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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

Captain Afandyar, receiving Sword of Honour from the former COAS.

fence Afghanistan border and kick hard on RAW's back side:enjoy:
oh right, it's all RAW :rolleyes: but I'll indulge you anyway.

even if it is RAW causing all this trouble in Pakistan, you must address the root cause, which is religious extremism and a big chunk of madrassa 'educated' youth who are ready for jihad, these fools are so easy to exploit, your moulvis mould them perfectly for anyone to manipulate them into carrying out their tasks.

solution ? .. no madrassa educated fools, no cannon fodder for RAW to exploit. The worst of the terror madrassas are Saudi funded, do something about those funds too.
Today was our loss, no matter how many victories we have achiever over the past year one loss can make all that very bitter. No matter this just shows that we still haven't gone hard enough ... their supporters still lurk among our shadows .. we need to eliminate them first ... all the Madarassas & Masjids that have helped raise , Train or facilitated these bas*ards need to be demolished just like Masjid Zarar .

Today lets pray for those innocents who have lost their lives .. and ask for their forgiveness .

May Allah grant them Jannat & Forgiveness.
Everyone is saying that terrorists were in military uniform that's why no one stopped them. Question is why no one noticed their shows? Since when Military or paramilitary started to use these shows?
Also who the F uses suzuki pessenger van. This event could be avoided.
Everyone is saying that terrorists were in military uniform that's why no one stopped them. Question is why no one noticed their shows? Since when Military or paramilitary started to use these shows?
somehow i have my doubts over this statement, Uniform or no Uniform, when you are entering the base you are stopped and ID card is checked, so who ever is saying just because these dudes had military uniform, nobody stopped them is a lying ....
How about for every single person killed in a terrorist attack we close down a madressah.

That way these guys would get the message and stop churning out these nutjobs !
The entire protocol of forces movements around the air bases and other sensitive installations needs to be upgraded.
somehow i have my doubts over this statement, Uniform or no Uniform, when you are entering the base you are stopped and ID card is checked, so who ever is saying just because these dudes had military uniform, nobody stopped them is a lying ....
The point is not checking at the gate of the base. The point is checking on countless checkposts on the roads. After all these terrorists cannot just appear on the gate of the base out of thin air.
Close Afghanistan and Indian borders. No trade or flow of anything. Or slow the flow so that trucks would take forever.
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