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Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitab

Is it just me or Khan2727 is really giving off cringe Gulf a** licking Wahhabi vibes?
On the other hand for the conservative lot everything is the fault of the West.
I was watching a Yasir Qadhi video years ago discussing Sykes Picot. He said one thing that stuck with me. He said that's the problem with conspiracy theories in the Muslim world. They sound fake and so bizarre. Except for the ones that aren't.


Ah I see it's @jus_chillin thread
Ye jus_chillin kon hai bhai seems to me like a ganda anda.

How about we start acting rather than just empty talk? When are we going to boycott India, refrain from following pre-Islamic Hindu rituals during weddings, funerals etc., stop this Bollywood nonsense, DESI this DESI that nonsense, stop labelling our restaurants as Indian restaurants, stop pretending to be Indians whenever some Pakistani diaspora idiot kills a few goras once every 3 years?
Wah shera dil khush kitta ee.
Dil khush kar diya bhai ap ne ☺️
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Is it just me or Khan2727 is really giving off cringe Gulf a** licking Wahhabi vibes?

How exactly? By sticking to facts on the ground and arguing based on ground realties, public known data, history etc.? Where exactly am I wrong in what I wrote? Kindly point it out. Challenge my posts rather than stupid one-liners. And what's with that imaginary "Wahhabism" nonsense? Resorting to sectarianism now?

But yeah, let us deny ground realities and blame Arabs, Martians next, for everything even though 99.99% of it is our own work. This is a typical Pakistani reaction, hence the pathetic state of our country.

Am I supposed to call you an Irani shill now? Because usually this is the usual modus operandi of this lot whenever someone is not inclined to baseless hatred towards Arabs of all people. Anyway, this is a free forum, write whatever you want to, but kindly refrain from personal/sectarian attacks if you want to be taken serious.

I was watching a Yasir Qadhi video years ago discussing Sykes Picot. He said one thing that stuck with me. He said that's the problem with conspiracy theories in the Muslim world. They sound fake and so bizarre. Except for the ones that aren't.

We Pakistanis are in love with conspiracy theories as a whole. However now that you mention it, the Sykes-Picot is no conspiracy.
How exactly? By sticking to facts on the ground and arguing based on ground realties, public known data, history etc.? Where exactly am I wrong in what I wrote? Kindly point it out. Challenge my posts rather than stupid one-liners. And what's with that imaginary "Wahhabism" nonsense? Resorting to sectarianism now?

But yeah, let us deny ground realities and blame Arabs, Martians next, for everything even though 99.99% of it is our own work. This is a typical Pakistani reaction, hence the pathetic state of our country.

Am I supposed to call you an Irani shill now? Because usually this is the usual modus operandi of this lot whenever someone is not inclined to baseless hatred towards Arabs of all people. Anyway, this is a free forum, write whatever you want to, but kindly refrain from personal/sectarian attacks if you want to be taken serious.

We Pakistanis are in love with conspiracy theories as a whole. However now that you mention it, the Sykes-Picot is no conspiracy.
It actually was once you study the whole big picture and historical context behind it.

Nah he is a good aanda, he is fried aanda with pepper sprayed on top
Acha g theek hai
Which country was the main facilitator of this US policy (let us not kid ourselves here neither Saudi Arabia had aproblem with the USSR at its core nor Pakistan - so this was the work of the US) and which country has a several 1000 km long border and whose second largest ethnic group was directly impacted by the USSR-invasion of Afghanistan next door? Pakistan. The idea of holy war, fighting against invaders and using religion (Islam) as a rallying factor had/has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia either, I am afraid. It was the same Pashtuns that used Jihad in Kashmir. If not for that religious zeal, the Gangus would have controlled all of Kashmir.

OBL was 1 out of 1000's of radicalized/anti-Western people. He just happens to have been blamed for it all. That he was found and killed in Pakistan only supports my initial arguments of us as Pakistanis being world champions in shooting ourselves in the foot. You think that the deep state did not know that he was hiding in Abbottabad?

This argument makes no sense. So despite KSA/UAE/Arab states in general having bailed us out billions of times economically (with little or nothing in return - we are more a burden/irritating beggar who keeps begging and offers nothing in return - see Yemen etc.), hosting the largest Pakistani expat community in the world by far for decades, sending 50 USD billions of remittances on a yearly basis (probably much more indirectly), all this is disregarded because the same Arabs, like every other Muslim state/country of the world, trades with India that happens to be the second most populous nation on the planet, soon the most (a trade where they have an enormous trade surplus with India - thus taking money away from Indian coffins)? Some kind of logic. Did you not see BJP/Modi/Hindutva fanatics backtracking recently and begging/licking the **** of those same Arabs after the anti-Muslim comments a few days ago?

And why should any nation state not trade with India, Muslim or non-Muslim, when we never stopped our trade with them and to this day we engage in absolutely idiotic "traditions" such as this laughable nonsense?

How about we start acting rather than just empty talk?
When are we going to boycott India, refrain from following pre-Islamic Hindu rituals during weddings, funerals etc.
Pre Islamic, "Hindu" ritual's are our ritual's, been that way for 1000s of years and will continue to be that way for next 1000 IA

That's what Wahhabis say, they want you to become Arabs and forget your heritage and become a weirdo, lost people

Believing in God, Quran is what Islam requires us to do it doesn't require us to ban all pre Islamic stuff from our life - stop speaking your language as that's pre Islamic
, stop this Bollywood nonsense, DESI this DESI that nonsense, stop labelling our restaurants as Indian restaurants,
stop pretending to be Indians whenever some Pakistani diaspora idiot kills a few goras once every 3 years?
Nope never seen that in my life, don't know where you're coming from

There are 3 million Pakistanis in KSA and 4 million Indians. Indians outnumber Pakistanis by a ratio of 1:7. Over 50% of those Indians in KSA are Muslim Indians from Kerala. Probably the least anti-Muslim/anti-Pakistan state in India.

UAE is a bit different, there indeed Indians outnumber locals and my criticism of Arabs is mainly labelled at the UAE.

People were literally getting shot at for being Muslims, I would have done the same

Would have called myself Martian to save my life forget a bloody Indian
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Pre Islamic, "Hindu" ritual's are our ritual's, been that way for 1000s of years and will continue to be that way for next 1000 IA
Our Father's and their Father's rituals were to worship laat, manat and uzza. So we too will go to their graves, ask from them to act as waseela in front God?

Your logic=My dad's logic=Quraish e Makkah logic

A good portion of Quran revolves around this dogma and the arguments surrounding it. Especially the mekkan portion.

Nope never seen that in my life, don't know where you're coming from
I've seen it time and time again bro lmao 😂😂
Problem is in our stupid mindsets

If we have recognized mayanmar selling thunder yet they are genocide Muslims worst than what Israeli doing burning children alive but we recognize them we give them fighter jets so they can use chemical weapons more easily

But when Israel comes our Islam wake out of dream and we become Islamic Muslim champs limit of hypcracy

Pre Islamic, "Hindu" ritual's are our ritual's, been that way for 1000s of years and will continue to be that way for next 1000 IA

That's what Wahhabis say, they want you to become Arabs and forget your heritage and become a weirdo, lost people

Believing in God, Quran is what Islam requires us to do it doesn't require us to ban all pre Islamic stuff from our life - stop speaking your language as that's pre Islamic


Nope never seen that in my life, don't know where you're coming from

People were literally getting shot at for being Muslims, I would have done the same

Would have called myself Martian to save my life forget a bloody Indian
Who is "our"? Pashtuns and Baloch don't engage in those rituals. Neither do many Sindhis. So don't speak in the name of Pakistanis. I don't celebrate those Hindu rituals nor did my ancestors.

Yes, so we should call ourselves Desis and not Pakistanis, call our restaurants for Indian rather than Pakistani, watch Indian Bollywood and associate ourselves with Indians.:lol:

What is it with you and "Wahhabis"? You keep mentioning it all the time. I am not a Wahhabi whatever that is. I don't know anyone who calls himself that.

If your logic is Islam = Arab culture, then that is your problem, not mine. And even if Islam was equal Arab culture what is wrong with following Arab culture? You don't seem to have a problem with following Hindu rituals.

I suggest reading the article I posted, it deals with your community (US Pakistanis).

Sure, as if the regular American gora can distinguish between a Punjabi Pakistani and a Punjabi Indian Sikh.
Our Father's and their Father's rituals were to worship laat, manat and uzza. So we too will go to their graves, ask from them to act as waseela in front God?

Your logic=My dad's logic=Quraish e Makkah logic

A good portion of Quran revolves around this dogma and the arguments surrounding it. Especially the mekkan portion.
Things that are in conflict with Islam= wrong
Things not in conflict with Quran= good and heritage carry on
Dumb Wahhabis add anything part of our culture that is not Arab into the mix

A lot "pre Islamic" wedding ritual's have nothing against Islam but since it's pre Islamic or "Hindu" they make it a target
I've seen it time and time again bro lmao 😂😂
Lived in new York state (multiple cities) a good portion of my life have never ever seen anything like this - I swear on my life I am speaking 110% from my experience

Yes around 9/11 it was different
Who is "our"? Pashtuns and Baloch don't engage in those rituals. Neither do many Sindhis. So don't speak in the name of Pakistanis. I don't celebrate those Hindu rituals nor did my ancestors.

Yes, so we should call ourselves Desis and not Pakistanis, call our restaurants for Indian rather than Pakistani, watch Indian Bollywood and associate ourselves with Indians.:lol:

What is it with you and "Wahhabis"? You keep mentioning it all the time. I am not a Wahhabi whatever that is. I don't know anyone who calls himself that.

If your logic is Islam = Arab culture, then that is your problem, not mine. And even if Islam was equal Arab culture what is wrong with following Arab culture? You don't seem to have a problem with following Hindu rituals.

I suggest reading the article I posted, it deals with your community (US Pakistanis).

Sure, as if the regular American gora can distinguish between a Punjabi Pakistani and a Punjabi Indian Sikh.
I can tell the difference between an Indian Punjabi Sikh and a Pakistani Punjabi Muslim.

There are huge differences.
I can tell the difference between an Indian Punjabi Sikh and a Pakistani Punjabi Muslim.

There are huge differences.

You and I can for the most part can (to begin with most goras cannot distinguish between Muslims and Sikhs), but most goras cannot and let us not kid ourselves many of our Punjabis and Indian Punjabis next door are indistinguishable. I am sure that you are familiar with the mass migrations and the horrors post-1947. Many of our most distinguished public figures were born just across the border and it is not like there is a huge genetic/lookwise difference between Pakistani Punjabis and Indian Punjabis. Similarly Pashtuns across the border and Baloch.

Things that are in conflict with Islam= wrong
Things not in conflict with Quran= good and heritage carry on
Dumb Wahhabis add anything part of our culture that is not Arab into the mix

A lot "pre Islamic" wedding ritual's have nothing against Islam but since it's pre Islamic or "Hindu" they make it a target

Lived in new York state (multiple cities) a good portion of my life have never ever seen anything like this - I swear on my life I am speaking 110% from my experience

Yes around 9/11 it was different

So now Pashtuns, Baloch and many Sindhis are imaginary "Wahhabis" because we don't share those cultural Hindu-derived practices with Indians and don't wish to? I am not forcing you to stop doing what you are doing, I frankly don't care, but if you claim that it is not against Islam (I don't disagree - had nothing to do with my initial comments either so not sure what you are talking about) not following those rituals is neither against Islam. If those of us that don't follow those rituals are "wannabe Arabs" then you are a "wannabe gangu". I know what I would prefer to be.
You and I can for the most part can (to begin with most goras cannot distinguish between Muslims and Sikhs), but most goras cannot and let us not kid ourselves many of our Punjabis and Indian Punjabis next door are indistinguishable. I am sure that you are familiar with the mass migrations and the horrors post-1947. Many of our most distinguished public figures were born just across the border and it is not like there is a huge genetic/lookwise difference between Pakistani Punjabis and Indian Punjabis. Similarly Pashtuns across the border and Baloch.

So now Pashtuns, Baloch and many Sindhis are imaginary "Wahhabis" because we don't share those cultural Hindu-derived practices with Indians and don't wish to? I am not forcing you to stop doing what you are doing, I frankly don't care, but if you claim that it is not against Islam (I don't disagree - had nothing to do with my initial comments either so not sure what you are talking about) not following those rituals is neither against Islam.
Are you joking. Most Pakistanis I encountered in Saudi Arabia say we are now different from Indians.

Pakistani Punjabis have intermarried with Pathans and Sindhis. There are huge difference between Pakistanis and Indians.

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