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The common capital of India and Pakistan

After 9/11, Pakistanis living in US and other European country started recognizing themselves as Indian. No american or European can ever recognize them whether they are Indian or they are Pakistanis. This is called same blood and culture.

Congratulations for self proclaimed Victory.

After 9/11 those Pakistani posed as Indians would have stuck out like a sore thumb, this is just fabricated stuff, if i told someone am an India the must be blind to believe me.
Oh gimme a ______ break. Pakistan's existence has sparked, wars? are you out of your brain sparrow?

First war in 1948 broke out when "you" forcefully annexed Kashmir.
History fail

Second war in 1965 war broke out because of "your PM" Shahstri had formally made Kashmir a part of India, denying its people the right to self determination in 1964. It was "you" who Invaded Lahore and Sialkot sectors, sparking a full scale conflict.

UN Security council resolution Fail

Third war in 1971 --- "you" invaded E.Pakistan.

Genocidal Fail

Nuclear weapons race in S.Continent was started by "you" in 1973.
Chinamen Chinamen, Humilty fail

In 1987 "you" started the failed operation brasstacks.

scaridy Chicken Fail

It was "you" who started conflict in Siachin by drawing forces to that area.

Late Latif Fail

Kargil was a consequence of "Siachin syndrome".

Denial Fail

It was "you" who initiated full scale military deployment in 2000-2001 on our borders.

Controlling your dogs fail

Stop living in your screwed version of history, playing innocent doesn't suit your actions, and your history.

Pot and kettle fail

And yes India,was,is and will remain a Hindu nation, with minorities being suppressed at the gun point!

the question remains WHHHHYYY?

why is it that pakistanis deliberately impose selective amnesia to Lashkar in kashmir, UN security council resolution, Ayub khans oprn gibraltor, genocide in Bangladesh, Yahya khan's brilliance, Musharraf's stupidity, and dumb mujhahideens awful recipies?? Whhhhhyyyy
The commonality has been overplayed in the article. After 66 years of partition, the shared things are now only superficial. Deep down Indians and Pakistanis are different people, we think differently, the value-system is different.
the common culture thing is said by both side. I understand your discomfort, why would a pakistani want to say he has common culture with us. Why would their artists come and work in our industry, why would there be so much demand for our programs even in afganistan if there is something not common. An european or american will have zero appreciation for such music or tear jerkers.

Culture is different from ethnicity, common does not mean equal, there is always a reference point when saying commonality. Its a matter of degree as you go away from wagha border.. commonality decreases.. so much so that not much common between a tamil and a pakistani of any ethnicity.

Its not about discomfort ! :lol:

I saw enough of Indian Culture in Singapore to know where I stand with respect to that !

What advocates from 'both' sides fail to realize is that Punjab doesn't equal Pakistan & even when it comes to Punjab its far from being monolithic !

Indian Movies might be watched in Karachi & Lahore or maybe even Islamabad but no where else !

The demand is for the same reason why even the Europeans or more so the Americans are waking up to Bollywood & its not just because of the 'money' involved - Its because everyone likes a thumkaa & a tanned, tight lady wearing minimal clothes & dancing in the most provocative way possible ! It oozes culture that the Europeans don't have....they've lost their rustic side to refinement that we haven't !

In our case the attraction is even more there because our language is interchangeable & we could relate with each other due to some cultural practices ! Not that those cultural practices are the same but that both a wedding in Lahore & a wedding in Delhi would be immensely gaudy, pretentious & wasteful to the point of puking !
Interesting question .

At what point does the cost of winning , becomes too high a price to pay ? :D

On the flip side, Wining is an option when you can bear to pay the price, especially when you are steam rolling compared to your competition...
We should have an "exit" option, whoever doesn't wanna live here, should be made to walk through wahgah to his beloved homeland so he can taste the lemon there. I hate Bitches that take our hard earned freedom for granted and whining about it.

ma u got freedom and i dont have any prob with it but for gods sake dont say hard earned freedom.we indians have fought for freedom and you just divided a piece without sweating a drop.I know u wld deny it but world knows the truth
Indian Movies might be watched in Karachi & Lahore or maybe even Islamabad but no where else !

They work pretty well in afghanistan, so interestingly their popularity is in couple of pakistani cities, and then straight jumps border to the most conservative islamic society....
The commonality has been overplayed in the article. After 66 years of partition, the shared things are now only superficial. Deep down Indians and Pakistanis are different people, we think differently, the value-system is different.

south india has got nothing in common with pakistan.when one says indian and pakistani cultures are same they should remember that south india(even north east)is also a part of india
On the flip side, Wining is an option when you can bear to pay the price, especially when you are steam rolling compared to your competition...

Perhaps , the price isn't that high in this case according to the popular belief .

Anyways , I was joking with my friend on something else , not sure whether you saw , what was being quoted and for what . :D
Indian subcontinent is so large so culture and blood(Genes) change. e.g A Punjabi will have different
culture and genes than a south Indian but it is Indian.

You said "even Pakistani themselves don't share blood and same culture". You are right still all are Pakistanis
Same way we have same blood and culture.

You do not understand the meaning of culture ans ethnicity. Pl read my previous post.

Well if genes and blood are different and the language then you are not the same people, you are being silly now, silly arguments.
Perhaps , the price isn't that high in this case according to the popular belief .

Anyways , I was joking with my friend on something else , not sure whether you saw , what was being quoted and for what . :D
I actually didn't... anyways carry on!
@Armstrong - it is an intriguing idea, but a few forumers can discuss-- the world is a lot bigger dude. It is one of the 'big' dynamite ideas of our time right?

Dude I find myself more in-sync with Central Asia, Iran, even Afghanistan, China & most of the Muslim World in bonding together ! People don't realize this but Islam isn't just about praying 5 times a day or fasting once a month every year its what shapes our world-view & leaves an indelible mark on everything from our basic necessities to our thoughts about life & on life & that is something which brings Muslims together. In case of China - we don't need to because they've been such good friends of Pakistan for so long so their Muslimness or lack thereof is immaterial but in case of India....we've got a long history of acrimony & so I'd much rather let things settle down & in the meantime explore options that I know would be able to bear fruition in my life time.

And maybe when enough years have passed we can be friends ! Incidentally thats exactly when I'd want to give two hoots about the Iranians & the Arabs too - They need to evolve.
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Perhaps , the price isn't that high in this case according to the popular belief .

Anyways , I was joking with my friend on something else , not sure whether you saw , what was being quoted and for what . :D
I wish that out dear members must read full conversation,before posting seriously. :lol:
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