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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Do you want to see something funny? here's something from your same site, read this

Iran Not in S-300 Missile Replacement Talks – Envoy / Sputnik International

"" Iran and Russia have not discussed Moscow’s tentative offer to supply Tehran with Antei-2500 surface-to-air missile systems instead of the S-300, whose sale was previously blocked by the Kremlin

“As for the Antei-2500 [missile] systems, it’s just words,” Seyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi told RIA Novosti. “There were no agreements, and there are no talks [on the matter].”

“We’re waiting for Russia’s concrete proposals,” he added at a press conference later the same day.""

"Kommersant daily reported in June that Russia was ready to supply the Antei-2500 air defense system, itself a modification of the S-300 and superior to early variants of that system in capability, but this was never officially confirmed."
Do you want to see something funny? here's something from your same site, read this

Iran Not in S-300 Missile Replacement Talks – Envoy / Sputnik International

"" Iran and Russia have not discussed Moscow’s tentative offer to supply Tehran with Antei-2500 surface-to-air missile systems instead of the S-300, whose sale was previously blocked by the Kremlin

“As for the Antei-2500 [missile] systems, it’s just words,” Seyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi told RIA Novosti. “There were no agreements, and there are no talks [on the matter].”

“We’re waiting for Russia’s concrete proposals,” he added at a press conference later the same day.""

"Kommersant daily reported in June that Russia was ready to supply the Antei-2500 air defense system, itself a modification of the S-300 and superior to early variants of that system in capability, but this was never officially confirmed."
it is the subject of the Algerian army, I do not understand why we are talking about Iran.

Russia just wanted to make pressure on the united state, but Iran is not Embale by this system, apparently, the local project (bavar373 and talash3) are promising
off topic end
Hello to everyone.

Stop joking. Algeria is the only arabic/muslim country Russia consider !
During the "Kippour War", USSR delivered SAM SA-6 system, wich was the best at this time.
And what did "the courageaous egyptian soldiers", when TSAHAL arrived ? Did they strongly and courageously defend the system to respect their agreement with USSR ?

No, they have fled loosely... so Isarel could understand the system with USA....

The real question of its discussion is : Wich Arabic country is sovereign ?
The only arabic country wich is sovereign, is Algeria!!!!

Egypt is depending about US dollars, and haven't the right to put a mechanized division in its own Sinai lool lol lol... Is this Sovereignity ? Stop joking. Put a mechanized division in Sinai and i will respect your country.
Today, your country is a toy in the hands of ISRAEL, wich is deciding about your own Sinai....

GCC countries ? Lol, they are the dogs of USA and Western Countries, attacking Proud arabic nations as Syria or Lybia... I call them Zionist Arab Countries. Yes, Saudi Arabia is a Zionist Regime, attacking Iraq of Saddam Hussein, making religious decision to attack DAESH when USA tell them to do that but not sincerely, (where ALGERIA fight terrorism at any time for its own purpose)!!! And never protesting when our Palestinian Brothers are murdered ...

Morocco ? Lol, a country without any sovereignity, where western men can have sexual heelings with kids, end little girls without risking jail... A country which is ok with all the decisions of FRANCE in United Nations....

Algeria is a Sovereign country. Why ?
Because Algeria make its own decisions. You want proof ?

Kosovo case. Algeria said against France, US and western decisions, that she will never recognize Kosovo until Serbia don't recognize it.
Algeria was against Gulf War in 1991 and 2003.
Algeria was against war against Lybia in 2011, and has not allowed NATO aircraft to use our space.
Algeria is the only arab country with Lebanon, wich don't eject the Syrian amabassador from the country.

And the last case. In Amenas hostage crisis, with us citizens, britain etc...
If this crisis, was in Egypt or Morocco or Saudi Arabia, you can be sure that Seal Team or Delta Force Team should make the job, in an arabic land.
And in Algeria ?

No negociation, and massive attack no matter if the hostages are US or Britain, or French or other...
No information to US Departement State or Pentagone, or to anyone else. (Wich arabic country or country can do this ?!!! Russia, China and few countries, but no other arabic country which obey to USA !!).
And our team is making the job, like a REAL SOVEREIGN COUNTRY.

Look at my picture "avatar", and see to these women... Read about Hassiba Ben Bouali, Djamila Boupacha, Djamila Bouhired, Damila Bouazza, Zohra Drif etc... and you will understand that algerian women are much more courageous than your men, who have dropped the pants against our ennemies...

Arabic people in Eastern Region are not courageous. You have the only courage to bomb your brothers, to attack arabic countries such Syria and Lybia... but you dropped your pants against ISrael...

You have walnuted the tunnels of GAZA, shame to you, shame to you !!!!
I only respect PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, whic i love them, and i want to tell to palestinians who read me, that we love PALESTINE and PALESTINIAN, and we think and carry about them everydays... and that ALGERIAN people is ready to face the DEATH to defend your wives, children, and land...

Don't think all arabic people are loosers. Algeria (ARABIC + IMAZIGHEN PEOPLE, because we are a melting pot between Arabs and Imazighen, and i'm "arab" origin to say that) as our President BOUMEDIENNE Says is with PALESTINE oppressed or oppressor.

To finish, ALGERIA IS THE ONLY PEOPLE AND COUNTRY WHO DEFEAT A "COLONY OCCUPATION" in the History... and i hope that PALESTINE AND WESTERN SAHARA will be the second and third...
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Hello to everyone.

Stop joking. Algeria is the only arabic/muslim country Russia consider !
During the "Kippour War", USSR delivered SAM SA-6 system, wich was the best at this time.
And what did "the courageaous egyptian soldiers" do, when TSAHAL arrived ? Did they strongly and courageously defend the system to respect their agreement with USSR ?

No, they have fled loosely... so Isarel could understand the system with USA....

The real question of its discussion is : Wich Arabic country is sovereign ?
The only arabic country wich is sovereign, is Algeria!!!!

Egypt is depending about US dollars, and haven't the right to put a mechanized division in its own Sinai lool lol lol... Is this Sovereignity ? Stop joking. Put a mechanized division in Sinai and i will respect your country.
Today, your country is a toy in the hands of ISRAEL, wich is deciding about your own Sinai....

GCC countries ? Lol, they are the dogs of USA and Western Countries, attacking Proud arabic nations as Syria or Lybia... I call them Zionist Arab Countries. Yes, Saudi Arabia is a Zionist Regime, attacking Iraq of Saddam Hussein, making religious decision to attack DAESH when USA tell them to do that but not sincerely, (where ALGERIA fight terrorism at any time for its own purpose)!!! And never protesting when our Palestinian Brothers are murdered ...

Morocco ? Lol, a country without any sovereignity, where western men can have sexual heelings with kids, end little girls without risking jail... A country which is ok with all the decisions of FRANCE in United Nations....

Algeria is a Sovereign country. Why ?
Because Algeria make its own decisions. You want proof ?

Kosovo case. Algeria said against France, US and western decisions, that she will never recognize Kosovo until Serbia don't recognize it.
Algeria was against Gulf War in 1991 and 2003.
Algeria was against war against Lybia in 2011, and has not allowed NATO aircraft to use our space.
Algeria is the only arab country with Lebanon, wich don't eject the Syrian amabassador from the country.

And the last case. In Amenas hostage crisis, with us citizens, britain etc...
If this crisis, was in Egypt or Morocco or Saudi Arabia, you can be sure that Seal Team or Delta Force Team should make the job, in an arabic land.
And in Algeria ?

No negociation, and massive attack no matter if the hostages are US or Britain, or French or other...
No information to US Departement State or Pentagone, or to anyone else.
And our team is making the job, like a REAL SOVEREIGN COUNTRY.

Look at my picture "avatar", and see to these women... Read about Hassiba Ben Bouali, Djamila Boupacha, Djamila Bouhired, Damila Bouazza, Zohra Drif etc... and you will understand that algerian women are much more courageous than your men, who have dropped the pants against our ennemies...

Arabic people in Eastern Region are not courageous. You have the only courage to bomb your brothers, to attack arabic countries such Syria and Lybia... but you dropped your pants against ISrael...

You have walnuted the tunnels of GAZA, shame to you, shame to you !!!!
I only respect PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, whic i love them, and i want to tell to palestinians who read me, that we love PALESTINE and PALESTINIAN, and we think and carry about them everydays... and that ALGERIAN people is ready to face the DEATH to defend your wives, children, and land...

Don't think all arabic people are loosers. Algeria as our President BOUMEDIENNE Says is with PALESTINE oppressed or oppressor.

To finish, ALGERIA IS THE ONLY PEOPLE AND COUNTRY WHO DEFEAT A "COLONY OCCUPATION" in the History... and i hope that PALESTINE AND WESTERN SAHARA will be the second and third...
well said. that is why I am proud to belong to the Algerian nation and Iran, a proud country and standing.

but beware OffTopic.
Stop joking. Algeria is the only arabic/muslim country Russia consider !

Except that isn't very accurate nor does it take into consideration that fact that many states would prefer to ally themselves with the worlds dominant super power rather than a nation that is facing economic collapse due to the Ruble plummeting.

During the "Kippour War", USSR delivered SAM SA-6 system, wich was the best at this time.
And what did "the courageaous egyptian soldiers", when TSAHAL arrived ? Did they strongly and courageously defend the system to respect their agreement with USSR ?

No, they have fled loosely... so Isarel could understand the system with USA....

The IDF did not capture any Sa-6 systems from the Egyptians. Plus, it is generally accepted that low level AAA was responsible for the majority of Israels 300+ combat aircraft losses as SAM systems caused them to fly low, right into the sights of AAA and FLAK, so no not exactly "the best system".

The Thaghra which allowed the IDF to cross onto the western bank and capture (or at least photograph) several Sa-2 positions was as a result of the bloodiest and most ferocious battle of the war, The Battle Of Chinese Farm.

As for the courageous and professional and invincible Algerian Army, its only contribution to the war was one artillery mission in support of Egyptian troops, the two fighter squadrons you sent were non operational.

The real question of its discussion is : Wich Arabic country is sovereign ?
The only arabic country wich is sovereign, is Algeria!!!!

First understand the word then use it. Sovereignty is the ability of a state to conduct its affairs without outside interference from states or bodies, thus far in the ME the only states that are not sovereign and are not independent are those under occupation or in a state of civil war.

Egypt is depending about US dollars, and haven't the right to put a mechanized division in its own Sinai lool lol lol... Is this Sovereignity ? Stop joking. Put a mechanized division in Sinai and i will respect your country.
Today, your country is a toy in the hands of ISRAEL, wich is deciding about your own Sinai....

Over thirty thousand troops are stationed in the Sinai under the command of the 2nd Field Army. They include, mechanized formations from the 2nd and 3rd Army, Rapid Deployment Forces formations, Interior Ministry Special Operations, Egyptian Navy vessels, and Special Forces units as well as EAF assets such as Apaches, Mi-17, and CH-47, plus UAV.

Your ignorance is astounding. You can check my posts on Op Sinai in the Egyptian Armed Forces thread if You're skeptical.

and has not allowed NATO aircraft to use our space.

Shame it couldn't do the same for Mali, oh wait. Isn't France a Nato member!?

France says Algeria supportive of its Mali operation| Reuters

And the last case. In Amenas hostage crisis, with us citizens, britain etc...
If this crisis, was in Egypt or Morocco or Saudi Arabia, you can be sure that Seal Team or Delta Force Team should make the job, in an arabic land.
And in Algeria ?

No negociation, and massive attack no matter if the hostages are US or Britain, or French or other...
No information to US Departement State or Pentagone, or to anyone else. (Wich arabic country or country can do this ?!!! Russia, China and few countries, but no other arabic country which obey to USA !!).
And our team is making the job, like a REAL SOVEREIGN COUNTRY.

Conducting operations before we were even born.

23 August 1973 93 passenger Egypt Air Flight Luxor Airport to Cairo hijacked by three men, operation by Egyptian Special Forces resulted in the arrest of the three terrorists and zero civilian losses.

1985 Egypt Air Flight 648 with around 100 passengers hijacked by Abu Nadal terrorists, Egyptian Special Forces were sent to a rapidly deteriorating situation in which passengers were being killed every 15 minutes. Operation resulted in the death of two of the terrorists and one was arrested in hospital after trying to blend in with civilians. A complete balls up from the start only 58 of the 95 passengers survived, no losses to the Egyptian team.

1985 merchant ship Achille Lauro was hijacked, Egyptian Special Forces lead the negotiations covertly using the PLF's leader AbuAbbas (After talks between Mubarak and Arafat) to talk the hijackers down and that's why he was found under the units protection on the Egypt Air flight heading to Tunis which was diverted to Italy and they secured his release from the Italian authorities after heated negotiations.

3rd of June 1998 Operation Global Sky, merchant vessel tries to escape port without paying fees. After the Coast Guard tries to board the crew open fire on them, the Egyptian Special Forces are called in, all crew members are detained after an assault by boat and air using a fast rope, zero casualties.

Their last operation was recovering tourists who were captured then moved to Sudan/Chad. The hijackers came into contact with Sudanese forces which lead to them 'ditching' the tourists, the Egyptian Special Forces then found the tourists and returned them to Egypt. GSG-9 and KSK were deployed but by the time they had arrived the tourists had been returned.

Troops rescue kidnapped Egypt tour group | World news | theguardian.com

As for the Saudis their forces were not ready to deal with a hostage crisis during the Grand Mosque Seizure 1979 so they had to call for outside help, however in 2004

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Saudi commandos rescue hostages

I can not speak for other forces in the region, but, you're wrong, dead wrong.

and that ALGERIAN people is ready to face the DEATH to defend your wives, children, and land...

Yeah, we're all waiting, come on do it.

To finish, ALGERIA IS THE ONLY PEOPLE AND COUNTRY WHO DEFEAT A "COLONY OCCUPATION" in the History... and i hope that PALESTINE AND WESTERN SAHARA will be the second and third...

No, you most definitely aren't, brush up on your history, stop using platitudes, stop making stuff up, maybe read a book or two then reply. BTW wasn't there certain Arab countries that provided assistance to the Algerian independence fighters? last time I checked it wasn't a solo effort.

I'll reply to you, and not to the other "Wasteland" troll with so many lies and mistakes, that's even not funny.

I don't like him either, starts flame wars for no reason.

But Iran insists on getting PMU-version. I don't want to argue about which S-300 is "better" - the PMU-2 or the upgraded VM-versions. The point is that Algeria and now Egypt - along with Azerbaijan are the only "Muslim" countries that have these advances SAMs from Russia.

Now the next SAM, called PMU-3 or S-400 as we know it, is heading most likely to Algeria first, regarding "Muslim" countries. So Algeria will most likely be the first customer of S-400, if we compare between Algeria and Egypt. Azerbaijan will never get any S-400, that's for sure, because of the whole situation with Armenia, which in Russian ally through CSTO and Customs Union. Russia has also military forces in Armenia.

Now back to the question regarding Iran. I know that Iran has sued Russia, therefore Russia was offering Iran VM-version in June 2013, to "smooth" things out. However, in the meantime, Iran was developing their own S-300, which is called Bavar-373. I don't know how good that version is, but Iran isn't just sitting and "waiting for something to be delivered". They are "pro-active".

Furthermore, regarding Russian contracts to Syria and Iran; we all know that Israel and the U.S. applied massive pressure on Russia, between 2008 - 2013 regarding possible weapons deliveries to Syria and Iran. I was not just the pressure, but the U.S. and Israel were threatening to arm Georgia and Azerbaijan to counter Russian possible deliveries to Syria and Iran.

However, Russia decided to neutralize that "threat", so Russia started selling a lot of weapons to Azerbaijan themselves, thus making Azerbaijan rather dependent on Russian arms deliveries. It's a very delicate situation regarding Armenia and NK Republic, which is an pro-Armenian area inside Azerbaijan that is governing itself independently from Baku.

The same way Tiraspol is governing itself away from Moldova. The same way Abkhazia and South Ossetia are governing themselves away from Georgia and the same way Crimea now is part of Russia, while Donbass-area/Novorossija is an area which Kiev/Ukraine, does not control.

So you see, there are several areas around Russian borders that have delicate situations and "frozen conflicts". We are talking about four countries here, which Russia has some kind of armed clashes with since the early 1990s.

Now the West is again threatening to arm this time the Kiev-regime, the same way the West threatened to arm Georgia and Azerbaijan if Russia had delivered certain weapons systems to Syria and Iran.

Regarding Algeria however, there has been NO serious complaining from Israel regarding Russian weapons deliveries to Algeria. On the contrary, Algeria is the one that was concerned whether or not Su-30MKA had any Israeli-made components.

But Israel on the other hand never complained about Algeria as they do with Syria and Iran and since Egypt also borders with Israel, then Israel is definitely "your problem" - it's not Algeria's problem.

I think you've gone way off the topic I was off topic about but I will reply in a few short sentences so we can move this along a bit. First, there are two variants of the S-300 for a reason, they have different tasks and the procurement of a particular system is based upon requirements, the Iranians may have wanted the S-300MPU2 because they lacked point defence capabilities and their doctrine isn't based upon moving formations under the cover of SAMs where as Egypt needs systems which are tracked and accompany formations.

Anyway, the Russians have stated that they will accept orders for the S-400 from any of their current partners (of which Egypt is one) as the S-300 line will be closed down, as such orders for that system will be rerouted towards the S-400 as the S series system is a major export product for Russia, they won't just leave the market to other nations such as China or the US.

No one ever said the Israelis were your problem, neither are they our problem unless the peace treaty goes up in smoke.

On the contrary, even though I despise Israeli politics and occupation, I definitely do not "diss down" their military capacity. Again, on the contrary, I have pointed out their superiority over all other Arab countries, which is just a fact. No Western weapon in Arab arsenal can or will defeat Israel in any way, EVER. Those are the hard facts any Arab country, and even Turkey with Western shiny toys has to accept.

There is nothing stopping any Arab state from using any weapon against the Israelis and there is no evidence that the same equipment bought from the US is somehow superior in the Israelis hands. There is no real technical data supporting that, the same system will feature the same radar, avionics etc. etc. unless there are specific changes such as the F-16 Sufa or the F-16 B60 or even the F-15SA and F-15I for instance.

If there is technical data please provide it, and provide good sources.

Oil canNEVER defeat technology, no matter how much Saudi-Arabia thinks that "oil is a weapon" - it's not.

The Ruble is about to collapse and Russia's economy is shrinking at an alarming rate. It's a pretty effective weapon.

Andthen, there are always nukes. The fact that Israel alone can flatten whole UAE, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi-Arabia, while the latter countries again cannot do a squat about it.

So defeating Israel at any point in the future is useless. So the question is why does some Arab countries have such huge arsenals of shiny toys when they know they will never be able to make nuclear weapons, and they know that Western and Israeli technology is way about any Arab technology. So that's why I can this arsenal for "shiny toys", because they for the most part are.

Again, your entire argument is based upon hyperbole and platitudes. The Israelis retain the nuclear deterrent as a last precaution, and what defeat means may be relative, do you see defeat as driving them all into the sea or wining a small skirmish over gas fields or ending the occupation.

If you read up on nuclear projects in the ME you would find the nations you mentioned have the capability to start weapons programs, however, what is more important than the ability is the political will, as sanctions would be placed like in Iran and in the past Pakistan. I think you're completely ignoring how serious the use of WMD in the region would be and the international implications of that usage. MAD is not a nice thing to aim for.

In reality Saudi-Arabia and UAE can only wage a war in Yemen and their own "turf" with those kind of weapons, but never against Israel.

Same goes for Egypt. If you want to do some kind of "warfare" in Libya against terrorists, that is something you can do. If you want to attack Sudan or Ethiopia, then of course, those shiny F-16 toys will beat Sudan and Ethiopia and the terrorists in eastern Libya. But try against Israel, and you know what happens.

As mentioned, Turkey experienced that already in 2010, regarding Israel.

There are no technical reasons to back up your claims, just provide them and the sources. The Turkish Flotilla incident had nothing to do with the Turkish state, it was a multinational NGO effort to supply Gaza with aid, if you're suggesting nations should just go to war because a few people got killed then we would be in the midst of world war 15 by now.

And thesame goes for Turkish arsenal. Unless they wanna be tough against Israel or NATO and the EU member Greece, I don't see why they have that weapons arsenal they have. Unless they are so afraid of PKK/YPG - but you don't need that kind of arsenal to defeat PKK.

Or if Erdogan gets crazy and want to attack Armenia, then he will be de facto in a war against Russia and the CSTO.

Realism (international relations) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look at the mess with India and their Rafale. They want 126 of them, and they are still arguing with France, three years after they "chose" France and the Rafale. Now India is threatening to cancel the whole deal and countinue to produce Su-30MKI.
Also another huge point here is that even if India decided right now while I am writing this, that they have finally agreed with France, the "last" Rafale - meaning the 126th Rafale will NOT be ready and operational before 2025 or even later. It's a massive waste of resources.

The issue with that deal is the Indians want Das to sign a deal in which it will have to guarantee that every fighter produced by HAL (Indian firm) will be up to standard, Das don't want to do that, the deal could have been signed ages ago.

The project is going to take that long because India wants to produce a production line and absorb a lot of the Rafale's technology, plus other things such as training crews, pilots, building infrastructure, and many other things that come with absorbing a new fighter. Anyway the average time to produce a fighter squadron is a year and a bit, the addition of 126 Rafale is massive.

I believe there is no point for Algeria to have 200+ 4th gen fighters in 2015 and onwards because we are looking at 5th gen aircraft "era" now. So by 2019-2020 we will have U.S., Chinese and Russian 5th gen aircraft operational. Therefore I really don't see the point to order, let's say another 150 4th/4.5th gen aircraft this year and then sit and wait for them well into early 2020s.

Therefore I don't see the point for Algeria to have 200 - 250 4th generation aircraft, by 2019-2020, since the 5th generation aircraft from Russia and China are getting ready, and S-400 SAM being offered most likely already from 2016 and onwards.

Money should be saved for hard times, which Algeria did (almost 200 billion USD), now that oil prices have suddenly plummeted. Furthermore, it is extremely expencive to replace 200 - 250 4th generation fighters with 100 - 150 5th generation fighters for countries such as Algeria, Egypt, and even Turkey.

Therefore having a few dozen well-prepared Su-30MKA along with Yak-130 and MiG-29s with the support of S-300PMU2 (soon S-400) + Improved Kilos, corvettes and frigates is more than sufficient for the next few years.

I am sure Algeria will order Su-34 to replace Su-24/MiG-25, and will most likely order Su-35 as well. But they won't be in huge numbers as there is no point. Money has to be kept for 5th gen fighters and generally for "hard times". Also, Algeria is spending 7 billion USD now on fighting terrorism out of the total "defense budget" of 20 billion USD. Which shows what is the huge focus on Algeria's part.

You're still looking at this all wrong, there is nothing wrong with the size of the AAF or anything else or the type of aircraft it has. You can keep on adding potent platforms and systems, however, that will not be a massive boost unless the AAF adopts net centrism and modern warfare doctrines.

Communication is the most vital part of the modern battlefield, the AAF still doesn't get that.

The lack of AWAC/ELINT/SIGNIT/EW aircraft proves it as does the lack of military fibre optic cable networks, your battle management and thus the command and control of your forces will be/is poor and thus your forces capabilities to rapidly adapt and overcome changing circumstances by way of transferring information rapidly to command then receiving orders or visa versa will be poor.

You can keep on looking at this from a one dimensional viewpoint which focuses on the type of aircraft flown vs another or a type of SAM etc. etc. but in modern combined arms and net centric warfare one type vs another type is not guaranteed and the enemy will exploit your inability to react rapidly to different situations.

Detailed explanation of NCW in the first link, wiki does an OK job though.


Network-centric warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This is what you need not another big name fighter jet or SAM.
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Bullshit !
Saudi commando or Egytpian commando shouldn't make any job if the situation is "red alert" like In Amenas case.
A proof ? The hostage of Mekka... it's the GIGN which made the job, stop your propaganda !!!
You have the only right to act when the alter it's not "international" ... if they are a lot of western citizens hostages, you will be ejected.

Sovereignity ? Camp David act, doesn't allow your army to be free completly in Sinai, don't lie...
Stationing of Forces
No more than one division (mechanized or infantry) of Egyptian armed forces will be stationed within an area lying approximately 50 km. (30 miles) east of the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal. Only United Nations forces and civil police equipped with light weapons to perform normal police functions will be stationed within an area lying west of the international border and the Gulf of Aqaba, varying in width from 20 km. (12 miles) to 40 km. (24 miles).

LOL, your country isn't free to deploy its own army in his territory....

Then, Russia is strong, in Russia people doesn't sleep in cemeteries like in Egypt, and they don't die from lake of food like in your country... Russia has oil and gas, and the crisis is temporary, like in Europa in 2008. Russia has money, not like Egypt which is a poor country.

Plus, don't talk about ALGERIA, which sell to you GAS at better price, which is reslod to ISRAEL without our agreement...
Algeria is the only country which defeat a colony people, no matter the help, it's not the subject... The fact is that only ALGERIA defeat a colony people in the history...

Then, Algeria doesn't say she's stronger than ISRAEL, we aren't stupid like in the middel east to believe yours gouvernements... We said that, ALGERIA doesn't dropp the pants against any ennemy... but you, you dropp your pants with ISrael... it's a fact.

Algeria is sovereign, Egypt isn't... you beg like tramps 2 Billions dollars to the USA each year...
Just see the football match of Khartoum... Egypt is near of Sudan, your army wasn't able to carry supporters in Khartoum.
Algerian army, made the second most important air bridge of the history, carrying 25000 fans to Khartoum in a best time... just for a footbbal match loooolllll !!!
Bullshit !


Saudi commandoor Egytpian commando shouldn't make any job if the situation is "red alert" like In Amenas case.
A proof ? The hostage of Mekka... it's the GIGN which made the job, stop your propaganda !!!
You have the only right to act when the alter it's not "international" ... if they are a lot of western citizens hostages, you will be ejected.

Any hostage taking situation is "red alert". There aren't degrees of hostage situation crisis, they are all dealt with in the same serious manner.

The Egypt Air Flight 648 to Malta had 17 Greeks, 12 Israelis, 9 Americans, 7 Filipinos, 2 Mexicans, 2 Aussies, and a Belgian alongside 40 Egyptian passengers and 6 crew. The Op took place in Malta, not in Egypt.

The Cairo to Luxor flight was predominantly full of tourists. I'm not sure you know how any of this works, if its on your soil and you have the ability to deal with it, no one can stop you.

I already wrote the Saudis called in help for the Grande Mosque Seizure of 1979. However, the 2004 Khobar Massacre or Hostage crisis which targeted foreign oil workers was a complete Arabian operation.

2004 Khobar massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sovereignity ? Camp David act, doesn't allow your army to be free completly in Sinai, don't lie...
Stationing of Forces
No more than one division (mechanized or infantry) of Egyptian armed forces will be stationed within an area lying approximately 50 km. (30 miles) east of the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal. Only United Nations forces and civil police equipped with light weapons to perform normal police functions will be stationed within an area lying west of the international border and the Gulf of Aqaba, varying in width from 20 km. (12 miles) to 40 km. (24 miles).

Why are you acting like I don't know this and why are you so ignorant that you have not yet worked out that the Peace Treaty's clauses on troop placements have now become redundant due to the security situation.

Again, there are over 30,000 personnel in the Sinai under the command of the 2nd Field Army.

Then, Russia is strong, in Russia people doesn't sleep in cemeteries like in Egypt, and they don't die from lake of food like in your country... Russia has oil and gas, and the crisis is temporary, like in Europa in 2008. Russia has money, not like Egypt which is a poor country.

Plus, don't talk about ALGERIA, which sell to you GAS at better price, which is reslod to ISRAEL without our agreement...
Algeria is the only country which defeat a colony people, no matter the help, it's not the subject... The fact is that only ALGERIA defeat a colony people in the history...

Then, Algeria doesn't say she's stronger than ISRAEL, we aren't stupid like in the middel east to believe yours gouvernements... We said that, ALGERIA doesn't dropp the pants against any ennemy... but you, you dropp your pants with ISrael... it's a fact.

Algeria is sovereign, Egypt isn't... you beg like tramps 2 Billions dollars to the USA each year...
Just see the football match of Khartoum... Egypt is near of Sudan, your army wasn't able to carry supporters in Khartoum.
Algerian army, made the second most important air bridge of the history, carrying 25000 fans to Khartoum in a best time... just for a footbbal match loooolllll !!!

Momma always told me not to argue with mongs.
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@Frogman :
the Algerian aircraft during the war, Israeli-Arab, was not off. OPERATIONAL .and he was even brand new.

@Hassiba-Ben-Bouali : does not say anything about mechante our Egyptian brother, his is not to say that meurre hunger, and sleep in the cemetery, its hurts our brother.

Now stop off topic please, we speak of the Algerian army.

to revive the debate, algerian air force, tale with AWACS, ISR etc ... the modernisaiton takes time, but it beforehand.
I don't hate egyptians at all... I have a very great respect for a man such "Nasser" ... But i can't believe a egyptian saying "something like he said about Russia"... It was just a response, and i hope the best to Egypt, and Egyptian people.

Nasser with Zohra Drif and Djamila Bouhired !


The African Top Gun :


Since you don't know what you are talking about, i have to correct you, actually Algeria currently doesn't need AWACS, because the Su-30MKA already covers this role, the Su-30 works as mini-AWACS with it's 400km radar range, and it shares information with up to 16 other aircraft.
Hello to everyone.

Stop joking. Algeria is the only arabic/muslim country Russia consider !
During the "Kippour War", USSR delivered SAM SA-6 system, wich was the best at this time.
And what did "the courageaous egyptian soldiers", when TSAHAL arrived ? Did they strongly and courageously defend the system to respect their agreement with USSR ?

No, they have fled loosely... so Isarel could understand the system with USA....

The real question of its discussion is : Wich Arabic country is sovereign ?
The only arabic country wich is sovereign, is Algeria!!!!

Egypt is depending about US dollars, and haven't the right to put a mechanized division in its own Sinai lool lol lol... Is this Sovereignity ? Stop joking. Put a mechanized division in Sinai and i will respect your country.
Today, your country is a toy in the hands of ISRAEL, wich is deciding about your own Sinai....

GCC countries ? Lol, they are the dogs of USA and Western Countries, attacking Proud arabic nations as Syria or Lybia... I call them Zionist Arab Countries. Yes, Saudi Arabia is a Zionist Regime, attacking Iraq of Saddam Hussein, making religious decision to attack DAESH when USA tell them to do that but not sincerely, (where ALGERIA fight terrorism at any time for its own purpose)!!! And never protesting when our Palestinian Brothers are murdered ...

Morocco ? Lol, a country without any sovereignity, where western men can have sexual heelings with kids, end little girls without risking jail... A country which is ok with all the decisions of FRANCE in United Nations....

Algeria is a Sovereign country. Why ?
Because Algeria make its own decisions. You want proof ?

Kosovo case. Algeria said against France, US and western decisions, that she will never recognize Kosovo until Serbia don't recognize it.
Algeria was against Gulf War in 1991 and 2003.
Algeria was against war against Lybia in 2011, and has not allowed NATO aircraft to use our space.
Algeria is the only arab country with Lebanon, wich don't eject the Syrian amabassador from the country.

And the last case. In Amenas hostage crisis, with us citizens, britain etc...
If this crisis, was in Egypt or Morocco or Saudi Arabia, you can be sure that Seal Team or Delta Force Team should make the job, in an arabic land.
And in Algeria ?

No negociation, and massive attack no matter if the hostages are US or Britain, or French or other...
No information to US Departement State or Pentagone, or to anyone else. (Wich arabic country or country can do this ?!!! Russia, China and few countries, but no other arabic country which obey to USA !!).
And our team is making the job, like a REAL SOVEREIGN COUNTRY.

Look at my picture "avatar", and see to these women... Read about Hassiba Ben Bouali, Djamila Boupacha, Djamila Bouhired, Damila Bouazza, Zohra Drif etc... and you will understand that algerian women are much more courageous than your men, who have dropped the pants against our ennemies...

Arabic people in Eastern Region are not courageous. You have the only courage to bomb your brothers, to attack arabic countries such Syria and Lybia... but you dropped your pants against ISrael...

You have walnuted the tunnels of GAZA, shame to you, shame to you !!!!
I only respect PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, whic i love them, and i want to tell to palestinians who read me, that we love PALESTINE and PALESTINIAN, and we think and carry about them everydays... and that ALGERIAN people is ready to face the DEATH to defend your wives, children, and land...

Don't think all arabic people are loosers. Algeria (ARABIC + IMAZIGHEN PEOPLE, because we are a melting pot between Arabs and Imazighen, and i'm "arab" origin to say that) as our President BOUMEDIENNE Says is with PALESTINE oppressed or oppressor.

To finish, ALGERIA IS THE ONLY PEOPLE AND COUNTRY WHO DEFEAT A "COLONY OCCUPATION" in the History... and i hope that PALESTINE AND WESTERN SAHARA will be the second and third...

We love you too Algeria! :)

Our people share great levels of sympathy and brotherhood. It really is beautiful. I never seen an Algerian criticize a Palestinian or vice versa. :)
We love you too Algeria! :)

Our people share great levels of sympathy and brotherhood. It really is beautiful. I never seen an Algerian criticize a Palestinian or vice versa. :)
helo my brother, we have a lot of respect for our Palestinian brother, there is Algeria and ready to die for palestine, was unwavering support has palestine, but alas it and too far away to intervene, but one day, God willing, you will see thousand Algerian wash over israel.

but if I can give you advice, you you should double unir.diviser you ever réussiré.

Sorry for the off topic.

there are trained Palestinian military in Algeria, his would be a pleasure to welcome you among us is not taught cowardice,

Algeria and home :-)

Palestine, Algeria, Iran, ♥♥♥
helo my brother, we have a lot of respect for our Palestinian brother, there is Algeria and ready to die for palestine, was unwavering support has palestine, but alas it and too far away to intervene, but one day, God willing, you will see thousand Algerian wash over israel.

but if I can give you advice, you you should double unir.diviser you ever réussiré.

Sorry for the off topic.

there are trained Palestinian military in Algeria, his would be a pleasure to welcome you among us is not taught cowardice,

Algeria and home :-)

Palestine, Algeria, Iran, ♥♥♥

Hello sis :)

Sorry I do not know any French. :(

Are you talking about security training forces? Military usually stay in Palestine. Only small numbers used to go to Iran but it doesn't happen anymore I think. It's not needed anymore because before Israel would target those people who got anti-tank training and now its harder for them.
Hello sis :)

Sorry I do not know any French. :(

Are you talking about security training forces? Military usually stay in Palestine. Only small numbers used to go to Iran but it doesn't happen anymore I think. It's not needed anymore because before Israel would target those people who got anti-tank training and now its harder for them.
non-officer training, there are Palestinian Certify in Algeria. :)

yes in Iran, there is a very good training, the West Bank had to ask for military support iran, israle will not attack if there is an agreement between hamas, hezbollah, and the West Bank. if it ripose all 3 at the same time, israel will never win, that's how you attack her one by one.

but on and off-topic .if you have a topical israel palestine cs link me.

Here we talk about the Algerian army, and risk punishment if we leave the topic
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