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The Benefits of an Indo-Pak Alliance

If both nations were able to revert their stance regarding a host of issues, much would be gained for both nations and the world. Not only would they anchor the immediate region as a stable wedge against communist and imperialist expansion via China, Russia, and from a neutral perspective NATO, but eradicate a hotbed of terrorism and insurgency which would have direct consequences for the strength of terror cells and insurgencies across the globe.

As Kashmir is the central issue which keeps both sides pointing their bayonets at each other, one could come up with unconventional solutions. For instance, a shared administration over the entire disputed area by both parties with possible oversight from uninterested parties for the initial period is a possibility. Once things are going well, it would become status quo. Trade would boom, a free flow of peoples would further reduce misconceptions and tensions and a dirty chapter in history written by the British crown and played out like clockwork by its eternal subjects would come to an end. As I am sure both nations do not want Kashmir to declare independence, and no side is willing to give up an inch, drawing up borders on current LoC and a shared administration of disputed territory will make sense only when cooperation and trust has been left to bloom. As both sides become immersed with one another, the might finally be able to see the commonalities and put myths and and bloody yet distant past to rest.
Firstly for the record there is no state in India called Kashmir - It is J&K which includes Buddhist regions of Laddakh & Hindu regions of jammu besides the valley. Next declaration of independence is / was not an option even in '47 so it cannot exist now.

Also, what about the regions ceded by Pk to China & Aksai Chin occupied by china ? Where do they go ?

I do not agree with any system of Joint Administration simply coz its just not workable.India has spent immense sums of money in J&K on various assets including on Dams etc - not likely to be shared.

Besides, there are groups in Pk - the PA being the foremost among them whose very existence depends on continued hostility & threat. The world is already seeing the effects of the guns turning in wards in Pk... what will happen to them ?

This option goes way too much to Pk advantage. Control of water being among them. What does India gain out of this ? We are happy with what we have . We need to maintain a standing army for reasons other than J&K . We are in a position to sustain the expenses that go with it. Despite what ppl may feel there is no shortage of funds in India - its the utilisation & corruption that is questionable.

There are many disputed regions in the world - Palestine , Korean Peninsula, Cyprus. Let this also remain.

Lastly, given the deep rooted hostility that has gone into our genes, if it isn't J&K, another issue will develop.
Which South Asian country is India helping in Infrastructure and Development? China has already helped Pakistan built Gwadar Port and highways and roads all across Pakistan, China is also helping Bangladesh and Sri Lanka built ports that will benefit both countries' economy.

China has its influence not only in Asia but also in Africa, where does India have its influence in? Oh I forgot in war torn Afghanistan where most of the country is still ruled by the Taliban.



Afghanistan?India relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bhutan?India relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India?Kazakhstan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India?Maldives relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India-Mongolia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Indo-Nepalese relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia

India ? Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India?Singapore relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sri Lanka

India ? Sri Lanka relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India ? Syria relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India?Vietnam relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which South Asian country is India helping in Infrastructure and Development? China has already helped Pakistan built Gwadar Port and highways and roads all across Pakistan, China is also helping Bangladesh and Sri Lanka built ports that will benefit both countries' economy.

China has its influence not only in Asia but also in Africa, where does India have its influence in? Oh I forgot in war torn Afghanistan where most of the country is still ruled by the Taliban.


Ivory Coast

Côte d'Ivoire ? India relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Egypt?India relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India-Liberia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


India?Nigeria relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

South Africa

India ? South Africa relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which South Asian country is India helping in Infrastructure and Development? China has already helped Pakistan built Gwadar Port and highways and roads all across Pakistan, China is also helping Bangladesh and Sri Lanka built ports that will benefit both countries' economy.

China has its influence not only in Asia but also in Africa, where does India have its influence in? Oh I forgot in war torn Afghanistan where most of the country is still ruled by the Taliban.

All of that is available on the net, look it up. Just to give a small simple example - IIRC the flagship ships of the navies of Sri Lanka, Maldives and Seychelles are gifts from India. Heard of that port in Iran? Just look it up and stop spreading black and white propoganda.

Yes China is indeed more influential in line with their economy and trading, which is many times that of India. But to say that all India does is spread insurgencies in its neighborhood is a popular canard spread by Pakistani commentators.
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If both nations were able to revert their stance regarding a host of issues, much would be gained for both nations and the world. Not only would they anchor the immediate region as a stable wedge against communist and imperialist expansion via China, Russia, and from a neutral perspective NATO, but eradicate a hotbed of terrorism and insurgency which would have direct consequences for the strength of terror cells and insurgencies across the globe.

As Kashmir is the central issue which keeps both sides pointing their bayonets at each other, one could come up with unconventional solutions. For instance, a shared administration over the entire disputed area by both parties with possible oversight from uninterested parties for the initial period is a possibility. Once things are going well, it would become status quo. Trade would boom, a free flow of peoples would further reduce misconceptions and tensions and a dirty chapter in history written by the British crown and played out like clockwork by its eternal subjects would come to an end. As I am sure both nations do not want Kashmir to declare independence, and no side is willing to give up an inch, drawing up borders on current LoC and a shared administration of disputed territory will make sense only when cooperation and trust has been left to bloom. As both sides become immersed with one another, the might finally be able to see the commonalities and put myths and and bloody yet distant past to rest.
Firstly for the record there is no state in India called Kashmir - It is J&K which includes Buddhist regions of Laddakh & Hindu regions of jammu besides the valley. Next declaration of independence is / was not an option even in '47 so it cannot exist now.

Also, what about the regions ceded by Pk to China & Aksai Chin occupied by china ? Where do they go ?

I do not agree with any system of Joint Administration simply coz its just not workable.India has spent immense sums of money in J&K on various assets including on Dams etc - not likely to be shared.

Besides, there are groups in Pk - the PA being the foremost among them whose very existence depends on continued hostility & threat. The world is already seeing the effects of the guns turning in wards in Pk... what will happen to them ?

This option goes way too much to Pk advantage. Control of water being among them. What does India gain out of this ? We are happy with what we have . We need to maintain a standing army for reasons other than J&K . We are in a position to sustain the expenses that go with it. Despite what ppl may feel there is no shortage of funds in India - its the utilisation & corruption that is questionable.

There are many disputed regions in the world - Palestine , Korean Peninsula, Cyprus. Let this also remain.

Lastly, given the deep rooted hostility that has gone into our genes, if it isn't J&K, another issue will develop.

Mr. Casual Observer, i think You have got your answer. We can never be allies, forget about being friends, we can never become good neighbours and with this (third eye's above post) attitude, I can see another war coming in next few years.:rolleyes:
A alliance is not easy to happen between india and pakistan, but surely the situation is getting better. its an army website so you have to read biased points. in reality i see way too less hate between two countries.

I agree it will be difficult to end it all on a sunday eve in a meeting room. because then who will answer for 60 years of war and distrust.

Its have to be a slow process when we get busy with our own development so much that we have no time to - keep evil eye to our next door neighbors.

Kashmir is a diffrent story its all political agenda. its not about emotion or freedom or anything else. Kashmir is an issue to both sides . Once they realise kashmir also have soul ( its people) and they have to think of them. Kashmir will again be heaven. i think only viable option is to keep current loc as final. and develope both side of kashmir to its potential.

You May Say I'm a Dreamer But I'm Not the Only One - John Lennon
In a post full of canards, this one stands out for its obvious failure.

Prove anything else of what I've written is false in my previous thread.

BTW, all the wiki relations links are nothing compared to the amount of influence China has in Asia and Africa.
Prove anything else of what I've written is false in my previous thread.

BTW, all the wiki relations links are nothing compared to the amount of influence China has in Asia and Africa.

Easy, let me just take the first one

Neither India or Pakistan see Iran as a threat, infact India and Iran have VERY good relations, I would even say that India is closer to Iran than Pakistan is. It wouldn't bother India if Iran became a nuclear power, and it wouldn't bother Pakistan either.

India's official position is that Iran should not go nuclear. We have voted against Iran in the past on this point despite our friendly relations with them.

Look Omar, I'm not saying India is the best or that we've been the model neighbor to Pakistan, all I'm saying is pls try to get over the well oiled rhetorical positions you keep repeating. If we do that, may be we can have a better view at our own underdeveloped countries, a view not obstructed by the shadow of our supposed enemy.
I urge members to think outside the box here, remove your tunnel vision glasses for once. Right now I think is the best time otherwise it will be a missed opportunity, I think my nation can get 2 birds with the same stone if they focus on India-Pakistan instead of solely the schoolyard-warlord-drug cartel politics of Afghanistan if they want to achieve success in the region.

Bottom line is Pakistan cant have India as any kind of power.

India wants only 4 options for Pakistan:

1. Give up the part of Kashmir Pakistan controls to India.
2. Break up Pakistan into 4-5 independent countries.
3. Merge with India (Akhand Bharat).
4. Dry up Pakistan so India can use the water from the Indus for itself only.
Check this thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...no-compensation-blocking-chenab-aug-08-a.html
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Besides, there are groups in Pk - the PA being the foremost among them whose very existence depends on continued hostility & threat...

I do not expect these sorts of ignorant, stereotypical rants from a senior member like yourself Third Eye. You need to be a good example for your countrymen here, too many of whom get into trouble because of this mentality.

The Pakistan Army exists because of the same reason the Indian or Australian or French Armies are there. To defend their nation and not because of 'hostility and hate' so please refrain from much retardation in the future. If you don’t think the Pakistan Army can exist without India, then ask yourself what makes the Indian Army so different in regards to Pakistan? Such arrogance does not do you credit.

Consider this a friendly warning.
Interesting Thread -- Consider, what can bring Pakistan and India towards an understanding of common interests? I think it's economics and related subjects such as security. Can the Pakistani or Indian economy grow without greater energy resources securely available to them? -
- Iran's nuclear ambitions would be checked
So? If Iran becomes nuclear power, we don’t have any issues.

- Pakistan would be freed from being used as a puppet by China and the West
China is our friend in need. USA is a friend when they have their interests, we don’t believe on USA. They have always stabbed from the back.

- Afghanistan would stabilize after decades of war, thus leaving it to join the Pakistani-Indian sphere of influence, ending proxy and ethnic warfare.
Why should we allow the Indian influence on Afghanistan? Don’t teach us how to protect your interests.

- India would leave China and Russia behind economically, politically and militarily with a friendly and stable Pakistan as a partner in progress.
- The United States would have a reliable and self sufficient regional superpower near global power status to stabilize an increasingly bleak Asia.
The future superpower is China. Don’t you think we should plan for the future?????
So? If Iran becomes nuclear power, we don’t have any issues.

Iran with nulcear bomb is like a mad man having nuvlear bomb in his hands!
The islamic hate ideology with heaven being promised for killing kafirs and for destroying all non-muslim symbols, whether it be temples, gurdwaras, churches is another scary scenario
The fanatic and crazy iranian or shia leadership will not hesitate a moment to use nuclear bombs against all its enemies, including sunnis and kafir israel and kafir majority India or kafir-US or kafir majority Europe the moment they have with it, to give heaven and 64 virgins and sea of alcohol for all Iranian muslims!
This is not an imagination, but this is what their religious book says will be rewards for eliminating kafirs wherever they are!
No wonder, US and Bush know the hatred and terror in terror-crazy muslim faithfuls, by knowing the 9/11 terror experience fresh in their memory!

China is our friend in need. USA is a friend when they have their interests, we don’t believe on USA. They have always stabbed from the back.

Well Thats true, USA is An Unstable Friend For All the countries.

Why should we allow the Indian influence on Afghanistan? Don’t teach us how to protect your interests.

Well , What does it matter to pakistan if India has an Influence over Afghanistan or not. And dont Teach us what to do and what not.

The future superpower is China. Don’t you think we should plan for the future?????

There is in No way that china is the future. Each and every country is working ahead to It.. The top 10 major countries can be well competent
PAKISTAN & INDIA alliance is NEVER possible...because india wants us to PLAY the role of LITTLE brother...while we want to be TREATED as EQUALS.....i think that is our core issue since 1947!!!!

we don't mind AFGHANISTAN & IRAN....so we have no issues with them....as for PUPPET well its simple CHINA is our friend & the US buys of our POLITICAL LEADERS....but as for the public we hate the US and have no issues with the CHINESE!!
Well , What does it matter to pakistan if India has an Influence over Afghanistan or not. And dont Teach us what to do and what not.
I was not expecting such an illogical question. We simply cannot allow our enemy to operate on our western borders, do you understand that?
Do what ever you want and we are doing what we think is right. We are not teaching u anything.
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