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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

Ok, even if I agree to your narrative, let's ignore Israel from the equation. What if SA and Iran gets into an agreement of sort(like Iran and Israel did while bombing Osirak!) even temporarily to deal with ISIS? That would send a clear message.

Something like Operation Valkurie is used to show that the entire German leadership was not solidly behind Hitler.

Saudi Arabia isn't that concerned from ISIL yet. Also, they have converging interests. ISIL is anti-Assad/Iran and so are most Saudi Arabians. Then, you also have people who are loyal to the king/house of saud. If ISIL makes threats against them then Saudi Arabians will justify attacking ISIS near their borders but won't cooperate with Iran. If there is any cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Iran it will only happen for two reasons:

1. Muslim Brotherhood becoming popular again
2. Syria become too prolonged that a temporary political solution is needed


PS: I just noticed something creepy, every time I wrote Saudi Arabia it aligned all under each other to left. I didn't do that on purpose. :D


Anyways, I will explain to you the situation. ISIL is a new creed but not new people. Before US war on Iraq, there were people who were nationalist and not that religious. During the war they became moderate and took arms against the US forces in Iraq. After US gave power to Shia minority this upset them. And after joint-cooperation between Iraqi gov't and US they became extreme and called themselves AQ in Iraq. Then we have the situation in Syria and situation for Sunni's in Iraq becoming worse and more Shia domination in Iraq. So this made them even more extreme than they are. They are human beings, just very angry desperate ones.

Now, the people in Palestine(Gaza/West Bank) have lost patience in Gaza. But, soon the West Bank will also patience if no solution is achieved. Then the people in Egypt are going to desparate again if Egypt faces more electricity/fuel crisis. And the MB sympathizers in the Arab world are becoming more desperate due to Arab government persecution of them. Saudi Arabia was scared when MB won elections in Egypt. So now the Arab Sunni world is divided. But, Syria arised, and citizens of KSA want their government to support the opposition.

This was true in the beginning, but now they may see their government as backing away or cooperating with Iran. This is going to upset some adult males in KSA and make them extreme, and make the not so religious/political people become moderate/political. In the future this could mean rebelllion in the Arabian Gulf.

So unless everything goes perfect in the next decade, we will see a different generation in the ME. More people in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, are getting angry at the situation. It's not enough yet though, it will become enough if conflicts in Palestine/Syria/Iraq aren't solved.

Once it becomes enough there will be unity amongst Sunni adult males, and they may take arms up against KSA/Egyptian government and maybe get support from African Muslims. If KSA destabilizes then somebody is going to have to lead the 'Muslim' world. A lot of borders will be violated. So sadly, more desperation is on the way. It's thanks to the developments in the last century that broiled up this modern situation.

And Muslims believe someone will lead them if KSA sees destabilization.

What?? Lol explain the bold. :o:

I don't want to get into trouble with the mods. :D
You even have a colour to give them while for us you throw in the name of our religion :(

Why not Mullah terrorism?

Unfortunately for me...It is tough to understand...coz I know the words as verbs and nouns not just words for you to throw around and add -ist to :D

And not until they say Medicine is a terrorist field coz doctors sale organs and blood and other misdealings....I will not want to understand why my religion is being maligned


Because from Time unknown Saffron(bhagwa) has been used to depict hindusim . . We also use Hindu extremists in media .

Also Sale of organs or blood illegally is definitely a crime but definitely not terrorism . Try thinking of a better rebuttal

And so does Judaism but no one cries anyone a river there!

What is the population of Jews compared to the Muslim population?

How many suicide bombers, beheaders, illiterate Jews( Muslims - I have seen plenty), terrorists, extremists, Jihadists (whatever their equivalent is) have you seen or heard of?.

Does someone shouting murder or revenge in Israel trouble anyone else in the world compared to a terrorist priming himself to blow up in a crowded place?.

What is the biggest threat almost every country in the world faces?.

why do you think there is so much security in almost every airport / sea port or other installations including hospitals, hotels etc in the world? they aren't looking for a violent Jew - they are looking out for a particular terrorist from a particular religion.

Munafiq simply means hypocrite...just in Arabic and Urdu...

What is the urdu term that you use to describe a non believer or an idol worshipper?
“Then they (Jews) surrendered and the apostle (Prophet Mohammed) confined them in Medina. Then the apostle went out to the market and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them (Jews) and struck off their heads in those trenches … There were 600 or 700 in all.”

Incomplete story. Probably kept that way to make a certain point. This is dishonest to say the least.

What is the population of Jews compared to the Muslim population?

How many suicide bombers, beheaders, illiterate Jews( Muslims - I have seen plenty), terrorists, extremists, Jihadists (whatever their equivalent is) have you seen or heard of?.

One word: IDF. Just because terrorism is state sponsored and indirectly supported by powers, it does not become OK. It is still terrorism.
What is the population of Jews compared to the Muslim population?

How many suicide bombers, beheaders, illiterate Jews( Muslims - I have seen plenty), terrorists, extremists, Jihadists (whatever their equivalent is) have you seen or heard of?.
You do not want to know the answer to that...Believe me..
Does someone shouting murder or revenge in Israel trouble anyone else in the world compared to a terrorist priming himself to blow up in a crowded place?.
So Israel has the right to defend itself but god forbid Palestinians do the same?!
What is the biggest threat almost every country in the world faces?.
Ignorance and misinformation
why do you think there is so much security in almost every airport / sea port or other installations including hospitals, hotels etc in the world? they aren't looking for a violent Jew - they are looking out for a particular terrorist from a particular religion.
Post 1 if you read it explains why I am voicing it out and questioning it!

What is the urdu term that you use to describe a non believer or an idol worshipper?
Kafir...which literally means disbeliever...Or one who rejects or doesnt abide...Saying it in English should have the same effect as saying it in Urdu but no....apparently some are brainwashed to think it is a label like anti Semitics or Nazi or something when it simply means one who rejects

We also use Hindu extremists in media
Well I as a Muslim voice out coz I dont like the label with my religion as Islam is more of a verb a practice ...

not terrorism .

In the international community, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts that are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (e.g.,neutral military personnel or civilians). Some definitions now include acts of unlawfulviolence and war.
I just worry about those who get classified and get racist attacks....
No matter how much you ignore it but it does hurt
I never attacked you. :what:

Off topic - Loonwatch is hilarious, often as ridiculous as the sites they try to condemn. But that's another story. :P
Back to today - for example, the LTTE often persecuted non Hindus and so on.
Can you elaborate? I thought LTTE was secular - with all religions mixed in.

Dude you have a short attention span you would probably not even read coz its a whole case of a Khalifah and a practicing one - not one who is on a throne nor one who is murdering people blindly (for no reason based on race/ religion / nationality) Nor one who is a pimp dressed as one (ISIL)
No dear, you missed my point. It is ambiguous. That means someone can declare himself righteous, practicing Muslim and call on misguided to do his bidding - mostly fighting and killing. Moot point though, I will drop it here.
“Then they (Jews) surrendered and the apostle (Prophet Mohammed) confined them in Medina. Then the apostle went out to the market and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them (Jews) and struck off their heads in those trenches … There were 600 or 700 in all.”
You forgot those jews betrayed the treaty off defending Madinah together they betrayed and were about to attack Madinah which only had women and children at that time that is they were eliminated because that is what is done with traitors till to this date @Chak Bamu
No dear, you missed my point. It is ambiguous. That means someone can declare himself righteous, practicing Muslim and call on misguided to do his bidding - mostly fighting and killing. Moot point though, I will drop it here.
Yes hence the job is for a Khalifah which means a leader which the Ummah agrees on and some say has to be a country's leader too...so its not any tom dick or harry
Yes hence the job is for a Khalifah which means a leader which the Ummah agrees on and some say has to be a country's leader too...so its not any tom dick or harry

The most laughable concept in the history of modern times.
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