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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

Here's an inside tip.

The "proof" charade is for the gullible goras.

We brothers know well how things work here don't we? :lol:

Screw you for using that laughter smiley.

Fully knowing that we Pakistanis have not even buried our dead and you already are showing your real pathetic ugly Indian face!

It is Indians like you, who we despise and can never forgive!

Have some shame!

@Manticore Do we really have to read this from this pathetic person?
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Death is hazard all the time. You can die while posting on this forum. That doesn't mean you start glamorizing and romanticizing death. This is what we do. We romanticize death. We propagate this bullcr@p of dying for your country. While more needed is making your opponent dying for his country or whatever ideology he believes in.

There is no bigger failure than this military that we have. And worst part is nobody is even questioning it for its failures.

You only have General Raheel Sharif...one of the only few group men with a holistic approach towards terrorism and other related issues Pakistan is facing.

Your general "awam", and the politicians etc. probably don't even know how to spell holistic. Majority of the Pakistanis have a memory equivalent to that of a fish...which means that although they can move on after even the most terrible of tragedies...they are unable to learn and evolve from their past experiences.

We need proper research sir. I agree with you that this has really turned into a joke...10 to 40 casualties is considered a success.
Death is hazard all the time. You can die while posting on this forum. That doesn't mean you start glamorizing and romanticizing death. This is what we do. We romanticize death. We propagate this bullcr@p of dying for your country. While more needed is making your opponent dying for his country or whatever ideology he believes in.

There is no bigger failure than this military that we have. And worst part is nobody is even questioning it for its failures.

that's exactly the mentality we need.
now that we are in agreement please pull the thumb out of your arse you appear in great pain

so much so that you fail to see my point. I am not wishing death for our soldiers instead I am wishing them victory.. but what is done is done.. so stop pissing on their corpses because you are upset.

now let me explain to you what occupational hazard means because I have lived it. we have temporary graves by our trenches and bunkers along the LoC.. we are not holding our dicks there we have our fingers on the MG's and 12.7s triggers and we know just like we will shoot at our opponent .. so shall he. and its a given whenever there is an exchange of fire there are bound to be casualties.. its a not a comic story its a reality yes jazba e Shahadat is over cooked and over blown by some Pakistanis but its not as grave as you are suggesting.

look at those pictures of the pigs lying on the ground by the walls or on the roads.. see that? they achieved cheap shot through surprise but they met their end too when they got shot back.

now please pull that thumb out and calm down.
We would make you COAS for a week you would know How capable you are !!!! Mr if it would have been that easy than USA would have defeated and destroyed Afghan Taliban by now Turkey would have destroyed PKK and India would have destroyed LET not to forget drug mafias vs South American governments. It's long painful war with no easy end.

wake up kiddo. America has defeated Taliban. There is no terror incident after 9/11 in America. They don't care about what is happening in Afghanistan as long as they are safe. They can even nuke Afghanistan completely and eliminate mighty Afghan race from this world and won't even take a burp after it. And India has defeated LET. There are more people who die by falling down from their stairs in india than those who are killed by LET. Turkey has beaten PKK. It is bombing PKK hideouts in Iraq and Syria and is not only collecting dead bodies like us.

And those South American governments have also beaten those mafias. Brazil is one of the biggest economies for a reason. Wake up kid. It might be all normal for you to see your countrymen dying since you are a mullah too who believes in conquering Delhi. but the fact with jokers ruling this country, there is no chance of us even conquering our own country. And if I would have been COAS and some similar kind of sh!t would have happened and I wouldn't have done anything then I would have simply resigned.
I don't know what sh!t you guys are smoking. I don't what sh!t military of this country is smoking. I don't know what sh!t whole nation is smoking. What you mean by that death toll could have been worst. It is already f*cking worst. 29 are dead. Dozens are injured. God knows how many more would die in hospitals. You think death of 29 Pakistanis is acceptable? You think anything under 100 is acceptable? This is bullsh!t. This country is ruled by jokers. Joker who don't have f*cking balls to mine and fence Afghan border. Jokers who have no balls to take action against TTP rats in Afghanistan. Jokers who are all bakwas and no action. Jokers who are more interested in some peace process in that brother aka Afghanistan while Pakistanis keep dying at home. The jokers who provide wheat, rice and all kind of supplies so that Afghans can eat them and then abuse Pakistan in return. Jokers who don't even have balls to send back Afghans crawling on our land like leeches.

Time for shut up calls have already passed. It is action or more useless shaheeds like we keep getting after every incident. And this would happen only if we start asking this military some hard questions. Enough with holy cow cr@p. Enough with guardians of the nation bullsh!t. Enough with the best intelligence agency and best military in the world stories. Time for questions and answers to those questions by military and ISPR. We don't need Asim Bajwa's tweets. We need answers from them in a press conference or in a live TV show.

I don't care whether PM is with COAS or not. And I am sure those scumbags in Afghanistan don't care either. If these two can't take any action putting all diplomatic and ethical norms aside then both of them are nothing but hijras for me and this nation.

Got your point and agree 200% in principle but in reality to materialize all this would require a lot of effort in fact a movement by youth of Pakistan which under current situation will lead to only more chaos .My earlier response was from the point of raising the morales of those who actually fought with bullets against intruders and gave their lives for their motherland.

Your approach is more logical aiming at why were these scumbags were able to penetrate into the Camp .

Rest I am very familiar with bloody civilian terminology and feeling of being superior to anyone else in Pakistan entertained by Pak army but its not the right time to discuss that as they have taken the burnt and are coming out victorious though slowly but steadily. If end is well all is well and Raheel sharif has raised the hope of a good end.

Without any blame game if you discuss with some agency official incase you have one close you will come to know in 08-09 Pakistan was in a much worst situation and even formulating a line of action was very hard as distinction between friend and foe was non existent but Alhamdulliah things are on a positive track and once dealt effectively and completely we should investigate the causes of all this but for the time being we should stand united with our forces.
Lets also put this in a broad perspective...

Did americans manage to win in iraq...
Desert train ... no real foreign sponsors.... nope

Last time 11 armed men entered bombay... it took 4 days and commandos came from delhi to neutralise them...

This war in pakistan is being and will be won .... mark my word for it...

But i agree .... we must learn from our mistakes....
And we have ... just need to be more thorough and quick....

Why cant peshawar and all approaches to it rung with HD cctv cameras and live monitoring of faces and number plates done??
This seems to be a big intel failure. Attackers managed to inflict the damage they intended.
You only have General Raheel Sharif...one of the only few group men with a holistic approach towards terrorism and other related issues Pakistan is facing.

Your general "awam", and the politicians etc. probably don't even know how to spell holistic. Majority of the Pakistanis have a memory equivalent to that of a fish...which means that although they can move on after even the most terrible of tragedies...they are unable to learn and evolve from their past experiences.

We need proper research sir. I agree with you that this has really turned into a joke...10 to 40 casualties is considered a success.

General Raheel is no different from Kayani or anyone else. What different he has done. Only thing new he has done NWA operation. Well Kayani did more operations like in Swat, SWA, Bajaur, Mohmand, Kurram, Orakzai etc etc.

If Gen raheel just keeps continuing with the present BS of being all cheesy with Afghanistan then he is no different than Kayani.
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wake up kiddo. America has defeated Taliban. There is no terror incident after 9/11 in America. They don't care about what is happening in Afghanistan as long as they are safe. They can even nuke Afghanistan completely and eliminate mighty Afghan race from this world and won't even take a burp after it. And India has defeated LET. There are more people who die by falling down from their stairs in india than those who are killed by LET. Turkey has beaten PKK. It is bombing PKK hideouts in Iraq and Syria and is not only collecting dead bodies like us.

And those South American governments have also beaten those mafias. Brazil is one of the biggest economies for a reason. Wake up kid. It might be all normal for you to see your countrymen dying since you are a mullah too who believes in conquering Delhi. but the fact with jokers ruling this country, there is no chance of us even conquering our own country. And if I would have been COAS and some similar kind of sh!t would have
Wake up kiddo USA begging us to put pressure on Afghan Taliban to start talks the groups they claimed to have defeated now they are talking to them and offering share in Afghan government. Defeated stop joking.Yes lone wolf attacks increasing by every day in USA soldiers getting killed around the world. As for Brazil defeated drug mafias stop joking thousands die every year in Brazil less than others still die because of Mafias vs state wars. So wake up smell the coffee we are fighting war will be won but it would take time.
Our aircrafts in a war will be used against India or America in case of a war. These terroristic monkeys do not understand that they are destroying the very force (the airforce) which may one day fight with nations that stand against.us.

It is our duty to kill terrorists wherever they hide and as mercilessly as we can. By massacring worshippers in a mosque the terrorists show their true and dirty face to the public of Pakistan. We must so brutally massacre the taliban that they never raise their dirty head against Pakistan ever again.

Indian, have some moral courage to type the full post:

Here for the help:

Screw you for using that laughter smiley.

Fully knowing that we Pakistanis have not even buried our dead and you already are showing your real pathetic ugly Indian face!

It is Indians like you, who we despise and can never forgive!

Have some shame!
General Raheel is no different from Kayani or anyone else. What different he has done. Only ting new he has done NWA operation. Well Kayani did more operations like in Swat, SWA, Bajaur, Mohmand, Kurram, Orakzai etc etc.

If Gen raheel just keeps continuing with the present BS of being all cheesy with Afghanistan then he is no different than Kayani.
You need to grow up than talk
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