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The Algerian Armed Forces.





why not do as europe? Typhoon and latter both from 4 European countries, the F-35 is also a participationde several countries.

Money is not what we lack if Algeria saudi arabia, iran, pakistan, turkey, qatar egypt etc ..... put their best and many scietifique money, we can build a great hunter musulman.et will be dependent on anyone...

No - Never - thank you (All GCC, Egypt, Jordan) ! :coffee:

Are you high, drunk or both?

Hungover, but still with more sense than you. Prove it! You keep on making baseless claims and making stuff up, if it happened you think I wouldn't know about it and it wouldn't have been reported globally, did the Greek 16 killing people and wrecking fighters not get reported, even the last Egyptian 16 loss was on the BBC and IIRC no one died.

He won't respond because like other anti-MB Arabs, they hate Palestinians and support Israel.

Or perhaps I'm tired of addressing political points in a technical debate. You still have no evidence to back up any label you throw at me. An absolutly huge number of Arabs dislike or an indifferent about the MB, but I won't convince someone who thinks they have 50 million supporters in Egypt otherwise, keep on sucking up to them.
Hungover, but still with more sense than you. Prove it! You keep on making baseless claims and making stuff up, if it happened you think I wouldn't know about it and it wouldn't have been reported globally, did the Greek 16 killing people and wrecking fighters not get reported, even the last Egyptian 16 loss was on the BBC and IIRC no one died.
You opened a thread yourself on the accident in flight between an Egyptian and an UAE F16 during the war games between the two countries.! You must have a real selective memory, or you are losing it!

one of your replies, since I am trying to remind you, the few you wrote..Your Mom apparently told you not argue with the MONG, she is absolutely right...I don't know if she was referring to the Attila the Hun and what he did to Baghdad , or to the Vietnamese montagnard! But you missed the point she was to convey to you , she meant to tell you not to fu....k, if you can't back it up!

Or perhaps I'm tired of addressing political points in a technical debate. You still have no evidence to back up any label you throw at me. An absolutly huge number of Arabs dislike or an indifferent about the MB, but I won't convince someone who thinks they have 50 million supporters in Egypt otherwise, keep on sucking up to them.
You missed the point here too! MB's are part of Egypt, they are your people, and you are taking tanks to them because the Sauds to score a point against the tiney Qatar, have ordered Sissi to overthrow a government that was elected, put all the MB's in death row, put their movement in a terror list that you had to create, and then to please the matrone of the ME, Sissi put the armed wing of HAMAS on the same list! Please aren't you glad you are in GB!

How old are you?
Old enough to date your day go sister....:cheers:
You opened a thread yourself on the accident in flight between an Egyptian and an UAE F16 during the war games between the two countries.! You must have a real selective memory, or you are losing it!

Thread was opened by Hazzy, I confirmed the death of four servicemen, two Egyptians, two from the Emirates, in one aircraft, which later was reported as a UAE helicopter.


One aircraft, not two, so no not F-16s colliding.

if you can't back it up!

Funnily enough I can, you on the other hand are hopeless.
My sister is 6 years old, so you are like, 8 or 9 years old? if you are older than that then i guess you are a pedo?
When you have the courage to show your real flag, you real country, then we can have a serious discussion...until then...
i won't even bother talking to you, you are just like all the ignorant kids ranting on here. good luck! farewell !
Thread was opened by Hazzy, I confirmed the death of four servicemen, two Egyptians, two from the Emirates, in one aircraft, which later was reported as a UAE helicopter.

View attachment 190018

One aircraft, not two, so no not F-16s colliding.

Funnily enough I can, you on the other hand are hopeless.
Then you should verify your info before putting them in the forum..neverless, helicopter or F16..shows the level of competancy ! simply put they don't fly enough to meet the norms...
I really like to reply to every phrase you "regurgited" from page 92 of this thread. But it useless ..arab armies will be always arabs..no punch all talk! And we are arrogant because "WE CAN" back it up! And despite the video's you included in one your reply to minimize the Algerian contribution militarily and materially to Egypt against Israel. THE ALGERIAN ARMY, SAVED THE EGYPTIAN FROM HAVING HEBREW AS THEIR NATIONAL LANGUAGE. They saved Egypt at a time where your own upper class officers ( Egypt officers are all chosen from upper classes and have no contact wit their troops, hope that changed today, but seeing some picture published here, I sincerely doubt it) couldn't differentiate between a shell whistle and a jet reactor noise. If you don't believe, read the memories of Khaled Nezzar the former COS of the Algerian army.

In the near future, and I hope that nothing happen to Egypt, since your MB's sent a staunch warning to foreigners and foreign companies to leave Egypt by the end of this month (reminder of the FIS warning in Algeria in the 90's) , we will witness the reaction and the efficiency of the super internet hyped armed forces of Egypt, with all the western forces help and no embargo against her...

i won't even bother talking to you, you are just like all the ignorant kids ranting on here. good luck! farewell !
Ignorant from an Egyptian, like a pot calling the kettle black..
Then you should verify your info before putting them in the forum..neverless, helicopter or F16..shows the level of competancy ! simply put they don't fly enough to meet the norms...

Are you being intentionally thick!?

Firstly, I posted the statement taken from the Official Military Spokesman, I did not make any statement about F-16s, you continue to make stuff up.

Secondly, mechanical failures and freak accidents happen all across the world, nations that fly enormous amounts of hours or a few experience these tragedies. Case in point was the Algerian Air Force transport air craft that crashed and left over 70 AF personnel dead was that a reflection of the AAFs competency? or how about the S-24 that crashed in October of 2014 or how about the Mig-25 that crashed in November of 2014?

And despite the video's you included in one your reply to minimize the Algerian contribution militarily and materially to Egypt against Israel. THE ALGERIAN ARMY, SAVED THE EGYPTIAN FROM HAVING HEBREW AS THEIR NATIONAL LANGUAGE. They saved Egypt at a time where your own upper class officers ( Egypt officers are all chosen from upper classes and have no contact wit their troops, hope that changed today, but seeing some picture published here, I sincerely doubt it) couldn't differentiate between a shell whistle and a jet reactor noise. If you don't believe, read the memories of Khaled Nezzar the former COS of the Algerian army.

Except, the only Arab nation to actually fight on the Egyptian front was Iraq (Hawker Hunter squadron).

Here is an explanation by Group 73 Historians (the highest Arab authority on the war) detailing the Algerian involvement in the war and dispelling the lies you have been fed by walts.

المجموعة 73 مؤرخين - ومازال الجزائريون يعيشون وهم مشاركتهم في حرب أكتوبر .

ونحن نتحدي أي كان من يكون أن يدعي قتاله مع الجيش المصري في حرب اكتوبر – عدا السرب العراقي البطل الذي ادي معارك بطوليه وكتيبه حرس وطني فلسطينيه قاتلت قتال باسل في الثغره بالقرب من فايد – غير ذلك لم يشارك اي جيش عربي في القتال علي جبهه قناه السويس
( والمشاركه تختلف عن القتال وسنوضح ذلك لاحقا )
وليسرد لنا من يدعي ذلك يوم من يوميات تلك المعارك علي ان يحدد لنا المكان واليوم والقوة المشاركه ، ولا تكون مثل تلك الاكاذيب المنشورة بالصحف الصفراء عن قتال لواء جزائري لقوات شارون عند السويس وهو ادعاء باطل جملة وتفصيلا حيث ان قوات شارون كانت علي مشارف الاسماعيليه في الشمال ولم تكن في الجنوب ، ولم تستغيث جولدا مائير لانقاذ قواتها من اطباق الجزائريين لها ، بل لم تذكر اي مذكره من مذكرات قاده الحرب الاسرائيليين او تحليلات الحرب للمؤرخين الاجانب اي دور لقوات جزائريه او اي اشتباكات فعليه مؤثرة مع تلك القوات لو حدثت .

سرب طائرات سوخوي 7 وصل يوم 10 اكتوبر الي قاعده بير عريضه الجويه وكانت حالته الفنيه سيئه جدا ولم يشارك في اي عمليات قتاليه .
سرب طائرات ميج 21 وصل يوم 12 اكتوبر تمركز في المطارات الخلفيه (جناكليس ) ولم يشارك في اي اعمال قتال .
سرب ميج 17 وصل يوم 11 اكتوبر ولم يشارك في اي عمليات
لواء مدرع استكمل وصوله يوم 13 اكتوبر تقريبا وتم وضعه في قطاع الجيش الثالث تحت قياده الفرقه الرابعه المدرعه وشارك في اعمال اشتباكات مدفعيه فقط خلال حرب لاستنزاف الثانيه ، ودخل ضمن تخطيط الخطه شامل

هذه هي حقيقه المشاركات العربيه ، والتي وصلت كلها ( عدا السرب العراقي ) بعد يوم 10أكتوبر وكان معظمها عبء اداري علي الجيش المصري من ناحيه التجهيز والامداد والتجهيز ، فضلا علي ان القوات الجزائريه التي وصلت لم تكن تتقن اللغه العربيه انما تتحدث الفرنسيه فقط .
لكن تلك القوات ساعدت بقوة في تثبيت الخط الدفاعي الجديد لحصار الثغرة ،
واذا ظن احدا ان مصر تنكر الجميل وتتدعي الكذب فلماذا ذكرت كل المصادر مشاركه السرب العراقي الفعاله ولم تذكر مشاركه قوات اخري ؟؟؟؟ لانها الحقيقه المجرده
والاخوة الذين يدعون كذبا وزورا ان قوات بلادهم شاركت في النصر وفي القتال اقول لهم
((هاتوا برهانكم ان كنتم صادقين )) او بقول اخر
(( البينه علي من ادعي ،واليمين علي من انكر))

فأنتم تدعون مشاركه قواتكم في حرب اكتوبر وهذا صحيح ، لكن لا تدعون زورا معارك وهميه وبطولات لم تحدث ، فمصر دائما كبيرة في المقام وفي المكانه ،ولو كانت نيتنا طمس حقائق المشاركات العربيه لكنا طمسنا كل المشاركات بما فيها المشاركه العراقيه الفعاله بسرب الهوكر هنتر المقاتل .
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I guess the Iraqi Hawkers gave him the headache...

Like I wrote above, it is Algeria that saved Egypt from being forced to learn Hebrew...In fact it took awhile for Egypt war museum to recognize the Algerian contribution...Nothing new there...
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