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Teach Pakistan a lesson like 1965: Hazare

Points To Ponder

One, Pakistan’s reason for existence is anti-India. Unlike India, whose reason for existence is the idea of India (secularism, peace, prosperity, etc), the Pakistani state lives only for the sake of enmity to India. This means the idea of Pakistan is bankrupt beyond enmity to India. Till the Pakistanis – state and people – choose to define themselves positively, there is going to be no peace.

Two, if the idea of Pakistan is non-existent, and the idea of India is what enrages Pakistan, it means two things: the Pakistani state will always prepare for war, and the peaceful pauses are merely meant to give them breathing spaces to recuperate and build their war apparatus against us.

Three, there is no point differentiating between the Pakistani state and its people, which our romantic Aman ki Aasha peace-mongers keep drilling into us. The point of this distinction – between state and people – is meaningless since it is the Indian state that is trying to talk peace with the Pakistani state. It is not negotiating with the Pakistani people directly.

Four, if the idea of India has to win over the non-idea of Pakistan, we have to let them stew in their own juice till the illogic and foolishness of creating a state based on Islam and enmity to India is apparent to all thinking Pakistanis and the ordinary people. They have to abandon the idea themselves. As things stand, the people could easily fall prey to the violent ideologies of the Pakistani Taliban – and we have to be prepared for the fallout. We should always be ready for Pakistani perfidy – and this means not accepting any peace overtures at face value even if we decide to talk to them for the sake of world opinion.

Five, India must thus always keep the powder dry because Pakistan has always been preparing for a 1,000-year war. They know that our people have the tendency to forgive and forget Pakistani perfidies a little too quickly. This is why we have never learnt the lessons of 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999 and 2008 (26/11). Pakistan is counting on the Indian (largely Hindu?) tendency to forget the past and move on even though they themselves will never forget. This is the greatest danger India faces today – our unwillingness to confront the truth about what our enemy is like.

Six, the Pakistanis understand only strength. We have to build our strengths against Pakistan – economically, militarily, and in terms of our terror-fighting capabilities. Till 1971, they underestimated our military strength. Now they underestimate our secularism and economic and strengths. But underpinning it all will be our ability to make Pakistan to pay a price for misadventures. This is what we need to focus on – making them pay.

a very old, OVERLY-rhetorical and fact devoid way of thinking which is very common among some indians/enemies of Pakistan or those still BUTT-hurt from Pakistan's indepence (from BRITISH hindustan).

totally ignores the cultural distinctions between the many nations of the sub continent; hell -- my ancestors werent indian, damn proud of that fact
I wonder if his sole objective in life is to uproot Congress at any cost, now by war, if necessary.

Hazare sahib ko "Maun Vrat" rakh lena chahiye, jabb bhee moonh kholta hai baas aati hai!

Btw guys @KRAIT @arp2041, how's my attempt at shudh Hindi? :D
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Any courageous Pakistani politician?willing to send reply ?I heard Indiagoing nuclear ! is it true ? Can Indian posters confirm this news?
There is another better word Pakistan-
We have goten over with Bangladesh you guys still cant stand Pakistan- Shame-

Whether Pakistan is a better word than Bangladesh, is open to debate. But we were talking of India Pak wars. Dont bring up your partition mumbo jumbo in that.
the motive of Pakistan in 1965 war was to capture kashmir. but none of its Motives were accomplished and rather would have lost Lahore too. lol!

So tell me who had the upper hand?
I wonder if his sole objective in life is to uproot Congress at any cost, now by war, if necessary.

Hazare sahib ko "Maun Vrat" rakh lena chahiye, jabb bhee moonh kholta hai baas aati hai!

Btw guys @KRAIT @arp2041, how's my attempt at shudh Hindi? :D

Buddy, he is not trying to uproot congress just wants to be in news since the news media's cameras are now pointed towards Arvind Kejriwal.

In fact the Idea of war with Pakistan is such that the Govt. which takes this decision is 200% sure in India to return back with thumping majority, so actually his idea is totally opposite to what u r suggesting.

BTW nice hindi :enjoy:
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two people died and they want to go to war?
that's less than the death rate in any given village on a Friday night in India.
So what next? they will want to go to war with every village that has 2 or more deaths?

Indian logic :coffee:

As for 65, it's funny to see Indians get to excited at the prospect of capturing Lahore....a city that is like 20km from the border..... and they didn't even do it :cheesy:
Whether Pakistan is a better word than Bangladesh, is open to debate. But we were talking of India Pak wars. Dont bring up your partition mumbo jumbo in that.

'ol "Anna" was mentioning a "65-like" response and i was just reminding some of your bozos that 65 was not exactly a white-wash victory on your part in the slightest bit; The result was pretty much the same as pre-War. A country your size couldnt even take on a much smaller and less endowed Air Force of a country whose government and 'system' was not even 18 years old.

and quite frankly, Pakistani territory/air will always be hostile to any hegemonic india; being the smaller country it would be stupid to take threats lightly.

two people died and they want to go to war?
that's less than the death rate in any given village on a Friday night in India.
So what next? they will want to go to war with every village that has 2 or more deaths?

Indian logic :coffee:

As for 65, it's funny to see Indians get to excited at the prospect of capturing Lahore....a city that is like 20km from the border..... and they didn't even do it :cheesy:

# of indian troops killed in past decade by Pakistani troops is minuscule compared to # of indian troops committing suicide on regular basis
two people died and they want to go to war?
that's less than the death rate in any given village on a Friday night in India.
So what next? they will want to go to war with every village that has 2 or more deaths?
Indian logic :coffee:
As for 65, it's funny to see Indians get to excited at the prospect of capturing Lahore....a city that is like 20km from the border..... and they didn't even do it :cheesy:
Dude, its not about the killing, its about the symbolism of the killing. The part of "beheaded and mutilated" is what caused this uproar.

Kindly notice that every crime has its own shock value and USP. This killing was distinct from other border killings.
Dude, its not about the killing, its about the symbolism of the killing. The part of "beheaded and mutilated" is what caused this uproar.

Kindly notice that every crime has its own shock value and USP. This killing was distinct from other border killings.

okay, so what about the Pakistani solder that was killed the day before?
And if the killing gets you guys all hot and bothered, then what about that good will gesture when PA peacefully forced down one of your helicopters and returned it with no fuss? Doesn't that count for anything? where were all these chicken hawks then?

This is just another excuse by the extreme right to vent their anger and frustrations at a nation that they cannot stand the sight of. It is offensive to their core that Pakistan exists and if they had it their way, they would pull an Spanish inquisition in Pakistan and force the people to convert to Hinduism, leave, or die.
We shoudnt get too emotional here .
I know sir Anna is an ex army man however these kind of comments doesnt suits a social activist and corruption fighter .

Nah I think its great to see him speaking up. All ppl do is sit and keep quiet. Enough of that......Gandhi woudn;t have accomplished anything if wasn;t emotional about Independenece
DNA exclusive: Uri commander’s forceful retaliation led to beheadings? - India - DNA

As New Delhi raged over the attack by Pakistani troops claiming the lives of two Indian soldiers on Indian soil, and the mutilation of the bodies, the Union ministry of home has received inputs that suggest that Indian army units in the Uri sector could have provoked the incident. While there was sporadic firing exchanged in some parts ofthe LoC, a cross-border raid by the ghatak (commando) platoon of the 9th Maratha Light Infantry (MLI) in the early hours of Sunday could have been the provocation.

Top sources in the Union Home and defence ministries told DNA that the Pakistani attack was in all likelihood a retaliation for the attack carried out by 9 MLI.

The commander of the 161 brigade, stationed in the Churchunda sub-sector, Brigadier Gulab Singh Rawat, had decided to take a very aggressive posture. Sources said that he asked the commanding officer of 9 MLI to take “proactive action”, to launch a quick raid against a post that was harassing Indian positions.

The successful Indian raid led to the death of a Pakistani non-commissioned officer and escalated tensions across the LoC.

Normally, such an escalation leads to the issuing of a formal alert from the Udhampur-based North Command of the army to all its formations. This alert should have gone out to all the three corps that it commands — the Nagrota (Jammu) based 16 Corps, the Srinagar-based 15 Corps and the Leh-based 14 Corps.

Of these, 14 and 15 Corps are the most active as they man the LoC from Jammu right through to Kargil, from where 14 Corps takes over.

Incidentally, the neighbouring 12 Brigade in Uri had just seen a change of command after Brig RK Singh took over from Brig BS Raju. Any change of command of a major formation on the LoC is a sensitive time and troops are expected to be on high alert. The absence of the alert led to all the formations running things as business as usual. That was when the Pakistanis decided to retaliate in the Mendhar sector that is part of the northern Jammu region.

This area is manned by the 25th Division of the Indian Army and 13 Rajputana Rifles was one of the battalions manning this sector.

While army headquarters believes that the attack was carried out by men from the Baloch regiment, it has not ruled out the role of a team of the Special Service Group (SSG) which is part of the elite Pakistani Special Forces. Reports suggest that the attacking party was dressed in black dungarees usually preferred by the SSG.

Another intelligence input suggests that this could have been an attack carried out by irregulars from the LeT after its chief, Hafeez Saeed started raising “Border Action Guards” to attack Indian troop positions on the LoC. Indian intelligence experts have ruled out the attack as a major shift in policy on part of the Pakistani General Headquarters (GHC) in Rawalpindi.

“We believe that this was a local action purely in retaliation of what the raid our troops carried out in the Uri sector,” a senior intelligence official told DNA. The Union home ministry is also looking at the role played by Brig Rawat and whether his “aggressive posture” could have been avoided.

There is a feeling in the government that Brig Rawat has a very “aggressive track record” which could have escalated tensions on the LoC at a time when the nine-year-old ceasefire was holding up well. An inquiry into the incident has been ordered by Army Headquarters and a decision on Brig Rawat could also be taken in the coming days.

Whether Pakistan is a better word than Bangladesh, is open to debate. But we were talking of India Pak wars. Dont bring up your partition mumbo jumbo in that.

Bangladesh was a result of a partition- so be open to cover all fronts when trying to be smartass-
'ol "Anna" was mentioning a "65-like" response and i was just reminding some of your bozos that 65 was not exactly a white-wash victory on your part in the slightest bit; The result was pretty much the same as pre-War. A country your size couldnt even take on a much smaller and less endowed Air Force of a country whose government and 'system' was not even 18 years old.

and quite frankly, Pakistani territory/air will always be hostile to any hegemonic india; being the smaller country it would be stupid to take threats lightly.

I wasnt responding to you but to jonasad. You are losing the plot :)

# of indian troops killed in past decade by Pakistani troops is minuscule compared to # of indian troops committing suicide on regular basis
That way # of Pakistani troops killed in past decade by Indian troops in miniscule as compared to # Pakistani troops killed by your own ex strategic assets.. How is this in context of what we are discussing here?
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