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Tell Me Why !?

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Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
ZIONS hate us because we are independent !

ARABS hate us because ... !?

please somebody tells me why !?

We say : We are brothers

they say : You are KAFIR (SHIA) !!!

We say : Islam

they say : Arab !!!

I'm confused :undecided:
OMG who gave you that idea?!

Of course we are:cheers:

Also true:coffee:

We don't share a religion.:whistle:

Don't be buddy, its simple, we were friends in the Shah times, but as long as your current government is in power, we will be nothing more than enemies.:guns:

Such a fanatic, filled with hatred. Can't believe we have terrorists like you among us here. Now go to some terrorist forum, they will entertain your nonsense.
ZIONS hate us because we are independent !

ARABS hate us because ... !?

please somebody tells me why !?

We say : We are brothers

they say : You are KAFIR (SHIA) !!!

We say : Islam

they say : Arab !!!

I'm confused :undecided:

1) Zions hate anybody who's Muslim or raises the Palestine Issue.

2) Arabs don't hate you; some Arabs hate you Iranis because you also hate them. It really does go both ways..

3) Muslim Muslim Akhi Akhi..that's how it should be. There's as many Takfiris among Sunnis as there are among Shias; it doesn't have anything to do with specific sects (as some ignorants may lead you to believe).

While we're at it, let me tell you that Wahhabism, more properly Salafism, is simply a movement to go back to the Quran and Hadith and stop listening to these 'Saints', 'Mullahs' 'Molvis' and generally these sort of people, and to stop praying at/to graves etc which has become widespread among Sunnis, unfortunately.
It's not some sort of "radical terrorist" sect.

4) You say Iran, they say Arab. Not many people say 'Islam' anymore, admit it. Muslim Ummah has stopped breathing centuries ago, that might also be the reason we haven't been so powerful as we were before.
Most Arabs don't hate Iran. A recent poll showed that over 70% of Arabs support Iran, and I presume the same amount don't consider Shia kaffirs either.
Most Arabs don't hate Iran. A recent poll showed that over 70% of Arabs support Iran, and I presume the same amount don't consider Shia kaffirs either.

That's not true

As an example of the dwindling support to Iran, the percentage of Moroccans who have positive views toward Iran has dropped from 82 per cent in 2006 to 14 in 2011, and in Egypt from 89 per cent to 37. While Saudis recorded the lowest percentage of positive views towards Iran with 6 per cent, Lebanon recorded the highest percentage among the six surveyed countries with 63.

gulfnews : Poll shows Iran has lost Arab support
Most Arabs don't hate Iran. A recent poll showed that over 70% of Arabs support Iran, and I presume the same amount don't consider Shia kaffirs either.

I'd love to see that so-called poll. Though if that's true, all of that 70% are surely from N.Africa and Levante but those Arabs which are around us, gulf states I mean, all hate Iran.
The Iranian support of Syrian regime has decreased the support of Iran among Arabs, including myself. I don't like Iranian policy towards Syrian revolutionists and Sunnis in Iran ( they face discrimination inside Iran no kidding, they aren't allowed to build their mosques ). I'm with them against American bullying tho. The recent report about 27% enrichment of uranium in Iran is pathetic, you need 90% enrichment to make bombs, and they still put sanctions and embargo on Iran.
But your support for the Syrian regime has made lots of people dislike the Iranian regime, why do you support Al Assad who kills his own people? We know that Syria is a very close ally to Iran because Al Assad is in power, but you could have kept your relations strong with Syria if you kept yourselves neutral.
Well we should break it into pieces to see what's going on first we have three groups first the regimes you need as Iran forget about they like you it's against there interests second selefi/wahhabi those are your real enemy also forget about any peace from them period the third part the normal Muslim Sunni now you can make brothers out of them I can say at least 99% of them they if not supporting you they wish you good luck because they see as Muslims, independent and because you stand against the west.
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