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The Benefits of an Indo-Pak Alliance

Casual Observer


New Recruit

Jun 8, 2009
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If both nations were able to revert their stance regarding a host of issues, much would be gained for both nations and the world. Not only would they anchor the immediate region as a stable wedge against communist and imperialist expansion via China, Russia, and from a neutral perspective NATO, but eradicate a hotbed of terrorism and insurgency which would have direct consequences for the strength of terror cells and insurgencies across the globe.

As Kashmir is the central issue which keeps both sides pointing their bayonets at each other, one could come up with unconventional solutions. For instance, a shared administration over the entire disputed area by both parties with possible oversight from uninterested parties for the initial period is a possibility. Once things are going well, it would become status quo. Trade would boom, a free flow of peoples would further reduce misconceptions and tensions and a dirty chapter in history written by the British crown and played out like clockwork by its eternal subjects would come to an end. As I am sure both nations do not want Kashmir to declare independence, and no side is willing to give up an inch, drawing up borders on current LoC and a shared administration of disputed territory will make sense only when cooperation and trust has been left to bloom. As both sides become immersed with one another, the might finally be able to see the commonalities and put myths and and bloody yet distant past to rest.

The best advantage India has at this point is Pakistan is dealing with an insurgency not too different from what India has been facing in Kashmir for the past many decades. After supporting insurgency in Indian occupied Kashmir, Pakistan is on the other side of the barrel in its tribal areas. Statements have already been made post-Mumbai to diffuse tensions along the eastern border, and one could go further to expand on the point and form a joint council on resolving ALL of the tension on this border, which would directly have positive consequences in Pakistan's tribal areas and to a large extent would disable the insurgency in Afghanistan and have ISAF going home a decade earlier.

The geo-political fallout of an India-Pakistan political and military alliance would be huge for the region. Pakistan would no longer be China's pawn in the region, the west would be drawn close once again to Pakistan this time through India, which would put pressure on both Russia and China to check themselves and find allignment with all parties instead of fight economic and ethnic wars through proxy.

All of this is wishful thinking yes and highly improbably, but the immense benefits for both nations and to the United States are much too enormous to overlook. India must help Pakistan quell it's insurgency while Pakistan must make sound gestures on it's Eastern border.

A rising India can have immense positive impacts for Pakistan, and if Pakistan can find a partner in India, the entire region would stabilize.

- Iran's nuclear ambitions would be checked
- Pakistan would be freed from being used as a puppet by China and the West
- Afghanistan would stabilize after decades of war, thus leaving it to join the Pakistani-Indian sphere of influence, ending proxy and ethnic warfare.
- India would leave China and Russia behind economically, politically and militarily with a friendly and stable Pakistan as a partner in progress.
- The United States would have a reliable and self sufficient regional superpower near global power status to stabilize an increasingly bleak Asia.

India can not assume regional powerhouse status on it's own no matter what it tries. Pakistan and India must be on the same page, or both will suffer for years to come.
I urge members to think outside the box here, remove your tunnel vision glasses for once. Right now I think is the best time otherwise it will be a missed opportunity, I think my nation can get 2 birds with the same stone if they focus on India-Pakistan instead of solely the schoolyard-warlord-drug cartel politics of Afghanistan if they want to achieve success in the region.
Akhand Bharat falsely accusing China when it is India that continues to occupy Chinese land (aka 'Sikkim' and much of 7-sisters).
Sure. We all understand all of this. But saying this is like starting a thread with the title "Benefits of a cat-dog alliance". The countries have not had 10 years of continuous peace without some skirmish breaking out.

I think the way to go is

1) Peace
2) Talks
3) Trade
4) Settling of border issues, water issues etc.
5) Reduction in arms aimed at each other

Only after all this is done can we start thinking of alliance.
Sure. We all understand all of this. But saying this is like starting a thread with the title "Benefits of a cat-dog alliance". The countries have not had 10 years of continuous peace without some skirmish breaking out.

I think the way to go is

1) Peace
2) Talks
3) Trade
4) Settling of border issues, water issues etc.
5) Reduction in arms aimed at each other

Only after all this is done can we start thinking of alliance.

The past 10 years look nothing like present day. If you keep maintaining stringent criterion to be met before any glimmer of joint cooperation can surface, nothing is going to happen much like the Israeli-Palestinian issue. I see what you are saying but settling border issues, etc. was already pointed in my post as a precursor to an alliance. How can an alliance be avoided if both parties are cooperating and finding mutual benefits?
The past 10 years look nothing like present day. If you keep maintaining stringent criterion to be met before any glimmer of joint cooperation can surface, nothing is going to happen much like the Israeli-Palestinian issue. I see what you are saying but settling border issues, etc. was already pointed in my post as a precursor to an alliance. How can an alliance be avoided if both parties are cooperating and finding mutual benefits?

I was not setting conditions. I am saying that you'd need to follow these steps to build trust for an alliance.

Personally, I'd love to see peace between both countries.
I was not setting conditions. I am saying that you'd need to follow these steps to build trust for an alliance.

Personally, I'd love to see peace between both countries.

Agreed though in my opinion these steps will fall into place once India is aiding Pakistan in it's war and Kashmir receives joint administration or something that isn't lines drawn in the sand.
I urge members to think outside the box here, remove your tunnel vision glasses for once. Right now I think is the best time otherwise it will be a missed opportunity, I think my nation can get 2 birds with the same stone if they focus on India-Pakistan instead of solely the schoolyard-warlord-drug cartel politics of Afghanistan if they want to achieve success in the region.

A very good article Sir, I think this is something most of us both in India and Pakistan believe in our mind, an Indo-pak friendship, war is not a solution but friendship, but unfortunately our politicians won't let it happen soon, more over the bitter memory of India Pakistan division and the wars that have hurt the sentiments of the people would not result to an immediate effect to such consequences but we can expect it in the future when the wounds would start to dry up.
Akhand Bharat falsely accusing China when it is India that continues to occupy Chinese land (aka 'Sikkim' and much of 7-sisters).

Where did China came from in Indo-pak alliance discussion?
note: I am from one of the seven sisters state.
Iran's nuclear ambitions would be checked
- Pakistan would be freed from being used as a puppet by China and the West
- Afghanistan would stabilize after decades of war, thus leaving it to join the Pakistani-Indian sphere of influence, ending proxy and ethnic warfare.
- India would leave China and Russia behind economically, politically and militarily with a friendly and stable Pakistan as a partner in progress.
- The United States would have a reliable and self sufficient regional superpower near global power status to stabilize an increasingly bleak Asia.

All these criteria are based upon what you think would be possible not reality. For example lets look at this:

Afghanistan would stabilize after decades of war, thus leaving it to join the Pakistani-Indian sphere of influence, ending proxy and ethnic warfare.

What is the possibility that India would want Pakistan to be involved in Afganistan, just to bring back all the good talibans, so they can be used as a proxy again? India need to be more influencial in Afganistan, not just to make it's extension, but also central asia has become a battling ground for more Energy, and India has invested lots of money towards it.


India would leave China and Russia behind economically, politically and militarily with a friendly and stable Pakistan as a partner in progress.

India is already striving towards this with it's own merit without the region not being stable. Pakistan needs to solve it's own problems and get on with the economic program in order for both countries to strive better. Until then status quo.

"Not only would they anchor the immediate region as a stable wedge against communist and imperialist expansion via China, Russia, and from a neutral perspective NATO"

This is a direct attack against China. It is not China that dreams of occupying India but India of annexing China. I know it's tough to be an over-populated nation with a very small land print bound by 'hostile' nations. Over-reproduction and poverty are glooming future humanitarian crisis -- but annexing Myanmar, China, Nepal, Pakistan is NOT acceptable. There are fair and workable solutions other than Akhand Bharat. :wave:

Hold on its about alliance and not submerging, even settlement of border issue with china is preferable, more over as I mentioned before as I am from one of the seven sister states, I never got to know anyone who claim to be Chinese, but i often meet people who are proud to be Indian and if you dont take into count some hilly areas which were not habitant during 1947- 62 period for which all this conflict are the regions India rein today have been transferred directly from the British empire during 1947. literally we are all correct and our stand is justified. but if a compromise is warranted with china (PRC) to foster peace into the region, I wont disagree either, because we are talking about peaceful co-existence, you are requested not to get sarcastic in your reply as I feel things like poverty have no space to be described along your comment, and regarding hostility, that is what we are talking here about its reduction and elimination, and please know the difference between alliance and annexation. we are talking about alliance, peace and co-operation and NOT annexation, further why do you think it is a threat to China, even we can settle to live in peace.

I repeat we are not talking about akhand type of Bharat but of an alliance with our neighbor, hope this would clarify you.
- Iran's nuclear ambitions would be checked

Neither India or Pakistan see Iran as a threat, infact India and Iran have VERY good relations, I would even say that India is closer to Iran than Pakistan is. It wouldn't bother India if Iran became a nuclear power, and it wouldn't bother Pakistan either.

- Pakistan would be freed from being used as a puppet by China and the West

A strong China would be in Pakistan's interst. Pakistan and China's strong relations extend back to the 1950's when Pakistan was among the first nations to recognize the People's Republic of China and when one of Pakistan's leader, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, demanded China be given a seat in the United Nations. China has helped Pakistan and continues to help us in Infrastructure and in the Miltary field.
As for the West, the founder of our nation admired what US stood for "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and we admire such great American leaders as John F. Kennedy, but after 2001, most people in Pakistan dont trust U.S. anymore.

- Afghanistan would stabilize after decades of war, thus leaving it to join the Pakistani-Indian sphere of influence, ending proxy and ethnic warfare.

We all want Afghanistan to be stabilized but it has a long way and it has nothing to do with Pakistan-India rivalry. Pashtuns and Northern Alliance (Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Hazaras) still dont get along with one another and its been like that for a long time, it has nothing to do with Pakistan-India rivalry, Afghanistan will only be stabilized when Afghanis themselves chose to stabilize their own country.

- India would leave China and Russia behind economically, politically and militarily with a friendly and stable Pakistan as a partner in progress.

China is a much wealthier country than India, China has a more powerful military than India, and is much larger than India. Everyone knows that China is a more wealthier and powerful country than India is.

- The United States would have a reliable and self sufficient regional superpower near global power status to stabilize an increasingly bleak Asia.

So are you saying India would be a reliable and sufficient regional superpower of Asia? Have you ever thought what the countries of Asia wanted?
India has territorial disputes with Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh. It never helped any South Asian country with Infrastructure and Development as China has. China is not only helping Pakistan with its infrastructure but is helping Bangladesh and Sri Lanka with their infrastructure. India is only good at helping separatist groups in Asian countries like BLA in Pakistan and LTTE in Sri Lanka.

India can not assume regional powerhouse status on it's own no matter what it tries. Pakistan and India must be on the same page, or both will suffer for years to come.

I'll be blunt here. India hates the existence of Pakistan and the worst thing to happen for Pakistan is India becoming any kind of power. India can dream all they want, we know the reality which is China has a better chance of becoming a power than India has.

As for Kashmir, a few years back during Musharaf's era, we were very close in settling the Kashmir dispute, I think Musharaf suggested something similar to what you're suggesting regarding Kashmir, but India did not listen.
From 2004-2007, we became friendly with India but then Samjhota Express incident and Mumbai incident happened that brought us back to this bitter rivalry. Whenever we begin our talks on Kashmir, something always happens to make us enemies again.
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- Iran's nuclear ambitions would be checked
That would be the last thing Pakistan would do.Pakistan wants to have a good relations with Iran..We had very very close relations with Iran During Shah of Iran era.
- Pakistan would be freed from being used as a puppet by China and the West
With all due respect, you are forgetting that during cold war we either had to ally with United States or Soviet Union and we decided to be US Ally while India was Soviet Union Ally.China is our natural partner.It has border with us.It has helped us immensely with infrastructure, foriegn investment from chinese companies and weapons without strings.
- Afghanistan would stabilize after decades of war, thus leaving it to join the Pakistani-Indian sphere of influence, ending proxy and ethnic warfare.
Not sure how PAK-Indo Alliance will solve Afghanistan.That country will take decades to recover and even then US will have to sign a deal with moderate elements in Taliban because you can't eliminate all of them (Afghan Taliban have massive support among Pushtu Community of Afghanistan.)You'll have to eliminate radicals and have to start some sort of reconcilation with Moderate Elements.
- India would leave China and Russia behind economically, politically and militarily with a friendly and stable Pakistan as a partner in progress.
India might leave Russia behind but China is not possible unless China makes foolish decision and try to invade Taiwan and get into deadly war.It was only during 90's that India was nearly bankrupt.
- The United States would have a reliable and self sufficient regional superpower near global power status to stabilize an increasingly bleak Asia.
It is in the interest of US to have a single super power status.US worked hard to dismantle Soviet Union and you are telling me it will build another super power.India has chance to become regional power only but even then it will not be possible for her to interfere in Pakistan matters.India would want us act like it's sattlite state.Indian National Security Advisor said Sri Lanka would have to inform us in future before buying any weapons (Sri Lanka is soverign nation)Pakistan alone did not support Insurgencies.India also supported LITE.

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