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Tejas Mk2 team targets 2017 for first flight

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Dont cry too much dumb..Your claim was that LCA was still on the drawing board,remember ?

The fact is that we have LCA in series production,with FOC destined for 2015,and when it would be Inducted it would have far more capabilities than some 'joint fighters' at time of Induction - including BVR-Come back when you have an ultralight aircraft of your own design in series production.

redesigning 'nose'..50 km radar range...thanks-I add this to list of your dumb statements

No media reported any news of cancellations - it was only your delusions..:omghaha:

Meh...I wont post pics of your indigenously 'developed' microlight trike or gyrocopter here,don't provoke me to

And here we have it-Attempt to undermine Indian attempts to develop jet trainers & fighters in the 60s...

Is that some kind of joke ? HAL was established as Hindustan Aircraft in Bangalore in 1940 by Seth Walchand Hirachand.

So what ?From where he took a doctorate doesn't matter.What matters is his nationality and he designed basic & jet trainers.And fact that your country can't still can't develop what we developed in 60s.

What kind of BS is this ?Marut trainer ?Marut isn't a trainer!!

'Marut aka the pulqai'? Both are different aircraft you imbecile!

Marut was designed & built by a team of 150 Indian & 18 German engineers headed by Dr.Kurt Tank and more than 700 Indian ,in India.

It was designed for India and Egypt? Another dumb statement ? :omghaha:

Another dumb statement.We already have IOC for LCA mk 1 & it is in series production.And meanwhile develop a simple IFF for 'joint fighter'..:omghaha:
Yeah "I" cancelled it right?

Here clown;
HYDERABAD: The joint venture between India's Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Israeli Aerospace Industry to manufacture Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LR SAM) and Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MR-SAM) has turned out to be a non-starter.

The long range missiles were to have been delivered to the Indian Navy by 2012 while the medium range missiles should be in the Indian Air Force weaponry by 2017. However, both the delivery schedules are way behind schedule and show no signs of meeting them even in the near future.

DRDO officials are blaming the lack of progress in the joint venture due to lack of transparency and non-transfer of technology by their Israeli counterparts. And the recent trials that were conducted by the Indian defence organization failed to meet the standards of both the IAF and the Indian Navy. The entire cost of Rs 12,500 crore of the joint venture is being funded by India and the inordinate delay and lack of progress in the project has turned into a big cause of worry in the defence ministry.

According to sources, the LR-SAMs project was commissioned in 2006 and the delivery of the missiles to the Indian Navy should have happened by 2012. Similarly, the MR-SAM venture was signed in 2009 and the missiles are to be delivered to the Indian Air Force by 2017. Both both the projects are way behind schedule and show no signs of making progress.

"Frankly speaking, right now, not much is going on in the joint venture due to various issues between the two sides. Expecting Israel to share its technology with India is unfair. But such things should have been clarified before the joint venture was entered into," said an official.

DRDO is maintaining that it is because of the lack of transfer of technology that the trials conducted so far have ended up as failures. "Industries are merely getting the drawings as to how to produce certain systems and such things are leading to deviations from the laid down specifications because the knowledge to develop the systems is not being imparted," said sources.

DRDO officials are also attributing the delay to a complicated and long procedure involving shuttling between India and Israel for various stages of development of a system etc. The Hyderabad-based Indian defence organization also reportedly found itself helpless on problems in propulsion system and other related issues while a significant number of parts or systems are yet to be tested following a delay in manufacturing.

However, when quizzed on the issue, DRDO Director General Avinash Chander told the TOI that nothing was amiss. "Everything is going on as per the plan and development trials are on. We shall be able to deliver the MR-SAMs as per schedule. Right now, the contribution from India in the joint venture project is about 20% and would ultimately reach 80% in the final stages." Regarding the already delayed LR-SAM, DRDO officials declined to come on record.

MR-SAM, one of the major demands of the forces, is to have a range of 70 kms or so, and the IAF is banking on replacing its ageing Soviet-made Pechora SAM missiles with the MR-SAMs. But nobody is sure how long the wait is going to be, and whether the delivery will take place at all.





HYDERABAD: The joint venture between India's Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Israeli Aerospace Industry to manufacture Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LR SAM) and Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MR-SAM) has turned out to be a non-starter.

You can Just wet dream. Its hot weather trials start in September. It is coming up for induction with best technologies used for first time by 2016.
You can Just wet dream. Its hot weather trials start in September. It is coming up for induction with best technologies used for first time by 2016.
Tell tht to indian media retard ... N change your tampon.
Yeah "I" cancelled it right?

Where is it written it is cancelled genius ?

Willy n Kurt both worked on helwan ..

No they didn't.HA 300 was built by Willy Messerschmitt and a Spanish (Hispano Aviación - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) design team,which was then taken up by Egyptians.

Screw tht India even financed the egyptian engine project to be used on maru

So what ?

which was designed by Kurt tank and not some super indian scientists who are still struggling to develop lca since the last 4 decades...

Another retarded statement ?

And by the time the first prototype of the Marut commenced its flight test programme in 1961, Hindustan Aircraft employed 18 German design engineers, a design department possessing 150 personnel, a prototype shop with 631 personnel including 39 supervisors, and a production engineering department with more than 100 personnel.

As I said you are too stupid to understand tht .. A gyro developed by a civilian doesn't mean it's made or financed by GOP .. And I believe the guy who developed is still smarter than an idiot like you...

Yeah right-Some one assembled a gyrocopter kit-just like the scaled aviation kit plane.
My point is your country haven't even developed an ultralight aircraft yet.
And FYI the picture of microlight aircraft I posted was developed by a private company Raj Hamsa Ultralight Pvt. Ltd.
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Lol.. That was really sweet. May be then you could successfully produce a cycle dynamo without Chinese assistance.
Oh really.forgot our nukes,babar,ghouri,shaheen,taimur,etc(all 100% indigenous).We dont get chinese assistance,we just co-produce them just like ur brahmos
Oh really.forgot our nukes,babar,ghouri,shaheen,taimur,etc(all 100% indigenous).

Really ?Where does Baburs turbofan engines come from ? Where does ring laser gyros come from ?

We dont get chinese assistance,we just co-produce them just like ur brahmos

Brahmos is a JV.
Only the ramjet engine is Russian derived on Brahmos.About JF 17 ? Yes.
Most of the work on brahmos is being conducted by russia and as far as jf17 is concerned,it is a JV but now all the block 2 and 3 willbe produced in pakistan with the exception of radar and engine
Most of the work on brahmos is being conducted by russia and as far as jf17 is concerned,it is a JV but now all the block 2 and 3 willbe produced in pakistan with the exception of radar and engine

what kind of JV is this where parents are not owning the child read china ?
Really ?Where does Baburs turbofan engines come from ? Where does ring laser gyros come from ?

Brahmos is a JV.

Come on mate, why are you degrading Indian achievements by comparing them with Pakistan? They have nothing and if we have to compare then its better look at China or US as inspiration. Looking downwards will bring us only down. So let it go, we are so ahead that they cannot even imagine to be there in decades.
Most of the work on brahmos is being conducted by russia and as far as jf17 is concerned,it is a JV but now all the block 2 and 3 willbe produced in pakistan with the exception of radar and engine

No.As I said only ramjet technology is foreign.
And what about JF 17 ? Wasn't it developed in China and didn't you send your engineers there?
It doesn't matter if it is produced in Pakistan.Su 30 MKI is produced in India (engines included) .That wont make it Indian.
Most of the work on brahmos is being conducted by russia and as far as jf17 is concerned,it is a JV but now all the block 2 and 3 willbe produced in pakistan with the exception of radar and engine

Same here chacha,all of the components are being produced here,but what about JF-17 do you manufacture it's engine,it's Radar or even missiles
well we can't afford 1000 fifth generation aircrafts so its better to induct low end fighters along with high end fighters including some 5th gen fighters. super sukhoi, rafale and fgfa will be our future front line fighters will LCA, mirage2ks, and mig29s will form second line.

You forgot the AMCA, the F-35 and the flying laser sharks.
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