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The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

World community is mixing tabalan with Al Qaida.They are totally from different school of thaught.

Al QAIDA is off spring of wahabi school of thaught but talaban is pure sunni school of thaught.

Both have different line of action and they are independtly operating and taking their actions.

Talaban are only limited to Afhanistan and they are fighting only for afghanistan.

Pakistani tabalan is independent organisation have their own agenda.But both have same school of thaught .

International media and international leader are confusing them and mixing with each other.

Now they are realising that this problem can only be solved through talks not by war.
World community is mixing tabalan with Al Qaida.They are totally from different school of thaught.

Al QAIDA is off spring of wahabi school of thaught but talaban is pure sunni school of thaught.

Both have different line of action and they are independtly operating and taking their actions.

Talaban are only limited to Afhanistan and they are fighting only for afghanistan.

Pakistani tabalan is independent organisation have their own agenda.But both have same school of thaught .

International media and international leader are confusing them and mixing with each other.

Now they are realising that this problem can only be solved through talks not by war.


I have no problem with resistance it has even been celebrated by the west notably during World War 2 by the French and the Partisan groups across Europe.

Our issue is with the "Pakistani" Taliban who are comitting atrocities in Pakistan not with the "Afghan" Taliban who are resisting a Foreign presence in their country.

I have no problem with resistance it has even been celebrated by the west notably during World War 2 by the French and the Partisan groups across Europe.

Our issue is with the "Pakistani" Taliban who are comitting atrocities in Pakistan not with the "Afghan" Taliban who are resisting a Foreign presence in their country.

When pakistan air force kill their children,they will not send flowers.

Why pakistan could not protect its citizens from coward US atrocities through un manned planes???

Zardari is proving himself more obedient servent of US then Musharaf.
When pakistan air force kill their children,they will not send flowers.

Why pakistan could not protect its citizens from coward US atrocities through un manned planes???

Zardari is proving himself more obedient servent of US then Musharaf.

you live in KSA? go and ask the gov why they supported zionist attack on iraq nuke facility? why did they let them fly by. and also ask them how much money they are making from iraq war.

so what do you want pakistan to do when that UAV attacks again? Nuke US? well pak ICBM dont reach their yet. or nuke their bases in middle east iraq or afg bringing muslim civilian death tool to million +! or shot the UAV down? well go and ask the Pak Government who were elected by the awam! its up to them.. they make the decisions.. however.. you wouldnt see this in Mush time.. not a single US UAV bombed pak!
you live in KSA? go and ask the gov why they supported zionist attack on iraq nuke facility? why did they let them fly by. and also ask them how much money they are making from iraq war.

so what do you want pakistan to do when that UAV attacks again? Nuke US? well pak ICBM dont reach their yet. or nuke their bases in middle east iraq or afg bringing muslim civilian death tool to million +! or shot the UAV down? well go and ask the Pak Government who were elected by the awam! its up to them.. they make the decisions.. however.. you wouldnt see this in Mush time.. not a single US UAV bombed pak!

Lets better focus on BOB.

Very funny ! no UAV bombed in FATA/Pakistan?

On 13 January 2006 the Central Intelligence Agency fired missiles into the Pakistani village of Damadola (Urdu: ڈمہ ڈولا) in the Bajaur (Urdu: باجوڑ ) tribal area, about seven kilometres (4.5 miles) from the Afghan border, killing at least 18 people. Originally the Bajaur tribal area government claimed that at least four foreign members of al-Qaeda were among the dead. US and Pakistani officials later admitted that no al-Qaeda leaders perished in the strike and that only local villagers were killed.[1] The attack purportedly targeted Ayman al-Zawahiri, second-in-command of al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden, who was thought to be in the village.


Lets better focus on BOB.

Very funny ! no UAV bombed in FATA/Pakistan?

On 13 January 2006 the Central Intelligence Agency fired missiles into the Pakistani village of Damadola (Urdu: ڈمہ ڈولا) in the Bajaur (Urdu: باجوڑ ) tribal area, about seven kilometres (4.5 miles) from the Afghan border, killing at least 18 people. Originally the Bajaur tribal area government claimed that at least four foreign members of al-Qaeda were among the dead. US and Pakistani officials later admitted that no al-Qaeda leaders perished in the strike and that only local villagers were killed.[1] The attack purportedly targeted Ayman al-Zawahiri, second-in-command of al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden, who was thought to be in the village.



ok like what? 2 or three attack in a year during mush rule? well here in pakistan under the elected "democratic" governmnet rule we have witnessed 3-4-5 attacks per month! btw why you keep running away from my main point! KSA are the biggest Zionists supporters in the world!!!!!!! the same country you are living in!
ok like what? 2 or three attack in a year during mush rule? well here in pakistan under the elected "democratic" governmnet rule we have witnessed 3-4-5 attacks per month! btw why you keep running away from my main point! KSA are the biggest Zionists supporters in the world!!!!!!! the same country you are living in!

KSA always helped pakistan.Recently they are holding takes with US&Allied supported Afhgan Government with talaban to stabilize whole region.

They never supported Zoinist.They only supported war against sadam to liberate Kewait .

Do you think sadam was muslim or friend of islam.He should attack israel instead of Kewait.

You can not even differentiate between your friend and enemy amazing.
Militants behead two ‘spies’ in Miramshah

Friday, 24 Oct, 2008 | 01:38 PM PST |

MIRANSHAH: Taliban militants beheaded two men in the tribal belt after accusing them of spying for neighbouring Afghanistan, local officials said on Friday.
The executions were the latest in a string of similar killings in the frontier region.
The bodies of the men were found dumped near a road in Azam Warsak, a town in the North Waziristan tribal region, on Friday, a security official said.
Their killers left a note in Pashto language claiming that the slain men, who were abducted five days ago, had confessed to being spies, said a local administration official.
‘During interrogation they told us that they had come after taking money from Afghanistan for espionage. They also disclosed the names of some of their colleagues,’ the official quoted the note as saying.
Executions often follow suspected US missile strikes against militant targets in Pakistan, which officials say are often conducted on intelligence provided by paid local informants.
KSA always helped pakistan.Recently they are holding takes with US&Allied supported Afhgan Government with talaban to stabilize whole region.

They never supported Zoinist.They only supported war against sadam to liberate Kewait .

Do you think sadam was muslim or friend of islam.He should attack israel instead of Kewait.

You can not even differentiate between your friend and enemy amazing.

you must be the most dumbest Hippocrat i have ever meet in my life! I am not asking about KSA help and neither does it mean that if they are helping poor nation like pakistan it justifies their ills..

- KSA supported Zionists attack on Iraq nuke facilities
- KSA supported Kuwait Iraq war to pave way for US long term stratigic base!
so dont you think now that US have liberated Kuwait they should pack their bags and go home?
- Sadam is 10 times better then US Zionist and KSA attack on iraq
Pakistan on the Taliban: "Dialogue must now be the highest priority" - The Long War Journal

Pakistan on the Taliban: "Dialogue must now be the highest priority"
By BILL ROGGIOOctober 23, 2008 9:25 PM
Pakistan's parliament has unanimously passed a 14-point resolution on combating the rise of terrorism and extremism. The document is being hailed by Information Minister Sherry Rehman as a "major signal for terrorists that our nation rejects their agendas," but it falls short on a plan to confront the Taliban and al Qaeda's grip on power in the violent northwest.

The resolution was passed by parliament at the end of a two-week-long joint session where the main focus was the deteriorating security situation in the country. After numerous briefings from senior leaders in the military, intelligence services, police, and government officials, a panel made up of representatives from Pakistan's 16 major parties drafted the agreement.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the pro-Taliban chief of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, was a member of the panel. Rehman was described as "a spokesman for Taliban" during the parliamentary debate.

The government aimed for "consensus" to grant legitimacy to the resolution. To get it, Rehman had to sign the agreement. This led to a vague resolution that does not define the "extremists" and "militants," and places the emphasis on talks.

The 14-point resolution is long on calls for negotiations and short on calls for action. The document stresses "dialogue" while barely making mention of the need to dislodge the Taliban through a concerted counterinsurgency campaign.

"Dialogue must now be the highest priority, as a principal instrument of conflict management and resolution," the document states. "Dialogue will be encouraged with all those elements willing to abide by the Constitution of Pakistan and rule of law." The resolution has no discussion of what to do if dialogue fails.

While Pakistan "stands united to combat this growing menace," it is to be done through "a strong public message condemning all forms and manifestations of terrorism...." The government is asked to restore its writ, immediately withdraw the military from the region and replace them with local security forces.

The parliament said Pakistan cannot be used as a launch pad to attack neighboring countries, and that "foreign fighters, if found, shall be expelled from our soil." In a reference to recent US strikes in the tribal areas, the resolution says Pakistan's territorial integrity must be protected at all costs.

The Pakistani government has touted the resolution as a major achievement. “The October 22 resolution is a new chapter in the parliamentary history of Pakistan," said Rehman. "After a long time, this is a major national policy that has the endorsement of all political forces ... all parliamentary forces arose above party lines to put a united front against the most important threat to our national security and the resolution closes the chapter on any ambiguities on this issue."

Full text of the resolution, from the Associated Press of Pakistan:

This in-camera joint session of Parliament has noted with great concern that pose a grave danger to the stability and integrity of the nation-state. It was recalled that in the past the dictatorial regimes pursued policies aimed at perpetuating their own power at the cost of national interest.
This House, having considered the issue thoroughly and at great length is of the view that in terms of framing laws, building institutions, protecting our citizens from violence, eradication of terror at its roots, re-building our economy and developing opportunities for the disadvantaged, we all commit to the following:

1.That we need an urgent review of our national security strategy and revisiting the methodology of combating terrorism in order to restore peace and stability to Pakistan and the region through an independent foreign policy.

2.The challenge of militancy and extremism must be met through developing a consensus and dialogue with all genuine stakeholders.

3.The nation stands united to combat this growing menace, with a strong public message condemning all forms and manifestations of terrorism, including the spread of sectarian hatred and violence, with a firm resolve to combat it and to address its root causes.

4.That Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity shall be safeguarded. The nation stands united against any incursions and invasions of the homeland, and calls upon the government to deal with it effectively.

5.That Pakistan’s territory shall not be used for any kind of attacks on other countries and all foreign fighters, if found, shall be expelled from our soil.

6.That dialogue must now be the highest priority, as a principal instrument of conflict management and resolution. Dialogue will be encouraged with all those elements willing to abide by the Constitution of Pakistan and rule of law.

7.That the development of troubled zones, particularly the tribal areas, and NWFP (Pukhtoonkhwa), must also be pursued through all possible ways and legitimate means to create genuine stakeholders in peace. New economic opportunities shall be created in order to bring the less privileged areas at par with the rest of Pakistan.

8.That a political dialogue with the people of Balochistan, the redressal of grievances and redistribution of resources shall be enhanced and accelerated.

9. That the state shall maintain the rule of law, and that when it has to intervene to protect the lives of its citizens, caution must be exercised to avoid casualties of non-combatants in conflict zones.

10.That the federation must be strengthened through the process of democratic pluralism, social justice, religious values and tolerance, and equitable resource sharing between the provinces as enshrined in the Constitution of 1973.

11.That the state shall establish its writ in the troubled zones, and confidence building mechanisms by using customary and local communities (jirga) and that the military will be replaced as early as possible by civilian law enforcement agencies with enhanced capacity and a sustainable political system achieved through a consultative process.

12.That Pakistan’s strategic interests be protected by developing stakes in regional peace and trade, both on the western and eastern borders.

13. That mechanisms for internal security be institutionalised by: paying compensation for victims of violence; and rehabilitate those displaced from their homes as soon as possible; that spill-over effects of terrorism be contained throughout the country and that public consensus be built against terrorism through media and religious participation.

14.That a Special Committee of Parliament be constituted to periodically review, provide guidelines and monitor the implementation of the principles framed and roadmap given in this Resolution. This House authorises the Speaker to constitute the said Committee in consultation with the parliamentary leaders of both Houses. The Committee will frame its own rules upon meeting.

"Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Universally known is the fact that Saud regime is the biggest supporter of US. Don't play dumb here mate.

Friend in need is friend indeed.US supported arabs against Sadam no one deny it.
Second biggest threat to saudia is from Shia movements.Enemy of enemy is my friend

I hope confusion is clarified.

We know that zoinist lobby is strong in america.

But is there is any other option for Saudia other then if you love me also love my dog.
World community is mixing tabalan with Al Qaida.They are totally from different school of thaught.


No is as illiterate as you may wish them to be. Everyone knows who the Talibans are and who Al qaida is. The reason no one likes the Taliban after 9/11 was because they protected the Al Quaida.

Grow up and read some books other than the Quran if you can. The reasons of attacking Afghanistan will become clear.

That apart the Taliban's intention to drive the US out may be noble but their interpretation of Islamic values is medivial and barbaric.

Oct 25, 2008

KHAR, Pakistan – Pakistan's army captured a militant stronghold near the Afghan border, the military said Saturday, a breakthrough in an offensive against the Taliban and al-Qaida that has sent nearly 200,000 civilians fleeing for safety.

Maj. Gen. Tariq Khan said government forces captured Loi Sam, a strategic town in the Bajur tribal region, earlier this week "and killed the militants who were hiding there."

Bajur is part of Pakistan's tribal belt that has become the refuge of Taliban and al-Qaida fighters waging an intensifying insurgency on both sides of the frontier.

Pakistan's army launched an offensive in Bajur in early August, saying the region had become a "mega-sanctuary" for militants who had set up a virtual mini-state.

Commanders had reported stiff resistance near Loi Sam, which sits on a key road, from local Taliban militants reinforced by foreign fighters including some from Afghanistan.

Khan said troops had now overrun the area and were in "complete control" of the town. Eleven tribal militias had joined the government side in the region, he said.

Still, he forecast that it could take between six months and a year before authorities had gained complete control of Bajur.

The general was speaking to reporters escorted to Bajur by the military. Insecurity and government restrictions have made it virtually impossible to verify accounts of the fighting.

Khan said a total of 1,500 suspected militants and 73 troops had died in the operation so far.

The army has acknowledged that residential areas have been badly damaged from fighting and its use of artillery and airstrikes, but has provided no figure for civilian casualties.
u beat me to it!
good news anyway!
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