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The common capital of India and Pakistan

They work pretty well in afghanistan, so interestingly their popularity is in couple of pakistani cities, and then straight jumps border to the most conservative islamic society....

Thats probably because of India cultivating a soft-image in Afghanistan it doesn't enjoy in Pakistan & that acrimony has nothing to do with liberalism or conservatism of those areas !

P.S Even the Indian Cultural Connection is vastly overblown in Afghanistan ! The North is more into Persian music, movies & folklore whilst the South is more into Pashto !
Its not about discomfort ! :lol:

I saw enough of Indian Culture in Singapore to know where I stand with respect to that !

What advocates from 'both' sides fail to realize is that Punjab doesn't equal Pakistan & even when it comes to Punjab its far from being monolithic !

Indian Movies might be watched in Karachi & Lahore or maybe even Islamabad but no where else !

The demand is for the same reason why even the Europeans or more so the Americans are waking up to Bollywood & its not just because of the 'money' involved - Its because everyone likes a thumkaa & a tanned, tight lady wearing minimal clothes & dancing in the most provocative way possible ! It oozes culture that the Europeans don't have....they've lost their rustic side to refinement that we haven't !

In our case the attraction is even more there because our language is interchangeable & we could relate with each other due to some cultural practices ! Not that those cultural practices are the same but that both a wedding in Lahore & a wedding in Delhi would be immensely gaudy, pretentious & wasteful to the point of puking !
No, Indian programs are translated and aired in afganistan, dont tell me they have more in common with us than you. If you have seen enough culture in singapore (which I guess you think is microcosm of India?) best of luck then.
No americans or europeans can never be able to watch Indian movies, its the diasphora which made it a temporary passing fad, even then they just watch a few bits out of curiosity. Even after so many years, a brit will rather play afro music than bhangra inspired one, they simply wont get it.

Our sensibilities are different, emotions are different from them. A desi who lands here first will feel safe in desi ghetto, not chinese, african or white. He will never be confused to figure out which is which. lolz

Oh.. a 4th generation desi in west has not much comon with us, whatever ethnicity he might belong to.
infact there isnt a single thing apart from hinduism which is common to even india.as a matter of fact even hindu rituals vary from place to place.the only custom tht is commonly followed by all hindus is not eating beef apart from tht nothing is common.
@Armstrong waise what is this thread exactly about anyway. Didn't we already go over this on both sides, please tell me its not some yuppie India journo who wrote a sappy friendship piece? Even if one wants peace it does not require friendship or brotherhood between nations, dull down the animosity in the populace yes but not brotherhood. We've been over that too. How does any supposed or real cultural similarity even come into the picture?- that one's for my compatriots. Trade, prosperity and balanced relations minus proxies running around CAN be a worthwhile aim but it doesn't require us to go all lovey dovey. Whatever narrative related differences or historical povs people want to propagate here- the argument on the subject matter at least should have ended with the above.
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They work pretty well in afghanistan, so interestingly their popularity is in couple of pakistani cities, and then straight jumps border to the most conservative islamic society....

Well by that logic Indian shares American culture and blood as most Indian films are copiess of Hollywood and are Hollywood films are very popular in India.
Dude I find myself more in-sync with Central Asia, Iran, even Afghanistan, China & most of the Muslim World in bonding together ! People don't realize this but Islam isn't just about praying 5 times a day or fasting once a month every year its what shapes our world-view & leaves an indelible mark on everything from our basic necessities to our thoughts about life & on life & that is something which brings Muslims together. In case of China - we don't need to because they've been such good friends of Pakistan for so long so their Muslimness or lack thereof is immaterial but in case of India....we've got a long history of acrimony & so I'd much rather let things settle down & in the meantime explore options that I know would be able to bear fruition in my life time.

And maybe when enough years have passed we can be friends ! Incidentally thats exactly when I'd want to give two hoots about the Iranians & the Arabs too - They need to evolve.

Yeah, I think that's a reasonable stand. Besides, any kind of political project requires great leaders to lead it to fruition (like the generation gone by). Our current stock, on both sides, are a bunch of idiots who'll only f*** things up for eternity. Waiting is a good idea than letting these jokers take any 'initiative'.
Well by that logic Indian shares American culture and blood as most Indian films are copiess of Hollywood and are Hollywood films are very popular in India.
it is aquired culture and taste. Most american movies are watched by educated and youth in India. Not so in case of afgans. Educated afgans will probably watch hollywood like others.
No, Indian programs are translated and aired in afganistan, dont tell me they have more in common with us than you. If you have seen enough culture in singapore (which I guess you think is microcosm of India?) best of luck then.
No americans or europeans can never be able to watch Indian movies, its the diasphora which made it a temporary passing fad, even then they just watch a few bits out of curiosity. Even after so many years, a brit will rather play afro music than bhangra inspired one, they simply wont get it.

Our sensibilities are different, emotions are different from them. A desi who lands here first will feel safe in desi ghetto, not chinese, african or white. He will never be confused to figure out which is which. lolz

Like I said above - In Afghanistan thats because of the soft-image that India has cultivated there & even then its vastly blown out of proportion !

And how does that imply that our culture & yours is the same ? We have an interchangeable language & some interchangeable practices but our cultures are too each other what Urdu & Hindi are to each other - Similar but Different ! And even this comparison is restricted to parts of Punjab & Sindh - Not the whole of Pakistan !
Well by that logic Indian shares American culture and blood as most Indian films are copiess of Hollywood and are Hollywood films are very popular in India.

Dude, that doesn't even make any sense,,, I was just replying to armstrong's contention on popularity of Indian movies in pakistan....
Like I said above - In Afghanistan thats because of the soft-image that India has cultivated there & even then its vastly blown out of proportion !

And how does that imply that our culture & yours is the same ? We have an interchangeable language & some interchangeable practices but our cultures are too each other what Urdu & Hindi are to each other - Similar but Different ! And even this comparison is restricted to parts of Punjab & Sindh - Not the whole of Pakistan !
There is an english word for it.. yeah like urdu and hindi... its called 'similar'... :) .. not 'same'.. worth repeating though.

No soft image, afgans will eagerly watch (am sure they do) any pakistani program whether they like you or not. Because there is something in common there again (sorry afgans for comparing you with dalkhors )

Oh, and did I also mention that the commonality/similarity decreases as you go away from wagha border on both sides ..so much so that.......
south india has got nothing in common with pakistan.when one says indian and pakistani cultures are same they should remember that south india(even north east)is also a part of india

That is not very important. The importance of cultural similarity in this particular case has been exaggerated. You don't need to have similar culture to befriend someone, the important part is whether or not you like how the other person thinks. That is where Indians and Pakistanis have become different.
Problem is Indians think Pakistan is punjab and sindh, everyone speaks Punjabi, sindi or Urdu, everyone looks like an Indian.

Reality is very different, Pakistan is a bit bigger then the above two and not everyone shares any love or similarity with an Indian.

Afghan are the type of people they will welcome you, feed you, cloth you and then cut your throats, Indians will learn and should take lessons from history to what has been done to them by these people from north.

As a Pakistani pukhtoon, i Dont care much for Indians at times for Pakistanis who are different from me, i wast born for love and bullshit, i was born to kill to conquer, we will keep doing that till the end of time.
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