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Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitab

well, it seems that the cat is gradually coming out of the bag.
The whole scenario of regime change is coming to the fore, it seems IK wasn't wrong.

Opinion |

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitable​

Pakistan can't afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country's rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

You can read the whole article at the newspaper's website with subscription.

how many cats in this bag...daily one cat is coming out.
well, it seems that the cat is gradually coming out of the bag.
The whole scenario of regime change is coming to the fore, it seems IK wasn't wrong.

Opinion |

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitable​

Pakistan can't afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country's rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

You can read the whole article at the newspaper's website with subscription.

Not gonna happen!
Good. At least something good for once out of Saudia. Bin Laden, Wahabism, terrorism, sectarianism, backward thinking has flowed in from KSA to Pakistan.

Time something positive came.
Are you married to a Jew?
Israeli's really don't care for Pakistan as long as we are neutral. We can stay neither friends or enemies, Pakistan already has plenty of problems of its own, don't want to wake up the mullah brigade jinies to start blackmailing the gov and army for demands.

Quid said No to Israel. Pakistan is poor because roughly 1 lac High ranks are getting 200 Billion USD/yr (High pay, free petrol, guards, cook, drivers, blah blah) pension is yet to be included.

They day we meliorate the situation and improved our thinking we'll be flying higher.
Nah, I'd give full credit to our very own neutrals. IK was the only impediment in the way and they got rid of him....
Recognition of Israel is a part of the whole package deal, which Mir Bajwa & Co. and Criminal Political Mafia of Pakistan are jointly pursuing.
Quid said No to Israel.

do you have any video statement for this?

i think Jinnah was secular, Qadiyanis supported him before 1947 and he gave them some important seats in govt of Pakistan after 1947. So, why should he hate Israel or Jews when he have no hate for Qadiyanis?
Opinion |

This is called PSYOPS.

The whole entire point of the media campaign is to legitimize the idea and get people discussing it.

You don't see Israelis debating the details of the Holocaust. You don't see them debating whether Israel should exist. That's because those questions are beyond debate for them. They are non-negotiable.
Israeli's really don't care for Pakistan as long as we are neutral. We can stay neither friends or enemies, Pakistan already has plenty of problems of its own, don't want to wake up the mullah brigade jinies to start blackmailing the gov and army for demands.
Finally someone that gets it

This is called PSYOPS.

The whole entire point of the media campaign is to legitimize the idea and get people discussing it.

You don't see Israelis debating the details of the Holocaust. You don't see them debating whether Israel should exist. That's because those questions are beyond debate for them. They are non-negotiable.
What is there to debate?

6 million Jews were killed, Israel exists and debating whether it should is stupid and naive, Israel will not just cease to exist, the only way to do it is through war in which the enemy will always lose.
I hope this beghairat establishment recognizes israel and it becomes the reason of their downfall. From now omwards, it should be the mission of every patrioti Pakistani to expose the establishment and help in its downfall. We can never develop unless we get rid of these snakes. They have fooles us for 70 years, no more.
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