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The Algerian Armed Forces.

F16 no data but 25 hrs or less

25 hours a year on our F-16s really?

So presumably the 55+ pilots who have over a thousand hours on the F-16 have been in service and flying the aircraft for the past 40 years, meaning we have sixty year olds flying, for the pilots who have over 2000 hours they have been flying for the past 80 years and they're 100 years old (wow) or even better the Egyptian pilot who has clocked over 4000 hours, he is a whopping 180 years old, meaning we were flying F-16s in 1836.

F-16 News

When you stop making stuff up and actually begin to have some sort of understanding of defence, then reply to me, because time and time again you embarrass yourself.

Bye, bye.

25 hours a year on our F-16s really?
If they accumulated that kind of flying hours, which is verydoubtful, since we know how things are magnified in the middle east, they did by flying the MIG 21, not the F16.

When you stop making stuff up and actually begin to have some sort of understanding of defence, then reply to me, because time and time again you embarrass yourself

When you quit being delusional, then we can have a serious, discussion. to this moment, I have always refrain myself from saying or putting a thread that shows the real " inexistent potency" of the Egyptian armed forces. Algeria saved and kept your @sses afloat during the 60's and the 70's and she is still to this day, shoring you up economically after Qatar diched you..and then , as usual you will comeback to Algeria for help after the Sauds give you the "official" middle finger.
You can snowball with your fellow Arabs, of the mighty Egyptian army, but she is only mighty in your mind...The only might we all witnessed, is tanks against the MB's, tanks against your owb people. You can't go to the Sinai without Netan permission, you can't battle the beit el moukdiss, without calling on the Israeli drones....to practice on your own people, and you call yourself, a country, OUM EDDOUNIA! toz!
You have ISIS, settling in your western border, are you going to call on your pal Netan too?
And the only time where Egypt found its might was to fence the Palestinian because Netan ordered it, and Sissi boy does not want Netan tota up his @ss. We have a saying back home that resumes the situation very well....A boy came to his daddy and told him, dad everybody beat me , but I can beat my sister
Djari yaghlebni, bessah neghleb oukhti..

By putting Hamas army wing on the list, since Egypt has to mimic or ordered to, on a terror list, is not going to help Egypt getting freed of MB's wrath.
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I am not making stuff..Those pilo If they accumulated that kind of flying hours, which is verydoubtful, since we know how things are magnified in the middle east, they did by flying the MIG 21, not the F16.

When you quit being delusional, then we can have a really serious, discussion.

The award/s (hour patch) are awarded by Lockheed Martin, nothing to do with the Middle East, training hours on the aircraft or simulators are logged like every other 16 operator. Hours flown in total on several aircraft do not go towards the achievement of flying a certain number of hours on a particular type. There are pilots in the EAF who have never flown anything but an F-16. Pilots on the Mig-21/F-7 get the least flying time in the EAF due to the age of the aircraft, they are due for retirement at the end of this year.

If you want to have a serious discussion then start one, and stop window licking.
The award/s (hour patch) are awarded by Lockheed Martin, nothing to do with the Middle East, training hours on the aircraft or simulators are logged like every other 16 operator. Hours flown in total on several aircraft do not go towards the achievement of flying a certain number of hours on a particular type. There are pilots in the EAF who have never flown anything but an F-16. Pilots on the Mig-21/F-7 get the least flying time in the EAF due to the age of the aircraft, they are due for retirement at the end of this year.

If you want to have a serious discussion then start one, and stop window licking.

I know more about United States and patch's award. They are given at the end of a course..They don't mean shit! Look how the war games with UAE ended up? that's tell a lot !
I know more about United States and patch's award. They are given at the end of a course..They don't mean shit! Look how the war games with UAE ended up? that's tell a lot !

Nope, there are a multitude of patches and awards, patches that highlight achievements such as flying hours are usually awarded by a manufacturer such as Lockheed or Das, badges such as the generic pilot course badge (patch received after training completion) are awarded by respective air forces, and unique badges such as the 'doesn't die' patch are awarded by host nations (in this case Red Flag) during exercises to foreign or domestic pilots. Now, the patch on the pilots arm I put up is awarded by Lockheed Martin, and it does mean something, 4000 hours on a fighter jet is exceptional and he is one of only 3-4 pilots outside of the US to achieve such a feat on the 16.

Ended up? Excercise "Siham Alhaq" is still ongoing. If you're talking about the UAE heli crash in Egypt then I'm afraid I have to tell you that mechanical failures, pilot error, and freak accidents happen and no air force in the world is a stranger to things plummeting out of the sky.
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ceylal stop cause stp

@Frogman I have nothing against you, nor against egypt, but does not speak of the Egyptian power. egypt is not a power you been dependent on American, it finances your army. and your F-16 is a lower F-15/16 Israeli.

If egypt and as strong explained me why it does not bombard reacts lorque israel gaza ??? I'm sorry but the egyte and weak.

Algeria is one more indepandant because it uses Russian weapons. However, our product is not material and as well as dependent, so none of us is a power. but Algeria and freer than egypt.

egypt has bought Russian and Chinese weapons out of addiction, and try to power provides balanced with israel.

Russian Mig-35 is superior to the American F-16, the Su-30/35 are in the category of Israeli F-15 so if you want to become a power, it will not count the F-16.

but talking about the Algerian army only so thank you respected the topic
ceylal stop cause stp

@Frogman I have nothing against you, nor against egypt, but does not speak of the Egyptian power. egypt is not a power you been dependent on American, it finances your army. and your F-16 is a lower F-15/16 Israeli.

If egypt and as strong explained me why it does not bombard reacts lorque israel gaza ??? I'm sorry but the egyte and weak.

Algeria is one more indepandant because it uses Russian weapons. However, our product is not material and as well as dependent, so none of us is a power. but Algeria and freer than egypt.

egypt has bought Russian and Chinese weapons out of addiction, and try to power provides balanced with israel.

Russian Mig-35 is superior to the American F-16, the Su-30/35 are in the category of Israeli F-15 so if you want to become a power, it will not count the F-16.

but talking about the Algerian army only so thank you respected the topic

Are you an Algerian or an Iranian ? :unsure:
Ended up? Excercise "Siham Alhaq" is still ongoing. If you're talking about the UAE heli crash in Egypt then I'm afraid I have to tell you that mechanical failures, pilot error, and freak accidents happen and no air force in the world is a stranger to things plummeting out of the sky.
I am talking about the two F16 that collided...that speaks a lot how the Arab world count the flying hours ! 4000 hrs...again..TOZ!
I am talking about the two F16 that collided...that speaks a lot how the Arab world count the flying hours ! 4000 hrs...again..TOZ!

No such thing happened......stop making stuff up.

UAE F-16 mishap and accidents shows 3 aircraft lost first (write off) in 09 2006 second in 2010 (sto) and one in 2011 (sto) per F-16.net

Egypt's last F-16 accident/mishap was in 2010

You're welcome to try and prove me wrong.
ceylal stop cause stp

@Frogman I have nothing against you, nor against egypt, but does not speak of the Egyptian power. egypt is not a power you been dependent on American, it finances your army. and your F-16 is a lower F-15/16 Israeli.

If egypt and as strong explained me why it does not bombard reacts lorque israel gaza ??? I'm sorry but the egyte and weak.

Algeria is one more indepandant because it uses Russian weapons. However, our product is not material and as well as dependent, so none of us is a power. but Algeria and freer than egypt.

egypt has bought Russian and Chinese weapons out of addiction, and try to power provides balanced with israel.

Russian Mig-35 is superior to the American F-16, the Su-30/35 are in the category of Israeli F-15 so if you want to become a power, it will not count the F-16.

but talking about the Algerian army only so thank you respected the topic

He won't respond because like other anti-MB Arabs, they hate Palestinians and support Israel.
Algerian army and unquestionably the freest army. but it is still dependent of another. the Egyptian weapon will not face the weight israel are weapons can be used only for the American interest. we must understand its my brother and sister.

as we not recognize our weakness, we will never develop.

why not do as europe? Typhoon and latter both from 4 European countries, the F-35 is also a participationde several countries.

Money is not what we lack if Algeria saudi arabia, iran, pakistan, turkey, qatar egypt etc ..... put their best and many scietifique money, we can build a great hunter musulman.et will be dependent on anyone. malheresement the mentality is still too small to consider working together between a Muslim and to join forces.
Algerian army and unquestionably the freest army. but it is still dependent of another. the Egyptian weapon will not face the weight israel are weapons can be used only for the American interest. we must understand its my brother and sister.

as we not recognize our weakness, we will never develop.

why not do as europe? Typhoon and latter both from 4 European countries, the F-35 is also a participationde several countries.

Money is not what we lack if Algeria saudi arabia, iran, pakistan, turkey, qatar egypt etc ..... put their best and many scietifique money, we can build a great hunter musulman.et will be dependent on anyone. malheresement the mentality is still too small to consider working together between a Muslim and to join forces.

Iran and Turkey are already doing that.
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