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Chinese tennis star accuses former top Communist Party leader of sexual assault, triggering blanket censorship

Who decides the authenticity ? The CCP

Evidence is in the court room if it goes that far

Any photo or video is OK.

You have the right to question the credit of CCP, but you can't deny the legal principle of "in dubio pro reo".

Similarly, CNN is not a legal institution, it is a well-known fraud media.
Peng Shuhuai never made the post accusing anybody of anything, it never happened. We know this because there is no evidence any such accusation was ever made on Weibo, a simple search for Peng Shuhuai on any chinese search engine will confirm this. Foreign media are just making this story up. Millions of Chinese netizens did not read and share the Weibo post and it did not spark intense debate across the Chinese internet. By refering to these imaginary accusations, we ourselves are in danger of disturbing national harmony and spreading rumours.
I suspect foreign agency hack into her account and make those accusation under her name. She was informed and she quickly delete those stuff. Foreign agency will quickly take advantage of those lapse of few minutes of her post with capture footage and make a big news of it from foreign media about China.
Any photo or video is OK.

You have the right to question the credit of CCP, but you can't deny the legal principle of "in dubio pro reo".

Similarly, CNN is not a legal institution, it is a well-known fraud media.
Precisely... Even elite moderator of PDF agree with it

CIA lackeys can try harder to sow propaganda & lies but Pakistan has officially denied any such agreement.

So why not let the news loiter on the internet ? Theire is news about Trump and biden regardless if it is true or not on the internet !
Chinese authorities are such snowflakes ❄
it might be true or not, but it wouldn't be surprising since a lot of these global elites are sexual fiends and think they can get anything they want. But let's not forget that the current POTUS had his MeToo moment with Tara Reade, but all the liberals and their Media including CNN, MSNBC etc... silenced her and swept it under the carpet, because they needed Biden to beat Trump (don't need to point out Trump's links to Epstein)
Update: There is no record of a person named Peng Shuhuai in the Peoples Republic of China who played professional tennis. This person is fictitious and a fabrication by western media to spread lies and disinformation to defame the reputation of a high ranking party official.
Update: There is no record of a person named Peng Shuhuai in the Peoples Republic of China who played professional tennis. This person is fictitious and a fabrication by western media to spread lies and disinformation to defame the reputation of a high ranking party official.

No, China has this woman. She is "彭帅". She has two women's Tennis Grand Slam titles. She trained in Tianjin. At that time, Zhang Gaoli was Secretary of the Tianjin municipal Party committee.
Time and place do exist, but this is not evidence.

I doubt that. Simply because she is not beautiful or attractive at all.

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Moreover such sexual assault cases are related more with power dynamics and taking advantage of that.

The guy is old & ugly as f*ck.

View attachment 790046
He was one of 9 China's top leaders. Appearance is not important anymore.

This guy is also ugly and old. Still many beautiful and young girls want to marry him.
So why not let the news loiter on the internet ? Theire is news about Trump and biden regardless if it is true or not on the internet !
Chinese authorities are such snowflakes ❄

Fake/sensationalist news is not tolerated in China as foreign intelligence agencies use it to destabilise China. Destabilising China has been the number 1 goal of Western intelligence agencies to stop China’s economic and technological rise. Like what happened in Hong Kong in 2019.

Stability is paramount. Nothing or nobody will get in the way of stability. Absolutely nothing!
He was one of 9 China's top leaders. Appearance is not important anymore.

This guy is also ugly and old. Still many beautiful and young girls want to marry him.
View attachment 790047

The difference is consent. The young & beautiful want to marry him obviously due to his wealth. Peng is a millionaire and a tennis champion according to her statement she was forced by the government official. This is called exploitation by abusing the power bestowed upon the person.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Moreover such sexual assault cases are related more with power dynamics and taking advantage of that.

The guy is old & ugly as f*ck.

View attachment 790046

Yes, Zhang Gaoli is really old and ugly, and he has some stutters, and his voice is very hoarse.
However, he once served as secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party committee (1997-2001), under his leadership, Shenzhen began to develop rapidly.
From 2013 to 2018, he was the Vice Premier in charge of economic work. Everyone can see his achievements, we won the trade war.
The Chinese don't care about his ugliness and lack of eloquence. We like competent officials. We don't need talk show talent.
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