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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

I will be SHOCKED if Jamaat e Islami is behind this.
They share a common ideology as far as I know with the Ikhwan al Muslimeen ( Egypt ) and Jamaat e Islami ( Pakistan ) and they have a record of violence free struggle since decades.
Iam not buying this fairly tale these halal petro dollars backed organizations are the breading grounds of takfiri s
Label every one kafir or bidati who don't subscribe to your interpretation bhaard m jay yeh
I think terrorists are planning to make this into a prolonged conflict, Hostages may be being used as civilian shield.
Iam not buying this fairly tale these halal petro dollars backed organizations are the breading grounds of takfiri s
Label every one kafir or bidati who don't subscribe to your interpretation bhaard m jay yeh

Your comment shows that your have zero knowledge regarding what u're saying.pleez
Good luck to the people there. Unfortunatelly with obama bombing 8 muslim countries more terrorist attacks will follow
ok i strongly condemn it . but it can not wash away what other said abut Pakistan in last 10 years and i was reading and lessening it . i can not forget the past where every other muslim countrymen were laughing on us and chanting pakistan is finished pakistan is over pakistan is dead .

Indeed BUT Don't you think when they are struck with same situation, they might had felt sorry whatever they said about Pakistan. Above all we cannot celebrate such situation since we had gone through such pains
Mate if death of Turk or Bangladeshi Muslim doesn't pain you as that of a Pakistani's,then the cancer of nationalism has infiltrated your blood.I'm saying IF
sorry for informing you sir i have no mercy for anyone nor any pain .did you ever see any pain for 60000 pakistanis killed ? a single rally or walk for pakistanis out of pakistan ?
They are just going to hole up and kill the law enforcement officers before killing the hostages. Either snipe or raid them already
30 Injured and 5 dead. News agencies are reporting . The firing was halted for a brief period as govt was negotiating with the attackers but it started again
Good luck to the people there. Unfortunatelly with obama bombing 8 muslim countries more terrorist attacks will follow

You bomb the hell out of civilizations and then expect the survivors to act sensibly,to not yearn for revenge,to not be manipulated and used,to not reciprocate violence with violence.
If Muslims were so mad,what were they doing since the last 1400 years when the Quran was revealed till upto 2001.
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