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The betrayal of my beautiful religion, Islam

the threat from Islamic groups against my country of imposing Islamic Shariah and making India into an effin' IS caliphate and about the effin al Qaeda declaring a effin AQIS and all the assorted crap that goes on about the sick effin baggage that is associated with this effin religious mumbo jumbo.
Your country and what happens in it can not be blasted to each and every Muslim on the planet...at least you admit you have a personal agenda...

I havent thrown Islam away though we have more shit happening her in the name of Islam none of which I support....so I am sorry to say your logic doesnt stand

As for whom I quoted for what purpose...I do not look at your name nor your country before I quote you...I look at the content of your post!

As for keeping me in the ignore list I know very well why it was due to that thread coz only after that thread did I not see you on my threads...
I think you are confusing Islam with Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism or Sanatan dharma here - there's no characteristics that's common here.
That is why I told you it is your own imagination, and you prove it with the limits of it, i.e. Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism or Sanatan dharma. those are contained in India, and all their attempts to reach other places have failed, even in the Western open societies, they have proved to be false, fabricated and even fraudulent, at least by the attempters who faced court charges all over the world. And you want to compare to a divine religion beyond you, me or anything else in existence.
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I havent thrown Islam away though we have more shit happening her in the name of Islam none of which I support....so I am sorry to say your logic doesnt stand

As for keeping me in the ignore list I know very well why it was due to that thread coz only after that thread did I not see you on my threads...

Can you check your threads and show me where i have quoted you? as far as I know, I remember you, jumping in with some vague comments against my reply to some other member, and I am very sure it wasn't your thread.

Your country and what happens in it can not be blasted to each and every Muslim on the planet...at least you admit you have a personal agenda...

How can it be a personal agenda when the whole security apparatus in my country is worried about this Islamic jihad cum caliphate cum gazwa or whatever the crap they propagate and threaten us of multiple terrorist attacks while we haven't waged any effin holy war against these retards or their effin countries?.

As for whom I quoted for what purpose...I do not look at your name nor your country before I quote you...I look at the content of your post!

I didn't go on a tangent wrongly trying to identify the poster for quoting or not quoting - you did.
It is there and as I said it you want to remain in denial your choice but it will remain for ever and from now on grow and get stronger

You are the only one in copy paste denial. The slaughter of women and children by "Ummah" of "ummah" is evidence enough.
That is why I told you it is your own imagination, and you prove it with the limits of it, i.e. Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism or Sanatan dharma. those are contained in India, and all their attempts to reach other places have failed, even in the Western open societies, they have proved to be false, fabricated and even fraudulent, at least by the attempters who faced court charges all over the world. And you want to compare to a divine religion beyond you, me or anything else in existence.

Largely because no one attempted to spread it - forcefully, by inducement or otherwise - no one entertains or gifts convertors with afterlife benefits.

Buddhism - practiced widely in multiple countries - mostly to our East.

Hinduism, Jainism - one cannot be converted into Hinduism, you are born one.

Sikhism - children of Sikh parents do not become Sikhs automatically, they need to accept the faith at a certain age or choose not to - not binding at all.
Largely because no one attempted to spread it - forcefully, by inducement or otherwise - no one entertains or gifts convertors with afterlife benefits.

Buddhism - practiced widely in multiple countries - mostly to our East.

Hinduism, Jainism - one cannot be converted into Hinduism, you are born one.

Sikhism - children of Sikh parents do not become Sikhs automatically, they need to accept the faith at a certain age or choose not to - not binding at all.
Forcefully is a big word, Islam never spread forcefully, but when some one threatened it with force, it responded with force. The best example you can find is the crusaders and the liberation of Jerusalam by the Muslims (you can read about Salahuddin Al Ayyubi). When they have defeated the crusaders (who have committed unspeakable atrocities on civilian Muslims), they have just allowed them to go back to their countries in Europe, with no attempt of conversion , or forceful conversion at all. so your thinking is wrong and bias based. Too many other examples of Muslims not forcefully converting anyone is the Parsis conversions to Islam, since Parsis outnumbered the Muslims more than 10 to one, It is a Parsi prince who has killed his father the emperor who waged war on Islam!!! And converted himself.
3 khanates out of 4 of Gingis khan, converted to Islam while they were more powerful militarily than The Muslims and outnumbered them many times.
So one should really meditate on these facts before making or reproducing any false claims.
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You are the only one in copy paste denial. The slaughter of women and children by "Ummah" of "ummah" is evidence enough.

Well said.

OP should blame ISIS and Taliban for maligning Islam
Why blame just the Western media.

Obviously the media world over looks for sensationalism.

And ISIS, Mullahs, Ayatullahs, and Taliban area all willing accomplices of sensationalist media.
Can you check your threads and show me where i have quoted you? as far as I know, I remember you, jumping in with some vague comments against my reply to some other member, and I am very sure it wasn't your thread.
I am talking about an incident before this one as stated in my post:

As for keeping me in the ignore list I know very well why it was due to that thread coz only after that thread did I not see you on my threads...
Past tense some other thread not THIS thread...

How can it be a personal agenda when the whole security apparatus in my country is worried about this Islamic jihad cum caliphate cum gazwa or whatever the crap they propagate and threaten us of multiple terrorist attacks while we haven't waged any effin holy war against these retards or their effin countries?.
Personal = your country....Just coz some drunk tomorrow picks up a sword and slaughters someone....everyone will jump on Islam first then investigate...they will at least investigate but if some mental people scream some shit instead of investigating Indians jump on anti Islamic sites to satisfy their Islamophobe?

I didn't go on a tangent wrongly trying to identify the poster for quoting or not quoting - you did.
I dont get what you are trying to say here ...Your question was:

If you go back, you will notice that it was you that quoted me on my post that was meant for syed.ali hyder

to which I answered:

As for whom I quoted for what purpose...I do not look at your name nor your country before I quote you...I look at the content of your post!

to which you answer:
I didn't go on a tangent wrongly trying to identify the poster for quoting or not quoting - you did.

I am sorry but I truly didnt get this part at all!

@Akheilos - ‘It’s a myth that Muslim rulers destroyed thousands of temples’ | Tehelka.com :o:

Don't you have better things to do ? For instance making a Strawberry shortcake out of your specimens ? :unsure:

Weekend :angel:

Obviously the media world over looks for sensationalism.
And is that justifiable? Shouldnt they be doing their job of searching for the truth??

And is that justifiable? Shouldnt they be doing their job of searching for the truth??

Not sure what you are trying to say.

Media portrays, you have to find stuff in that portrayal.

If you don't find it, then stop those who "do" the wrong things in the name Islam or Hinduism, or Christianity, or shintoism.

Hope you understand it now.

your argument is something like this.

A woman gets out of bed, and stands in front of the mirror.

obviously the mirror shows bad hair, unwashed face.

What should that woman do?

Break the mirror


Wash her OWN face?
A woman gets out of bed, and stands in front of the mirror.
obviously the mirror shows bad hair, unwashed face.
What should that woman do?
Break the mirror
Wash her OWN face?
Dude I dont look bad even if I roll out of bed :angel: so not sure how bad can the woman look ...

2ndly, the question goes down to but is that HOW THE WOMAN really is?

Media portrays, you have to find stuff in that portrayal.
Yes but it is the job of the same media not to be biased...if it wants to show only nutjobs...and never the woman HOW SHE REALLY LOOKS...it is as though the mirror never shows her when she looks all good...where is the mirror then? broken by some rock thrown from the window?

No seriously...where is the mirror before she went to bed? or after she is clean? she wasnt always like that....

It is the ROLE of the media to show BOTH sides of the story but so far all we see is them zooming in on terrorist and ISIL...

Do you expect me to believe NOT A SINGLE MUSLIM on the face of this earth has DONE A SINGLE GOOD DEED worth showing on tv as compared to showing beheadings by random people screaming ALLAH HU AKHBAR????

Wash her OWN face?
Ok lets take it another way....is the mirror showcasing ALL WOMAN look like that?
Islam is known to be peaceful... in the context of peace.
When someone wages war on someone else (not to mention false flag operations), be it Muslim, Christian, hindu or else, he'll get war too with the latter being the opposite of peace.

Is that why Muslims are killing Muslims by the tens of thousands?
A common criticism of media in Islamic circles is regarding attaching names to crime ,

As in Islamic terrorists behead U.S. terrorist , why not just terrorists . A second line added to it why beheadings by mexican cartels is not reported as christian terrorism or why Stalin etc are not referred to as atheist terrorists .

Since it looks like this thread will go in that direction i will share my 2 paisa on it .

While Islamic Terrorists chant "Allahu Akhbar" and verses from Quran while committing these acts mexican cartels do not Quote bible or shout god is great while doing it , nor did stalin or other atheists quote verses from atheist literature while doing these act .

This demarcation , when not understood , creates a feeling of biased reporting from media which we are seeing here .

Exactly...on top of that those mexican cartel kill people not because they are Non beleiver of Jews rather they have some non religion rivallary...If ISIS kills people to fight a war in general against another nation, i doubt many people will protest...Non Muslim people gets worried because they declare war because of religion only..where Mexical cartel fight for money...Hence these activities of ISS of course creates bad name for Islam...So comparing Mexican cartel and ISS is not in sync..
That is why I told you it is your own imagination, and you prove it with the limits of it, i.e. Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism or Sanatan dharma. those are contained in India, and all their attempts to reach other places have failed, even in the Western open societies, they have proved to be false, fabricated and even fraudulent, at least by the attempters who faced court charges all over the world. And you want to compare to a divine religion beyond you, me or anything else in existence.

wow...nice thought..of course it is quite expected from you...you and your everything is very peaceful...what else can we expect again? Fact is we have limitation but we do not kill people who do not believe in my religion...We have deficiencies and we encourage reform unlike some who prefer to believe in some thing that are not relevant and in case some one asks to reform...people start blowing themselves...

Bottom line is we are bad does not necessary mean that certain chain of events that is happening around the world that linked to radical form of Islam is good either..List is too long which you guys even know about it...but the problem is rather than fixing it, you say that others are bad too....
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Is that why Muslims are killing Muslims by the tens of thousands?
That is due to politics and foreign meddling, and has nothing to do with Islam. Although I concede that Muslims killing Muslims is forbidden in Islam, but allowed when one party attacks another one, the rest should gang up against the attacker.
I am pretty sure that you understand the role of politics in these fightings and killings and not Islam, meaning, using politics to manipulate Muslims against each other. I think the problem is education and inequalities, since most of these fighters you see are composed of mostly non-educated people, which represent a big pool in the Muslim world (around 15 %), and who are easily manipulated and of some disillusioned people who can not see any better future for them, which is the new trend.
But it is all related to governance and politics.
Islam as a political system although not politicized in government, was fair, just and equitable for all its citizens, hence brought peace and prosperity to all of them, So it is peaceful in that regard.
Any civilization or society who has deviated from equality and fairness for its citizens has paid a price for it.
This is why I maintain that Islam is peaceful and pacifying, since that is its aim for the individual as well as for the society.
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