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Tennis Star’s Sexual Assault Claim Against Ex-Top Chinese Official Triggers Online Censors

Stop blaming CCP, blame the shameless liar western media and their government.

Anybody still remember " where is jack ma? "

End up he is fine and still billionaire.
So Zhang Gaoli did not abuse his position of power to sleep with a tennis celebrity? Funny how her Wechat account immediately deleted her post and she went silent for a week after eh? It ain't western conspiracy when you botched the whole thing.

I swear some of you will defend CCP even when getting fucked in the ***.
Becos that post is faked. China is not like US where lies and fabricated media are allowed. We have more Intergrity than western.

Can u prove that is no lies from western media?

And chinese media is full of integrity :crazy: What a bunch of unmitigated clowns these 2 yuan trolls are. She disappeared, her post was taken down. Got scared of a girl. CCP is a bunch of whiny insecure snowflakes.
And chinese media is full of integrity :crazy: What a bunch of unmitigated clowns these 2 yuan trolls are. She disappeared, her post was taken down. Got scared of a girl. CCP is a bunch of whiny insecure snowflakes.
Lol.. typical western trash. Can't win a debate and resort to insult. What is wrong with deleting fake post? Can't u prove there is no such thing called hacking?

And western media is full of integrity. There is no lying from white man. I guess u will sleep better with these delusion. :enjoy:
So Zhang Gaoli did not abuse his position of power to sleep with a tennis celebrity? Funny how her Wechat account immediately deleted her post and she went silent for a week after eh? It ain't western conspiracy when you botched the whole thing.

I swear some of you will defend CCP even when getting fucked in the ***.
What is wrong with censor fake post? Do China need to explain all fake stuff planted by evil west? That is the game plan of western. Keep pumping fake stuff and u expect CCP to waste time and effort to play into their hands?
So in other words Tennis Star Peng Shuai admitted she has an extramarital relationship with this important individual Zhang that lasted seven years until he called it off. :coffee:
They needed to at least pretend they were following minimum due diligences. You can announce you are starting an investigation, but keep delaying until the whole thing blows over. Better yet, make an example out of the senior official involved to demonstrate that you're serious about cleaning up the government.

These CCP officials don't even know how to do basic public relationship management. They're so used to trying to keep a lid of things and making the problem disappear that they don't know what to do when something goes beyond their control. Their first thought isn't to tackle the problem, but to keep the person reporting the problem quiet until it blows up in their faces. This was how they lost a crucial week in tackle the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan by a week.

Whoever was managing this incident needs to be kicked repeatedly in the nuts. This is not something people should defend the Chinese government on. A shit performance is a shit performance.
Investigation about what? since adultery isn't a crime and the man ready retired.
Ms.Peng didn't accuse Zhang Gaoli of rape ,or sexual assault. Her post only mentions they had relationship for 3 years and had a sexual relationship.Nowhere does she say,she was sexually assaulted. The rape and sexual assault claim is entirely fake and MSM spin. I only blame Chinese PR dept. for not being able to grasp the situation and clarify the lies of MSM by highlighting Ms Peng's post and that she never accused Gaoli of rape or sexual assault and ,adultery isn't crime in china ,so nothing much to be done.
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So Zhang Gaoli did not abuse his position of power to sleep with a tennis celebrity? Funny how her Wechat account immediately deleted her post and she went silent for a week after eh? It ain't western conspiracy when you botched the whole thing.

I swear some of you will defend CCP even when getting fucked in the ***.

Zhang Gaoli and Peng Shuai had a romantic relationship for a few years. Stop falling for Western disinformation campaigns. Expected better from you.
CIA clown and his lackey must be very upset with this photo. How about fly a ticket to meet her in person? Maybe those lackey will try use criminal force to make her malign CCP again? @aziqbal @denel

Stop blaming CCP, blame the shameless liar western media and their government.

Anybody still remember " where is jack ma? "

End up he is fine and still billionaire.

Agree bro. Sick of the lies and smears of China. These lies are intended to dehumanise Chinese people. Just like what the ‘war on terror’ did to Muslims around the world. Now it went from ‘war on terror’ to ‘war on China’.
Every major TV channel I tuned in tonight was talking about Peng Shuai case, "Sexual Assault, Rape, Missing for weeks". It reminds me of the past media bombardments, "Kosovo Mass Grave", "Incubator Babies", "Weapon of Mass Destruction"....... Every one of these propoganda drive was followed with a war, and none of these accusation turned out to be true.

So is the West up for something this time as well?
For all those who are new to this game, let me explain. Sexual Misconduct allegations is the OLDEST AND THE GREATEST TRICK OF THE ZIONS AND THE WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS. In ancient times, EVEN THE PROPHETS AND PEOPLE OF GOD WERE ACCUSED of sexual misconducts BY THESE VERY SAME PEOPLE !

Obviously, in modern times, the US has weaponized this disgusting act.
The only positive news out of this that these evil people specially the US use this weapon when they ARE VERY, VERY DESPERATE !!!
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