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The Al-Badr operative Mujaheed to hang

Let me ask U few questions. How many Pakistanis do U know or deal with daily basis? Pakistan has 5 provinces, and 2 of'em are bigger than even entire Bangladesh. Do U know Punjab is one of the tranquil provinces than even many of East and Westerners? Have U heard BRITS foreign secretary just comparing Lahore with Paris? Even with 24 yrs of continuous burden of war, do U know PAK'S GNP is almost twice as the size of BD? Have U heard PAK having the best road infrastructure in our Sub-Continent? I can go on and on as oppose to what bad thing U hear in Media about it, but 'Chora Na Shune dhormer Kahini'. Oh! Only there exists another Switzerland in the East and where is that? UR answer must be the one that makes 'Bodna Star', no?

So, Are you trying to say Pakistan is more peaceful than Bangladesh?
So, Are you trying to say Pakistan is more peaceful than Bangladesh?

Feeling of peace is a relative perception of an individual and can be uniquely different, some may feel worse in Switzerland than Sudan, and that depends on what someone likes. But now the question is whether the maximum population perceives as like that individual or not. Awami league people might find eternal peace in BD, as their govt is in the power, and their hopes are being fulfilled. But did awami league guys feel peace when BNP was in the power last time?

Basically, he meant PK has many things better than BD, like infrastructure, have look on this section Pakistan Tourism, absent of peace is a matter of time as they are in a state of war, and that is not going to end soon as they have many external threats, as we have India.
Sorry for not being sophisticated enough and fail to see the correlation between peace & productivity.

if you are not productive, you sit in your little house and your whole world is just going to work and coming back home. when you open newspaper everyday, these come by. "students protest against quota system" "Garments workers vandalize for their rights" "chatra league cadres beat students from protesting side"
and then we have people like you. Good to see awami league still has a fanbase but its because of peope like you who don't know their democratic rights that half educated dimwits like those are elected. A nation full of sheep ultimately gets ruled by wolves.
You better keep your information making a garland in front of your neck. No Bangladeshi outside PDF will believe your information even as a fiction

:chilli: fiction writer
anyone who did significant research knows how many were killed. only idiots who believe superman was in pak army think that 3m died. your common sense in in-existent as well. as m_saint said, a Ram Sagol that can't differentiate between grass and leaf can be kicked all around magar he wouldn't learn
I have an observation, those people of BD who have ever visited PK have a positive notion about PK and their people. And those people who do not know enough about PK except the terrorism war, have a negative notion of PK.

So far every Bangladeshi I know who lived/worked/spent some years or months in their life in W.pk before the 71 war have always positive notions about PK, no matter how much terrorism in PK, they have positive view about PK, because they interacted with PK people in real.
its stupid to believe in the media. pakistan is a great place i heard from my dad and grand dad and i will surely visit it one day, no matter how much my awami side of family speaks about bombs blasting everyday in there :lol:
its stupid to believe in the media. pakistan is a great place i heard from my dad and grand dad and i will surely visit it one day, no matter how much my awami side of family speaks about bombs blasting everyday in there :lol:

You won't come back ! :whistle:

Because you'd be bought over by Pakistani Cuisine that I'd offer you - The best that my Country has to offer...the salted Lamb of the Pukhtoons, the wonderful Nihari of the Sindhis & the spicy Biryani of the Karachites along with Kastoori Kebab with melted butter on them & Roghni Naan with Black Cummin seeds on them ! :D
You won't come back ! :whistle:

Because you'd be bought over by Pakistani Cuisine that I'd offer you - The best that my Country has to offer...the salted Lamb of the Pukhtoons, the wonderful Nihari of the Sindhis & the spicy Biryani of the Karachites along with Kastoori Kebab with melted butter on them & Roghni Naan with Black Cummin seeds on them ! :D

:astagh::astagh: Stop, I am fasting
You won't come back ! :whistle:

Because you'd be bought over by Pakistani Cuisine that I'd offer you - The best that my Country has to offer...the salted Lamb of the Pukhtoons, the wonderful Nihari of the Sindhis & the spicy Biryani of the Karachites along with Kastoori Kebab with melted butter on them & Roghni Naan with Black Cummin seeds on them ! :D

i've had Pakistani food in kuwait. there is this place called tabbaq. whole family used to dine there every friday. nihari and borhani along with the magaj :smitten: dad is a bigger fan of mutton though. he is allergic to beef
i've had Pakistani food in kuwait. there is this place called tabbaq. whole family used to dine there every friday. nihari and borhani along with the magaj :smitten: dad is a bigger fan of mutton though. he is allergic to beef

Tabbaq - We've got that here in Lahore too....I wonder whether its the same ! :unsure:

But dude, you should taste the mutton (lamb) they prepare in Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa - Its heavenly...the use nothing but black pepper, salt & the meat's own fat to prepare it - I swear to God I haven't eaten a better one ! :)

But Magaz - :bad:
Your bangladeshi nationalism is bullshit. Nationalism doesn't mean knowingly throwing the country in turmoil. Nationalism means moving the country forward. For this stupid decision, millions of people are living in hell and economic growth is significantly slowing down. Do you understand now what happens when you make a crap tribunal with corrupted judges and follow no law whatsoever while declaring a popular figure, injustice?

Why are you abusing Bangladeshi nationalism? It's the crooked politicos that you should address not the country. Every country has some sort of injustice in their history, definitely the country is not responsible for that...only the actors.
If anyone understood the implication of what you said there, there would have been any need of hartals in the first place. An almost entire week of hartal is hard to swallow.

This doesn't only apply to the war crimes tribunal but the misuse of power in general in Bangladesh. It doesn't matter how bad or how good one is. You misuse power, everyone suffers. Yes, it is that simple.

Though, student politics the way it is now should be banned. This is no longer the sixties and seventies. And there certainly isn't going to be another 71'.

You want Hasina/Khaleda to be a velka like Ershad :what: !
Tabbaq - We've got that here in Lahore too....I wonder whether its the same ! :unsure:

But dude, you should taste the mutton (lamb) they prepare in Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa - Its heavenly...the use nothing but black pepper, salt & the meat's own fat to prepare it - I swear to God I haven't eaten a better one ! :)

But Magaz - :bad:
Maybe, i see that the waiters are Pakistani
i had mutton burgers. the patty don't need oil to cook, it eject oil and cooks on it :eek: and we need to sacrifice lamb in kuwait. those are trendy i guess so i had a lot of mutton in my lifetime
i like magaj, its pretty good :D
Why are you abusing Bangladeshi nationalism? It's the crooked politicos that you should address not the country. Every country has some sort of injustice in their history, definitely the country is not responsible for that...only the actors.
remember, the nationalism i was talking about was self proclaimed ones. and then i said what real nationalism should be like.
anyone who did significant research knows how many were killed. only idiots who believe superman was in pak army think that 3m died. your common sense in in-existent as well.

Where i have told that the figure is 3m? . Are you kidding that the figure was 26000?

And a Ram Sagol that can't differentiate between grass and leaf can be kicked all around magar he wouldn't learn.

Thanks for introducing yourself. I was really confused about you. Now confusion removed
Its hell for political activists and rich people but for general people like me, its just another day. I don't need to learn the condition of general people from a Non Residential Bangladeshi like you.

:lol: I think you skip some history classes.

So Bishyajit was one among political activists and rich people to have the hell broken on him at clear daylight? This is your very self centric comment I must say.
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