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Tejas, an Indian Air Force light combat aircraft (File)Indian Air Force Jets Slated to Have Beyond-V

Not really .. Pure bred Indian here..i just don't have the disease of following every propaganda fed by the people in power or suffer from false patriotism.[/QUOTE]
LOL..... Pure bread Indian,That is funny!!!... ... Please continue, The laughs are welcome[/QUOTE]
Dyslexic? I wrote bred not bread.. And yes I am proud of it.
Not at all, but you are nobody to determine if it's obsolete.
You are right, i am a nobody in this case, i don't have expertise to determine it. I neither have a degree in aeronautical engineering nor personal insight of this LCA project. But what i do know and it is a fact is a part of my tax(in one way or other) has been used by a project which has been running since long before i was born. And i do know that there is no result to show for it after so many days. add to that the chest thumping of 100% indigenous development of the aircraft propaganda spread by many of the mouthpieces. I don't blame you or anyone else for trying to save face in a Pakistani forum. Personally i would be more than happy to declare to the world that we have achieved something significant here as well. In my opinion the project should be scrapped immediately, HAL should be dissolved and a new organisation Privately owned but under defense ministry should be set up. We should start working on 5th gen aircraft and write off LCA all-together. Its a white elephant.

Anyway enough off-topic. I do not want to deviate from the topic anymore. Good luck with your LCA project.
He'a only saying that the generals of india deployed troops to fight in the wrong sector of india.

But if tejas has the RCS of a basketball then J-20 has the RCS of a quark.
J-20 was made to be a stealth Aircraft.
With tejas I don't know what indians are trying to prove?? 33 years are more than enough to make your decision.
I am trying to tell you your sources are just as unreliable as quoting from WIKI understand? Since WIKI are also using the same Indian source quotes like you. What exactly did your victory achieve in this non disputed land btw? 1962 and 1967 is just 5 years apart. How many did you kill? If you have that strategic intent and capability, why only limit it to Nathu La, why not repeat it in Aksai Chin where your territory is being held. It is like saying you killed x intruders at the door of your house while your rooms are still occupied by x instruders. You get my logic? The only explanation is the typical Indian mindset of ego boosting is at play here, they need to have some 'victory' to heal their humiliation.

You dont need either wiki or indian sources,check newspaper archives from 1967 of international outlets.
There was no' strategic intent ',chinese fired first we retaliated.We limited it to Nathu La because -
1.Thats where skirmish took place 2.We ahve artillery advantage there due to our guns being on reverse slope and height advantage.You dont understand basic facts,you have minimal actual knowledge of things and rant like a child .That is your problem.
You dont need either wiki or indian sources,check newspaper archives from 1967 of international outlets.
There was no' strategic intent ',chinese fired first we retaliated.We limited it to Nathu La because -
1.Thats where skirmish took place 2.We ahve artillery advantage there due to our guns being on reverse slope and height advantage.You dont understand basic facts,you have minimal actual knowledge of things and rant like a child .That is your problem.

I am curious, but do you have a detailed source for this incident, which has some anecdotal pictures as well? Wikipedia seems to provide very basic information.
1) We don't steal and buy from Russia alone, we steal copy borrow beg from the world. Why stop there? Until there is nothing left to be plundered, we have to innovate like J-20 with some 'American' inspiration. :lol:

2)Who says we are better, we are just the second most powerful nation on earth. Prove me wrong!

3) Yah, Chinese are camping along with you side by side on a disputed Bhutanese land and your FM is begging for diplomacy now. I bet he saw the mobilization happening.

4) 14 naval ships are in IOR even without a base ready. So? What can India do? Whine?:lol:

5) Does European have EMALS? Stealth? Quantum network? We are strong in some, they are better in some, that's why the exchange must be maintained. Tell me which European nation is more powerful than China in terms of comprehensive national power?

Then why buy s-400,why buy su-35?Many of your missiles still use russian seekers or licensed copies.
Powerful,yes.If nuclear capability is considered ofcourse russia is 2nd most powerful.Financially you are 2nd most powerful -but you are dependant on export to usa and europe.Technologically you are not in the league of the west.
Can't even build proper engines.The europeans didn't build stealth because they didn't perceive the need in 1990s when eurofighter and rafale were designed.French-germans just got together for a new stealth plane.None of the european states require or have large carriers so why would they need EMALS.Their electronics and manufacturing quality is waaay ahead of china.You really comparing german products with chinese stuff?

You have a few ships in IOR?So what?IN could sink them at will if war broke out.They are in international waters,not within indian waters.If they come within indian waters they will be sunk.So what do you want?For us to start a war by randomly attacking ships in international waters for which whole world will condemn us?Do you even understand the concept of international waters ,or just brainless trolling?

What mobilization?Not a single chinese division has moved into Tibet.Stop jumping up and down at every bit of quasi propaganda.We have set our terms for diplomacy.We will withdraw,if roadbuilding is stopped.Simple.Return to staus quo.There will be no withdrawal without end to roadbuilding.Our terms.Till then we are sitting in 'your' territory.PLA cant do anything .

I am curious, but do you have a detailed source for this incident, which has some anecdotal pictures as well? Wikipedia seems to provide very basic information.

The time magazine archives and newspaper archives from 1967 have articles in them,you can search if you want.I read them a while back.

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