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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

This is the only truth which broadly reflects Indian stance on Kashmir and is wrong on all accounts humanitarian or diplomatic. It would have served indian interests a lot better if you were given some hindu population areas in Sindh and Balochistan to get land access to Iran and Afghanistan but it didn't happen as the division was on religious lines and all muslim dominant areas were to be Pakistani and Kashmir was and still is 97% Muslims so it wasn't about interests in 47 but it indeed is now and will be dealt accordingly .

This indian psyche of " feeling powerful to do anything to serve indian interests regardless of any principles , moral or humane implications" will lead to her demise and you can pick history books if you have any to see what I mean no power no matter how much powerful was able to suppress people for long in entire human history and Kashmir was never dead and recent flying of Pakistani flags in Srinagar is proof of that . What your army has been doing there for decades those mothers whose innocent sons were martyred and young daughters raped will keep on giving birth to sons who will sacrifice their blood for freedom of their mother land.

Its getting off topic so lets keep it for some Kashmir related thread.

On topic I just posted Dovals video in my last post to show you how much involved india is in terror activities inside Pakistan.

Pity you never watched his videos as he stated if Pakistan conduct another 26/11 attack that is when we will use proxies but so far that has not happened.
Pity you never watched his videos as he stated if Pakistan conduct another 26/11 attack that is when we will use proxies but so far that has not happened.

Pity you never watched his videos as he stated if Pakistan conduct another 26/11 attack that is when we will use proxies but so far that has not happened.
watch this video 4 30 onward
since APS tragedy, our best example of mutual cooperation with Americans was when they opened the direct front against TTP and lead the deadly attacks by scoring multiple kills via drones strikes inside Afghanistan.

since 911.. there has been no more attacks on mainland America because Uncle Sam went after them in the entire world.

the random shootings by lone wolves failed to faze the American resolve. we wasted years bickering if we are a rented army or if its our war or not and the terrorists had to keep on killing us until they killed hundreds of children to shake us to get some sense

It is true that Pakistan may have started its response quite late in the game, but the fact that it has indeed started to deal with the menace effectively is important. It may take some time to resolve it completely, but the improvement is already visible. A few attacks here and there are to be expected, and will serve only to further steel the national resolve, I am quite sure. As you suggested above, conducting a few targeted covert ops to add an offensive edge while maintaining a good defensive posture with Pakistan might be the way to go forward.
Few important questions which need to answered here in the wake of this terrible incident:

1) If the attacks were planned in Afghanistan, did the attackers infiltrated from Afghanistan or they were a sleeper cell in Pakistan?

2) If they infiltrated from Afghanistan, this once again points towards our inability and incompetency in securing our borders. For how long shall we allow this?

3) If they were operating within Pakistan, then perhaps there was a major intelligence failure on our part? Especially considering that the attack took place in Peshawer which is a major city in KPK.
Few important questions which need to answered here in the wake of this terrible incident:

1) If the attacks were planned in Afghanistan, did the attackers infiltrated from Afghanistan or they were a sleeper cell in Pakistan?

2) If they infiltrated from Afghanistan, this once again points towards our inability and incompetency in securing our borders. For how long shall we allow this?

3) If they were operating within Pakistan, then perhaps there was a major intelligence failure on our part? Especially considering that the attack took place in Peshawer which is a major city in KPK.
in every aspect the failure was to prevent them whether the planners and/ or attackers were inside or outside of Pakistan
dont forget the people that have given them food and shelter. they live near you and me and hide dark secrets among them

there are scumbags who are completely sold to takfiri ideology and are waiting for Daesh Caliphate while they live among as as Clerics, teachers, doctors, shop keepers and businessmen
in every aspect the failure was to prevent them whether the planners and/ or attackers were inside or outside of Pakistan
dont forget the people that have given them food and shelter. they live near you and me and hide dark secrets among them

there are scumbags who are completely sold to takfiri ideology and are waiting for Daesh Caliphate while they live among as as Clerics, teachers, doctors, shop keepers and businessmen

I have a solution to that. There are practical frameworks by the Kurds and to some extent the Egyptians and the Jordanians. The most effective framework by far to keep this ideology at bay is by the Kurds. We can perhaps discuss it sometime.
. This country needs ghazis who can slaughter our enemies in worst possible painful manner. Who can comeback alive with heads of their enemies. Enough of this shaheed BS. This is a country or a museum to collect shaheeds.
like I said.. death is an occupational hazard in this line of job. yes you are talking my language by insisting on being a killer rather than a shaheed but .. like I said... this cant be helped.
blame gaming doesnt help.
My guess is we have to start targeting Terrorists deep inside Afganistan with drones initially , with permission from afghanistan and allied forces there, i think if we try, they shall agree and let us pre empt terrorists within afghan borders since they cant seem to act on time we dont have to go all the way inside afghanistan just buffer safe zones near border. A sad and provocative attack again they should get what they are asking for.
Very childish and baseless argument no country in world is immune to such attacks by a few gun wielding rag tag militants .

They had it planned one group diverted the attention towards one side while others attacked the mosque they were having around 28 IED's and suicide jackets . Death toll could have been much worst had our troops not replied in timely and effective manner . But yes there is always room for improvement I feel there should have been more guards well dispersed around the Camp to make any such breach impossible as Peshawar is a sensitive location. But still your burst is not justified as the airforce guys died fighting and when bullets are fired both sides will have casualities and 13 heavily armed scumbags which attacked a mosque are for sure no muslims.

As Pm is there along with COAS, interior and defence ministers in the funeral prayer of martyrs its the first of its kind as normally it was used to be COAS alone which clearly shows military and civil admin are on one page now and we will see some major changes in Pakistan's approach towards Afghanistan and India .

Operation inside Afghanistan are quite possible and Indian consulates along Pakistani border which have nothing to do except create and support terrorists in Pakistan should be eliminated as well to destroy terrorists support network.

Pakistan has been dealing Afghanistan casually and brotherly but its high time to put them to their place and punish them for supporting indian nefarious designs against Pakistan.

One thing is sure though such attacks do unite us as a nation and make our resolve stronger to get what is ours and not let any foreign snakes play dirty games inside our country. And if you look back in last one decade we have come a long way to achieve the stability and security we have today and In Sha Allah things will keep moving in positive direction but we do need to give Kabul and delhi a firm shut up call.

I don't know what sh!t you guys are smoking. I don't what sh!t military of this country is smoking. I don't know what sh!t whole nation is smoking. What you mean by that death toll could have been worst. It is already f*cking worst. 29 are dead. Dozens are injured. God knows how many more would die in hospitals. You think death of 29 Pakistanis is acceptable? You think anything under 100 is acceptable? This is bullsh!t. This country is ruled by jokers. Joker who don't have f*cking balls to mine and fence Afghan border. Jokers who have no balls to take action against TTP rats in Afghanistan. Jokers who are all bakwas and no action. Jokers who are more interested in some peace process in that brother aka Afghanistan while Pakistanis keep dying at home. The jokers who provide wheat, rice and all kind of supplies so that Afghans can eat them and then abuse Pakistan in return. Jokers who don't even have balls to send back Afghans crawling on our land like leeches.

Time for shut up calls have already passed. It is action or more useless shaheeds like we keep getting after every incident. And this would happen only if we start asking this military some hard questions. Enough with holy cow cr@p. Enough with guardians of the nation bullsh!t. Enough with the best intelligence agency and best military in the world stories. Time for questions and answers to those questions by military and ISPR. We don't need Asim Bajwa's tweets. We need answers from them in a press conference or in a live TV show.

I don't care whether PM is with COAS or not. And I am sure those scumbags in Afghanistan don't care either. If these two can't take any action putting all diplomatic and ethical norms aside then both of them are nothing but hijras for me and this nation.
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I seen that video many times, Doval is saying India should work on a offensive manner 'if' there is another 26/11 and so far no attack has occured.
At exact 4 55 he is saying we will tackle Taliban the way we want proving RAW has links with Talibans at all level then he is saying Taliban will listen to Deobandi mean Raw has also moles in that Jamaat what does it all shows ?

And this is the one released by ISI for public info I am sure they have lot more classified ones so don't play innocent we all know its Raw behind TTP through its front men .
like I said.. death is an occupational hazard in this line of job. yes you are talking my language by insisting on being a killer rather than a shaheed but .. like I said... this cant be helped.
blame gaming doesnt help.

Death is hazard all the time. You can die while posting on this forum. That doesn't mean you start glamorizing and romanticizing death. This is what we do. We romanticize death. We propagate this bullcr@p of dying for your country. While more needed is making your opponent dying for his country or whatever ideology he believes in.

There is no bigger failure than this military that we have. And worst part is nobody is even questioning it for its failures.
A number of Intelligence Based Operations have had been conducted upon info provided by People from General Population which is Appreciable, We Encourage more people to come forward and fascillitate Law Enforcement Agencies in the elimination of Terrorists and their Abettors within our Social Fabric - DG ISPR
I don't know what sh!t you guys are smoking. I don't what sh!t military of this country is smoking. I don't know what sh!t whole nation is smoking. What you mean by that death toll could have been worst. It is already f*cking worst. 29 are dead. Dozens are injured. God knows how many more would die in hospitals. You think death of 29 Pakistanis is acceptable? You think anything under 100 is acceptable? This is bullsh!t. This country is ruled by jokers. Joker who don't have f*cking balls to mine and fence Afghan border. Jokers who have no balls to take action against TTP rats in Afghanistan. Jokers who are all bakwas and no action. Jokers who are more interested in some peace process in that brother aka Afghanistan while Pakistanis keep dying at home. The jokers who provide wheat, rice and all kind of supplies so that Afghans can eat them and then abuse Pakistan in return. Jokers who don't even have balls to send back Afghans crawling on our land like leeches.

Time for shut up calls have already passed. It is action or more useless shaheeds like we keep getting after every incident. And this would happen only if we start asking this military some hard questions. Enough with holy cow cr@p. Enough with guardians of the nation bullsh!t. Enough with the best intelligence agency and best military in the world stories. Time for questions and answers to those questions by military and ISPR. We don't need Asim Bajwa's tweets. We need answers from them in a press conference or in a live TV show.

I don't care whether PM is with COAS or not. And I am sure those scumbags in Afghanistan care either. If these two can't take any action putting all diplomatic and ethical norms aside then both of them are nothing but hijras for me and this nation.
We would make you COAS for one year, you would know How capable you are !!!! Mr if it would have been that easy than USA would have defeated and destroyed Afghan Taliban by now Turkey would have destroyed PKK and India would have destroyed LET not to forget drug mafias vs South American governments. It's long painful war with no easy end.
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