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Tejas LCA vs SU-30 Size Difference

The Turkish forces have subdued almost all Russian AD systems - including S-300/400 (operated by Russians themselves)- in multiple fronts within a span of couple of years!! So, I take anything Russian with a pinch of salt....
how could you assess a jet which didn't participate in any major war/conflict, i would like to say you're inspire western propaganda against Russian military hardware???
The Sheer size of this machine is a RCS disaster, even with empty load Su-30 RCS is high, imagine with full load, electronic systems does count for something but not for all, its just way to big.
do you know whats ECM/EW gears can carried by Su-30 bro??
the entire baby tejas fits under the makhi's wing...I suppose the makhi has quite literally taken baby tejas under its wing for teaching it how to get shot down! :enjoy:
Tejas is actually a missile to mounted on su30 wing hardpoint
The Sheer size of this machine is a RCS disaster, even with empty load Su-30 RCS is high, imagine with full load, electronic systems does count for something but not for all, its just way to big.

wow. You have a POV on Su 30.

With mirage2000



Seems about right , what the LCA is trying to replace. MIGS and Mirages
Su 30s with their large payload and long range is very potent aircraft.
It is just that these aircraft’s have not been updated with newer equipment.
Updated Su 30s will regain the title of the raptor of the east.
Jf-17 combat radius/range at 1500 km is overstated.
Of course...its read range is 15 km
Su 30s with their large payload and long range is very potent aircraft.
It is just that these aircraft’s have not been updated with newer equipment.
Updated Su 30s will regain the title of the raptor of the east.
Su30 mki is and excellent aircraft with real weakness being the Indian in the cockpit. That just cannot be updated, upgraded or replaced.
Su 30s with their large payload and long range is very potent aircraft.
It is just that these aircraft’s have not been updated with newer equipment.
Updated Su 30s will regain the title of the raptor of the east.
A single su30 can carry over 20 saaw. A pair can level and an enemy airfield. Now imagine these doing round trips regularly accompanied by another pair of su30s carrying ew pods during a conflict to keep the limited airfields out of commission.
Of course...its read range is 15 km

Su30 mki is and excellent aircraft with real weakness being the Indian in the cockpit. That just cannot be updated, upgraded or replaced.
You can have your view about IAF, but in my books they were the catalyst in winning the Kargil war along with the mighty Boforce guns.
you should be talking about COMBAT RADIOUS aren't you sir?, our F-16 has a COMBAT RADIOUS of 700 km and our JFT has a COMBAT RANGE of 1500 kmc with a ferry range of more than 3000 km, so why you assume that Tejas has a COMBAT RANGE of only 500 km???

Yes you're right bro, but on the other hand its has been carried lots of ELECTRONIC WARFARE stuff to fight enemy bro
Windy is right. Total current flying endurance of Tejas is one hour only. so his calculation is correct. When it fly three hours only then they can claim this
Windy is right. Total current flying endurance of Tejas is one hour only. so his calculation is correct. When it fly three hours only then they can claim this
Tejas often compare to Alpha jet in term of size, Alpha jet has a combat range of 610 km with weapons as per Wiki page on Alpha jet, and its just AJT or Coin jet, how can earth fully mature fighter jet have less combat range than of Trainer jet, please explain??
these are amazing numbers for JF17
Sorry i didn't understand??? what is you trying to say???
Tejas often compare to Alpha jet in term of size, Alpha jet has a combat range of 610 km with weapons as per Wiki page on Alpha jet, and its just AJT or Coin jet, how can earth fully mature fighter jet have less combat range than of Trainer jet, please explain??

Sorry i didn't understand??? what is you trying to say???
Fuel consumption probably. One is a subsonic trainer.
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