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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

There is nothing wrong with the article. I am surprised to see it getting published actually. Islam has a very intense mentality that's coming out more and more. Violence isn't justified even within Islam by its book in reality.
I have many friends who are muslims and we all share this concern that every two years, there is a NEW terrorist group taking roots somewhere in the world using some Islamic principles that either we don't know about or are spread per an agenda to these terrorists.

I have highlighted 2 points both of which I raised in post 1...

SOME do not see anything wrong with the article....Those some are either people who dont know Islam or are just ignorant enough to not see the WRONG...

Please take the time to read my input (bottom part of post 1) ....

Summary: I question those who write these "type" of articles, declare to be Muslims, yet CANT offer 2 words of correction to evoke the maligning of Islam....to address the principles or to at least say what is happening is wrong instead of only listing they are shocked by the actions or how Islam unfolds and stuff like that...

How do you control this mentality? The intensity is visible from violent protests in Islamabad to throughout the ME and now even in the West this crazy trend seems to be taking place to a little degree. What's the responsibility of Muslim scholars here to immediately take steps to reduce the intensity out of religious and other issues by telling people to peacefully engage in dialogue vs. using or spreading violence in many cases??
How you stop it....

1) stop killing people and justifying it...

When justice is not delivered, then anyone craving for one is an easy target or easy recruit ...purely out of anger and hence not thinking of the consequences

2) Muslim community needs to find SCHOLARS not uncles to sit in the masjids to advice and teach...

What is happening is usually some UNCLE is chosen as the Imam coz he is aged and if we dont choose him he will feel insulted coz he has been in the neighbourhood since the age of the dinosaurs (or appears so)....and this uncle has faced enough racism for him not to snap out of it and hit the 21st century (maybe acknowledging that such racism existed BUT NOW IS NO MORE might help raise awareness) but these Uncles when they are the "imam" of the masjid end up telling stories of "their" era and making people feel uncomfortable and their minds fill with doubt about their acceptance

3) The MUSLIM states should not give easy passes to doggy Masjids (I know democracy means not mingling of state and religion....but at times like this it shows why that is wrong and the state should moderate)

4) Educate the people to live together (sure many will rebel....white supremacists are everywhere in every form and also for those who wish to learn the Quran ONLY allow qualified people to teach it not uncles with a haunted past nor agents who are looking for recruits)

5) When you make people feel safe and the people know justice is available (plus the points stated above) and not sold at courts like in Pakistan...it should significantly handle the problem though I doubt it will eradicate it but a few steps would help coz this problem really is like a generation or 2 deep!

@Jungibaaz ^^
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Summary: I question those who write these articles, declare to be Muslims, yet CANT offer 2 words of correction to evoke the maligning of Islam....to address the principles or to at least say what is happening is wrong instead of only listing they are shocked by the actions or how Islam unfolds and stuff like that...

They are only expressing their own opinions to which they are entitled. If you feel any differently, then the burden to counter their opinions by expressing your own lies totally on you.
They are only expressing their own opinions to which they are entitled. If you feel any differently, then the burden to counter their opinions by expressing your own lies totally on you.
Their opinion is broadcast as true facts! That is a problem those who are "vocal" in the media are not using the "media" to counter something that they belief (coz they keep claiming they are Muslim) but refuse to actually show its good side? It is rather questionable dont you think?

Why are they only writing what is on sale?
The unfortunate thing is that it is spreading with a great pace. We witness this beheading in the countries where such incidents were absent in the past. It is attracting a large Number of youth in even humble democracies like India and US and Europe.

Which beheading are you speaking of, state executions or non-state?
Their opinion is broadcast as true facts! That is a problem those who are "vocal" in the media are not using the "media" to counter something that they belief (coz they keep claiming they are Muslim) but refuse to actually show its good side? It is rather questionable dont you think?

Why are they only writing what is on sale?

No, they are broadcast as opinions, clearly. Please feel free to write counter arguments expressing your own opinions. That is the proper response.
the concept is not laughable however the limited knowledge of the people which makes them incapable of absorbing, understanding and applying the concept is laughable...

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning "nation" or "community".
It is not some jumbo mumbo thingy...it is basic Arabic if only people knew...but since they dont and prefer being Nationalized based on which part of the earth they were born on rather than uniting on something much more higher
Mind you it can very well be the first anti discrimination approach coz Ummah is a nation based on something that is common to the majority...it doesnt look at your nationality nor your colour nor your caste ...

it is not the concept, but the method of explanation which becomes laughable, because the limited knowledge of the people, which makes them incapable of absorbing , understanding, because of their bias they fail to realise that concept is in itself, the reaction of explanation in the first place
basis social science 101
"It is not some jumbo mumbo thingy...it is basic Arabic if only people knew...but since they
dont and prefer being Nationalized based on which part of the earth they were born on rather than uniting on something much more higher "

how so, do all Christians speak Aramaic ? a universal massage can be conveyed to all universally ,every body wants to unite for that but then again which one & how ? the onus of which lies on the court of the one who explaining, so the ball is in your court

again basic social science 101

"Mind you it can very well be the first anti discrimination approach coz Ummah is a nation based on something that is common to the majority...it doesnt look at your nationality nor your colour nor your caste ..."

that's fine, but then again, it depends on who agrees to it
its again basic science 101
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the concept is not laughable however the limited knowledge of the people which makes them incapable of absorbing, understanding and applying the concept is laughable...

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning "nation" or "community".

It is not some jumbo mumbo thingy...it is basic Arabic if only people knew...but since they dont and prefer being Nationalized based on which part of the earth they were born on rather than uniting on something much more higher

Mind you it can very well be the first anti discrimination approach coz Ummah is a nation based on something that is common to the majority...it doesnt look at your nationality nor your colour nor your caste ...

it is not the concept, but the method of explanation which becomes laughable, because the limited knowledge of the people, which makes them incapable of absorbing , understanding, because of their bias they fail to realise that concept is in itself, the reaction of explanation in the first place
basis social science 101
as you said

"It is not some jumbo mumbo thingy...it is basic Arabic if only people knew...but since they dont and prefer being Nationalized based on which part of the earth they were born on rather than uniting on something much more higher "

how so, do all Christians speak Aramaic ? a universal massage can be conveyed to all universally ,every body wants to unite for that, but then again which one & how ? the onus of which lies on the court of the one who is explaining, so the ball is in your court

again basic social science 101

now again as you said
"Mind you it can very well be the first anti discrimination approach coz Ummah is a nation based on something that is common to the majority...it doesnt look at your nationality nor your colour nor your caste ..."

that's fine, but then again, it depends on who agrees to it
its again basic science 101
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how so, do all Christians speak Aramaic ? a universal massage can be conveyed to all universally ,every body wants to unite for that but then again which one & how ? the onus of which lies on the court of the one who explaining, so the ball is in your court
One doesnt need to speak a common language to belong to an UMMAH (nation, community)...

Ummah "would" and should unite based on doings and teachings adhering to a common belief for peace...

that's fine, but then again, it depends on who agrees to it
its again basic science 101
Thank you for your basic social science 101 but based on the same social science...societies do unite for a common cause usually related to that natural instincts of survival...

Ummah "would" and should unite based on doings and teachings adhering to a common belief for peace...

people who yell for Ummah Ummah

do cruel and heinous things within their own homes, countries. sadly!

chiragh talay andhera, is the true meaning for Ummah-ti sloganeers.

Religion should stay away of politics as far as possible.

good to see you as fellow TTA
people who yell for Ummah Ummah
do cruel and heinous things within their own homes, countries. sadly!
chiragh talay andhera, is the true meaning for Ummah-ti sloganeers
I am not interested in what people say or do...

I am interested in the concept...people misuse alot of concepts but no one attacks those concepts nor the people...But GOD forbid Islam has something to offer
I am not interested in what people say or do...

I am interested in the concept..

Analyzing a concept without looking at actions resulting from that concept?

Not possible.

It is like doing a PhD on tree, its bark, etc. without ever looking at and tasting and analyzing its fruit.

That will be a bad PhD

But GOD forbid Islam has something to offer

Two wrongs don't make it right.

Doing bad things in the name of Islam cannot be pushed under the rug
just because some body did terrible things in the name of Buddhism.

Yours truly

Pak Fauj
Doing bad things in the name of Islam cannot be pushed under the rug
just because some body did terrible things in the name of Buddhism.
Isn't that what the Muslim world has done for decades, starting with Indian Muslim support for Arab terror in 1920s Palestine?
Isn't that what the Muslim world has done for decades, starting with Indian Muslim support for Arab terror in 1920s Palestine?

Depends on who you follow.

For Mullahs, yes.

Same 1900's saw Mullahs supporting ottoman emperorship. It was called Tehrike Khilafat (I am sure you know).

Those were turbulent times in the world. Everyone supported everyone.

At the same time, Muslim (and non-Muslim) soldiers and police officers fought off Nazi evil in Africa, Europe. While at the same time help defeat Japanese on the Eastern front (Burma, Malaysia, and other places in the far East).

It is your choice to look at Mullah trash

or the HUGE sacrifices of soldiers from modern day Pakistan who fought axis of evil and died heroically.

yours truly

Pak Fauj
My point, @FaujHistorian, is that when Muslims decided that it was O.K. to lie and endorse terror against Jews they thus chose that on their tree of values truth and human rights matter less than sectarianism and conquest. What we see today in the Muslim World, imo, is blow-back from that decision.

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