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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

I have no problem as long as people don't use God/or anything else as a justification for their disgusting crimes. Religious justification is the worst of all though. My personal opinion.

Why do give a rat *** what happens in the ME? You're better than that. All violence in ME is political. It's just that the desperate side looks up to religion and the stronger side doesn't.
I am talking about people who get to write articles (in the media), who get interviewed (in the media) who go around talking to people who make differences or are shown (in the media)

The media give ample opportunity to all points of view. The burden of proof lies on the Muslims to show how their religion is as peaceful as they claim it to be, in light of what is happening in Muslim countries.
Why Islamic Terrorists chant "Allahu Akhbar" and verses from Quran while committing these acts mexican cartels do not Quote bible or shout god is great while doing it , nor did stalin or other atheists quote verses from atheist literature while doing these act .
Dude...You just wrote that and might even have chanted it but does that Make you a Muslim?

My question is regarding clarification of all this BS...

Islam is a verb and if you are doing that verb you are the noun known as Muslim...

Now if you are not doing the verb called Islam, how can you define yourself as the noun known as Muslim?
The media give ample opportunity to all points of view. The burden of proof lies on the Muslims to show how their religion is as peaceful as they claim it to be, in light of what is happening in Muslim countries.
And hence my 1st post questioning why this lady didnt bother making the most use of her article??! She stated twice that she was a Muslim and one who knows about it but she failed to distinguish what she knows nor did she even bother to put 1 ounce of strength in putting the right picture!

Who is to make that call?
Dude you have a short attention span you would probably not even read coz its a whole case of a Khalifah and a practicing one - not one who is on a throne nor one who is murdering people blindly (for no reason based on race/ religion / nationality) Nor one who is a pimp dressed as one (ISIL)
Why do give a rat *** what happens in the ME?
I hope you mean - why am I concerned about the ME? It's not exactly concern actually. But ..

1. I am still human. Though a mix of polytheist/monotheist personally...but still a human. So human suffering disturbs me. I can't watch a public hanging/beheading and go to bed happy that the world has suddenly become a better place. @Chak Bamu :)

2. In this Globalized world, what happens in the ME has a tremendous impact on India. Had we been North Korea, I would not have cared. But India has a substantial population of Muslims, and a lot of non Muslims. Our own safety and security itself is being threatened by the IS and the dozen other Islamist movements. Funds from the ME pour into our Mosques in India. ME sheikhs come and marry girls off from India (partly our fault I agree). And to top it off, many Indians (more than Pakistanis) are volunteering to fight in the conflicts, even though they had been living a good life(Doctors, engineering grads, etc).

^ So that's why I am somewhat getting disturbed.
I have no problem as long as people don't use God/or anything else as a justification for their disgusting crimes. Religious justification is the worst of all though. My personal opinion.
Now that is their problem ...the blame of misusing should not be throw on the religion but on the blamer!

Like when a doctor does malpractice do you say medicine is bad field? Yet many doctors do organ business....why havent we banned or maligned medicine that badly? Coz it has its good and those who are knowledgeable in it see it (basically anyone who has been to a doc) yet we have morons who see modern medicine as a thing from the satan :o:

@Akheilos , can you please respond to the rest of my post too.
I tried as best as I could....
Dude...You just wrote that and might even have chanted it but does that Make you a Muslim?

My question is regarding clarification of all this BS...

Islam is a verb and if you are doing that verb you are the noun known as Muslim...

Now if you are not doing the verb called Islam, how can you define yourself as the noun known as Muslim?

Again you are going in a tangential direction .

Let me elaborate with another example which you will be able to see from third person basis .

Remember samjhauta blasts , malegaon blasts abd mecca masjid bombings . These were tagged as saffron terrorism and rightfully so and thank god it was nipped in bud . What i think about hinduism will not change the fact that all these acts were done by people with hinduism as a motive . And motive will will not separate from crime no matter how much we bleach it . It was safrron terrorism .

Another example ,

last year rapes in India got worldwide attention in media . Now some people were cribbing why not rapes in other part of the world gets the same coverage . Reason was

a. brutality involved
b. sheer volume of such cases .

Now if we combine these two examples , think critically and now look at the way why Islamic terrorism is so much in media or why it is termed so it would not be hard to understand :) .
My sentence was Crusaders are not shown in tv or media...in fact many have even forgotten them....

However, those who do crimes ...their religion isnt portrayed and you get to see a million and one people coming over to say its not part of Christianity

While when a Muslim says that they are either lying, hiding facts or what not!

And again this whole thread was ALSO to portray that those who come ON MEDIA dont have enough balls to reject this crap and show the real face of Islam ....

Of course you didnt pick that up and you didnt understand it coz I didnt say it in words you are used to like in this post! ^^
Crusades are very popular still. In the games the theme is quite prominent. The Dark Ages is a prominent subject in European history and that is drilled into their kid's heads in school itself. :D

Every Western student knows what happened in the past, the crimes done by the church etc, they never glorify it. They have closed the chapter and questioned age old beliefs. Hindus also had this tough time - removing malpractices, starting from Raja Rammohan Roy...etc. So reform had happened for the Christians(starting from 1500s) and also Hindus(starting for 1800s).

And trust me - we are NOT proud of our shortcomings. But we acknowledge that. That was my point actually. :)

There are Islamic Reform Movements as well(I bet Hazzy will be mad at this), but ... well, you know the issues more than I do. I was trying focus on the social aspects more. Religious debates with surahs and ayats - I won't get into(though I have read The Qur'an)
Why are you wasting your time with people? When you show a sign of weakness like that they will bring you down even more. We don't need to do anything, or clarify anything. No matter what you do anyways, they are here with an agenda. It is destroy your morals and belief in God. I tell them to go kill their selves. God is their King and will always remain so and God will give victory to the believers.
But brother I beg to disagree...everytime one asks me regarding Islam...I go google the Quranic translation...end up reading 5-6 verses before and after the questioned verse to get the context as well as get thawaab as well as understanding (by reading more articles on the subject)...Its a boost in my own knowledge!

If it is not us who will clarify their confusion then we are not following Prophet's way...If Prophet SAW refused to clarify soo many things we would have been at a lost and still not Muslims....

I reason and clarify it is up to them to take it in , understand it or re question it.. My only conversation with my Lord will be in regards to what did I do when a confused one came to me...did I HIDE my scripture and not share it with him/ her or did I try to explain at my level best and let ALLAH give him/ her hidayat?!
And hence my 1st post questioning why this lady didnt bother making the most use of her article??! She stated twice that she was a Muslim and one who knows about it but she failed to distinguish what she knows nor did she even bother to put 1 ounce of strength in putting the right picture!

What the lady said in her article is her opinion, to which she is entitled. You may not agree, but she still has the right to say her opinion, just like you are doing too, on PDF.

I know why you're concerned from a material perspective. It is also why the West gets involved, because the material interests at hand.

But, mainstream media tries to twist around the situation to garnish support for intervention. The US government for example, doesn't care about Islam or demonizing Islam. They tell the mainstream media to demonize Muslims/Islam temporarily because it's much more convincing to their citizens. The fear mongering works. If they don't go down that path, the citizens will not be buying it and refuse intervention in the ME. So that means military industry/government/Fox news/conservatives will run into a lot of problems.

GOP in the US has no use. They only slightly get success from their fearmongering on Muslims/racism against minorities. If you got rid of those factors GOP would barely get any popular votes in the nation. SO they feed off this perputual demonization/hatred. GOP also tell their followers that Obama is the anti-christ, and Muslims are starting the last world war before Jesus descends.

In the same way that for desperate people are more easily influenced by a religious call rather than explaining material objectives. Both sides exploit the advantages in using religion.
Now that is their problem ...the blame of misusing should not be throw on the religion but on the blamer!

Like when a doctor does malpractice do you say medicine is bad field? Yet many doctors do organ business....why havent we banned or maligned medicine that badly? Coz it has its good and those who are knowledgeable in it see it (basically anyone who has been to a doc) yet we have morons who see modern medicine as a thing from the satan :o:

I tried as best as I could....
I will give you a hint. What happened when the Church was the source of evil, or when the higher castes did as they pleased in India?
Active resistance. Armed or otherwise. Legislation. Massive popular protests and mass movements. And so on.

You are under no obligation to prove the non Muslims that you are good or anything. You need to do it for yourselves. For your own benefit and yours own alone.
But brother I beg to disagree...everytime one asks me regarding Islam...I go google the Quranic translation...end up reading 5-6 verses before and after the questioned verse to get the context as well as get thawaab as well as understanding (by reading more articles on the subject)...Its a boost in my own knowledge!

If it is not us who will clarify their confusion then we are not following Prophet's way...If Prophet SAW refused to clarify soo many things we would have been at a lost and still not Muslims....

I reason and clarify it is up to them to take it in , understand it or re question it.. My only conversation with my Lord will be in regards to what did I do when a confused one came to me...did I HIDE my scripture and not share it with him/ her or did I try to explain at my level best and let ALLAH give him/ her hidayat?!

I agree sister, just realize the difference between a suicide troll spamming or an ordinary curious person.

I will give you a hint. What happened when the Church was the source of evil, or when the higher castes did as they pleased in India?
Active resistance. Armed or otherwise. Legislation. Massive popular protests and mass movements. And so on.

You are under no obligation to prove the non Muslims that you are good or anything. You need to do it for yourselves. For your own benefit and yours own alone.

Political environment in Asia is a lot different than that of the ME.

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