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The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead kills 42 civilians in air strikes in Aleppo

To whom buddy?

I created my own saying from "more power to him, to more TNT barrels to him...Some count and recount destroyed tanks, And I count the TNT barrels dropped on the head of the tank counters...Kul ahad 3indu sabha..

They FSA & SAA Syrians should quit fighting, they don’t even have the money to rebuild the infrastructure after this war.
FSA is laminated,by the SAA and by the hardcore djihadist...They have no future in the Syrian political debate...
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And what are you doing only screaming and yelling you want France and USA and Britain to invade Syria?? Why don't you send the peninsula shield in Bahrain you didn't wait to save al khalifa and in Syria you are crying about Muslims getting killed what are you waiting for

what are you doing only screaming and yelling you want France and USA and Britain to invade Syria?

Not screaming. In fact, the only ones who are screaming are the fanatic Mullahs!

While we arm the FSA to the teeth, your Imams are yelling all day long!

When it comes to conspiring against the Muslims, the Iranians sold everything they believe in to assist the US. However, the US throw them away when they got what they want i.e. using your own land to invade two countries.

What did the Iranains get in return? Well, they got a tough set of sanctions! :lol:

Not screaming. In fact, the only ones who are screaming are the fanatic Mullahs!

While we arm the FSA to the teeth, your Imams are yelling all day long!

When it comes to conspiring against the Muslims, the Iranians sold everything they believe in to assist the US. However, the US throw them away when they got what they want i.e. using your own land to invade two countries.

What did the Iranains get in return? Well, they got a tough set of sanctions! :lol:

I was speaking to al-khasani not you yazeed because his masters in tel aviv are mad at khuzballa so he is mad too
While we arm the FSA to the teeth, your Imams are yelling all day long!

FSA is history dear, you barely hear from them anywhere in Syria nowadays, it's all about fanatics coming from 70 countries now.
I used to have a minimum respect for FSA since they weren't mostly like these wackos, and many used to serve in Syrian army itself, but now it's all gone, FSA is literally finished, not by the government, but by the nutjobs who are supposed to support them.

And you know better what Iran's role in Syria is, and it's not just 'talking'.
What I wanna know is what a barrel bomb is. I was reading it on BBC last week and was literally picturing a barrel filled with explosives being pushed off from a plane lol

wtf are barrel bombs anyway?
What I wanna know is what a barrel bomb is. I was reading it on BBC last week and was literally picturing a barrel filled with explosives being pushed off from a plane lol

wtf are barrel bombs anyway?

They are literally barrels filled with explosives.

Syria, few days ago:

They are literally barrels filled with explosives.

Syria, few days ago:

Super inappropriate, even for me, but I burst out laughing when I saw that pic.

I did not expect this.

WTF is the point? Middle East is truly the anal cavity of our beautiful planet.

I'm afraid, they aren't done yet as we speak.

This took place a few hours ago:

Wishful thinking can't help it.

Let's see if Assad and Hezbollah can liberate the %40 of the land the FSA is administering.

FSA is history dear, you barely hear from them anywhere in Syria nowadays, it's all about fanatics coming from 70 countries now.
I used to have a minimum respect for FSA since they weren't mostly like these wackos, and many used to serve in Syrian army itself, but now it's all gone, FSA is literally finished, not by the government, but by the nutjobs who are supposed to support them.

And you know better what Iran's role in Syria is, and it's not just 'talking'.

Yep, Iran's role is well-known. Here is an example that I would like to share with you:

It has not even been hit, he’s using afterburner and these monkeys don’t know what that is lol.

The point that is was trying to make is that they still there, whether he shot it down or not, it makes no difference at this point.
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Since 15 December Assad is dropping barrels on Aleppo non stop. Seems he decided to annihilate this city.
Not screaming. In fact, the only ones who are screaming are the fanatic Mullahs!

While we arm the FSA to the teeth, your Imams are yelling all day long!

When it comes to conspiring against the Muslims, the Iranians sold everything they believe in to assist the US. However, the US throw them away when they got what they want i.e. using your own land to invade two countries.

What did the Iranains get in return? Well, they got a tough set of sanctions! :lol:

just posting these nonsense won't change the fact that which countries supported us attack on two other Muslim country gave not only permission that their land sea and air being used for such acts but also a provide a big chunk of the provision and the money used in those wars
and by repeating those lies the fact wont change
just posting these nonsense won't change the fact that which countries supported us attack on two other Muslim country

I can't tell you how happy I'm to see you dismissing everything your own president said in that video.

You have been shouting death to the US for almost 35 years, and you had the audacity to defend your indefensible argument? Well, both of Qatar and Kuwait openly admitted that they supported the US, unlike the pathological lies your mullahs try to spread.

I understand that you are so ashamed of your Gov't acts, but the US gave you a special treatment want they got what they want from you :lol:

gave not only permission that their land sea and air being used for such acts but also a provide a big chunk of the provision and the money used in those wars

Like I said, both states acted in brought daylight unlike you. :lol:

by repeating those lies the fact wont change

Too bad for you buddy, this acknowledgement came from the peak of your politicians.

I also understand how painful truth is, but you have to accept facts or else! Runaway...
just posting these nonsense won't change the fact that which countries supported us attack on two other Muslim country gave not only permission that their land sea and air being used for such acts but also a provide a big chunk of the provision and the money used in those wars
and by repeating those lies the fact wont change
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