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Tejas fighter finally achieves production target

So I guess your navy is inducting FC-1 in large numbers for its carrier right? Leave Pakistani navy, how many aircrafts have the Chinese inducted? The country which built the plane?
JF-17 was made for small countries like Pakistan with China's help. There is no point in them inducting it if they already have J-10. There are many other reasons why China didn't induct it but this thread is about tejas. So stay on topic.

What wrong did he say?
It's FC1
And might be 50 50 on paper but factually it's 100 0
How do you know that you low life degenerate piece of shit? Did you personally work on that aircraft ? Do you know any of the engineers? No then STFU.

This shit is a car now ? :rofl:
How mant in service? As testing prototypes?

As for car.. says the indian used to fugly tim cans by tata.

We don't marry our girls to Jihadi abduls. :lol:
Than stop tagging me .. muthu swammi kutti pulli.
How do you know that you low life degenerate piece of shit? Did you personally work on that aircraft ? Do you know any of the engineers? No then STFU.
It's not out of the box thinking.
Read some Quora answers for your reference
google 'lca sp 6'

What about EFT ?
Sir can you please tell me why the aircraft is named as sp6 ? And not the numbers in use by IAF for Tejas ? If you know the answer the you will get the actual number of deployed aircrafts ...
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