briedge but were forced to retreat. Since Kashmir is a part of India, any attack on it was attack soverginity of India. hence India had to reply back. Indians did good job by attacking in Punjab towards Lahore... And it was kashmiris who supported IA in that war.. We Indians did not started the war but just gave bloody reply to your army's misadventure...

Third war in 1971 --- "you" invaded E.Pakistan.

Mass murder and r@p|ng was done by Pakistan army in the east Pakistan. Guess why, either you didi not consider them worthy of being called as fellow Pakistanis or the Mujib Rehman case. This genocide pushed number of refugees to India.. It was straineous on Indian economy. Also we could not bear the blood of fellow bengali brothers to be spilled out. Had end this for god's sake.. The result was creation of Bangladesh..

Nuclear weapons race in S.Continent was started by "you" in 1973.

We already had nucleared armed neighbourhood in the form of China which whome we have 1962 war.. It would have been kept us in serious disadvantage without nuclear weapon against a nuclear power.. Between why you pursuaded nuclear program?? you answer would suffice your question...

In 1987 "you" started the failed operation brasstacks.

Operation brasstacks was to test new concepts of mechanization, mobility, and air support devised by Indian army. and it was not a failed operation, it was just a ploy to test the capabilities of armed forces..

It was "you" who started conflict in Siachin by drawing forces to that area.

Pakistan army purchased Arctic-weather gear from a London outfitters who also supplied the Indian Army as well. This was major blunder by Pakistan Army. Indian army knowing the Intentions of Pakistan army, took early control of this and thus siachin was in Indian controll.. Although India wanted to withdraw from Siachin, but Kargil incident made them refrain from any such move.. Hence clearly intentions of Pakistan and its army were to take control of this part and can not blame India for this....

Kargil was a consequence of "Siachin syndrome".

It was "you" who initiated full scale military deployment in 2000-2001 on our borders.

Stop living in your screwed version of history, playing innocent doesn't suit your actions, and your history.

And yes India,was,is and will remain a Hindu nation, with minorities being suppressed at the gun point!

Kargil was a misadventure of your former Army chief and President Pervez Musharraf.. Dont blame India for it..

2001 deployment was very well know why it happened.. Can't take a $|-|it from anybody for saying why it was done...

Our history is not screwed my mate.. its just has the version which is unsuitable for your country...

No muslim in India is kept on gun point.. its a myth told in Pakistan.. I am working in a organization which is owned by a Muslim, my freinds are muslims, my coulleges are muslims and they are living happily and comfortably rather than being getting bombed every other day..

Dear Aeronaut, you are a respectable member for me.. Please referain from such post (its just a request) and indulge in positive and co-operative discussion..

Kab Tak uglega Nafarat ki yeh aag.. kab tak hum apani apani kheto to me banduke bote hai.. Jab dono ki bhi galiyon me kuch bhuke bache rote hai..

PS: I like your posts in other thread, i am more of a reader rather than poster.. this post in not a person specific...

That is such a ludicrous notion ! Even if some Pakistanis started doing that out of fear of backlash what in God's name does that have to do with us being of the same blood & culture ? I, being a Kashmiri, could pass for an Afghan, an Iranian, a Turk, someone from the Levant, a Spaniard or even a slightly tanned European - Does that imply I'm the same blood as them ?

Thank You ! But it still doesn't make any sense.

No it is material whether whether they did it out of fear of backlash or something else. The important thing is that they can do it while Chinese or European can not tell themselves Indian. If you are so Ignorant not to comprehend simple thing, I am least interested in arguing with you.

I quite.

Enjoy your Ignorance and PDF. Best luck!!
No it is material whether whether they did it out of fear of backlash or something else. The important thing is that they can do it while Chinese or European can not tell themselves Indian. If you are so Ignorant not to comprehend simple thing, I am least interested in arguing with you.

I quite.

Enjoy your Ignorance and PDF. Best luck!!

Are you the new of account of vsdoc or vinod20 something like that?
No it is it is material whether whether they did it out of fear of backlash or something else. The important thing is that they can do it while Chinese or European can themselves Indian. If you are so Ignorant not to comprehend simple thing, I am least interested in arguing with you.

I quite.

Enjoy your Ignorance and PDF. Best luck!!

The fact that Chinese or Europeans can't is immaterial - The fact that many Pakistanis can pass for Latin Americas as well or even Italians doesn't make them that !
@Armstrong - it is an intriguing idea, but a few forumers can discuss-- the world is a lot bigger dude. It is one of the 'big' dynamite ideas of our time right?
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That is such a ludicrous notion ! Even if some Pakistanis started doing that out of fear of backlash what in God's name does that have to do with us being of the same blood & culture ? I, being a Kashmiri, could pass for an Afghan, an Iranian, a Turk, someone from the Levant, a Spaniard or even a slightly tanned European - Does that imply I'm the same blood as them ?

Thank You ! But it still doesn't make any sense.
the common culture thing is said by both side. I understand your discomfort, why would a pakistani want to say he has common culture with us. Why would their artists come and work in our industry, why would there be so much demand for our programs even in afganistan if there is something not common. An european or american will have zero appreciation for such music or tear jerkers.
These programs cant be aquired taste as most viewers are semi literate. Universal values/feelings is not good enough reason.

Culture is different from ethnicity, common does not mean equal, there is always a reference point when saying commonality. Its a matter of degree as you go away from wagha border.. commonality decreases.. so much so that not much common between a tamil and a pakistani of any ethnicity.
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