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The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

PESHAWAR, Oct 24: In a major development, militants in Mamoond sub-district of Bajaur Agency have sought two-day time to consider surrender and hand over their leaders to the government, a senior government official said.

“They have approached the administration through elders from the Mamoond tribe to seek peace agreement but we have laid down our policy, telling them clearly that the government will not talk to the militants and that any agreement through the tribal elders will have to include laying down arms, surrender, handing over of their ring leaders and that no guarantees will be furnished by the government for their release,” the official said.

He said the militants in their stronghold of Mamoond were desperately trying to reach some sort of agreement with the government and had sent a jirga to the administration to kick-start negotiations.

Mamoond area is stronghold of militants in the region and their main leadership, including Tehrik-i-Taliban deputy chief Maulavi Faqir Mohammad and others, come from the same area.

Mamoond tribe is reluctant to raise a lashkar against militants and has been dragging its feet on the government’s attempts to make them emulate the Salarzai tribe to flush out militants from the area.

“The Mamoonds were reluctant and were playing games with us until now,” the official said.

The dramatic change, according to another official, came after the government began pounding suspected militants’ positions inside Mamoond territory with artillery, helicopter gunships and jet fighters.

“The jirga went back and laid down the government’s pre-condition and ironically the Taliban did not say ‘no’, promising to discuss this among themselves and sought two-day time,” the official said.

The official said that jets used heavy bombs to bust bunkers in Mamoond and, according to unconfirmed reports, in one of the hits on a cave-bunker three days ago, a senior figure was among those killed. The military put the death toll at 35.

“One of the bombs hit the mouth of the cave-tunnel, causing it to collapse. Then we used artillery to keep militants from retrieving the bodies. We believe that a senior figure is amongst those killed. One report suggested the dead men included their spokesman but we have no confirmation of that,” the official said.

Militants, however, deny that the dead included their spokesman.

“He is alive and is somewhere far from here”, a man who picked up the spokesman’s phone said.

Reports of Maulavi Faqir Mohammad’s death in an air strike had also been in circulation for some time early last month, but the TTP leader later debunked all such reports by speaking to reporters from an undisclosed location.
No is as illiterate as you may wish them to be. Everyone knows who the Talibans are and who Al qaida is. The reason no one likes the Taliban after 9/11 was because they protected the Al Quaida.

Grow up and read some books other than the Quran if you can. The reasons of attacking Afghanistan will become clear.

That apart the Taliban's intention to drive the US out may be noble but their interpretation of Islamic values is medivial and barbaric.


You can't learn swiming by reading books.

If some body really want to learn islam he has to practice islam in his life.

I think western media and living style has great influence on your brain.

Can you tell us which interpertation of talaban are barbaric.
By all means practise Islam NOT Talabanic Barbarism.
By all means practise Islam NOT Talabanic Barbarism.

They are defending their home land from US agression.If this is barbarism,then what is your idea about kashmiri mujahideen and Palestin mujahideen?
They are defending their home land from US agression.If this is barbarism,then what is your idea about kashmiri mujahideen and Palestin mujahideen?

The barbarism is the beheading of Pakistani soldiers and innocent civilians, the blowing up of businesses and schools, and taking over the adminsitration of these areas by force, against the constitution.

They are also acting illegally by crossing the border to fight and attack another country, which puts Pakistan at risk. If they want to fight NATO, do it from Afghanistan alone, not from Pakistan.
They are defending their home land from US agression.If this is barbarism,then what is your idea about kashmiri mujahideen and Palestin mujahideen?

If at all Afghan Taliban are coming to Pakistan to fight PA, they need to be crused as well along with TTP but it seems not the case.

What I feel is that you all the time fail to understand that TTP might had been a part of Afghan Taliban in past, but now they seem not to be linked to them and in some previous posts, I showed you the press report as well.

Recently TTP spokesman Molvi Umer said in an interview with BBC that they would lay down arms as they cared about Pakistan. He also said that "TTP" didn't need to send fighters to fight in Afghanistan as "Afghan Taliban" were strong enough to deal with US and NATO. (Daily Times)

TTP itself made it clear that it was different from Afghan Taliban.

Let's read an interview of "Afghan Taliban" with Asia Times.

Mullah Abdul Jalil is a pioneer of the Taliban movement in Kandahar. That's what he had to say about TTP.

"It is necessary to understand that there is a sea of difference between the people who call themselves the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Taliban [led by Mehsud] and the Taliban. We have nothing to do with them. In fact, we oppose the policies they adhere to against the Pakistani security forces.

"We individually speak to all groups, whether they are Pakistanis, Kashmiris, Arabs, Uzbeks or whosoever, telling them not to create violence in Pakistan, especially in the name of the Taliban. But although we don't have any control over them, we don't allow such groups to come into our areas. None of these is involved with us in fighting against NATO troops in Afghanistan," Jalil said. (Asia Times Online)

As a matter of fact I have not came across a single report in press even after searching that Afghan Taliban claim to be part of TTP. By just keeping a name of Taliban and collecting funds from RAW to destabilize Pakistan doesn't make them "good" for our country.

Every militancy has some objectives. What is the objective of TTP ?

Now don't say they want to establish Sharia. They had enough time for nearly last 60 years as the region remained "independent" but they didn't do it.

TTP don't ask for "sovereignty" of FATA outside constitutional boundaries of Pakistan, so it is automatically ruled out.

What reason is left then ? The only reason is to destabilize Pakistan by killing Pakistan Army and innocent civilians.

Next time please if you have to argue that TTP and Afghan Taliban are same, bring some source. As it is wastage of bandwidth to argue on same matter again and again and fill threads.
Bajaur militants agree to surrender unconditionally
By Anwarullah Khan

KHAR, Oct 29: A number of militant commanders in Bajaur expressed willingness on Wednesday to unconditionally lay down arms and stop attacks on government personnel and installations.

It is learnt that the commanders, who attended a jirga of Barmakazai and Oryazai tribes of Mamond tehsil, agreed to surrender and give an undertaking to the political authorities about their good conduct.

Prominent elders of the two tribes, including Malik Manjfar Khan, Malik Fazal Mabood, Malik Gul Mahmood, Malik Saeedur Rehman, Malik Ghaffar Khan and Malik Shah Tehmas Khan, attended the jirga held at Kas Krewand.

The commanders assured the jirga that they would stop carrying arms, patrolling in vehicles and using motorcycles. They also promised not to resist security forces entering the area.

The jirga decided that any tribesman found sheltering foreigners would be fined Rs1 million, his house would be burned to the ground and his property would be confiscated.

The elders observed that thousands of families had left their homes because of militants’ attacks and military operation.

The jirga said that security forces were bound to enter the Mamond area and people would suffer if they faced any resistance.

Malik Shah Tehmas told journalists that the jirga was satisfied with the assurances given by the militants.

Assistant political agent Nawagai Mohammad Jamil Khan also confirmed assurances given the militant commanders at the jirga.

The elders would meet the political authorities in Khar on Thursday and inform them about their talks with the militants.

Bajaur militants agree to surrender unconditionally -DAWN - Top Stories; October 30, 2008
Bajaur militants agree to surrender unconditionally

lets wait and see - such dis-information has been said before!
Today BBC aired a documentary regarding Bajaur operation and showed interviews of some officers including IG FC. BBC correspondent Barbara pallet was taken to recently captured area of LOI SAM and the documentary also showed some of the tunnels used by the militants. The encouraging thing is the willingness by the military to launch an aggressive media campaign as one could observe the IG FC himself giving media briefs plus news correspondents from different channels showing the ground situation. But the military must do some support/ rebuilding projects quickly to show the home audience and the audience abroad that the the government is not only pursuing military option but also is paying attention to the humanitarian aspect of the conflict. It will also restore public confidence since the collateral damage is likely to raise a few eyebrows.
Today BBC aired a documentary regarding Bajaur operation and showed interviews of some officers including IG FC. BBC correspondent Barbara pallet was taken to recently captured area of LOI SAM and the documentary also showed some of the tunnels used by the militants. The encouraging thing is the willingness by the military to launch an aggressive media campaign as one could observe the IG FC himself giving media briefs plus news correspondents from different channels showing the ground situation. But the military must do some support/ rebuilding projects quickly to show the home audience and the audience abroad that the the government is not only pursuing military option but also is paying attention to the humanitarian aspect of the conflict. It will also restore public confidence since the collateral damage is likely to raise a few eyebrows.

I also got to hear it but did not see the video. Any links to this report?
Only see a brief one of hers (Barbara Plett) here but no interviews with any of the officers.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan army fights Taleban
Pakistan Army repeating the same story as US and Allied forces did in Afghanistan but failed.

Afghanistan and NWFP has more difficult train then Vaitnam.

There is no end of gurrila war.

Only solution of this war is to resolve it through talks.

Gen Mush was cammando general ,he had better strategy then Gen Kiyani.

Gen Kiyani should learn some Gurilla war tactics from Gen RTD Musharaf.

what are you talking about?:hitwall: the tehriki-taliban just surrendered! they were wiped out within a month!
what are you talking about?:hitwall: the tehriki-taliban just surrendered! they were wiped out within a month!

no one have answers for this guy my young brother 5 years old and warench think same. kyani after 40 years job now go to learn :enjoy:

and may be we also go to sleep now;)
Pakistan Army repeating the same story as US and Allied forces did in Afghanistan but failed.

Afghanistan and NWFP has more difficult train then Vaitnam.

There is no end of gurrila war.

Only solution of this war is to resolve it through talks.

Gen Mush was cammando general ,he had better strategy then Gen Kiyani.

Gen Kiyani should learn some Gurilla war tactics from Gen RTD Musharaf.



You pick your battles and fight them. The way things are going, if the militancy in certain parts of the Tribal areas is not checked, no part of Pakistan will remain safe or avoid being influenced by the militants. The reasons that tribals are fighting and supporting others in Afghanistan is something that is out of the control of the Pakistani government to be able to influence. Pakistan cannot tell the US to leave Afghanistan. If they do, they will leave on their own accord. What Pakistan cannot afford to do is to give the US a reason to keep on coming in and bombing civilian areas inside of Pakistan. To make a long story short, Pakistan is faced with two problems. a) People going into Afghanistan from Pakistan. Reasons for this could be debated for a long time but that is not my intention. b) US attacks inside of Pakistan to stop the flow of such people.

Now if the same people turn their guns against Pakistan for trying to stop them, then what is the Government of Pakistan to do? Simply lay down their weapons and allow these people to carry on with their activities inside of Afghanistan? If your answer is yes to this, then American attacks will become a daily part of our lives and there will be no end to it.

If your answer is no, then talk by all means, but only from a position of strength. In order to do so, the militants also need to be pressurized. Most people understand that a long insurgency in the heart of the Pashtun lands is of no benefit to Pakistan. However if Pakistan does not try to get these folks to limit their activities, then Pakistani nation as a whole will have to pay.

So either you try to save Pakistan or you damage Pakistan for the cause of the Afghan liberation. Maybe you know which route the Pakistani nation should take.
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