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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

How many here believe in Sira and the account to of prophet where he beheads Jews?

I have seen it being quoted extensively by IS sympathisers on Facebook..
Apart from what have been quoted by IS.
State betrayal (by individuals or groups) is the most severely punished offense till now a day, every where in the world.. Those Jewish tribes has signed treaties to join the Muslims, hence they were trusted as a part of the Muslim community (state) in those times.
Islam, my friend had the world live in peace for a thousand years. If you do not believe it, go to the period before Islam, and have a look by yourself. All the entities you have mentioned were warring ones with wars without ends for more than a thousand years.

There's no recorded history of Jews killing Hindu's, or Hindu's killing Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or animists killing any religious group or Sikhs killing Christians, Jews or Hindus or parsis killing any religious group - whatever be the permutation or combination - leaving out Muslims i.e.

What do you mean by peace under Islam for a thousand years? - peace for Muslims exclusively? because no one else saw or experienced this peace.
Don't get me wrong here, I have had some really beautiful Muslim friends and acquaintances including a couple of very close friends, but that doesn't prevent me from worrying about the next terror attack or the next bombing in a civilian place neither does it prevent our security and intelligence forces from worrying about the next terror attack.
Well I am not preventing you from worrying but preventing you from making an uneducated guess...

For you maybe the person is what the religion is for me the religion is a verb and a person can only try following it ...

Like running one can try to run but one cant be run...

There's no recorded history of Jews killing Hindu's, or Hindu's killing Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or animists killing any religious group or Sikhs killing Christians, Jews or Hindus or parsis killing any religious group - whatever be the permutation or combination - leaving out Muslims i.e.
Did you forget some Budhist monks very recently did some killing?

Gujrat violence...I believe Muslims were not the killers but being killed...

Do you wish me to pick and choose from this list? List of massacres in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There's no recorded history of Jews killing Hindu's, or Hindu's killing Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or animists killing any religious group or Sikhs killing Christians, Jews or Hindus or parsis killing any religious group - whatever be the permutation or combination - leaving out Muslims i.e.

What do you mean by peace under Islam for a thousand years? - peace for Muslims exclusively? because no one else saw or experienced this peace.
Maybe not you personnaly but ask Europe, India was so filled with warring tribes that even Islam with great effort could only pacify a part of it, leaving out Hindous i.e.
Jews have a very bad history, throughout history, when you identify with them you betray your hidden very bad history too.
Please read History books about all the entities you have mentionned. (before Islam), and add the Byzantine, Greek and Roman empires, The Parsis were at permanent war for hundreds of years. All of these entities have killed other "religious" groups, even in the great Egyptian civilization the religious killings and motives were behind much of its politics.
Read, Read my friend, in the First Surat of the Koran God has ordered us to ...READ
Then, please come back for a constructive discussion.
Judaism is older than Islam and you do not want to know what the Jews ran in....There were 2 threads here where I posted the history of Jews and how many times they were thrown out or mistreated by different nations practicing different religions ..

You are picking answers to fit in your mentality...

Exactly who told you that? Did you interview the people yourself or the media? Hence my question is to the media not misinformed people like you :)

You asked me the word based on its meaning not based on who uses it and how...that is upto people...It is also upto people to feel insulted or not....coz if someone calls me non Hindu I aint gonna go cry in 1 corner....likewise if Jews call me Gentile I am not gonna feel insulted though mind you in history that word was used just like kafir is today (an insult)

Every religion - Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism (sanatan dharma) is older to Islam - so what is your point? Every religion has had a conflict with Islam - do you deny that?

There's no mentality - as i said, I was one of those that was quite neutral - but circumstances, incidents and more knowledge has changed my perspective -there are a billion and more who share my view. Ask any octogenarian - did he encounter unprecedented security checks at airports? simple answer is no - My father used to walk up to the aircraft to receive his guests. The situation is different now because of the threat perspective - and I would blame a large part of that because of a certain kind of threat emanating from a certain quarter.

You think I will be alive (me, being a kaffir) after I get close enough to do a interview - haven't you read of the beheadings of the US and British journalists or aid workers?

I know the connotation of the word and the punishment and the consequence of what is in store for the people who get associated with that term - hence I asked you. I don't mind being insulted - but I do mind being beheaded for it.
Nope it isnt. Not the way you think. So it only takes one Tom to tell you that your whole understanding is wrong.

Nope, it is the limited understanding of basic english.. i.e the Ummah being united on an idea .. that is the concept that is laughable even more than the first laugh on a united Ummah.
It is there and as I said it you want to remain in denial your choice but it will remain for ever and from now on grow and get stronger
Well I am not preventing you from worrying but preventing you from making an uneducated guess...

For you maybe the person is what the religion is for me the religion is a verb and a person can only try following it ...

Like running one can try to run but one cant be run...

Did you forget some Budhist monks very recently did some killing?

Gujrat violence...I believe Muslims were not the killers but being killed...

Do you wish me to pick and choose from this list? List of massacres in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that you being a Pakistani won't get the facts about Gujarat, but suffice to say, it wasn't initiated by non Muslims - the carnage was initiated by the burning of Hindu pilgrims. Same goes for Burma, the gang rape and killing of Buddhist girls caused the chaos.

Maybe not you personnaly but ask Europe, India was so filled with warring tribes that even Islam with great effort could only pacify a part of it, leaving out Hindous i.e.
Jews have a very bad history, throughout history, when you identify with them you betray your hidden very bad history too.
Please read History books about all the entities you have mentionned. (before Islam), and add the Byzantine, Greek and Roman empires, The Parsis were at permanent war for hundreds of years. All of these entities have killed other "religious" groups, even in the great Egyptian civilization the religious killings and motives were behind much of its politics.
Read, Read my friend, in the First Surat of the Koran God has ordered us to ...READ
Then, please come back for a constructive discussion.

Of course, kings fought wars for kingdoms - there were numerous conquests that resulted in deaths of many - but i, definitely directly take umbrage to the fact that Islam was even close to being a calming influence by any imaginable degree.
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I know that you being a Pakistani won't get the facts about Gujarat, but suffice to say, it wasn't initiated by non Muslims - the carnage was initiated by the burning of Hindu pilgrims. Same goes for Burma, the gang rape and killing of Buddhist girls caused the chaos.
2 wrongs doesnt make a right....

It has nothing to do with me being Pakistani or not you asked why you had not heard of Hindus killing or killings in other religion

The background stories of Palestinians is also not told like the burning of Hindu pilgrims or rape and killing of Buddhist girls....

The background stories of the killings in Iraq when American soldiers came in....have you heard the stores of half of them and the tears they cried how many rejected the medals they were offered?

The same background stories of the Afghans has also been muffled...or that of Libya and their state puppet show...that of Egypt, Assad regime...

All which were backed by America (Non Muslim) when it suited them and uprooted by the locals coz it def didnt suit them!
I know that you being a Pakistani won't get the facts about Gujarat, but suffice to say, it wasn't initiated by non Muslims - the carnage was initiated by the burning of Hindu pilgrims. Same goes for Burma, the gang rape and killing of Buddhist girls caused the chaos.

Of course, kings fought wars for kingdoms - there were numerous conquests that resulted in deaths of many - but i, definitely directly take umbrage to the fact that Islam was even close to being a calming influence by any imaginable degree.
Well, it is just your imagination then, since most world scholars testify to Islams peaceful an pacifying characteristics.
Well, it is just your imagination then, since most world scholars testify to Islams peaceful an pacifying characteristics.

I think you are confusing Islam with Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism or Sanatan dharma here - there's no characteristics that's common here.
On a lighter note:

Well...all those religions I mentioned are built around co-existence (not genociding or killing for a place in heaven), which is a difficult concept to comprehend for some.
Dude that is not the ultimate goal you really needing a ban for BS?

I am a practicing Muslim I havent gone crazy nor do I support any of that shit...there are more millions like me ....why dont they voice out? Well thats the question in post 1 and what should have been discussed not your insecurities sugar coated with BS and then dragging of other religions...I have noticed you readily enter such threads with the sole purpose of bashing coz I also recall another thread I opened where I answered you and 3 other such posters continuously for 3-4 days ...Yet the SAME questions resurface? I dont think it is anything or anyone but yourselves to blame if you refuse to see the falsehood from the truth!

Thank you ...

On a lighter note:

that is not a lighter tone....esp not for those who dont even know the tone to begin with wont get it...
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