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Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

"I was saying in case America gets frustrated and invades FATALand."

It will never, ever happen-as sure as the sun rises in the east. There is no way that America would ever consider such and is a rational military impossibility short of us declaring open and unrestrained war upon Pakistan.

If so, that'd be the last thing we'd do in any case. Let FATA stew were your government our objective.

No invasions of FATA. A battalion-sized or smaller raid lasting two hours to two days...?

This forum is full of articles which prove india has a very strong spy network in Afghanistan ? And they frequently carry out terror activities against Pakistan.

Slowly and Steadily day by day our nation is being pushed towards a dead-end. And you dont wana know what a nuclear armed country plagued by proxy wars can do when its pushed toward an end where there is only chaos and horror.

You sound like the war has been lost already.
GOP needs to share its genuine concerns and provide evidence.
Without evidence and a cohesive diplomatic effort to support its point of view, we can achieve naught.
If US is unwilling to listen to the evidence, why not share with UN or with its own people?
GOP needs to be thousand times more vocal about any strongly suspected foul play by the neighbors and should seek a meaningful dialogue.

I can understand that most people here do not support the terrorists and that is because in the terrorist we see the end product of the plots of hate/destruction and find it easy to call it evil.
The ignorance, conspiracies, social/political issues which have been brewing in this Subcontinental region for long are still failing to find mutually agreed root causes amongst the parties and that to me is a big failure.

The problem is the mistrust in this region and the troubled history!
India also has had sour relations with most of its neighbors so clearly there is a quality in this region when it comes to not engaging in productive dialogue.
I wish we could learn from Europe here.

The problem is that most of accusations fall in the category of assumed guilt or assumed innocence till proven otherwise.
This goes for all the concerned parties.

Saying that RAW is not present in Afghanistan is inaccurate.
RAW always operates with the Indian consulate staff so i find it absolutely unlikely that RAW is not present in Afghanistan.
What is RAW doing in these area besides traditional intel gathering is not something i have proof of.
RAW's role in the insurgency is something which has not been openly shared till date (with evidence) and if there is truth in it then GOP should come forward and share it at some level to start a diplomatic pressure.

Saying that ISI is supporting Terrorists because they have links with Taliban is also unlikely because any agency would try to open some links via moles in such an organization and that is part and parcel of intel gathering!
If ISI does not have any links (moles) in Taliban ranks then i shall be really disappointed in its credibility as an intelligence agency.
Being a Pakistani agency, ISI cannot intentionally help anti Pakistan elements.
If they are using some Taliban to deal with the big bosses of Taliban then that is something which an intelligence agency can do to damage an organization. Use one enemy to deal with the bigger threat.

All accusations therefore are without conclusive proof since Intelligence agencies do not work in a very straight forward manner.

Of course we (forum members) do not have an all conclusive evidence because neither S2 is CIA, I am ISI or the Indian members are RAW here (hopefully).
All we can do is engage each other with the information that is available to us and of course our concerns as the citizens of our respective states.
As a consequence of this we try to establish the logical motives as per our understanding.

While the WOT is on and the entire world is focused on Pakistan, India is become more and more poised to slowly cripple Pakistan.
Whether it does so or not is a million dollar question but being a Pakistani and looking at our history what should i conclude?
Recently we have had record low water in river Chenab during the most critical time of the season when the crops need most water.
India was filling up its damn at a most critical time.
If we were good neighbors, India would have taken this into consideration.
But clearly we are not good neighbors.
India is pursuing projects which can virtually dry up Pakistan at India's discretion.
India has its needs yes, but so does Pakistan and what do you guys think will happen once these projects are used as political tools?

The Mumbai attacks proved how easy it is for terrorists to provoke India into attacking Pakistan. Pakistan cannot ignore the openly issued warning and attack threat of a country which split it in two parts, it would be insane to do so.
When we suffered terrible losses to push the militants back they launched an attack on India to split Pakistani attention.
Please see that it is a very very clever tactic by the terrorists.
I am not an authority on military strategy but this thing proved to me that we are dealing with very shrewd terrorists.
I am sorry for the loss of innocent lives but still i feel that we were playing into the terrorist hands and if that is the level of maturity we have in the face of such an organized terrorist network then god help us all.

I shudder to think at the implications of this continued lack of mutual understanding and sincerely hope that some sort of understanding takes place to achieve normalcy if not friendship.
Why would we use consulates in Afghanistan to spread terror in pakistan..We share a thousand km long boundary with pak!!.Sounds like holding yr nose around yr head.

The consulates r only 7-8 years old while the boundary is more than 50 years old.Doesnt it take longer than that to establish credible espionage links..leave alone support to terrorists/??
1 India has been accusing pakistan of Proxy war(terrorist activities) for more than a decade.How many proofs have v managed?? perhaps 26-11,perhaps afghanistan bombing.N there too v ve not completely convinced the world of ISI involvement.
My point is that these things r extremely difficult to prove.Even if RAW is involved in `terrorist` activities, which is against common sense,noone can prove anything.
. .
RAW is getting more credit than it deserves. Doesn't that raise a question.
GOP needs to share its genuine concerns and provide evidence.
Without evidence and a cohesive diplomatic effort to support its point of view, we can achieve naught.
If US is unwilling to listen to the evidence, why not share with UN or with its own people?
GOP needs to be thousand times more vocal about any strongly suspected foul play by the neighbors and should seek a meaningful dialogue.

The first and foremost Pakistan and GoP in particular can do, is to be honest to its ownself about terrorism and its implications. While it is actively supporting LeT (and here there is no question of freedom struggle as civilians are also killed and maimed in attacks on IA and security forces which are done usually in the thickly packed and populated regions and not the forests of the areas) in name of freedom struggle and supporting terrorism in valley, it continues to deny its involvement and also of its nationals (like the Mumbai attack) and then cries foul when it gets its own acts back at it. If there is uniformity in the topic am sure GoP will have greater credibility. Its the whole worlds word against GoP about terrorism being supported by RAW from Afghanistan. Be realistic.

The ignorance, conspiracies, social/political issues which have been brewing in this Subcontinental region for long are still failing to find mutually agreed root causes amongst the parties and that to me is a big failure.

The biggest reason here is that Pakistan has appointed itself champion of Muslim rights. The fact remains that it has to justify two nation theory to its ownself and so is not able to free itself of shackles of colonial past. Forget that and move ahead and build an economically strong country and you shall find a change in the society and in the way world looks at Pakistan. By being obsessed with India and Kashmir and relegating everything to second place in front of these issues, it has lost a lot. For once just let the status quo remain, if the Kashmiris are not happy they themselves will rise in insurrection against India, you dont need to send groups into valley ..... am sure the recent poll turnout (which even APHC has said is largest ever) has shown that average Kashmiri is tired of violence and wants comprehensive reforms and economic progress. In my last visit to Srinagar, the house boat owner was happy over my stay for the tourism has improved due to drastic fall in violence and he could afford to send his children to delhi's top colleges for higher education. What matters to a coomon man is his food, family and right to live, not politics of 60 yrs ago.

India also has had sour relations with most of its neighbors so clearly there is a quality in this region when it comes to not engaging in productive dialogue.
I wish we could learn from Europe here.

It took over 400 years for Europe to learn.

Saying that RAW is not present in Afghanistan is inaccurate.
RAW always operates with the Indian consulate staff so i find it absolutely unlikely that RAW is not present in Afghanistan.

None siad RAW is not there. Infact if you read my posts you shall find have said more than RAW there are people with Military Intell etc.

What is RAW doing in these area besides traditional intel gathering is not something i have proof of.

Neither do you nor the GoP nor ISI nor anyone else. What statements are made are made to use the national fear of annhilation at Indian hands in order for the power hungry politicians to cling on to power who should actually be booted out for failure to protect the common Pakistani Citizen. The point is clear. If we support any terror in Pakistan, the same shall, if ever successful, lead to fall of Pakistan and then all violence spills over into our territory. Paradoxically, Indias first line of defence is its arch enemy and sometimes it is best to trust your enemy to tell the truth, for he has nothing to gain by not telling you something that distorts your image but is the true cause of your problem.

RAW's role in the insurgency is something which has not been openly shared till date (with evidence) and if there is truth in it then GOP should come forward and share it at some level to start a diplomatic pressure.

Fortunately for Pakistan and unfortunately for India, RAW is actually a pathetic organisation with more US moles than Indian agents there ..... only here in PDF do I find RAW being given credit. Never have I seen such credit being given to such a useless organisation. Being dominated by IAS/IPS lobby the damn thing is worse than any govt agency which is openly useless in India.

Saying that ISI is supporting Terrorists because they have links with Taliban is also unlikely because any agency would try to open some links via moles in such an organization and that is part and parcel of intel gathering!

Other than Pakistan, everyone recognises great contribution of ISI in perpetuating taliban and AQ ...... strange

If ISI does not have any links (moles) in Taliban ranks then i shall be really disappointed in its credibility as an intelligence agency.

Its ISI's baby dont worry, they have not only moles, they have the whole zoo there.

Being a Pakistani agency, ISI cannot intentionally help anti Pakistan elements.
If they are using some Taliban to deal with the big bosses of Taliban then that is something which an intelligence agency can do to damage an organization. Use one enemy to deal with the bigger threat.

Fact is they cant control the monster anymore ... and where they are trying to, they are getting slaughtered ......

While the WOT is on and the entire world is focused on Pakistan, India is become more and more poised to slowly cripple Pakistan.

Actually GoP has handed India Pakistan on a platter. Post 26/11 Pakistan stands isolated and alone, and faced by imminent danger. India did not have to engage in war or loose soldiers to bring about Pakistans downfall. Diplomacy was sufficient

Whether it does so or not is a million dollar question but being a Pakistani and looking at our history what should i conclude?
Recently we have had record low water in river Chenab during the most critical time of the season when the crops need most water.
India was filling up its damn at a most critical time.
If we were good neighbors, India would have taken this into consideration.
But clearly we are not good neighbors.
India is pursuing projects which can virtually dry up Pakistan at India's discretion

If you remember, Pakistan has habit of diverting Sutlej whenever India builds up its DCB defences. This diversion causes flooding destroying all the defences built .... so a favor returned you can say ....

The Mumbai attacks proved how easy it is for terrorists to provoke India into attacking Pakistan. Pakistan cannot ignore the openly issued warning and attack threat of a country which split it in two parts, it would be insane to do so.
When we suffered terrible losses to push the militants back they launched an attack on India to split Pakistani attention.
Please see that it is a very very clever tactic by the terrorists.
I am not an authority on military strategy but this thing proved to me that we are dealing with very shrewd terrorists.
I am sorry for the loss of innocent lives but still i feel that we were playing into the terrorist hands and if that is the level of maturity we have in the face of such an organized terrorist network then god help us all.

Maybe you should analyse GoPs statements subsequent to the attack ...... had they said we will cooperate if the terrorists are Pakistani nationals .... Indian approach could not be so violent ..... but they kept denying any Pakistani national was involved even inspite of the fact that Geo TV had done a report on Kasabs origin ... and members here called him a Hindu implant ..... if you can just come out of your self inflicted paranoia and accept the facts and reality maybe things will be better for you
Thought I'd pop in for a second from my hiatus to post this:

Analysts say India fanning unrest in Balochistan

* RAND Corporation expert says Indian officials informed
her of ‘pumping money into Balochistan’

NEW YORK: Pakistan has legitimate concerns about India’s involvement in Afghanistan and about possibilities of New Delhi fanning unrest in Balochistan, top experts on South Asia noted in a discussion on Monday.

They said the concerns needed to be addressed for regional security.

“I think it is unfair to dismiss the notion that Pakistan's apprehensions about Afghanistan stem in part from its security competition with India," Christine Fair, a leading American expert on South Asia said. "Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity. Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the (Pak-Afghan) border.”

Pumping: "Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Balochistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organisation to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security."

Fair, who is a senior political analyst with RAND Corporation, also pointed out that India was "also building schools on a sensitive part of the border in Kunar, across from Bajaur. Kabul's motivations for encouraging these activities are as obvious as India's interest in engaging in them".

She said it would be a “mistake to completely disregard Pakistan's regional perceptions due to doubts about Indian competence in executing covert operations”.

Shaun Gregory, director of the Pakistan Security Research Unit at the University of Bradford, emphasised the importance of addressing root causes of terrorism that threatened regional stability.

In this respect, he said anyone seeking greater stability in the region, or seeking to wean support for extremists and terrorists in the country" has to address Pakistan's legitimate security needs".

"This means working with neighbouring countries to draw the sting of issues such as Kashmir and Balochistan. Pakistan, for its part, must move to a fairer federal dispensation and take the opportunity for bilateral progress with India that the present context offers," he said.

Fears: Touching on a point in the context of Indo-Pak tensions and the Indian involvement in 1971 events, Stephen Cohen, a senior expert associated with Washington's Brookings Institution, said US-India nuclear deal had added to fears among some Pakistanis that the US might tilt in favour of India.

Sumit Ganguly, professor of Political Science at Indiana University, said he "never suggested that the Indians have purely humanitarian objectives in Afghanistan. That said their vigorous attempts to limit Pakistan's reach and influence there stem largely from being systematically bled in Kashmir".

"Their role in Afghanistan is a pincer movement designed to relieve the pressure in Kashmir. Whether it will work remains an open question. Meanwhile, I know that the Indians have mucked around in Sindh in retaliation for Pakistani involvement in the Punjab crisis."

However, Ganguly claimed that as much as the Indians may boast about their putative pumping of funds into Balochistan, the evidence for that was thin. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Fair's comments also match up with Prasun Sengupta's reported conversations with Indian Army officers of the rank of one star generals and higher:

The past week was by all accounts a momentous one, as no less a person than former Pakistani President and former Chief of the Army Staff, Gen (Ret'd) Pervez Musharraf, assertively disclosed what has been a 'no-go' area for India's mainstream media and the otherwise hyper-ventilating broadcast media thus far: that India's Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) has, since 2002, waged a highly successful covert war against Pakistan by actively rendering all kinds of financial assistance to Balochistan-based separatists.

But mind you, such covert warfare has not been waged by the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW), but by the tri-services DIA and Afghanistan's Riyast-i-Amniyat-i-Milli, and in addition to his routine assignment as India's Defence Adviser at the Embassy in Kabul, Brigadier Ravi Datt Mehta was officially dolling out huge financial assistance--as ordered by the DIA--to the Baloch separatists as and when required. For the past one year such activities being undertaken by the DIA wer, in fact, openly discussed by both serving and retired senior military officials at both the Armed Forces Gymkhana and the United Services Institution within the National Capital Region.
TRISHUL: Too Many Secrets....

and ..
A major new ISSA study, The Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Pakistan, has reported that Indian security services, working with Afghan Government intelligence officials, have been providing arms, intelligence, training, and other support to jihadist fighters to destabilize Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Pakistani tribal areas.

The 260pp study also cited US intelligence sources as confirming the Indian and Afghan Government actions, but said that the US was taking no steps to stop the destabilization of Pakistan, despite the fact that Pakistani cooperation with the international peacekeeping operations is critical to the success of the war to halt the Taliban in Afghanistan, and despite the fact that Pakistan — which is currently now a net importer of food — is providing massive food aid to Afghanistan.

Editorial: India and Balochistan​

A discussion carried by American journal Foreign Affairs’ website has RAND scholar Christine Fair saying, “Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity. Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Kandahar along the border”.

If this is not enough to back up the official Pakistani point of view, read what Ms Fair says next: “Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Balochistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organisation to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security. It is also building schools on a sensitive part of the border in Kunar — across from Bajaur. Kabul’s motivations for encouraging these activities are as obvious as India’s interest in engaging in them”.

The above observation made by an American eyewitness has put an end to the yes-or-no debate about India’s interference inside Pakistan and its use of a “facilitator” Afghanistan government for doing so. Ms Fair may not have substantiated the allegation that India has opened “dozens of consulates” along the Durand Line to bother Pakistan, but she has told the world that India’s Jalalabad and Kandahar consulates have offices along the border. India has put over USD1 billion into Afghanistan’s reconstruction — against Pakistan’s USD300 million — when richer countries didn’t feel moved enough to invest, and thus has a kind of privileged position among the allies who are in Afghanistan under a UN Security Council resolution.

But one needs to put India’s presence in Afghanistan in perspective. And one has to see it also as an old flanking move to Pakistan’s own strategy in India’s north-eastern tribal states. In 1995, the Pakistani embassy was attacked in Kabul when India’s friend Ahmad Shah Massoud controlled Kabul; in 1996, when the Taliban entered Kabul backed by Pakistan, the Indian embassy pulled out of the country. Then there is the Indian consulate in the Iranian border city of Zahedan. Pakistan used to complain to the Shah of Iran in the 1960s about there being “too many Indians” in the consulate there. So India and Pakistan have been playing spy games with each other since 1947. We should also recall that the rebellious Nagaland leader in exile, Mr Phizo, was actually received in Pakistan in the 1950s.

India has been a favourite of Afghanistan to ward off Pakistan’s natural neighbourly dominance. It was the only country to oppose Pakistan’s entry into the UN as a new state. Recent strategies have become more dangerous. India is fomenting trouble in Balochistan and has big money invested in Iran to back up this penetration from the Iranian side. More ominously, India is working in tandem with the regional states to prevent the filling of the post-NATO power vacuum in Afghanistan by Pakistan which is seeking “strategic depth” against India. On the other side, Pakistan is still reported to be meddling in India’s north-eastern states — Manipur, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya — with help from its friends in Bangladesh.

The last time Pakistan tried to fill the power vacuum in Afghanistan it hurt itself very badly. Afghanistan is a part of SAARC and India is not very far from it if you consider that India and Iran are bound to cooperate to counter Pakistan’s domination. Both have complaints: Iran lost eight of its diplomats at Mazar-e-Sharif who were killed by Pakistan-backed Taliban in 1998; India got its civilian aircraft hijacked in 1999 and brought to Kandahar by terrorists who forced it to release three dangerous Pakistan-origin jihadis from its prison who then disappeared in Pakistan.

It is not a popular suggestion but India and Pakistan have to vow to give up their covert wars and move in the direction of normalisation as pledged in the various resolutions of SAARC. The sooner India and Pakistan restart their normalisation process the better it would be for both. Pakistan is keen on it; India will have to come to it after the May elections. There is no alternative to peace between the two nuclear powers. *

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

People rant about 'conspiracy theories' and 'waving at windmills' when Pakistanis, the GoP and the PA voice concerns over Indian support for terrorism in Pakistan.

The real conspiracy theory is to suggest that a professional military with significant regional intelligence assets, and a significant amount of those focused on Indian activities, chooses to 'wave at windmills' out of some sort of 'psychological issue' with Indians.

Utter tripe and nonsense.

The concerns are real, the threat from India tangible and manifest, as is the refusal of the US to address the support for terrorist activity in Pakistan out of territory under its control.

Back to my hiatus (see signature for reasons), y'all have fun with the denial spewing perfidious Yanks and Indians ...:enjoy:
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Look, its quite simple - Pakistan pours money into Kashmir, India retaliates in Balochistan. After many decades India has the opportunity to gain leverage over Pakistan with respect to the terrorism in Kashmir, and they are not going to pass up the opportunity.

Still, the impact is minimal - just enough to remind Pakistan that India has a bargaining chip - India has no intention of destabilizing Pakistan more than it already is.
Oh, and the link for the original Foreign Affairs discussion where CF made these comments:

What's the Problem With Pakistan? | Foreign Affairs

Look, its quite simple - Pakistan pours money into Kashmir, India retaliates in Balochistan. After many decades India has the opportunity to gain leverage over Pakistan with respect to the terrorism in Kashmir, and they are not going to pass up the opportunity.

Still, the impact is minimal - just enough to remind Pakistan that India has a bargaining chip - India has no intention of destabilizing Pakistan more than it already is.

'Minimal destabilization' is nothing but hogwash - 'minimal' was not on view with Nehru's cajoling of the GoA to pursue its 'Pashtunistan' interests (though in the end it failed spectacularly due to any significant interest on the part of the Pashtun that chose to join Pakistan) and minimal was definitely not on view in 1971 when India supported terrorism in East Pakistan through the mid/late sixties, contributing to the rapid destabilization of the Eastern wing and finally militarily intervening to break it apart.

All of that happened long before the Afghan Jihad or the Kashmir insurgency, and therefore the latter does not validate in anyway India's continued efforts to destabilize Pakistan, least of all because Kashmir is disputed territory (as Internationally recognized) and East Pakistan and Baluchistan were/are both Sovereign undisputed Pakistani territory.

The threat to Pakistan, and Indian intervention and aggression against it, has always been far greater than what Pakistan has attempted in Kashmir, and East Pakistan is glaring evidence of that.

And there is nothing 'minimal' about Indian support for terrorism in Pakistan, killing soldiers and civilians and destroying infrastructure, that Indian military officials ostensibly brag about, with the certitude that the West will wink at their activities in its pursuit of a 'strategic relationship' against its own 'wind mills'.

Sorry I can't continue the discussion beyond this for a while, but as I mentioned I have other commitments and will hopefully contribute more regularly after everything is taken care of.

Cheers and welcome to the forum.
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Look, you guys can bring up East Pak, and we can bring up Khalistan. You can bring up Pashtunistan and we can take it all the way back to the invasion of Kashmir in 1947. All that is history.

What India wants now more than anything else is for kashmir to get some respite form the violence, and for Pakistan to sort out its terrorism problems - completely - which is get rid of terrorist groups of all stripes, not just the ones which are fighting Pakistani state.

Pakistan is still funding, training and sending jehadis across to Kashmir, and India would be foolish Not to try to gain some advantage over Pakistan because there is no other way to convince it to stop supporting the militancy.

So as i said, its simple - you guys earnestly stop fueling the Jehad in India - and India will earnestly stop supporting separatists in Pakistan. That's the Indian position, now its upto Paksitan if they want to seriously settle the issues with India or they want to continue playing the games which have been going on for 65 years.
Couldn't resist responding once more ...
Look, you guys can bring up East Pak, and we can bring up Khalistan. You can bring up Pashtunistan and we can take it all the way back to the invasion of Kashmir in 1947. All that is history.

Khalistan coincided with India supporting the Sindhi separatists, and the 1947 Tribal invasion had nothing to do with India since the Maharajah had not acceded to anyone - his atrocities against the local indigenous uprising against him, along with the Sikh rebel massacres of Muslims migrating into Pakistan played a large role in inflaming the tribal belt against the Maharajah.
What India wants now more than anything else is for kashmir to get some respite form the violence, and for Pakistan to sort out its terrorism problems - completely - which is get rid of terrorist groups of all stripes, not just the ones which are fighting Pakistani state.

Pakistan is still funding, training and sending jehadis across to Kashmir, and India would be foolish Not to try to gain some advantage over Pakistan because there is no other way to convince it to stop supporting the militancy.

So as i said, its simple - you guys earnestly stop fueling the Jehad in India - and India will earnestly stop supporting separatists in Pakistan. That's the Indian position, now its upto Paksitan if they want to seriously settle the issues with India or they want to continue playing the games which have been going on for 65 years.
More dissembling for the sake of equivocating - the relative peace along the LoC and in IOK for the last seven years or so has been possible precisely because Pakistan has desisted from supporting Kashmiri rebels in IOK. The dramatic drop in infiltration across the LoC has been validated by both Indian and Western observers, and Kashmir has not been this peaceful in a long time. Pakistan chose not to intervene even when the massive protests occurred over the Shrine land issue.

Pakistan has done its bit to show that it is sincere about peace and normalizing, India however continues to pursue the same in Baluchistan.

The onus now is on India, not Pakistan, to decide whether it wants to continue these 'games'. Pakistan has shown its intent and willingness to stop with tangible actions over several years, India has not.
I disagree significantly with the first part of your post, and there are some other issues which can be brought up but frankly that's history and since India and Pakistan agreed to a peace process, its best not to rake up these things.

There has been a drop in infiltration only - and not in funding, "moral support". The recent gunfights in Kashmir only proved to India that Pakistan Army is still helping infiltrators across the border. This is the Indian position.
India fully reserves the right to provide "moral support" to the Baloch separatists, and its upto you guys to decide what is best for your own country.

Seriously, stop trying to take the moral high-ground because you cannot. What you can do is be practical and save your country.

Can you do that for the sake of the subcontinent ?

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