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The Al-Badr operative Mujaheed to hang

It's not letting go the love for Pakistan, infect I can care less for Pakistan now but it is "Bigger is better if it is manageable", understand maggot? By losing Pakistan, we have lost our right on the ownership of 6th time larger land than we currently possess. U claim to live BD but still don't realize how are people suffocated in such a small land?

Yes, people are suffocated in such a small land but we have peace. Even with the fighting of the two begums, we have comparatively peaceful life. We could never have this with Pakistan.
And why does it have to be so? Why some young Bangladeshis so obsessed over this Cold War-era rhetoric in the year 2013?

Though, for some old fools it's understandable.

Children takes over their parents fight when they grow up as inheritance. Some young Bangladeshis still so obsessed over this Cold War-era rhetoric because the old fools couldn't keep their mouth shut. The wisdom should have come with age, but this rule is not always true for some Bangladeshi.
Pakistan Army have done what any army of the world would do to deal with insurgents. Bangladesh army would do the same if any faction of the society would raise their heads against the state. If people in bangladesh thinks the idea of Bangladesh was right! Then i would suggest to re-visit to what Mujeeb-ur-Rehman(The Father of nation) attempted to do to your newly born country and what mukti bhanies had done to him after that. For us he was just a power hungry politician who exploited the bangla nationalism for his purpose and our politicians were fool enough to let him do that.

Mujib wanted to be prime minister of Pakistan, not to rule over a small piece of land. If Mujib agreed to rule over only East Pakistan than Bhutto and the army would have gladly accepted the proposal.The superior intelligence of your generals is the main catalyst for the creation of Bangladesh. Bangalies were not a fraction of society but the majority. What would you do if your armed gatekeeper start to kill your family while you are sleeping? The reason every country have army, is to protect its citizen not to massacre them.


M_saint, MD AKmal, AL zakir
These guys here are pro or stranded pakistanis. More Pakistani than Pakistanis themselves.
They dont think themselves Bangladeshi ever.
So wasting valuable times on them, on BD related issues are big time foolishness.

@ No @mattrioxx Bhai I am nor pro-Pakistani neither stranded Pakistani, I am very well Bangladeshi. I an not even pro-Jamati. But what I am telling these are the facts. Which Nation does not want a complete independent we are somehow in a trap. We have become independent not only to sing Robindro Sangit or doing "Probhat Fherri" or observing "tero pucha" in 12 months or making 55 km long "Rat Jatra" or dancing with " Mongol prodip" or observing "Boishagi Mela".

@ What I am saying these were the old sweet dreams which was broken mostly by ficticious datas but ultimately what they want to make us. I give you some historical examples, in 1906 once Bengal was divided on administrative ground the Hindu Babus did not accept it at all. They started revolution for its annulment. Tagore quickly wrote the famous " Amar Sonar Bangla" amd made the "Joy Bangla " slogan. Fortunately I saw one documentary film on the TV broudcasted from Calcutta about this anti partition movement.

@ I just tell you I was surprized to see and listen the same songs, the same music, the same " Chetona" which we had been hearing through out the Liberation War of 1971 before and after. Some of the songs are :

1. " O amar desher mati tumar pore thekai mata".

2. " Tura shob joyer dhoni kor ".

3. " Ebar tur mora gange ban uthe che Joy Ma bole ".

4. " Ogo ma tumai deykhe achi na fere, tumar do er aj bhore gache sonar mondire".

@ Now, in those days each and every Districts and Thanas the revolutionary forces went and sung the above songs and tried to convince the common people to revolt against the British for the annulment of partition of Bengal. By the way the majority muslims were astonished to see these movement of Babu's. Now, if you critically analysis the above songs of Tagore these were more or less related with Hindu Mata. Soon, in 1911 the movement was successful and finally the partition of Bengal was annult.

@ Now, in 1946 once we the muslim majority wanted to remain together the Hindu Babu's did not accepted the proposal and started making conspiracy to partition Bengal. Again, in 1971 once the Liberation movement started we hear the same old songs which were played in 1906-11 and we started jumping as if these songs are from our heart but the reality is some thing else.The " Joy Bangla" was the battle cry of all those revolutionaries of 1906-11. This was also the slogan of " Onushillon and Jugantar". In those days(anti-British movement) whenever, these people used to kill or blast a bomb they used to utter, " Joy Bangla".

@ Try to listen and think deeply about these facts. I am an old vangurd. I have seen many things, I have heard many things, I have read many things and then I am saying these things. Do you know that in 1946 general election in Bengal out 119 muslim seats allotted Muslim Leaqe got 113 sears. About 97 % people of Bengal voted for separate Pakistan. Do you thing that our fore- father were wrong in their decisions. Here I am not trying to revert back to Pakistan. Definitely I am Bangladeshi and we love our country but in a different manner.
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Yes, people are suffocated in such a small land but we have peace. Even with the fighting of the two begums, we have comparatively peaceful life. We could never have this with Pakistan.

you must be pretty stupid to think that you are living in peace, pretty freaking stupid.


i think after this statement, he deserves hanging
M_saint, MD AKmal, AL zakir
These guys here are pro or stranded pakistanis. More Pakistani than Pakistanis themselves.
They dont think themselves Bangladeshi ever.
So wasting valuable times on them, on BD related issues are big time foolishness.

By your innocent statement you have certainly invited praise from these three non-Bangladeshis. May God bless you.
@ No @mattrioxx Bhai I am nor pro-Pakistani neither stranded Pakistani, I am very well Bangladeshi. But what I am telling these are the facts. Which Nation does not want a complete independent we are some in a trap. We have become independent not only to sing Rabandro Sangit or doing "Probhat Fherri" or observing "tero pucha" in 12 months or making 55 km long "Rat Jatra" or dancing with " Mongol prodip" or observing "Boishgi Mela".

@ What I am saying these were the old sweet dreams which was broken mostly by ficticious datas but ultimately what they want to make us. I give you some historical examples, in 1906 once Bengal was divided on administrative ground the Hindu Babus did not accept it at all. They started revolution for its annulment. Tagore quickly wrote the famous " Amar Sonar Bangla" amd made the "Joy Bangla " slogan. Fortunately I saw one documentary film on the TV broudcast from Calcutta about this anti partition movement.

@ I just tell you I was surprized to see and listen the same songs, the same music, the same " Chetona" which we had been hearing through out the Liberation War of 1971 before and after. Some of the songs are :

1. " O amar desher mati tumar pore thekai mata".

2. " Tura shob joyer dhoni kor ".

3. " Ebar tur mora gange ban uthe che Joy Ma bole ".

4. " Ogo ma tumai theykhe achi na fere, tumar do er aj bhore gache sonar mondire".

@ Now, in those days each and every Districts and Thanas the revolutionary forces went and sung the above songs and tried to convince the common people to revolt against the British for the annulment of partition of Bengal. By the way the majority muslims were astonished to see these movement of Babu's. Now, if you critically analysis the above songs of Tagore these were more or less related with Hindu Mata. Soon, in 1911 the movement was successful and finally the partition of Bengal was annult.

@ Now, in 1946 once we the muslim majority wanted to remain together the Hindu Babu's did not accepted the proposal and started making conspiracy to partition Bengal. Again, in 1971 once the Liberation movement started we hear the same old songs which were played in 1906-11 and we started jumping as if these songs are from our heart but the reality is some thing else.The " Joy Bangla" was the battle cry of all those revolutionaries of 1906-11. This was also the slogan of " Onushillon and Jugantar". In those days(anti-British movement) whenever, these people used to kill or blast a bomb they used to utter, " Joy Bangla".

@ Try to listen and think deeply about these facts. I am an old vangurd. I have seen many things, I have heard many things, I have read many things and then I am saying these things. Do you know that in 1946 general election in Bengal out 119 muslim seats allotted Muslim Leaqe got 113 sears. About 97 % people of Bengal voted for separate Pakistan. Do you thing that our for father were wrong in their decisions. Here I am not trying to revert back to Pakistan. Definitely I am Bangladeshi and we love our country but in a different manner.

Excellent info, I had no idea about this.

We need information from all sources and an open space where all voices from differing perspectives are heard, so people can become knowledgeable and choose the right course.

Don't worry about the fanatics on any side, please keep making your valuable posts.
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you must be pretty stupid to think that you are living in peace, pretty freaking stupid.


i think after this statement, he deserves hanging

Its hell for political activists and rich people but for general people like me, its just another day. I don't need to learn the condition of general people from a Non Residential Bangladeshi like you.

Excellent info, I had no idea about this.

We need information from all sources and an open space where all voices from differing perspectives are heard, so people can become knowledgeable and choose the right course.

Don't worry about the fanatics on any side, please keep making your valuable posts.

:lol: I think you skip some history classes.
@ No @mattrioxx Bhai I am nor pro-Pakistani neither stranded Pakistani, I am very well Bangladeshi. But what I am telling these are the facts. Which Nation does not want a complete independent we are some in a trap. We have become independent not only to sing Rabandro Sangit or doing "Probhat Fherri" or observing "tero pucha" in 12 months or making 55 km long "Rat Jatra" or dancing with " Mongol prodip" or observing "Boishgi Mela".

@ What I am saying these were the old sweet dreams which was broken mostly by ficticious datas but ultimately what they want to make us. I give you some historical examples, in 1906 once Bengal was divided on administrative ground the Hindu Babus did not accept it at all. They started revolution for its annulment. Tagore quickly wrote the famous " Amar Sonar Bangla" amd made the "Joy Bangla " slogan. Fortunately I saw one documentary film on the TV broudcast from Calcutta about this anti partition movement.

@ I just tell you I was surprized to see and listen the same songs, the same music, the same " Chetona" which we had been hearing through out the Liberation War of 1971 before and after. Some of the songs are :

1. " O amar desher mati tumar pore thekai mata".

2. " Tura shob joyer dhoni kor ".

3. " Ebar tur mora gange ban uthe che Joy Ma bole ".

4. " Ogo ma tumai theykhe achi na fere, tumar do er aj bhore gache sonar mondire".

@ Now, in those days each and every Districts and Thanas the revolutionary forces went and sung the above songs and tried to convince the common people to revolt against the British for the annulment of partition of Bengal. By the way the majority muslims were astonished to see these movement of Babu's. Now, if you critically analysis the above songs of Tagore these were more or less related with Hindu Mata. Soon, in 1911 the movement was successful and finally the partition of Bengal was annult.

@ Now, in 1946 once we the muslim majority wanted to remain together the Hindu Babu's did not accepted the proposal and started making conspiracy to partition Bengal. Again, in 1971 once the Liberation movement started we hear the same old songs which were played in 1906-11 and we started jumping as if these songs are from our heart but the reality is some thing else.The " Joy Bangla" was the battle cry of all those revolutionaries of 1906-11. This was also the slogan of " Onushillon and Jugantar". In those days(anti-British movement) whenever, these people used to kill or blast a bomb they used to utter, " Joy Bangla".

@ Try to listen and think deeply about these facts. I am an old vangurd. I have seen many things, I have heard many things, I have read many things and then I am saying these things. Do you know that in 1946 general election in Bengal out 119 muslim seats allotted Muslim Leaqe got 113 sears. About 97 % people of Bengal voted for separate Pakistan. Do you thing that our for father were wrong in their decisions. Here I am not trying to revert back to Pakistan. Definitely I am Bangladeshi and we love our country but in a different manner.

Our forefathers thought Pakistan going to be the answer to our problems. Instead, we got west Pakistani's in the place of Hindu Babu's. Talk about rotten luck :hitwall:.
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Its hell for political activists and rich people but for general people like me, its just another day. I don't need to learn the condition of general people from a Non Residential Bangladeshi like you.

Good for you man, your standards must be really low. Anyway, someone who does significantly productive thing for the country should know how it is.
Good for you man, your standards must be really low. Anyway, someone who does significantly productive thing for the country should know how it is.

Sorry for not being sophisticated enough and fail to see the correlation between peace & productivity.
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