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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

That is due to politics and foreign meddling, and has nothing to do with Islam. Although I concede that Muslims killing Muslims is forbidden in Islam, but allowed when one party attacks another one, the rest should gang up against the attacker.
I am pretty sure that you understand the role of politics in these fightings and killings and not Islam, meaning, using politics to manipulate Muslims against each other. I think the problem is education and inequalities, since most of these fighters you see are composed of mostly non-educated people, which represent a big pool in the Muslim world (around 15 %), and who are easily manipulated and of some disillusioned people who can not see any better future for them, which is the new trend.
But it is all related to governance and politics.
Islam as a political system although not politicized in government, was fair, just and equitable for all its citizens, hence brought peace and prosperity to all of them, So it is peaceful in that regard.
Any civilization or society who has deviated from equality and fairness for its citizens has paid a price for it.
This is why I maintain that Islam is peaceful and pacifying, since that is its aim for the individual as well as for the society.

This is an explanation which is very good excuse to cover up the shortcoming..If these when terrorist organization does something favorable to one party then it is for Islam, when it is not favorable to you then you can term as politically used by Non Muslims....Classic example is Taliban,Let,ALQ and ISS...
That is due to politics and foreign meddling, and has nothing to do with Islam. Although I concede that Muslims killing Muslims is forbidden in Islam, but allowed when one party attacks another one, the rest should gang up against the attacker.
I am pretty sure that you understand the role of politics in these fightings and killings and not Islam, meaning, using politics to manipulate Muslims against each other. I think the problem is education and inequalities, since most of these fighters you see are composed of mostly non-educated people, which represent a big pool in the Muslim world (around 15 %), and who are easily manipulated and of some disillusioned people who can not see any better future for them, which is the new trend.
But it is all related to governance and politics.
Islam as a political system although not politicized in government, was fair, just and equitable for all its citizens, hence brought peace and prosperity to all of them, So it is peaceful in that regard.
Any civilization or society who has deviated from equality and fairness for its citizens has paid a price for it.
This is why I maintain that Islam is peaceful and pacifying, since that is its aim for the individual as well as for the society.

But you can claim that "Islam is peaceful and pacifying" all you want, but, as I said before, Islam is what Muslims actually DO, not what they CLAIM.
It's organised terrorism. Plain and simple, no amount of whitewashing or being an ostrich about it will change that. There's nothing peaceful or beautiful about it. Sugar coating crazed barbarism does not take anything away from the vile that's being committed.
wow...nice thought..of course it is quite expected from you...you and your everything is very peaceful...what else can we expect again? Fact is we have limitation but we do not kill people who do not believe in my religion...We have deficiencies and we encourage reform unlike some who prefer to believe in some thing that are not relevant and in case some one asks to reform...people start blowing themselves...

Bottom line is we are bad does not necessary mean that certain chain of events that is happening around the world that linked to radical form of Islam is good either..List is too long which you guys even know about it...but the problem is rather than fixing it, you say that others are bad too....
You kill millions of people based on false flag operations and falsehood, and you dare to come to debate here, and say that Muslims kill people who do not believe in their religion, another utter lie motivated by bias or ignorance or both.
You occupy a part of the middle east permanently, call it a country, legitimize it, arm it to the teeth, support it in falsehood and use it as a proxy to wage crusades against Muslims, Invade two Muslim countries and commit atrocities against their civilians, kill 2 million of them, and when some of them retaliate, you start screaming wolf. It is you own extremism that has brought up this extremist sentiments in some Muslims. you should have expected it since you know some laws of nature like every action has a reaction to it, but rather than that you like to create vicious circles of events, and blame things on the other party, that is called dirty tricks as an American you should know something about them.
That is OK for now, but what if it changes, you'll be forced too, to have resistance fighters and extremist groups fighting for your survival, ideology or other stuff.
Do not forget that the West has imposed it way of life and thinking by force a.k.a colonization, on many nations including the Muslims who has brought it light and civilization not long ago (European, American and other scholars testify strongly to it).
I think that is why your collective mind has betrayed you to have you project your own shortcomings on the Muslims, in media and propaganda

But you can claim that "Islam is peaceful and pacifying" all you want, but, as I said before, Islam is what Muslims actually DO, not what they CLAIM.
On 1.5 billion Muslims, how many are DOING that? You like to generalize, which is not correct. And you forget in what context some Muslims DO that. Be it in Iraq, Afghanistan or even Pakistan, the foreign presence have triggered these DOINGS, you can not deny it.
So I still maintain that Islam as a religion is peaceful and pacifying.
This is no empty claim, this is based on historical facts as well as the essence and teachings of Islam.
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No one can order beading unless the whole country including its leaders practice Islam as it was by out great prophet S.A.A.S. as he lived in a one room house, ate food that was bought by his small earnings, share the food with all, all the times. walked the path by himself,

No big entourage of cars, no gold toilets, no special planes, no big palaces, no hiding from public but walking in streets to help any one needing it,so than their will be no murders when there is no prude rulers.
This is an explanation which is very good excuse to cover up the shortcoming..If these when terrorist organization does something favorable to one party then it is for Islam, when it is not favorable to you then you can term as politically used by Non Muslims....Classic example is Taliban,Let,ALQ and ISS...
I think you level of thoughts is limited somehow, so excuse me for not replying to you any further.

No one can order beading unless the whole country including its leaders practice Islam as it was by out great prophet S.A.A.S. as he lived in a one room house, ate food that was bought by his small earnings, share the food with all, all the times. walked the path by himself,

No big entourage of cars, no gold toilets, no special planes, no big palaces, no hiding from public but walking in streets to help any one needing it,so than their will be no murders when there is no prude rulers.
You are right, but times have changed and the population numbers too. Don't forget that Ali, Omar and Othman were assassinated by politically motivated individuals, despite their fairness and humility. Our prophet too had assassination attempts on his own life, like when the mekkan pagans were after him and he had to hid with Abu Bakr in a cave or the poisoning of his food, by some Jewish tribe.
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In absence of proper Military that protects Muslim rights , the rouge entities will flourish
And there is no doctrine for the rouge entities

There is military in Turkey , their is military in Pakistan (occupied already) there is military in Iran , there is military in Egypt there is military in Gulf , but do they dare help control the problem no

So its natural that local groups will come forward to fill the void

This is the law of nature
On 1.5 billion Muslims, how many are DOING that? You like to generalize, which is not correct. And you forget in what context some Muslims DO that. Be it in Iraq, Afghanistan or even Pakistan, the foreign presence have triggered these DOINGS, you can not deny it.
So I still maintain that Islam as a religion is peaceful and pacifying.
This is no empty claim, this is based on historical facts as well as the essence and teachings of Islam.

Blaming the ills of Muslim countries on "foreign presence" is only an excuse to divert blame from where it belongs: squarely on the Muslims themselves.
I think you level of thoughts is limited somehow, so excuse me for not replying to you any further.

You are right, but times have changed and the population numbers too. Don't forget that Ali, Omar and Othman were assassinated by politically motivated individuals, despite their fairness and humility. Our prophet too had assassination attempts on his own life, like when the mekkan pagans were after him and he had to hid with Abu Bakr in a cave or the poisoning of his food, by some Jewish tribe.

As you wish...it is just an internet forum where people just spend time...not obliged to respond if they do not like to...You are doing any favor by replying to me..
Blaming the ills of Muslim countries on "foreign presence" is only an excuse to divert blame from where it belongs: squarely on the Muslims themselves.
You are right in essence but not in form. The Muslims should have thwarded the divisions between theselves by themselves, but colonizations effects did not help, and foreign ennemy forces saw the opportunities and took advantage of them through the political proxies they had implanted before leaving.
You are right in essence but not in form. The Muslims should have thwarded the divisions between theselves by themselves, but colonizations effects did not help, and foreign ennemy forces saw the opportunities and took advantage of them through the political proxies they had implanted before leaving.

C'mon yaara.

Just recall Jange jamal where 1000s of sahabas were murdered under the opposing commanders Aiysha rah and Ali rah.

Now tell me if colonial powers were behind that fasad and anarchy.

Thank you

p.s. So many so called supporters of Islam don't read, don't study and then come to media forums to do ayeeen baaaayeeen shaaaanyeen.
I think you level of thoughts is limited somehow, so excuse me for not replying to you any further.

You are right, but times have changed and the population numbers too. Don't forget that Ali, Omar and Othman were assassinated by politically motivated individuals, despite their fairness and humility. Our prophet too had assassination attempts on his own life, like when the mekkan pagans were after him and he had to hid with Abu Bakr in a cave or the poisoning of his food, by some Jewish tribe.

what this has to do with corrupt politicians, who should be fired if they got elected by false papers and false voting, now about assassinations in the old days, they were carried out by enemies at the time, but if you look today in Europe specially in Scandinavia, P.M of Norway drove a taxi for a week to find out how is his Governance of the country, now why our leaders cannot mimic it by adopting true Islam, if adopted there will be no harm to any one including leaders.

If leaders stop living like kings and live like common man as dictated and shown y our greats.
what this has to do with corrupt politicians, who should be fired if they got elected by false papers and false voting, now about assassinations in the old days, they were carried out by enemies at the time, but if you look today in Europe specially in Scandinavia, P.M of Norway drove a taxi for a week to find out how is his Governance of the country, now why our leaders cannot mimic it by adopting true Islam, if adopted there will be no harm to any one including leaders.

If leaders stop living like kings and live like common man as dictated and shown y our greats.
One Scandinavian prime minister was assassinated too, not too far ago, it is a risk to be taken, but other means of governance verifications are available to leaders now a day. Khalifa Omar used to do it every night by visiting homes and families, he was assassinated none the less.
Beheading in public is comleteley Islamic those who murder and rape and few other crimes should have not done it but if they had Islam is clear they have to be eliminated in public so no one else even thinks off doing a crime as for ISIS they have mostly no idea off Islam they are some ignorant retards

I don't think anyone was talking about criminal justice on here. We are ALL talking about Terrorism related beheading. We have capital punishment for crimes in the US too (Although not shown on a public place and about a million times less gruesome).
There is nothing wrong with the article. I am surprised to see it getting published actually. Islam has a very intense mentality that's coming out more and more. Violence isn't justified even within Islam by its book in reality.
I have many friends who are muslims and we all share this concern that every two years, there is a NEW terrorist group taking roots somewhere in the world using some Islamic principles that either we don't know about or are spread per an agenda to these terrorists.

How do you control this mentality? The intensity is visible from violent protests in Islamabad to throughout the ME and now even in the West this crazy trend seems to be taking place to a little degree. What's the responsibility of Muslim scholars here to immediately take steps to reduce the intensity out of religious and other issues by telling people to peacefully engage in dialogue vs. using or spreading violence in many cases??
I am not trying to put gas on an already flared up topic. However, it is an issue when these few people with AK-47's barbarically cut someone open and behind them is an Islamic flag with sacred religious context on it. People can run their imagination as crazy as they want to after seeing this. So the goal here is to understand from some of the participants to see whether they really think this is an issue, and a serious one. And what can be done to curb this trend of extremism down, if not entirely ended.
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