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The analysis for the cause of rapes in subcontinent and it's solution

It's surprising how and why this discussion turned to an ideological battle. Sadly, we can only put forward proofs and propositions but if a person still refuses to argue logically or give the other a good listen little can be done.

I have to agree that maybe I have drawn it too long for others to be comfortable, but I rest my case with this


UK Justice Dept Report 2009/10 10/11 and 11/12, Pg 16 the Graph should be enough to tell the story. I was lucky to find this data so easily, rape indeed is very misunderstood by some.
Good joke. You must have heard it while watching Bollywood. :rolleyes:

Sir, anthropologically Asia is divided into South-East, Far-East, Euro-Asia, Middle-east and South Asia (a.k.a. the subcontinent). We definitely are separate nations but the region is the same. There's no harm in clumping nations to study a phenomena; we do it all the time.
@Bang Galore I look forward to meeting such women, if they exist :enjoy:

In which case, you & I certainly inhabit different worlds. People may be conservative or otherwise depending on the occasion & the place but I really don't think most of the women I know, have as the primary factor dictating their dress choice, worry about a man losing control seeing them.:)
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I have to agree that maybe I have drawn it too long for others to be comfortable, but I rest my case with this


UK Justice Dept Report 2009/10 10/11 and 11/12, Pg 16 the Graph should be enough to tell the story. I was lucky to find this data so easily, rape indeed is very misunderstood by some.

Very true, sir, most people have the wrong connotation of sexual harassment altogether. I really hoped people would listen to research but sadly it's falling on deaf ears. The greatest tragedy is that this line of reasoning cloaks and masks the perpetrators so easily and makes the greatest malignancy of society possible: child abuse. If we cannot come out of the repeated strategies for the prevention of rape I wonder how can we make our children safe.
When did I hint anything about being overboard? Frankly when you all started asking me will I marry someone who had sex before with someone else, I felt so bad that I wanted to ask if you guys consider women a thing of limited use and if I marry her I would be using it second hand. It was disgusting to even think about it, but I did not accuse you or @LoveIcon and @DESSERT FIGHTER of it. Now you say that Im trying to be smart here?

I don't why you think it was offensive question when you are encouraging premarital sex. Anyway - I haven't said anything about first hand/second hand but there is difference between Widow/Divorced and sleeping with others without any socially acceptable relation. And whatever you say, sex is an important part of marriage and this is not new phoneme or limited to religion/beliefs, concept of marriage and limiting sexual relationship within socially acceptable bound is as old as human beings.

But as i stated before - exception exists, there are people who enjoy partner swapping, arranging orgies and don't see any problem in incest - that's ok for them but not for common people. I have never been in India, so can't comment on Indian culture but over all in eastern culture these things are considered taboo.
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In which case, you & I certainly inhabit different worlds. People may be conservative or otherwise depending on the occasion & the place but I really don't think most of the women I know, have as the primary factor dictating their dress choice, worry about a man losing control seeing them.:)
men losing control= rapes
I don't why you think it was offensive question when you are encouraging premarital sex. Anyway - I haven't said anything about first hand/second hand but there is difference between Widow/Divorced and sleeping with others without any socially acceptable relation. And whatever you say, sex is an important part of marriage and this is not new phoneme or limited to religion/beliefs, concept of marriage and limiting sexual relationship within socially acceptable bound is as old as human beings.

But as i stated before - exception exists, there are people who enjoy partner swapping, arranging orgies and don't see any problem in incest - that's ok for them but not for common people. I have never been in India, so can't comment on Indian culture but over all in eastern culture these things are considered taboo.

I never asked you any question, I replied to @Talon's post. She accused me of being smart and to that the respose was directed. I felt it clearly showed the bias in our society against women. Why? Because you certainly would not marry a girl who has had sex before but a man is scolded but does not face the stigma of not getting married but a women has to. Somehow in our societies boy doing it is bad but a girl doing itis tauba tauba.

I do not say that sex is not a important part of a marriage, it is as importan as others. My point was to remove the term socially accpetable because it is laden with bias, no matter how old. Either the society should completely look down on anyone or it should not at all.

I do not think it is ok to swap wifes(Equivalent to swapping husbands), to indulge in orgies or in Incest, same I apply for myself too, not just the women. Either it should be ok for both or should not be for anyone is my point. I hope i have cleared my PoV.
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I never asked you any question, I replied to @Talon's post. She accused me of being smart and to that the respose was directed. I felt it clearly showed the bias in our society against women. Why? Because you certainly would not marry a girl who has had sex before but a man is scolded but does not face the stigma of not getting married but a women has to. Somehow in our societies boy doing it is bad but a girl doing itis tauba tauba.

I do not say that sex is not a important part of a marriage, it is as importan as others. My point was to remove the term socially accpetable because it is laden with bias, no matter how old. Either the society should completely look down on anyone or it should not at all.

I do not think it is ok to swap wifes(Equivalent to swapping husbands), to indulge in orgies or in Incest, same I apply for myself too, not just the women. Either it should be ok for both or should not be for anyone is my point. I hope i have cleared my PoV.

I agree on being biased towards women only part. But for me having sex without marriage is equal to treating humans (male/female) as sex subject, fulfill the need and go own ways.
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In which case, you & I certainly inhabit different worlds. People may be conservative or otherwise depending on the occasion & the place but I really don't think most of the women I know, have as the primary factor dictating their dress choice, worry about a man losing control seeing them.:)
@Bang Galore maybe they are not pretty enough? :unsure:
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I never asked you any question, I replied to @Talon's post. She accused me of being smart
Hmmm...Now I worry how much of my posts do you REALLY understand :undecided:
and to that the respose was directed. I felt it clearly showed the bias in our society against women. Why? Because you certainly would not marry a girl who has had sex before but a man is scolded but does not face the stigma of not getting married but a women has to. Somehow in our societies boy doing it is bad but a girl doing itis tauba tauba.
our argument is EITHER doing it is touba touba while you are taking it to such levels in your own head...were you a girl the question would be the same only asking would you marry and trust a man who sleeps around?

I do not say that sex is not a important part of a marriage, it is as importan as others. My point was to remove the term socially accpetable because it is laden with bias, no matter how old. Either the society should completely look down on anyone or it should not at all.

I do not think it is ok to swap wifes(Equivalent to swapping husbands), to indulge in orgies or in Incest, same I apply for myself too, not just the women. Either it should be ok for both or should not be for anyone is my point. I hope i have cleared my PoV.
@LoveIcon said SOME think....Like you are also SOME who has your thinking DIFFERENT from society's....
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Another accusation but nicely covered up.
Your mind your thinking...not our fault if you taking it afloat!

This is really frustating, how many time should I say that I do not have a problem if they like it, it is my feeling because I have had some friends tell me it was very inconvenient. I blame those people who are forcing them to wear burkha against thier will, that is where my contention lies. Not for you the god fearing and burkha wearing women.
maybe you think too highly of yourself, ALL my posts have been dedicated to those who wear what they want on their will....Maybe for you cover up means the extreme end of burqa....we have other forms of coverings too....something called REVEALING clothes, heard of it? :pop:
Yes I have asked those who complain and they have never said or did any such thing. I guess you are a women who will slap them for being sympathetic to your inconvenience. There is another term called humanity not just Tharki.
Naah...just saw it in some BOLLYWOOD movie and some of your advertisements so said so.....

I wouldn't get my hands dirty by slapping someone else....besides I would probably laugh at the stupidity....like I said those who choose it do not need sympathy coz there is NO inconvenience

Wow, another vieled accusation at those who do not, they want guys to be staring at them :lol:
Your logic defies common sense.
stop your victim complex...NO ONE is accusing you of anything...Try complementing the figure of a girl wearing sexy clothes she will giggle for you....

I have reacted to your assertion that they lead to so the burden of proof and research lies on you, another respected member @jaibi pointed you in the same direction but you did not listen to him too.
He jumped in blind 2ndly, he didnt touch my points...many other respectable members also have answered you before....but ....

But why if they do not want to?
I never touched on such a topic...Coz it is not my concern.....thats their choice ....if they get raped...My sympathies ....nothing more can be said there....If they covered and still are attacked, then capital punishment is a MUST....because the girl already did her part while it was the guy who needs to take up ALL RESPONSIBILITY!

About HUMAN INSTINCTS, not sure why this is new to you,

1) A man gets aroused based on certain criteria...You saying anything different shows you are trolling because even neurological studies can confirm the areas of the brain which react to arousal...Plus hormones and MANY STUDIES...so it is not illogical at all that a covered woman would be more safe.

2) Men look who want to attack will look for an easy target, a woman wearing less clothes has done half the job for him

3) woman being drunk or drugged wont be able to identify the culprit so hence, another easy target

I am still surprised how your common sense over looked these points which were ALL OVER THE NET and are well studied and even the so called respected member who claims something yet knows not the basic points ....sounds like a troll just for the sake of driving HIS points....

No, im not talking about a serial rapist or mad man that is why I said what does it matter when a person has decided to rape.
Aroused means he need to have sex :lol: So why do not I see women raping men in the dungeons and dark alleys by the dozen? Of course thier chest hair must be provocative,thier beard must be too, muscles so on and so forth.
Your response defies not only Biology but also logic!
You cannot, because your good behaviour values does not fit mine.

No, read my point above. Wrong assumption.
No idea what you are talking about here...

You asked me why women in my life are more important than others and I explained. Do you treat men in your life (Father, brother) important than other men?
@samantk I believe this has been proven that I treat people as people...I am not sure more important such a situation has yet to occur....

1 thing for sure, I have stood up for people whom I believe are being suppressed or being treated unfairly....Do not throw your questions at me...I am not only older than you, I have seen MORE societies and Have met a larger diversity of people to have my weight! You talk about yourself because you are accusing a WHOLE society here!

Apart from Eastern society TREATING women unfairly...I believe in moderation not like you who swings from end to end....Either burqa or too much liberation based SOLELY ON YOUR VIEWS....while I say cover up, never used the word burqa and say responsibility is due on EVERYONE!

I do not agree with much of what you have to say....Kindly, do not waste my time no more :enjoy:

Maybe they know better men............:lol:
@Bang Galore LIKE @samantk you are also swinging from extreme ends...I am talking about being covered up while you lot are more concerned about other things

Another rape: Anger rises, protests spread in Delhi as 5-year-old victim battles for life - The Times of India

a 5 year old raped and now struggling for life.

this shows that its not about dress or ideology but the men here have misplaced frustration.

and we have a role in portraying women as an object for sex only.

women are not item numbers. plzzz stop this practice. its not liberalism
@Spring Onion again I am not talking about mentally frustrated people but just normal people who are waiting for an easy target to....hooligans if you wish...
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