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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

I have said it in earlier post it is not a 100% way of reducing movement but it will play a vital part. the places you mentioned have a wall and it not the complete solution but it is still effective than having nothing. Wall is the main barrier with man power complementing both.

It is no knee jerk reaction when it becomes a wide topic of discussion with more than person!

To which I have already replied that limiting access is the way to go and we can do that by creating an official crossing point at each Agency and then using biometric data collection to monitor all those who are crossing the border. That is a much more suitable method of:

1. Limiting traffic off mountainous routes.
2. Separate white from black or grey traffic
3. Collect data about individuals who cross the border regularly

Therefore achieving much more than what a wall alone would be able to do.
Keeping everything aside,I would like to express my condolences first of all.
I am really desperate and in fact frustrated to see army's best jawans,sacrificing their lives b/c of such cheap parasites.This warfare is long and process of elimination is attempted to be made as effective as it could be.However,we need to continuously upgrade our strategies as well with respect to situation.This includes not only our on ground tactics,but our social,political and foreign policies as well to confuse our enemy.

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The war will continue. There is no stopping. You took revenge, we will take revenge, you will again take revenge and we will again take revenge. The circle will never stop till don't know what happens.

Simple as that.

I fully agree Taimi.

For Pakistan and India, peace is the absence of all out war.

This not a fight between nation states. The fight is a lot older.
To which I have already replied that limiting access is the way to go and we can do that by creating an official crossing point at each Agency and then using biometric data collection to monitor all those who are crossing the border. That is a much more suitable method of:

1. Limiting traffic off mountainous routes.
2. Separate white from black or grey traffic
3. Collect data about individuals who cross the border regularly

Therefore achieving much more than what a wall alone would be able to do.

These suitable methods:

1. Limiting traffic off mountainous routes. does that exist both or will it work both ways, will ANA or aghan gov do the same on their side?
2. Separate white from black or grey traffic. Since the british no one has separated grey from white traffic you must have a separation technique?
3. Collect data about individuals who cross the border regularly. many have gone to afghan side and stayed their take the ttp head swines. many have come here and not gone back like terrorists! But people who cross borders regularly have a good reason to cross them jobs, family, etc!
The war will continue. There is no stopping. You took revenge, we will take revenge, you will again take revenge and we will again take revenge. The circle will never stop till don't know what happens.

Simple as that.
No way sir,this labyrinth could be broken,if we cut off the supply lines,that is why I say that something could be done to confuse them,either by fueling their own enemies or by building up same groups who look just like them and kill them in the name of their faith!

Has there been a reaction yet? I heard 16 militants have been killed in shawal.
This attack seems to have blessings and help from inside...
..PAF must scrutnize it self..
Aah here comes the expert, if these scums had any help from inside the attack could have lasted for hours, but it was quickly tackled by forces & it was all over in no time with all the Rats dead lying here & there. I do believe that PAF needs to work more on securing there bases operational or nonoperational..
1. Limiting traffic off mountainous routes. does that exist both or will it work both ways, will ANA or aghan gov do the same on their side?

The Afghan Government has next to no control over the larger part of the border regions and it will be up to us to ensure this. A number of new pickets have already been established overseeing mountain passes and as I mentioned, the PA has also taken control over various posts that were vacated by the ANA, giving us a birds eye view into the Afghan side as well. That allows us to identify large groups in advance and engage them at a distance and on Afghan soil.

2. Separate white from black or grey traffic. Since the british no one has separated grey from white traffic you must have a separation technique?

Yes. A technique was implemented at Torkham and was successful until the biometric unit was destroyed during a firefight between the ANA and the FC. Afghans were only allowed to cross over after they had presented their computerized NADRA Afghan Cards and had passed biometric checks. They were supposed to indicate their expected date of departure as well as their intended destination, purpose of visit etc then they had to report to the area police station for their destination. That way, regular white traffic could be identified, people who cross over regularly for work/family could be recognized which allowed a fishy character to be easily spotted.

3. Collect data about individuals who cross the border regularly. many have gone to afghan side and stayed their take the ttp head swines. many have come here and not gone back like terrorists! But people who cross borders regularly have a good reason to cross them jobs, family, etc!

Exactly why data is necessary, like I stated in point 2. And that is exactly why you can't insulate one side from the other entirely.
immature thinking, We shouldn't invade Afghanistan and it is itself stupid idea because cost of jingoism will blast over ordinary citizens of Pakistan. Pakistan can only launch surgical strikes in Afghanistan for targeted operation.

Would you mind to elaborate how Afghanistan could be part of Zarb-e-Azb? On which logical grounds?
There are terrorists in Afghanistan who are posing threat to our national security .And the afghan government is doing nothing about it which makes our action against the Afghanistan justified.Well if boots on ground is not the option the surgical strikes must be done.
and it had two technicians guarding it? Sorry I don't buy your statement.

The attack was not on the technical area, the attack was on the residential camp opposite to it. After working hours, all guardrooms have minimum front force but there are appropriate resources guarding all units 24/7. There are three technical units at Badaber, and I am unable to name them here. You don't have to buy anything from me. It was a musical Gala night at terrorists wants to kill civilians and officers / men families en masse. From wherever they were controlled, they got the timing difference wrong and the gala wrapped up at 4AM, they attacked the guard room at 5AM outside, where two technicians were on duty, with QRF (Quick Reaction Force) on standby. The guards fought back despite the surprise attack and gave their lives, alerting the QRF. Meanwhile, one group split and went to the Makeshift masjid by the guardroom, and opened fire on the Namazis and people doing Wudu. As the QRF cars arrived, all these people were surrounded and gunned down, however they were trained mercenaries and caused casualties on PK side as well.
The Afghan Government has next to no control over the larger part of the border regions and it will be up to us to ensure this. A number of new pickets have already been established overseeing mountain passes and as I mentioned, the PA has also taken control over various posts that were vacated by the ANA, giving us a birds eye view into the Afghan side as well. That allows us to identify large groups in advance and engage them at a distance and on Afghan soil.

doesn't really give a secure image half the army must stand on open ground with senile ttp could harass from any to multiple directions. unless i am wrong in the past one post gets attacked keeping the post busy making an incision for a group to cross the border. Observation is great for alertness of what is on the horizon but that also translates into a credible defense as well?

Yes. A technique was implemented at Torkham and was successful until the biometric unit was destroyed during a firefight between the ANA and the FC. Afghans were only allowed to cross over after they had presented their computerized NADRA Afghan Cards and had passed biometric checks. They were supposed to indicate their expected date of departure as well as their intended destination, purpose of visit etc then they had to report to the area police station for their destination. That way, regular white traffic could be identified, people who cross over regularly for work/family could be recognized which allowed a fishy character to be easily spotted.

'Destroyed in a firefight', 'Supposed to indicate' what more can be said it really does not install confidence if the biometric data can be easily destroyed like that. I didn't know people who overstayed their welcome always get sent packing either. There is no real white Traffic from afghanistan and that is a fact.

Exactly why data is necessary, like I stated in point 2. And that is exactly why you can't insulate one side from the other entirely.

Well there is no insulation on the other side doesn't mean we dont insulate our side.
The attack was not on the technical area, the attack was on the residential camp opposite to it. After working hours, all guardrooms have minimum front force but there are appropriate resources guarding all units 24/7. There are three technical units at Badaber, and I am unable to name them here. You don't have to buy anything from me. It was a musical Gala night at terrorists wants to kill civilians and officers / men families en masse. From wherever they were controlled, they got the timing difference wrong and the gala wrapped up at 4AM, they attacked the guard room at 5AM outside, where two technicians were on duty, with QRF (Quick Reaction Force) on standby. The guards fought back despite the surprise attack and gave their lives, alerting the QRF. Meanwhile, one group split and went to the Makeshift masjid by the guardroom, and opened fire on the Namazis and people doing Wudu. As the QRF cars arrived, all these people were surrounded and gunned down, however they were trained mercenaries and caused casualties on PK side as well.

This is huge you know, this is not possible without inside help and information. And that too communicated to planners of this attack. It was just an hour delay.

If you are right,

So we were again kept blind as I said it is our chay policy to keep our awam blind all the times, don't let them know the whole story and then whine oh we need public's support to win this war, what else they have hidden from us chay awam?

Edit: And how do you know all this? Your flags suggest that you are not even here in Pakistan?
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This is huge you know, this is not possible without inside help and information. And that too communicated to planners of this attack. It was just an hour delay.

If you are right,

So we were again kept blind as I said it is our chay policy to keep our awam blind all the times, don't let them know the whole story and then whine oh we need public's support to win this war, what else they have hidden from us chay awam?

Edit: And how do you know all this? Your flags suggest that you are not even here in Pakistan?

This is huge you know, this is not possible without inside help and information. And that too communicated to planners of this attack. It was just an hour delay.

If you are right,

So we were again kept blind as I said it is our chay policy to keep our awam blind all the times, don't let them know the whole story and then whine oh we need public's support to win this war, what else they have hidden from us chay awam?

Edit: And how do you know all this? Your flags suggest that you are not even here in Pakistan?

Don't they say in your country, eat the mangoes and not count the trees? Instead of thanking me for informing you guys the honest truth, i face skepticism and questions on who I am and where I am from. You have the right to believe all your duplicitous and misguiding media and resources. I shall stand behind what I say is closer to the truth than any of you know till now. The timing difference is an easy give away on the command and control of the group. Like every other attack on Pakistani defence establishments, the two C&C elements fled the scene on first sign of resistance.

Don't they say in your country, eat the mangoes and not count the trees? Instead of thanking me for informing you guys the honest truth, i face skepticism and questions on who I am and where I am from. You have the right to believe all your duplicitous and misguiding media and resources. I shall stand behind what I say is closer to the truth than any of you know till now. The timing difference is an easy give away on the command and control of the group. Like every other attack on Pakistani defence establishments, the two C&C elements fled the scene on first sign of resistance.

No where I live they say verify the source, give it a second thought, research, confirm and then believe. Nobody is doubting your character here, you are the source of some information which nobody has highlighted and hinted before, so don't you think I deserve this much right to satisfy myself before believing it all together as truth?

Anyways thanks for the share.
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