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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

oh right, it's all RAW :rolleyes: but I'll indulge you anyway.

even if it is RAW causing all this trouble in Pakistan, you must address the root cause, which is religious extremism and a big chunk of madrassa 'educated' youth who are ready for jihad, these fools are so easy to exploit, your moulvis mould them perfectly for anyone to manipulate them into carrying out their tasks.

solution ? .. no madrassa educated fools, no cannon fodder for RAW to exploit. The worst of the terror madrassas are Saudi funded, do something about those funds too.

We all know that RAW is exploiting the situation to their advantage. Only a fool would think otherwise. That makes the RAW really no different to extremists who are attacking our armed forces. RAW is without a doubt sponsoring terrorism inside Pakistan. All this double talk about peace and stability from the Indian side amounts to nothing...
All Pakistani Forces full mobilized to hunt the enemy !
Everyone is saying that terrorists were in military uniform that's why no one stopped them. Question is why no one noticed their shows? Since when Military or paramilitary started to use these shows?

The photographs of dead terrorist does not show any military uniform.
Speaking of forces movement protocol; I am not sure how and why they stand in clusters right after the incident has happened. There could be a road side mine or an IED, there could be a hiding terrorist nearby or there could be terrorists in the guise of ambulance staff waiting just for the right opportunity or there could be a group wearing military uniform and riding a similar double cab. There must be a protocol to address this.

Something must be done before something happens and then we are left designing reactive measures
somehow i have my doubts over this statement, Uniform or no Uniform, when you are entering the base you are stopped and ID card is checked, so who ever is saying just because these dudes had military uniform, nobody stopped them is a lying ....

Do you remember if someone can intrude into PAF base with uniform like shown in the picture of dead terrorists and in shown getup! I might be mistaken but i don't think so.
then whats going on is only possible we should make one factory for coffins only

The Afghans are going out. No doubt about it. many attacks have involved Afghan perpetrators. We cannot take that risk any more.
Most of these bastards were wasted in the car park, but one managed to enter inside a Mosque.

We all know that RAW is exploiting the situation to their advantage. Only a fool would think otherwise. That makes the RAW really no different to extremists who are attacking our armed forces. RAW is without a doubt sponsoring terrorism inside Pakistan.
these TTP terrorists are not mumbaikars, goans or dilli wallas.

Pak authorities should shut down their saudi terror madrassas and hang all the moulvis teaching that crap and radicalizing Pakistani citizens.

blaming others will not help when the problem is clearly within.
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