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Tejas, an Indian Air Force light combat aircraft (File)Indian Air Force Jets Slated to Have Beyond-V

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You call copied Su 27s as indigenous ? :lol:
Nope, we steal, copy, learn,beg, buy absorb innovate improve. J11 is an improved copied SU-27/30, j-10 is indigenous with some amount of Israeli input. Not indigenous at all, that's why I am asking you, why are you calling LCA indigenous? :lol:

And how many FC 1s have crashed ? J-10s ?
For a plane population of only 14 nos and none in full service. It's hard to judge, but we do know the infamous Indian crash rates. :lol:
Nope, we steal, copy, learn,beg, buy absorb innovate improve. J11 is an improved copied SU-27/30, j-10 is indigenous with some amount of Israeli input. Not indigenous at all, that's why I am asking you, why are you calling LCA indigenous? :lol:

You can steal, copy or beg for all I care, that's why you are the 'Chinese'.

As for the LCA, it is Indian because it was conceptualized, designed & developed in India.

For a plane population of only 14 nos and none in full service. It's hard to judge, but we do know the infamous Indian crash rates. :lol:

That's quite easy to say from behind an iron curtain. Your propaganda government can only fool gullible Chinese.
Please don't quote just from wikipedia which anybody can edit without crosschecking with actual sources.That price was reached at by simply dividing the cost of whole deal of 7.7 billion by 83.But actually that cost includes entire infrastructure cost,training,and weapons package.Here ADA officials themselves said it costs 40 million.You should also have used your common sense on how a mk1 version is 25 million and mk1a with a few modifications is 4 times higher.Think before you post randomly.

This is an accounting problem then. But accounting issues aside, i can only say that tejas should be discontinued and india should work on a 6th generation fighter.

Assuming the 6G plane doesnt cost 500 million USD each to make :cheesy:
Please don't quote just from wikipedia which anybody can edit without crosschecking with actual sources.That price was reached at by simply dividing the cost of whole deal of 7.7 billion by 83.But actually that cost includes entire infrastructure cost,training,and weapons package.Here ADA officials themselves said it costs 40 million.You should also have used your common sense on how a mk1 version is 25 million and mk1a with a few modifications is 4 times higher.Think before you post randomly.
Now you say don't quote from Wiki. According to Wiki India won the 'NATHU LA' war killing hundreds of Chinese, but amazingly Aksai Chin is still in Chinese hands. =)
Do you have any idea about how many flight hrs the Chinese have?

Do you have any idea how many crashes they had ?

This is an accounting problem then. But accounting issues aside, i can only say that tejas should be discontinued and india should work on a 6th generation fighter.

Why should we bother when our LCA has the RCS of a basketball according to you. :lol:
You can steal, copy or beg for all I care, that's why you are the 'Chinese'.

As for the LCA, it is Indian because it was conceptualized, designed & developed in India.

That's quite easy to say from behind an iron curtain. Your propaganda government can only fool gullible Chinese.

I will just tell you why the tejas costs so high, the tejas took 35 years to be conceptualised and manufactured.

For a plane like tejas, china only needs less than 3 years for it to reach full manufacturing status

Thats why india defense costs are ridiculous.

during this period, people already started phased out 4G aircraft, eg, F-14 tomcat
I will just tell you why the tejas costs so high, the tejas took 35 years to be conceptualised and manufactured.

Thats why the costs are ridiculous.

Yawn, no one cares about what a paid CCP troll says. Now go whine elsewhere.
You can steal, copy or beg for all I care, that's why you are the 'Chinese'.

As for the LCA, it is Indian because it was conceptualized, designed & developed in India.
Yah 'conceptualized' with some Dassault input right? LOL. Yup we Chinese will do whatever it takes to gain technology and become the second most powerful nation on earth. I am not bragging, technologically and financially, WE ARE THE SECOND MOST POWERFUL NATION ON EARTH.

That's quite easy to say from behind an iron curtain. Your propaganda government can only fool gullible Chinese.
What is there to fool, we have an independent media apparatus aka THE WESTERN MEDIA keeping 24hrs eye on our 'achievements'. They didn't even notice Indians were so god damn polluted until 2 years ago. Even the Indians were oblivious, still in the holier than thou mentality that India is poor but we are at least less polluted. :lol:
Now you say don't quote from Wiki. According to Wiki India won the 'NATHU LA' war killing hundreds of Chinese, but amazingly Aksai Chin is still in Chinese hands. =)

Again you showed you are a noob.
First of all,I never used wiki to prove any of my points on this forum.You can check my post history.I didn't say wiki is automatically wrong,just that wikipedia sources should be crosschecked.Its a simple sentence,try to understand it.
2nd,Nathu La is in Sikkim sector hundreds of miles away from Ladakh-aksai chin region.So how will fighting in Nathu la affect Aksai chin area which has never seen fighting since 1962.You don't even have any idea of the actual india-china border region,just ranting blindly like a fool.Please see the map and try to understand if you are capable of that.
I will just tell you why the tejas costs so high, the tejas took 35 years to be conceptualised and manufactured.

For a plane like tejas, china only needs less than 3 years for it to reach full manufacturing status

Thats why india defense costs are ridiculous.

during this period, people already started phased out 4G aircraft, eg, F-14 tomcat
Don't argue, just agree LCA is the best cheapest lightest semi stealhtiest plane in the world but the Air Force and Navy just reject it because ........
Do you have any idea how many crashes they had ?

Why should we bother when our LCA has the RCS of a basketball according to you. :lol:
Yes I do that's why I mentioned the flight hrs.

RCS of a basket ball o_O
Again you showed you are a noob.
First of all,I never used wiki to prove any of my points on this forum.You can check my post history.I didn't say wiki is automatically wrong,just that wikipedia sources should be crosschecked.Its a simple sentence,try to understand it.
2nd,Nathu La is in Sikkim sector hundreds of miles away from Ladakh-aksai chin region.So how will fighting in Nathu la affect Aksai chin area which has never seen fighting since 1962.You don't even have any idea of the actual india-china border region,just ranting blindly like a fool.Please see the map and try to understand if you are capable of that.

He'a only saying that the generals of india deployed troops to fight in the wrong sector of india.

Yes I do that's why I mentioned the flight hrs.

RCS of a basket ball o_O

But if tejas has the RCS of a basketball then J-20 has the RCS of a quark.
Yup we Chinese will do whatever it takes to gain technology and become the second most powerful nation on earth. I am not bragging, technologically and financially, WE ARE THE SECOND MOST POWERFUL NATION ON EARTH.

Only financially.Technologically you still have to steal/buy from russia.You are not even in Europe's league in technology.You are cheaper,but not better.
The 2nd most powerful blah blah ,we don't give a shit.We are sitting on your territory as per your govt and all the '2ND MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD' can do is fart warning after warning.Your economy is held hostage by our navy at sea and army stalemated by our defenses in the himalayas.Your premier XI knows full well the situation,thats why china now downsizing army to focus on navy which is its greatest vulnerability.
Don't argue, just agree LCA is the best cheapest lightest semi stealhtiest plane in the world but the Air Force and Navy just reject it because ........

the tejas too heavy will sink india carrier.

best to create a time machine to send it back to 1960's to supplement the dasssault mirage 3 in the vietnam war
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