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Technocratic set-up installed for an indefinite period of time

What is most important is for people to start saying is that any law, agreement or sovereign guarantee enacted after 90 days will be illegal and will carry no constitutional or legal weight. Also that any agreement or law signed after the constitutional limit will be fully subject to single party (ala constitutionally elected government) review and subject to renegotiation and cancellation. This view and its constant echoing in international and local circles will freeze any supra-ideas that this illegal lot has plans for. It will freeze this experiment as no agreement will be sure and any investment will think twice before plunking down their capital. Once the flow of money is squeezed will the illegal thugs cry uncle. Till then as long as they can fill their own coffers through ill-gotten kick backs, and pay their storm troopers they will abrogate the law of Pakistan. Once the money flow stops the story ends. This is the only legal and non-kinetic way for righting this ship. The other alternative is a bloody revolution that will hurt all of us.

As if the khaki creatures knows a thing called constitution. First punjab kpk and now the rest. As long as wealth wine women is flowing in cantts all is good.
Idiots keep repeating the same crap over and over again - the question is why don’t they learn from their own history? If they were sincere in their pursuit of better Pakistan they would learn from history but they are not and have been exposed. The difference is that now there is social media and all their past statements are part of history, available to everyone on YouTube.

It’s not only about Asim Munir anymore, the entire top leadership is corrupt and they would go to any extent to protect their front man. Their greed will force them to give promotions to “yes” men who will protect them when they retire.
Corrupt individuals can never improve economy or law and order in any country (Egypt is a prime example). USA government supports these corrupt generals but their own institutions and Europeans will give low credit ratings to Pakistan: Which will restrict flow of capital.

Nothing is going to improve except bank balance of Asim Munir and top leadership.

The solution is also very clear but Pakistanis truly don’t care about their freedom. They pretend they care and want freedom but their actions so far have sent a clear message to GHQ - traitors ruling over 225 million cowards.

What’s happening in Pakistan has occurred many times in the history of civilization and solution manual is also available. What we have seen so far is that no one wants to take ownership of the problem, with Khan in jail and everyone else in hiding it has put awam in the spotlight. Will they rise? Or continue to demand change on Lala land.
This only matters if next govt is formed as part of deal and does retrospective accountability

But it won't happen
Capital will run even if there is a slight fear of retrospective validation. Also it is not a stretch for any legal advice to state for folks investing that the risk exists as the government does fall outside of any legitimate read of the constitution. That in itself will have a freezing effect.
No it won't be.

Mao was a disaster. It was the guy after him who changed the game for China.
People forget that China offered what nobody else offered
Cheap labor cheap power market and infrastructure

Pakistan offers nothing special
There is bengaldesh India Vietnam and so
There is an undeclared 'Martial Law', alright. It is to pull Pakistan back from the abyss which is not far away.
Does anyone here believe that if Imran were to lose the next elections, he wouldn't be out on the streets protesting and paralyzing for months? Does anyone here believe that the parties opposite to Imran Khan wouldn't unite to form their own massive protests in case they lose? And, YES, they do have a big vote bank of their own and I think it is fair to say the anti-Imran vote is a 2/3rd voter of Pakistan, spread over multiple parties. The myth of Imran's personal popularity translating into a massive majority is what it is a 'myth' anyway. Electioneering doesn't work like that in Pakistan--and probably nowhere else in the world of Parliamentary democracies.

A saner, safer path forward is needed. Detached from fanbois and emotions--that is if you care for your homeland.

Pakistan is a deeply divided country right now and since April 2022, not even any pretense of law and constitution are being followed. People, barely two years ago, were careful in criticizing the Supreme Court Judges--but now, like in America, it is free for all: The Judges are openly called pro-Nawaz or pro-Imran and more than that.
Never before in Pakistan's history ALL institutions are discredited. ALL! Judiciary, military, media, bearacracy, intelligentsia, mullahs, business class. You start talking about any of them and you'd see vitriol against them like never before. And it doesn't take much to realize where is this going to lead to: Anarchy and destruction of Pakistan itself. And that's why, despite being aware of Pakistani military's shanigans, I support the only entity in Pakistan which is still capable enough to pull Pakistan from the abyss.

So what's needed is a national 'chill pill'. There is no 'revolution' on the horizon. The nation is not made of 'revolutionaries'. There is not even room for another round of fake 'democracy' or 'mandate' as that will be same old. And hence I have been supporting a govt. of technocrats / national consensus for months.
5-10 years of focus is needed. Continuity of policies. Expediting CPEC. Privatizing PIA. Galvanizing Reko dec. ... and much more.
I disagree, PTI has the highest vote bank among the voters that make up the majority of Pakistan population namely the under 30s. It is not inconceivable that Imran would win 2/3 if the election were allowed to be free and impartial.
No it won't be.

Mao was a disaster. It was the guy after him who changed the game for China.

Wrong, Mao gave the Chinese people their backbone. He killed off the Chinese equivalent of our East India Company Faujeets. Without Mao, generational traitors would still be in power in China.
Low IQ faujeets & failed revolutionary want to be like China without even understanding why or how the Chinese model works.

Here's a hint: Their generals are not running the country
No, their Generals are not sepoys serving their colonial masters.
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Wrong, Mao gave the Chinese people their backbone. He killed off the Chinese equivalent of our East India Company Faujeets. Without Mao, generational traitors would still be in power in China.
And don't forget the powerful impact of one-child policy. With the burden of population explosion gone, China was able to invest resources into development. If their population was double of what it is today, they would be at about same level of development as India. Similarly, If India had instituted a one-child policy like China at the same time, they might have been as developed. Never forget the powerful impact of the denominator. It may even be non-linear.
look its simple, you would never hire a business 'consultant' who never ran a successful business. You should not hire a technocrat who had no part in running a successful nation We need to bring in the Saudi's or Qatari's to guide us and show us how to develop.
look its simple, you would never hire a business 'consultant' who never ran a successful business. You should not hire a technocrat who had no part in running a successful nation We need to bring in the Saudi's or Qatari's to guide us and show us how to develop.
The most successful thing Saudi's and Qatari's know is to count money. Get Chinese and the kitchen will turn fragrant.
Wrong, Mao gave the Chinese people their backbone. He killed off the Chinese equivalent of our East India Company Faujeets. Without Mao, generational traitors would still be in power in China.
Dude as a leader who got them independence yes, he was successful in that but as a leader he was a disaster. His economic policies were a disaster his social policies led to death of millions of Chinese in most gruesome ways. It was the leader who followed Mao changed the game for China and China is the economic and military power which we see today due to him.
Dude as a leader who got them independence yes, he was successful in that but as a leader he was a disaster. His economic policies were a disaster his social policies led to death of millions of Chinese in most gruesome ways. It was the leader who followed Mao changed the game for China and China is the economic and military power which we see today due to him.

You are correct about Mao's disastrous economic/social policies but so is the guy you have quoted. Great leaders who rule for decades often leave behind a mixed bag. Same can also be said about Stalin despite all the bad press he gets.
Hosni Mubark 2.0 = Hafiz

Pakistan for Army

>Free Perks
>Free plot
>Free car
> Free Petrol
> Free Home/ Apartment
> Free Education for Children
> Free servant
> Control of DHA plot
> Control of Business sector
> Now desire to control Agricultural Wealth
> After retirement Handsome post in Corporation for Obedient Man, to drink tea and buscuit

Job = Put on Pant Shirt and sit on Chair all day

-------------------------------------------Humanity Line Below it are sub humans

Pakistan for 220 Million People

> Pay Taxes x 3
> Low Salaries
> Pay all Utilities
> Die early at age of 40 due to heart attack and hard life
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