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Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

Let's not forget the Northern Alliance guys are not exactly hero.They are as shady as Talibans..

Enough with the smileys and useless one liners. This is the second thread your posts have had to be deleted for that reason.

You'll be getting a ban if this continues. If you don't like a post, refute it logically or don't comment.

I am not supporting my act. But I do have an explaination.

These posts are really low quality. They are in such a number that I can't fight with them all. But, these have to be checked. I was just trying to use shortcut.

Sorry for that.
Guys,bottom line is that pakistan hate any indian presense in Afghanistan since its consider Afghanistan as its own fiefdom providing strategic depth aganist an larger india .period. 

Well India may not have been keen to be in Afghanistan.....

Can I draw attention to the Kandahar hijack how the hijackers walked into Pakistan and we had to release the militants who also walked into Pakistan. This was the most blatant support ever shown to any terrorist organization by any state. If Pakistan had acted with responsibility and not allowed this to happen may be we could have banked on Pakistan.

Actions like this shape the future policies......So no like or dislike it is just the need of the hour.
I disagree, since the game of taliban is becoming bigger in Pakistan. There is a possiblility of talibs taking over the society of pakistan, which is nuclear arsanal states. US will be forced to put a permenant base in Afganistan for sole reason.

TTP cannot take over Pakistan unless they overwhelm/kill most of us Pakistanis. Their proclaimed ideology and the way of thinking of majority of Pakistanis is totally different!
That should be clear to you guys, being our really close neighbors in the east and now in west. :wave:

With their terror tactics, they are digging a big hole for themselves and isolating themselves from anyone who would have sympathized with their proclaimed cause. They seem to have only once cause as per their actual actions and that is destroying Pakistan.

This is the reason that we have our doubts about who is behind them since highly organized attacks are really not the forte of rag tag gunslingers without someone providing solid intel and strategic vision and a big carrot as a reward for performing these deeds.
Its not like TTP is not loosing men and since they do not have a cause what is driving the mercenaries to join them?
It is not faith but money which keeps them motivated.
It is enormous funding which can keep such a pack together and loyal.

Mangal Bagh was a simple mechanic/driver; how he got so influential and wealthy to hire so many gunslingers fighting PA is something which does not make sense without some party providing the funding.
Maybe it is the drug money and warlords in Afghanistan, maybe it is some foreign intelligence agency pulling the strings.

Does not help us when BLA ( a terrorist outfit) reps meet Indians in Afghanistan and it is dismissed as something to do with an Afghan/Baloch forum.
After all what has happened recently, i think India should distance itself from any such Terrorist group or its associated factions.
After all it is in the benefit of all in the region.

My only hope is that as a consequence of its traditional anti Pakistan role, RAW is not getting carried away by trying to cash in on the situation and take a shot at Pakistan.
It shall have dire consequences for the region one way or another.

Maybe with these recent terrorist arrests we can get some answers and provide serious evidence.
Maybe it is Afghanistan who is involved in foul play.
Whatever the case, i sincerely hope for benefit of all that we get some conclusive leads into these events.
It's mostly worthless innuendo without factual support, but the fas article looks good to me.

Funny that this is coming from a Yank whose own country is filled with biased propaganda media outlets that only thrive on lies and distortion. Have you found the WMDs by the way? Still waiting...
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There is acknowledgment from Indian sources that RAW was conducting covert activities in Pakistan as late as 1997, when allegedly they were stopped on the orders of IK Gujral.

In retaliation, in the mid-1980s, RAW set up two covert groups of its own, Counter Intelligence Team-X (CIT-X) and Counter Intelligence Team-J (CIT-J), the first targeting Pakistan in general and the second directed at Khalistani groups. The two groups were responsible for carrying out terrorist operations inside Pakistan (Newsline), writes Pakistani military expert Ayesha Siddiqa...

...In 1997, Prime Minister I.K. Gujral shut down both the CITs aimed at Pakistan on moral grounds. Before Gujral, Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao had ended RAW's eastern operations in the early 1990s, as part of his efforts to build bridges with China and Myanmar, say analysts.

Successive RAW leaders attempted to gain fresh authorization for deterrent covert operations, but without success, says Swami. Siddiqa writes: "The Indian government probably realized that encouraging covert warfare would not only destabilize bilateral relations but was also dangerous for the peace and stability of the entire region."
RAW: India's External Intelligence Agency - Council on Foreign Relations

Now whether this alleged 'stoppage' actually occurred, or whether covert activity continued after the Kargil conflict and Operation Parakram, can't be confirmed.

But the above excerpts, as well as analysis by B Raman, confirms that RAW was carrying out terrorism in Pakistan at least through 1997.
RAW: India's External Intelligence Agency - Council on Foreign Relations

Also the article mentions India's other intelligence agency, DIA.

Earlier, RAW was the only organization permitted to conduct espionage operations abroad. Now both the IB and DIA have also been given the authority to conduct such operations, writes Singh.

On which there is some commentary by Prasun Sengupta here:
TRISHUL: Too Many Secrets....
According to one spy who was recently killed by Taliban an Indian intelligence official named as C.R. Garg working as Attaché and P.S. to Indian Ambassador in Kabul had recently offered as much as US$2000-3200 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.

Its amazing, these things should be of interest to the Americans too. $2000 are like an years income for these tribal people. How hard would it be to trace this CR Garg, at least can it be proven that he exists?
Another Indian agents Sanjay Asthana working as Vice Consul in Habibabad,, Jallalabad was in touch with his “assets” using phone/fax number of 0797638744.

An Indian official based in Herat, Manohar Gangesh working as Consul and posted at the Indian Consulate. He was in contact with local agents who organize secret meetings and trainings for so-called Islamic militants.
A militant leader claimed that he discovered the telephone number of a senior Indian intelligence official Raju Balakrishnan working as a diplomat and Vice Consul in Herat 0799427738 from the possession of a recently captured spy after his detailed interrogation.

According to a reliable sources early this year Indian agents working as Muslim militant leaders by the name of Yasin Khan (Original Indina name Amat Verma) and “Nasir” identified as “Santosh” were operating a massive network of terrorists in Jallalabad while another so-called “Islamic militant leader (original name Sudesh ) was also had been operating in Khost. Local Afghan commanders, drug dealers and military commanders of foreign country were well aware of their activities but overlooking the covert operations against Pakistan.
This Exclusive new item was first published by Pakistan Observer on December 30th 2008

Lots of verifiable info here for the mildly resourceful. Lets dig up some verification to these claims. Good find, Batman!

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