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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

The most laughable concept in the history of modern times.
the concept is not laughable however the limited knowledge of the people which makes them incapable of absorbing, understanding and applying the concept is laughable...

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning "nation" or "community".

It is not some jumbo mumbo thingy...it is basic Arabic if only people knew...but since they dont and prefer being Nationalized based on which part of the earth they were born on rather than uniting on something much more higher

Mind you it can very well be the first anti discrimination approach coz Ummah is a nation based on something that is common to the majority...it doesnt look at your nationality nor your colour nor your caste ...
Have you ever heard of the Guillotine:

A guillotine (/ˈɡɪlətiːn/; French: [ɡijɔtin]) is an apparatus designed for carrying out executions by beheading. It consists of a tall upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended. The condemned person is secured at the bottom of the frame, with his or her neck held directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to fall swiftly and sever the head from the body. The device is best known for its use in France, in particular during the French Revolution, when it "became a part of popular culture" and it became celebrated as the people's avenger by supporters of the Revolution and vilified as the pre-eminent symbol of the Reign of Terror by opponents."[1] The guillotine continued to be used long after the Revolution and remained France's standard method of judicial execution until the abolition of capital punishment with the backing of President François Mitterrand in 1981.[2] The last person guillotined in France was Hamida Djandoubi, on 10 September 1977.

Guillotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Have you ever heard of the Guillotine:

A guillotine (/ˈɡɪlətiːn/; French: [ɡijɔtin]) is an apparatus designed for carrying out executions by beheading. It consists of a tall upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended. The condemned person is secured at the bottom of the frame, with his or her neck held directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to fall swiftly and sever the head from the body. The device is best known for its use in France, in particular during the French Revolution, when it "became a part of popular culture" and it became celebrated as the people's avenger by supporters of the Revolution and vilified as the pre-eminent symbol of the Reign of Terror by opponents."[1] The guillotine continued to be used long after the Revolution and remained France's standard method of judicial execution until the abolition of capital punishment with the backing of President François Mitterrand in 1981.[2] The last person guillotined in France was Hamida Djandoubi, on 10 September 1977.

Guillotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
err are you on the correct thread? :unsure:
I thought LTTE was secular - with all religions mixed in.
Officially it was. But ethnic profiling was there. It may have been a consequence of the 'practical necessities' ie driving out the Singhalese who happened to be Buddhist. But yes, they did not do it in the name of God. There is no documentation of that. I tried to draw as close a parallel as possible.

I failed. :(
It is the fact told in Quran and Sunnah and no Tom Dick and Harry can end it no matter how much they try

Nope it isnt. Not the way you think. So it only takes one Tom to tell you that your whole understanding is wrong.

the concept is not laughable however the limited knowledge of the people which makes them incapable of absorbing, understanding and applying the concept is laughable...

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning "nation" or "community".

It is not some jumbo mumbo thingy...it is basic Arabic if only people knew...but since they dont and prefer being Nationalized based on which part of the earth they were born on rather than uniting on something much more higher

Mind you it can very well be the first anti discrimination approach coz Ummah is a nation based on something that is common to the majority...it doesnt look at your nationality nor your colour nor your caste ...

Nope, it is the limited understanding of basic english.. i.e the Ummah being united on an idea .. that is the concept that is laughable even more than the first laugh on a united Ummah.
Nope, it is the limited understanding of basic english.. i.e the Ummah being united on an idea .. that is the concept that is laughable even more than the first laugh on a united Ummah.
It is not the concept that is laughable but the sorry state of the people who cant pull a concept into a happening!
err are you on the correct thread? :unsure:
Yes the article is talking mostly on the beheading sentence and how appalling it is to the author and his Jewish American friend who have showed him/her the videos.
I find it appalling too, but each land has its own laws; in the US the death sentence for murder is still applied, although with different means. The Guillotine was used for beheading in most of the western world till not too far ago.
You do not want to know the answer to that...Believe me..
So Israel has the right to defend itself but god forbid Palestinians do the same?!

As said in my first post in your thread, Islam has had a run in with every religion every religion has seen blood and violence in its encounter with Islam may it be Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Parsis, Atheists, Animists, Sindhi's, Yezhidi's - you name it.

Ignorance and misinformation

The biggest threat that most of the nation's internal security faces is from a particular terrorist belonging to a particular community, there is unprecedented security in Gujarat - around 20,000 cops in India for the visit of the Chinese premier Xi Jinping - who do you think they are guarding against? not a Jew, a Christian or a Hindu - but against a particular kind of terrorist from a particular community that is prone to explode in a crowded place or kill. In fact the word itself is directly linked to just one community. Sorry for being blunt here - but I, as an individual always look over my shoulders when I travel in a flight because of a particular danger, and, I give out a sigh of relief after I do a closer examination of the boarders and thank the airport security when I land safely.

Post 1 if you read it explains why I am voicing it out and questioning it!

There is nothing to question it, there are thousands who are ready to blow themselves up for religion and for whatever perceived gift they might receive in the afterlife, and one needs to thank the security forces for keeping us safe every time.

Kafir...which literally means disbeliever...Or one who rejects or doesnt abide...Saying it in English should have the same effect as saying it in Urdu but no....apparently some are brainwashed to think it is a label like anti Semitics or Nazi or something when it simply means one who rejects

Kafir in Islam is a dirty word, that's how your mullah's insult anyone that dares to question them..right?

Well I as a Muslim voice out coz I dont like the label with my religion as Islam is more of a verb a practice ...

In the international community, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts that are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (e.g.,neutral military personnel or civilians). Some definitions now include acts of unlawfulviolence and war.
Islam, my friend had the world live in peace for a thousand years. If you do not believe it, go to the period before Islam, and have a look by yourself. All the entities you have mentioned were warring ones with wars without ends for more than a thousand years.
The burden of proving that Islam is peaceful lies on the Muslims themselves, not on the media who only report what is going on.
Islam is known to be peaceful... in the context of peace.
When someone wages war on someone else (not to mention false flag operations), be it Muslim, Christian, hindu or else, he'll get war too with the latter being the opposite of peace.
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As said in my first post in your thread, Islam has had a run in with every religion every religion has seen blood and violence in its encounter with Islam may it be Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Parsis, Atheists, Animists, Sindhi's, Yezhidi's - you name it.
Judaism is older than Islam and you do not want to know what the Jews ran in....There were 2 threads here where I posted the history of Jews and how many times they were thrown out or mistreated by different nations practicing different religions ..

The biggest threat that most of the nation's internal security faces is from a particular terrorist belonging to a particular community, there is unprecedented security in Gujarat - around 20,000 cops in India for the visit of the Chinese premier Xi Jinping - who do you think they are guarding against? not a Jew, a Christian or a Hindu - but against a particular kind of terrorist from a particular community that is prone to explode in a crowded place or kill. In fact the word itself is directly linked to just one community. Sorry for being blunt here - but I, as an individual always look over my shoulders when I travel in a flight because of a particular danger, and, I give out a sigh of relief after I do a closer examination of the boarders and thank the airport security when I land safely.
You are picking answers to fit in your mentality...

There is nothing to question it, there are thousands who are ready to blow themselves up for religion and for whatever perceived gift they might receive in the afterlife, and one needs to thank the security forces for keeping us safe every time.
Exactly who told you that? Did you interview the people yourself or the media? Hence my question is to the media not misinformed people like you :)

Kafir in Islam is a dirty word, that's how your mullah's insult anyone that dares to question them..right?
You asked me the word based on its meaning not based on who uses it and how...that is upto people...It is also upto people to feel insulted or not....coz if someone calls me non Hindu I aint gonna go cry in 1 corner....likewise if Jews call me Gentile I am not gonna feel insulted though mind you in history that word was used just like kafir is today (an insult)
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Nope it isnt. Not the way you think. So it only takes one Tom to tell you that your whole understanding is wrong

Now I'm curious that of Tom, Dick & Harry why did you choose Tom to make the point ? :unsure:

Why not Dick or Harry ? :what:

Achaa Oscar - Tu Bhai seh naraaz haii ? :(
can you please fix this its tough to read...thank you @illusion8

You do not want to know the answer to that...Believe me..
So Israel has the right to defend itself but god forbid Palestinians do the same?!

As said in my first post in your thread, Islam has had a run in with every religion and every religion has seen blood and violence in its encounter with Islam may it be Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Parsis, Atheists, Animists, Sindhi's, Yezhidi's - you name it.

Ignorance and misinformation

The biggest threat that most of the nation's internal security faces is from a particular terrorist belonging to a particular community, there is unprecedented security in Gujarat - around 20,000 cops in India for the visit of the Chinese premier Xi Jinping - who do you think they are guarding against? not a Jew, a Christian or a Hindu - but against a particular kind of terrorist from a particular community that is prone to explode in a crowded place or kill. In fact the word itself is directly linked to just one community. Sorry for being blunt here - but I, as an individual always look over my shoulders when I travel in a flight because of a particular danger, and, I give out a sigh of relief after I do a closer examination of the boarders and thank the airport security when I land safely.

Post 1 if you read it explains why I am voicing it out and questioning it!

There is nothing to question it, there are thousands who are ready to blow themselves up for religion and for whatever perceived gift they might receive in the afterlife, and one needs to thank the security forces for keeping us safe every time.

Kafir...which literally means disbeliever...Or one who rejects or doesnt abide...Saying it in English should have the same effect as saying it in Urdu but no....apparently some are brainwashed to think it is a label like anti Semitics or Nazi or something when it simply means one who rejects

Kafir in Islam is a dirty word, that's how your mullah's insult anyone that dares to question them..right?

Don't get me wrong here, I have had some really beautiful Muslim friends and acquaintances including a couple of very close friends, but that doesn't prevent me from worrying about the next terror attack or the next bombing in a civilian place neither does it prevent our security and intelligence forces from worrying about the next terror attack.
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